ReportNo. 429a-MOR ILE C y Appraisalof SebouIl DevelopmentProject Public Disclosure Authorized Kingdomof Morocco une10,1974 FILECOPY RegionalProjects Department Europe,Middle Eastand North Africa RegionalOffice Not for Public Use Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Documenftof the Intemational Rank for Reconstructionand Developnent International Development Association This *eport was prepared for official use only by the BanklCroup.-lt May not be published, -quoted or cited without Bank Croup authorization The %nk Croup does not accept responsibility fior the accuracyor completenessof the report. CURRENCYEQUIVALENTS US$ 1.00 - Moroccan dirham (DH) 4.08 US$ 1.00 = French francs (FF) 4.99 DH 1.00 = US$ 0.245 DH 1.00 = FF 1.223 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 millimeter (mm) 0.039 inches (in.) 1 hectare (ha) - 2.47 acres 1 kilometer (km) = 0.62 mile 1 square meter (m2) = 10.76 square feet 1 cubic meter (m3) = 35.31 cubic feet 1 cubic meter per second (m3/sec) 35.31 cu secs 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 pounds 1 metric ton (m ton) = 2,205 pounds 1 bar = 14.666 eounds/square inch 1 hectolitre (hl) - 26.5 US gallons ABBREVIATIONS BNDE - IndustrialDevelopment Bank (BanqueNationale pour le DeveloppementEconomique) CLCA - AgriculturalCredit Bank CMV - Development Center (Centre de Mise en Valeur) CNCA - National Agricultural Credit Bank (CaisseNationale de Credit Agricole) DMV - DevelopmentDepartment of MARA (Directionde Mise en Valeur) DRA - Department of Agricultural Research (Directionde Recherche Agricole) EAPD - World Bank Economic Analysis and ProjectionsDivision MARA - Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (Ministered'Agriculture et de Reforme Agraire) NEDECO - NetherlandsEngineering Consultants O & M - Operation and Maintenance ONT - National Transport Office ORMVA - Regional AgriculturalDevelopment Office under DMV (OfficeRegional de Mise en Valeur Agricole) ORMVAG - Rharb Regional AgriculturalDevelopment Office (OfficeRegional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de Gharb) SODEA - Farm Development Corporation SOGETA - AgriculturalLand Management Corporation SUNACAS - Sebou National Sugarcane Factory Company (SucrerieNationale de Canne du Sebou) GOVERNMENTOF THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO FISCAL YEAR January 1 to December 31 KINGDOM OF MOROCCO SEBOU II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........... .. .i.-i I. INTRODUCTION . ...............se..** t.. II. BACKGROUND ....................,***..* ......... ... General es...............................................1 C imate . 0*. ... * 22. Land Use ....,2 Land Ownership and Land Reform ................... 2 Agriculture in the Economy .... ................... 3 Irrigation in the A3ricultural Sector ............ 3 Agricultural Inputs and Services ................. 4 Previous Bank Projects ........................... 4 III. THE PROJECT AREA ................................. 5 General ses ..............................0.............. se 5 Topography and Soils te* ......................... 5 Floods and Surface Drainage ...................... 5 Population ......................................... 6 Land Tenure .. ............... ........a. 6 Traditional Agriculture ................... 7 Agriculture Under Sebou I ........................ 7 Processing .................................. 8 Markets ...... .. *..... e... e * e e * .......... *..... 8 Communications and Transport ...... 8............8 Credit * .......................................... 9 Agricultural Support Services .................... 9 This report is based on informationsupplied by the Moroccan Government, in- cluding studies made by consultants,and on the findings of an appraisal mission consistingof Messrs. J.C. Collins and T. Husain, and Ms. S. Fukuda (IBRD) and Dr. P.O. Wiehe and Messrs. J. Dupont, R. Garabiol, J. Megard and J. Boomkamp (Consultants). Messrs. G. LeMoigne and G. Ludwig (IBRD) assisted the mission during its initial meetings with Moroccan Government officials; Mr. M. Carter (IBRD) attended the mission's final meetings. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page No. IV. THE PROJECT ............................... 9 Descrîption .............6. .............................. 9 Project Works and Services ...................... 10 Status of Engineering ...... 10 Cost Estimates ........*a ................. ...* a.... 11 Financing .... ...... ... ......... Procuremeint .. .................................... 12 Disbursements .................. 12 Accounts and Audit ..... ............. * ...... 13 V. ORGANIZATIONAN4D MANAGEMENT ...................... 13 Participating Ministries and Agencies ............ 13 ORMVAG .. ,a................,.........**..***.a 14 SUNACAS ... ,15 The Roads Department of the Ministry of Public Works .......... *................* 16 ProiectCoordination ............... .............. 16 Operation and Maintenance ....................... 16 Consulting Services and Training ...... ........... 17 Safetyof the Dam ........ * ......... .. C ........ 18 Recovery of Costs ..... *............ .... .. 18 VI. PRODUCTION,MARKET PROSPECTS, PRICES AND FARMHERS' INCOME .* ..a...... *... *.*...o..... 19 Production ............................... ,..... 19 MarketProspects ...... a.. ........................ 19 Prices *.. .,........ C........................... 20 Farmers' Income . .... .. ** ....................... 20 VII. BENEFITS AND JUSTIFICATION ....................... 20 Objectives of the Project ........................ 20 Aggregate Economic Return ...................... 21 Roads .. .. *.. .e e a.... *. ...... 21 St.>g)arcaneFactory ............ ...................... 21 Flood Control * a . e...........0 *.*.....* * * ............ 21 Employment ................................. 22 Environmental Impact ..... *. .O................... 23 VIiI. AGREEMENTS REAChED AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........... 23 ANNEXES 1. Country Data 2. The Need for Flood Control and Long-Term and Interim Protection Alternatives 3. Land Tenure and Agrarian Reform 4. Sugarcane Production 5. Sugarcane Processing 6. Project Works 7. Terms of Reference for Consultants 8. Cost Estimate 9. Estimated Schedule of Disbursements 10. Market Prospects for Sugar 11. Farm Incomes 12. Economic Rate of Return and SensitivityAnalysis FIGURES IBRD 8609 ConstructionScliedule IBRD 8610 Proposed OrganiiationDiagram ]IBRD10900 Map - The Project Area IBRD 10899 Map - The Flood Protection Works e KINGDOM OF MOROZCO SEBOU II DEVELOPMENTPROJECT SUMN2ARYAND CONCLUSIONS i. The Government of the Kingdom of Morocco has requested a Bank loan to finance the provision of essential infrastructureand flood protection works in the area being deveioped fcr irrigation under the Rharb Sebou IrrigationProject (Loan 643-MOR) (Sebou I). ii. The project area is in the fertile Rharb Plain, northeast of Rabat. The Idriss I Dam built under Sebou 1 will enable some 90,000 ha to be provided with perennial irrigation,of which 35,200 ha of new irrigatedworks together with drainage and associated on farm developmentworks is being installed, Studies carried out under Sebou I have indicated the need to alter certain parts of it. Modification of the existing sugar beet factory to acconmodate sugarcane has proved impractical so that a separate sugarcane processing factory is needed. The flood hazard Ln the project area has been shown to be appreciably greater than had been expected and the proposal to delay flood protection works until future reservoir constructionon the Ouerra River could provide the necessary flood absorbtion capacity can no longer be entertained. At the same time other changes and cost overruns in the project have absorbed the funds originally allocated for improvementof processing facilities and communicationsin the project area. It is necessary to make full provision for these as well as for flood protection works under a new project. iii. The Sebou Il Development Project would include the following works and services: (a) Constructionof a new sugarcane factory at Mechra Bel Ksiri; (b) A consultant study of existing induscrial pollution of the lower Sebou River and, if justified by the study, constructionof a plant to treat effluent from the new sugarcane factory and the existing sugar beet factory at Mechra Bel Ksiri; (c) Improvementsto about 100 km of primary and secondary roads, and about 330 km of tertiary and unclassifiedaccess roads together with constructionof a new bridge over the Sebou River at Mechra Bel Ksiri; (d) provision of equipment for maintenance of access roads and for a sugar cane transport study; (e) Constructionof earth flood protection dikes to protect the 35,200 ha being developed for irrigated agriculture and to confine flood overspill from the Sebou River to three flood escape channels and the resettlementof families living in the channels; (f) Strengtheningof roads and railway tracks in the flood escape channels to prevent damage durîng iloods; (g) Provision of consultantservices to assist in surveys, design and supervisioncf construictionof the flood protection works, to advise and assist in the expansion of sugarcane production in the project area and to assist in acceptance trials of the sugarcane factory; (h) A consultant study of schîstosomiasisinfestation 7n che Rharb Plain and the possiîbility for its eradication; (i) Provision of fellowships to supplement on-the-job training of personnel. iv. The total cost of the project is estimated at US$53.7 million, of which US$32 million is the estimated foreign exchange cost. A Bank loan of US$32 million is proposed. v. A contract
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