PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862 YOL. 13. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 23. 1876. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLA>D DAILY bill, in which was PRESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS _ there departure from THE PEESS. previously existing the laws, carefully examined Published every day (Sundays excepted) hy 1776. JULY 4th. 1876. first by it s then the C. P. BABCOCK. CITY OF Committee, by House, PORTLAND. FRIDAY JUNE 1876 then by the Committee of the and final- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., MORNING, 23, Senate, MODEL ly by the Senate, so that each appropriation MAKER & JOBBER, for Plaus and Estimates for a Park, Proposals bill must run the same risk of and of At 109 Exchange St., Portland. CITY OP PORTLAND. MANUFACTURER OF Market House. delay, Presumpscot # FOR PRESIDENT, failure by disagreement between the two hous- Watch nud Chronometer Terms: Eight Dollars a Tear in advance. Tc Marker** Tools, es, as any one of the many items of and and estimates, addressed to Chair- legislation mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year il paid in ad* Mathematical, Optical Philo- plans upon which it is based. The PORTLAND. sophical Hchcol SEALEDman Joint Committee on Market House, will be RUTHERFORD B. HA proposed system Vance. Instruments, FES, was vicious. Its Apparatus, Arc., received at the City Civil Engineer’s Office until radically faults were fully ex- July 10 proximo, at three o’clock p. m., for a Market OF posed when the repeal of the rule was under PRESS CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION! 56 Market Street, Printers OHIO. THE MAINE STATE Exchange, House of two stories and basement, suitable for the consideration. It not only Involves confusion, Jut FCmTIjAlSrD. M.K. Market Lot between Milk, Market, Fore and Silver FOK VICE and extreme Is Thursday Morning $2.50 a dly PRESIDENT, delay, risk of failure of necessa- published every Streets. The to be neat, plain and sub- at a direction of the Joint the is announced as the building ry bills, but it opens the way to most fatal year, if paid in advance $2.00 year. Under Special Committee of the City Council following of brick with trimmings and H. HANSON stantial, granite hip WILLIAM A. WHEELER. blundering by ill-considered of the & SON, roof slated; to be about two hundred leet, long, or changes Rates of Advertising : One inch of space, the laws the of the MANUFACTURERS OF the lower end to be at tbe proper distance from Fore regulating operations different length of column, constitutes a “square.” OF NEW YORK. and to Grave Street, to admit of the requisite flight of entrance departments, innumerable jobs and $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week Monuments, Tablets, Stones steps, and the upper end about fifteen feet from frauds which, under the House rule, may be after; three Insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing and Granite Work. for the celebration of the 100th of American Independence. Mifk Street, .and to be fitty-four feet wide: to stand We (lo not read anonymous letters and communi- attached to bills essential to the conduct of the every other day after first week, 50 cents. Anniversary MANUFACTORY AT in the centre of tbe lot laterally. The inclination of cations. The Government. It is not "in the Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one name and address of the writer are in interest of econ- No. 907 the grade of the lot is 5.2 feet per ICO feet and the : 50 cents week after. t'ougrrna St., West End, S’orllnud, all cases omy,” but in the interest of Read- week, $1.00 per length through the centre 236 feet. indispensable, not necessarily for publication corruption. Special Notices, one third additional. TIIE BELTS Maine. ing and know that this at- The basement to be eight to ten feet deep, with but as a guaranty cf good faitb. intelligent people Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction All orders promptly attended to. of the role is the cement floor. Lower story to l>e litteen leet We tempted change real point of three insertions HENRY HANSON. WM. H. A. high; cannot undertake to return or reserve comma* Sales,” $2.00 per squhre per week; of tbe various churches will ba rung for one hour at Sunrise and a Salute of 13 Guns will be fired for tlio+l.l HANSON. the passageway through the length of the building controversy, and, next to the tardiness and in- or less, $1.50. original States. From 6 to 8 A. hi. a twelve feet wide, and stalls feet to be nications that are not used. of the the main in the “Maine State aprl?d6m_ eight wide; competence House, cause of Advertisements inserted three or four doors on each side with transverse in Race! delay. Press” (which has a large circulation every part The to be of tor first Mustang passages. upper story proportionate of the State) tor $1.00 per square insertion, JOHN to be reached stairs at the discretion of Every regular attache of the Press is furnished and 50 cents for each insertion. J. height, by Political News. per square subsequent PERRY, the architect. with Address all communications to a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. of The said committee reserves the right to roject Cadiz, O., claims the distinction of the CO. Parade PUBLISHING Grand All Editor. steamboat and PORTLAND in 3 ! Fantastics, at or all of the but if should Pullen, railway, hotel 65 Miles Hours Attorney ILaw, any plans submitted, any first and Wheeler be accepted, a reasonable compensation to be paid managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding organized Hayes campaign with many new designs, local caricatures, &c., beaded by the f) tt.\' 'I' IWB WT AD BAWD, will inofcc 49 1-2 all others to ho returned to the several club. EXCHANGE ST., therefor, credentials of every person to our entertainments. through the following Streets: WOBM OW HVII I'I.F, up Congress to St. Lawrence, down St. La»- bidders. claiming represent purse rouce to Monument to up Atlanticto Congress,up Congress to MAINE. journal. The executive of $1000. Monument, through Atlantic, Merrill,through PORTLAND, By order of said Committee. _ committee the Republi- Merrill to Quebec, through Quebec to North, through North to Cumberland, up Cumberland to High, Ip Jan2tdiwntt June 20, 1876. ju21dtd can reform club of New York endorse the High to Congress, up Congress to Carleton, up Carleton to Pino, down Pine to Emery, through Emery to to down to down Free to REPUBLICAN DISTRICT CONVENTION. Boston & Maine B. B. Saturday, June 24, 1S76! Dantorth, down Dani'orth to State, up State Congress, Congress Free, Middle, down G. A. CLARK, M. D. CITY OF PORTLAND. Cincinnati candidates. Middle to Exchange, up Exchange to City Building. •The Hon. Ben Hill is said to have exclaim- 74 FREE STREET Proposals will be received by tbe Com- AT 8 O’CLOCK A. M. mittee on Tbe oi tbe several in Opposite head of ltrown St. SEALED Cemeteries and Public Grounds till Republicans cities and towns ed with brimstone emphasis,when he heard ot 15 MUSTANGS vs. TIME. tbe at Monday, 26th, inst., the City Clerk’s Office, for tbe first district of Maine arc Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. congressional Invited the Cincinnati nomination: us EXCURSION grading the market lot between Milk and Fore Sts., “They’ve got J*16 to send to a fe!4eodtf according to plan in Citv Civil Engineer’s Office. delegates District Convention to be held again!” —TO — FRANCISCO ROWIlsTG REGATTA ju21eodtd LORENZO TAYLOR, Chairman. in Lancaster Hall, Portland, on THURSDAY, June PEBALTO, The Nashua ma- 29th, 1876, at 121 o’clock P. M.,for tbe purpose of Telegraph promises 3,000 the Greatest Rider in the World, under direction of the Regatta Committee will take place in the front Harbor uuderthe following regulation!: Teachers. nominating a candidate for the 45th Congress. jority for nayes and Wheeler in New Hamp" Beach wili he an Old Orchard examination of applicants for Also to nominate a candidate for Elector of Presi- shire, aud even if the names 15 California Mustang riders, to carry up 200 Oared Boats-Distance 2 miles, 1 mile and return. the ot teacher in the 5,000 Republicans go FIRST RACE—Four THEREposition City Schools. July dent and Vice President. for I lie benefit of our lbs., distance 05 miles, to be performed in 3 hours. lst, 1876, 0 o’clock a. m., at tne High School Building. into the campaign with tber usual vim. PEBALTO to be allowed to change at will, and First Prize.8W ©O By order oi the Committee. Also to select a District Committee. to go around the track in any direction he ------- 3© O© D. W. Yoorhees calls Tilden “a wrecker of pleases, Second Prize E, HUNT, Secretary. The basis ot representation will l>e as follows: VERMONT VISITORS. ana the same at time. reverse any Portland, June 17,1876. jul7d2w railroads aud a and Sculls-Distanec 2 miles, I mile and Each city and town will be entitled to send one dele- political huckster, pre- Portland at 8.45 A. M., SECOND RACE—Single return. STEPHEN Leaving Bace to start at 3 o’clock precisely. BERRY, gate and one additional for every sixty votes cast for dicts that if he shall be nominated the entire Prize ■ S4# OO CITY OF PORTLAND. First Nelson at the ■ Dingley, Jr., Gubernatorial election of vote of the North-west will be for the THURSDAY ft FRIDAY MORN- This is the shortest number of miles that these Second Prize ■ 20 00 and Repub- horses have run in previous races, but the fleetest Sod, (gold fflwrvlei, 1874; a majority fraction of 33 votes will be entitled lican nominee.
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