Our Ref: LS/HWBB Contact: Laura Scholes Tel: 01482 615013 Fax: 01482 613110 Email: [email protected] Textphone: 01482 300 349 Date: 14th September, 2015 Dear Sir/Madam Health and Well Being Board The next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be held 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 22nd September, 2015 in the Lecture Theatre, the History Centre, Hull. The Agenda and associated reports for the meeting are enclosed where relevant. Yours faithfully Laura Scholes Democratic Services Officer Legal and Democratic Services Legal and Democratic Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder 1 of 248Street, Hull, HU1 2AA www.hullcc.gov.uk DX: 11934 HULL 1 Tel: 01482 300300 Health and Well Being Board To: Members: Councillor Jackie Dad; Hull City Council Councillor Andy Dorton; Hull City Council Councillor Colin Inglis; Hull City Council Councillor Rosemary Pantelakis; Hull City Council Councillor Helena Spencer; Portfolio Holder Public Health, Prevention and Safeguarding Dr. Dan Roper; Chair of the NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Dr. James Moult; NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Dr. Amy Oehring; NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Lynda Brown; Chair, Healthwatch Hull Julia Weldon; Director of Public Health and Adults, Hull City Council Milorad Vasic, Director of Children and Family Services, Hull City Council Alison Barker, City Adult Social Care Manager, Hull City Council Emma Latimer; Chief Officer, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Emma Sayner; Director of Finance, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Non-Voting Advisers: Chief Superintendent Scott Young representing Community Safety Partnership, D Division Commander Chris Jewesbury, Head of Health and Justice Commissioning, NHS England Officers: Darryl Stephenson; Chief Executive Hull City Council Trish Dalby; Corporate Director of Strategic Commissioning, Hull City Council Martyn Fisher, Projects and Commercial Lawyer, Hull City Council Brendan Arnold, Director of Resources and City Treasurer, Hull City Council Laura Scholes; Democratic Services Officer, Hull City Council (x4) For information: Jenny Walker, Evidence, Effectiveness and Knowledge Manager, Hull City Council Jonathan Appleton; Healthwatch Hull Delivery Manager, Alerts: Ian Anderson, Town Clerk Nadine Wharam, PA to Town Clerk Press Office Guildhall Reception Viking Radio –[email protected] Yorkshire Post – [email protected] & [email protected] Radio Humberside – [email protected] Hull Daily Mail – [email protected] & [email protected] KCFM Radio – [email protected] Page 2 of 248 Health & Wellbeing Board 22 nd September, 2015 2.00 p.m. in the Lecture Theatre, the History Centre A G E N D A PROCEDURAL ITEMS Introductions and Apologies 1. Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct. 2. Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 21 st July, 2015 (2.05 p.m. ) To approve the minutes as a true and correct record. 3. Outstanding Actions (2.10 p.m.) For the Board to be updated on the Outstanding Actions 4. Health and Wellbeing Board Work Programme and the Council’s Forward Plan (2.15 p.m.) Report by Laura Scholes Non Exempt Items 5. Alcohol Strategy (2.20 p.m.) Report by Vicky Harris Attached 6. Local Transformation Plan for Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing (2.25 p.m.) Report by Laila Fish and Emma Latimer Attached 7. Ofsted Improvement Plan: Health and Well Being Impacts (2.30 p.m.) Report by Milorad Vasic and Jon Plant Attached 8. Health and Wellbeing Strategy – Governance Framework Review (2.35 p.m.) Report by Julia Weldon Page 3 of 248 Attached 9. NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Annual Report and Accounts 2014-15 (2.40 p.m.) Report by Emma Sayner Attached 10. Hull Integrated Care Centre Update (2.45 p.m.) Report by Erica Daley Attached 11. Update on progress of implementation of the Care Act 2014 (2.50 p.m.) Briefing paper by Alison Barker Attached 12. Public Health Financial Update – September 2015 (2. 55 p.m.) Briefing paper by Brendan Arnold and Mark Armstrong Attached Page 4 of 248 Health and Wellbeing Board 21st July, 2015 PRESENT: Councillor Colin Inglis, Chair, Hull City Council Dr. Dan Roper, Deputy Chair, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Alison Barker, City Adult Social Care Manager, Hull City Council Lynda Brown, Representative, Healthwatch Hull, Councillor Jackie Dad, Hull City Council Councillor Andy Dorton, Hull City Council Emma Latimer, Chief Officer, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Emma Sayner, Director of Finance, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Dr. James Moult, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group Dr. Amy Oehring, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (from minute 13) Councillor Rosemary Pantelakis, Hull City Council (from minute 13) Councillor Helena Spencer, Portfolio Holder for Public Health, Prevention & Safeguarding Adults, Hull City Council Milorad Vasic, Director for Children and Family Services, Hull City Council Julia Weldon, Director of Public Health and Adults, Hull City Council ADVISORS: Chris Jewesbury, NHS England IN ATTENDANCE: Tim Fielding, City Manager for Health and Wellbeing, Hull City Council Mark Armstrong, Assistant City Treasurer, Business Finance, Hull City Council Martyn Fisher, Projects and Commercial Lawyer, Hull City Council Laura Scholes, Senior Democratic Services Officer, Hull City Council Councillor Danny Brown, Chair of the Health and Social Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Commission Peter McGurn, Chief Executive Officer, Goodwin Development Trust – minute 17 Clive Darnell, Head of Development, Goodwin Development Trust – minute 17 Ian Anderson, Town Clerk, Hull City Council – minute 17 Rachel Roberts, Assistant City Manager, Early Help and Commissioning – minute 18 Trevor King, Chief Officer, Hull CVS – minute 20 APOLOGIES: Minute Action By/ Description/Decision No. Deadline 10. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Dorton declared a personal interest in minute 20 insofar as he was a Trustee of Hull CVS. Dr. Moult and Dr. Roper declared personal interests in minute 24 insofar as the Citizens Advice Bureau worked in their surgeries. Councillor Pantelakis declared a personalPage 5 ofinterest 248 in minute 24 insofar as 1 she worked for the Citizens Advice Bureau. 11. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 2nd JUNE , 2015 Agreed – that, with the amendment of minute 5, page 4, paragraph 5 to read “The difficulty was not always that their parents?”, the minutes of the meeting held on 2uesday, 2 nd $une, 2015, having .een printed and circulated .e taken as read and correctly recorded and .e signed .y the Chair. 12. OUTSTANDING ACTIONS 2he Senior Democratic Services Officer su.mitted the outstanding actions from previous meetings. em.ers discussed the need to include e4planations of why dates .y when the actions were e4pected to .e completed had changed. Agreed 5 )a, 2hat the updates .e noted, and )., that in future, the list include e4planations of any changes made to )., Laura the dates included in the “By 1hen” column. Scholes 13. HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD WORK PROGRAMME AND THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN 2he Senior Democratic Services Officer su.mitted a report which provided the Board with an opportunity to consider the items on the BoardAs work programme and the CouncilAs Forward Plan. em.ers commented on the need to update the date when the Social Prescri.ing report was due to .e su.mitted to the Board and that items which had $ulia izonAs name associated with them needed to .e updated. Agreed 5 )a, that the .riefing note .e notedB )., that the date when the Social Prescri.ing report is due to .e ).Cc, Laura su.mitted to the Board is updated, and Scholes )c, Emma )c, that the items with $ulia izonAs name associated with them are LatimerDEm updated. ma Sayner 14. HEALTH AND WELLBEING PEER CHALLENGE IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2he Director of Pu.lic Health and Adults su.mitted a report which set out an improvement plan .ased on the recommendations of the Local Government Association Peer Challenge 2eam following their visit in Fe.ruary 2015. 2he comments of the Health and Social 1ell.eing Overview and Scrutiny Commission when this matter was considered, were su.mitted for consideration, and were detailed atPage minute 6 of 21. 248 2 em.ers Eueried whether the actions identified fully addressed the recommendations set out in the Peer Review and why there were so many Council leads attached to the actions, there needed to .e a .etter .alance with leads identified from across the partners. em.ers also commented that the recommendations were different in the presentation and in the letterB the recommendations in the letter had .een used as they were more detailed. em.ers were also keen to see a performance framework developed to determine how the Board was doing in terms of responding to the actions. 2he officer e4plained that a spreadsheet would .e developed which would ena.le the actions to .e monitored and progressed clearly as part of the BoardAs annual review. em.ers discussed the potential links with the recommendations from the Ofsted review, in particular around the links .etween the Board and the ChildrenAs Safeguarding Board which needed to .e strengthened. em.ers commented on the important links to City of Culture which had .een reinforced .y the Peer Review and that more detail and discussion on the issue was e4pected imminently. Agreed 5 2hat the Board accept the recommendations set out .y the Health Director of and 1ell.eing Peer Challenge 2eam and approve the actions and Pu.lic monitoring arrangements as set out in the Improvement Plan with some Health and minor amendments to .e worked on off agenda. Adults Reason for recommendation • 2he action plan is .ased on the feed.ack from the LGA Peer Challenge team following their visit in Fe.ruary 2015.
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