JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Begun and held at the Capitol, in the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Tuesday, the fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-three, being the first session of the ONE HUNDRED THIRD CONGRESS, held under the Constitution of the United States, and in the two hundred and seventeenth year of the independence of the United States. TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1993 (1) CONNECTICUT MAINE DeLauro Kennelly Johnson Andrews Snowe T1.1 CALL OF THE ROLL Gejdenson Franks Shays MARYLAND On which day, being the day fixed by DELAWARE Cardin Wynn Gilchrest the 20th Amendment to the Constitu- Castle Hoyer Bartlett Morella tion of the United States and Public Mfume Bentley FLORIDA Law 102±475, Mr. Donnald K. Anderson, MASSACHUSETTS Clerk of the House of Representatives, Bacchus Peterson McCollum Brown Thurman Mica Frank Moakley Blute pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 26, at 12 o'clock Deutsch Bilirakis Miller Kennedy Neal Torkildsen noon, called the House to order and, by Gibbons Canady Ros-Lehtinen Markey Olver unanimous consent, announced a call Hastings Diaz-Balart Shaw Meehan Studds Hutto Fowler Stearns MICHIGAN by states of the roll, by electronic de- Johnston Goss Young vice, of the Members-elect whose cre- Meek Lewis Barcia Ford Hoekstra dentials had been received, when the Bonior Kildee Knollenberg GEORGIA following Members-elect responded: Carr Levin Smith Bishop Lewis Gingrich Collins Stupak Upton Darden McKinney Kingston Conyers Camp T1.2 [Roll No. 1] Deal Rowland Linder Dingell Henry ALABAMA Johnson Collins MINNESOTA Bevill Hilliard Everett HAWAII Minge Peterson Grams Browder Bachus Oberstar Sabo Ramstad Abercrombie Mink Cramer Callahan Penny Vento ALASKA IDAHO MISSISSIPPI Young LaRocco Crapo Montgomery Taylor Parker Whitten ARIZONA ILLINOIS MISSOURI Coppersmith Pastor Kyl Collins Reynolds Hastert English Kolbe Stump Costello Rostenkowski Hyde Clay Skelton Hancock Durbin Sangmeister Manzullo Danner Volkmer Talent ARKANSAS Evans Yates Michel Gephardt Emerson Gutierrez Crane Porter Lambert Dickey Lipinski Ewing MONTANA Thornton Hutchinson Poshard Fawell Williams CALIFORNIA INDIANA NEBRASKA Becerra Miller Dreier Hamilton Roemer Buyer Hoagland Barrett Bereuter Beilenson Mineta Gallegly Jacobs Sharp Myers Berman Panetta Herger Long Visclosky NEVADA Brown Pelosi Horn McCloskey Burton Condit Roybal-Allard Huffington Bilbray Vucanovich Dellums Schenk Hunter IOWA NEW HAMPSHIRE Dixon Stark Kim Smith Leach Nussle Dooley Torres Lewis Swett Zeliff Grandy Lightfoot Edwards Tucker McCandless NEW JERSEY Eshoo Waters McKeon KANSAS Fazio Waxman Moorhead Andrews Payne Saxton Filner Woolsey Packard Glickman Meyers Hughes Torricelli Smith Hamburg Baker Pombo Slattery Roberts Klein Franks Zimmer Harman Calvert Rohrabacher Menendez Gallo Lantos Cox Royce KENTUCKY Pallone Roukema Lehman Cunningham Thomas Baesler Mazzoli Bunning Martinez Doolittle Barlow Natcher Rogers NEW MEXICO Matsui Dornan Richardson Schiff Skeen LOUISIANA NEW YORK COLORADO Fields Tauzin McCrery Schroeder Allard McInnis Hayes Baker Ackerman Flake Hochbrueckner Skaggs Hefley Schaefer Jefferson Livingston Engel Hinchey LaFalce 1 T1.3 JOURNAL OF THE JANUARY 5 Lowey Slaughter Levy WYOMING Lewis (GA) Owens Slaughter Maloney Towns McHugh Lipinski Pallone Smith (IA) Thomas Manton Velazquez Molinari Lloyd Panetta Spratt McNulty Boehlert Paxon The roll having been completed, the Long Parker Stark Nadler Fish Quinn Lowey Pastor Stenholm Owens Gilman Solomon Clerk announced 429 Members had been Maloney Payne (NJ) Stokes Rangel Houghton Walsh recorded, a quorum. Mann Payne (VA) Strickland Schumer King Manton Pelosi Studds Serrano Lazio T1.3 CREDENTIALS OF DELEGATES-ELECT Margolies- Penny Stupak AND RESIDENT COMMISSIONER- Mezvinsky Peterson (FL) Swett NORTH CAROLINA Markey Peterson (MN) Swift ELECTED Clayton Price Coble Martinez Pickett Synar Hefner Rose McMillan The Clerk made the following state- Matsui Pickle Tanner Mazzoli Pomeroy Tauzin Lancaster Valentine Taylor ment: ``The Chair will state that the Neal Watt McCloskey Poshard Taylor (MS) credentials regular in form have been McCurdy Price (NC) Tejeda NORTH DAKOTA received showing the election of the McDermott Rahall Thornton McHale Rangel Thurman Pomeroy Honorable CARLOS ROMERO BARCELO as McKinney Reed Torres OHIO Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico McNulty Reynolds Torricelli for the term of 4 years beginning Janu- Meehan Richardson Towns Applegate Stokes Hoke ary 3, 1993; the election of the Honor- Meek Roemer Traficant Brown Strickland Kasich Menendez Rose Tucker Fingerhut Traficant Oxley able ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON as Dele- Mfume Rostenkowski Unsoeld Hall Boehner Pryce gate from the District of Columbia; the Miller (CA) Rowland Valentine Kaptur Gillmor Regula election of the Honorable ROBERT A. Mineta Roybal-Allard Velazquez Mann Gradison Minge Rush Vento Sawyer Hobson UNDERWOOD as Delegate from Guam; Mink Sabo Visclosky the election of the Honorable RON OKLAHOMA Moakley Sanders Volkmer DELUGO as Delegate from the Virgin Is- Mollohan Sangmeister Washington Brewster McCurdy Inhofe lands; and the election of the Honor- Montgomery Sarpalius Waters English Synar Istook Moran Sawyer Watt able ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA as Dele- Murphy Schenk Waxman OREGON gate from American Samoa''. Murtha Schroeder Whitten DeFazio Kopetski Smith Nadler Schumer Williams Furse Wyden T1.4 ELECTION OF THE SPEAKER Natcher Scott Wilson Neal (MA) Serrano Wise PENNSYLVANIA Mr. HOYER nominated Mr. THOMAS Neal (NC) Sharp Woolsey Blackwell Margolies- Greenwood S. FOLEY, a Member-elect from the 5th Oberstar Shepherd Wyden Obey Sisisky Wynn Borski Mezvinsky McDade District of the State of Washington. McHale Ridge Olver Skaggs Yates Coyne Mr. ARMEY nominated Mr. ROBERT Ortiz Skelton Foglietta Murphy Santorum Murtha Shuster H. MICHEL, a Member-elect from the Orton Slattery Holden Clinger Walker Kanjorski 18th District of the State of Illinois. MICHELÐ174 Gekas Weldon The Clerk then appointed Messrs. Klink Goodling Allard Gillmor McKeon ROSE, THOMAS of California, Mrs. Archer Gilman McMillan RHODE ISLAND SCHROEDER and Ms. SNOWE tellers to Armey Gingrich Meyers Reed Machtley Bachus (AL) Goodlatte Mica canvas the vote on the election of the Baker (CA) Goodling Miller (FL) SOUTH CAROLINA Speaker. Baker (LA) Goss Molinari Barrett (NE) Gradison Moorhead Clyburn Spratt Ravenel Whereupon the House proceeded to vote for a Speaker. Bartlett Grams Morella Derrick Inglis Spence Barton Grandy Myers SOUTH DAKOTA Bateman Greenwood Nussle T1.5 [Roll No. 2] Bentley Gunderson Oxley Johnson FOLEYÐ255 Bereuter Hancock Packard Bilirakis Hansen Paxon Abercrombie Costello Green TENNESSEE Bliley Hastert Petri Ackerman Coyne Gutierrez Clement Gordon Duncan Blute Hefley Pombo Andrews (ME) Cramer Hall (OH) Cooper Lloyd Quillen Boehlert Henry Porter Andrews (NJ) Danner Hall (TX) Ford Tanner Sundquist Boehner Herger Pryce (OH) Andrews (TX) Darden Hamburg Bonilla Hobson Quillen Bacchus (FL) de la Garza Hamilton TEXAS Bunning Hoekstra Quinn Baesler Deal Harman Burton Hoke Ramstad Andrews Green Wilson Barcia DeFazio Hastings Buyer Horn Ravenel Brooks Hall Archer Barlow DeLauro Hayes Callahan Houghton Regula Bryant Johnson, E.B. Armey Barrett (WI) Dellums Hefner Calvert Huffington Ridge Chapman Laughlin Barton Becerra Derrick Hilliard Camp Hunter Roberts Coleman Ortiz Bonilla Beilenson Deutsch Hinchey Canady Hutchinson Rogers de la Garza Pickle Combest Berman Dicks Hoagland Castle Hyde Rohrabacher Edwards Sarpalius DeLay Bevill Dingell Hochbrueckner Clinger Inglis Ros-Lehtinen Frost Stenholm Fields Bilbray Dixon Holden Coble Inhofe Roth Geren Tejeda Johnson, Sam Bishop Dooley Hoyer Collins (GA) Istook Roukema Gonzalez Washington Smith Blackwell Durbin Hughes Combest Johnson (CT) Royce Bonior Edwards (CA) Hutto UTAH Cox Johnson, Sam Santorum Borski Edwards (TX) Inslee Crane Kasich Saxton Orton Shepherd Hansen Boucher Engel Jacobs Crapo Kim Schaefer Brewster English (AZ) Jefferson Cunningham King Schiff VERMONT Brooks English (OK) Johnson (GA) DeLay Kingston Sensenbrenner Browder Eshoo Johnson (SD) Sanders Diaz-Balart Klug Shaw Brown (CA) Espy Johnson, E.B. Dickey Knollenberg Shays VIRGINIA Brown (FL) Evans Johnston Doolittle Kolbe Shuster Brown (OH) Fazio Kanjorski Boucher Pickett Bliley Dornan Kyl Skeen Bryant Fields (LA) Kaptur Byrne Scott Goodlatte Dreier Lazio Smith (MI) Byrne Filner Kennedy Moran Sisisky Wolf Duncan Leach Smith (NJ) Cantwell Fingerhut Kennelly Payne Bateman Dunn Levy Smith (OR) Cardin Flake Kildee Emerson Lewis (CA) Smith (TX) Carr Foglietta Kleczka WASHINGTON Everett Lewis (FL) Snowe Chapman Ford (MI) Klein Cantwell Inslee Swift Ewing Lightfoot Solomon Clay Ford (TN) Klink Dicks Kreidler Unsoeld Fawell Linder Spence Clayton Frank (MA) Kopetski Foley McDermott Dunn Fields (TX) Livingston Stearns Clement Frost Kreidler Fish Machtley Stump Clyburn Furse LaFalce WEST VIRGINIA Fowler Manzullo Sundquist Coleman Gejdenson Lambert Franks (CT) McCandless Talent Mollohan Rahall Wise Collins (IL) Gephardt Lancaster Franks (NJ) McCollum Taylor (NC) Collins (MI) Geren Lantos Gallegly McCrery Thomas (CA) WISCONSIN Condit Gibbons LaRocco Gallo McDade Thomas (WY) Barrett Gunderson Roth Conyers Glickman Laughlin Gekas McHugh Torkildsen Kleczka Klug Sensenbrenner Cooper Gonzalez Lehman Gilchrest McInnis Upton Obey Petri Coppersmith Gordon Levin 2 1993 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T1.11 Vucanovich Weldon Young (FL) the coming years. There is an impa- T1.8 OATH OF OFFICEÐMEMBERS-ELECT, Walker Wolf Zeliff Walsh
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