44440077 TToowwnn VVuu RRooaadd !! BBeennttoonnvviillllee,,, AArrkkaannssaass !! 7722771122 EE---mmaaiill::: BBuulllbbmmeeiiisstteerr@@BBuulllbbmmeeiiisstteerr...CCOOMM TTeelleepphhoonnee::: 447799---336666---99446688 Offers good through June 5, 2004 or Until Supplies Last! Flower Bulb Price List Spring 2004 - Introduction WELCOME! This price list is available January through May and is geared toward the gardener who seeks less common, unusual, or old favorite flower bulbs, especially species. Please read the agreement following so you will fully understand payment guidelines and shipping schedules. OFFERS FROM THIS LIST ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY, AND WILL SHIP MID-MARCH, AT THE EARLIEST. Order Early and SAVE! Automatically save 20% through January 31st, 15% through February 15th, 10% through February 29th, and 5% through March 15th, 2004. Discounts will be automatically applied during the checkout process. Agreement Before purchasing from this list, you must understand and agree to the following: 1. This offer is NOT A PROMISE of availability, but of probability. If payment has been made on an unavailable item, a refund, not a substitution (unless requested otherwise), will be provided. 2. If you select the "Mailing Payment" or "PayPal" options during checkout, payment must be paid or postmarked within 10 days of ordering. 3. Credit cards will NOT be charged, NOR checks/money orders deposited UNTIL SHIPPING SEASON. 4. Shipping will not occur until mid-March through May/June, depending on your USDA Hardiness Zone. Many of the offered bulbs are frost tender, so shipment needs to occur when the risk of freezing in transit is minimal. Bulbmeister.COM guarantees the bulbs to be as described and in the best condition available. Our sources are of the highest caliber. For domestic orders, if, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply return the product(s) postmarked within 7 business days of receipt (USPS PRIORITY ONLY with DELIVERY CONFIRMATION), then your product(s) will be replaced or your money refunded according to the Bulbmeister.COM 110% Guarantee. For international orders, please refer to the online International Shipping Agreement for return policy. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. i 4407 Town Vu Road Bentonville, AR 72712 Shipping Method and Fees When shipping season begins, Bulbmeister.COM uses, exclusively, USPS 2-3 Day Priority with Delivery Confirmation to assure you receive your bulbs in the best condition possible. Minimum shipping & handling fee is $5.95, 20% < $50, 15% < $100, 10% < $250, 5% < $500, and free for orders of $500 or more. International shipping IS POSSIBLE but PROHIBITIVE. A phytosanitary certificate is required and will cost you US$50 in addition to your order. Also, different shipping fees and methods apply. Please read the International Shipping Agreement at Bulbmeister.COM for details. This order cannot be combined with other available list orders because of different discount options and shipping schedules. Shipping Schedule All items begin shipping in mid-March at a time that is best suited for your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone. This method of queuing will protect your bulbs from getting freeze damage in transit. Please visit Bulbmeister.COM for a more detailed explanation on shipping dates. Purchasing from this Flower Bulb Price List is your acknowledgment and agreement to the terms and conditions expressed on this page. Please select from the following links to begin shopping, and thank you for visiting Bulbmeister.COM! Figure 1: When in doubt about bulb adaptability to your region, know your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone (Reproduced by permission of the USDA). Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. ii 4407 Town Vu Road Bentonville, AR 72712 SELECTIONS Page SELECTIONS Page Achimenes 1 Gloriosa 20 Aconitum 1 Helianthus 20 Agapanthus 1-2 Hemerocallis 20 Allium 2-3 Hippeastrekelia 21 Alstroemeria 3 Hippeastrum 21 xAmarcrinum 3 Homeria 21 xAmarine 3 Hymenocallis 21-22 xAmarygia 4 Iris 22 Amaryllis 4 Ixia 22 Amorphophallus 4-5 Leucocoryne 22-23 Anemone 5-6 Liatris 23 Anamotheca 6 Lilium 23-27 Anredera 6 Lycoris 27-28 Arisaema 7-9 Nerine 28 Arum 9-10 Nomocharis 29 Asclepias 10 Oxalis 29-30 Babiana 10 Paris 30 Bessera 10 Pinellia 31 Bloomeria 11 Polianthes 31 Calochortus 11 Ranunculus 31 Canna 11 Rhodohypoxis 31-32 Cardiocrinum 11 Roscoea 32-33 Chlidanthus 12 Sauromatum 33 Clivia 12 Scadoxus 34 Commelina 12 Scilla 34 Convallaria 12 Sparaxis 34 Crinum 12-13 Sprekelia 34 Crocosmia 13-14 Tacca 34 Cyclamen 14-15 Tigridia 34-35 Cyrtanhus 15-16 Trillium 35 Dahlia 16 Triteleia 35 Dichelostemma 16 Tritonia 35-36 Dracunculus 17 Urginia 36 Eremurus 17 Zantedeschia 36-38 Eucharis 17 Zephyranthes 38 Eucomis 17-18 Zigadenus 39 Freesia 18 Galtonia 18 Ordering Instructions 40 Gladiolus 18-20 ORDER FORM 41-42 = Image(s) are available for viewing online at Bulbmeister.COM in The Gallery. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. iii 4407 Town Vu Road Bentonville, AR 72712 Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. iv 4407 Town Vu Road Bentonville, AR 72712 Flower Bulb Offers A-Z ACHIMENES (Gesneriaceae) - Hot Water Plant, Zone 10. Having beautiful flowers borne single or in clusters. These have a corolla that is narrow, flaring to a flattened bloom 1-2.5 inches diameter. A fine house plant. Species/Cultivar Size Description Qty/ Pkg Price/ Pkg Item # 'Blue Sparkles' FS 6 $ 4.45 04-001 White with blue sparkles. 'Cattleya' FS 15 $ 6.45 04-002 Large blue. 'Charm' FS 15 $ 6.45 04-003 Pink. 'Harry Williams' FS 15 $ 6.45 04-004 Violet red. 'Mexicana' FS Blue. 15 $ 6.45 04-005 'Peach Blossom' FS 15 $ 8.45 04-006 Rose. 'Pulcherrima' FS 15 $ 6.45 04-007 Dark purple/red. 'Snow Princess' FS 6 $ 4.45 04-008 Large white. 'Tetraploid FS 3 $ 4.45 04-009 Large orange. Orange' 'Tetraploid FS 3 $ 4.45 04-010 Large brilliant purple. Purple' 'Vivid' FS Magenta. 15 $ 6.45 04-011 BLUE FS Blue. 6 $ 4.45 04-012 PINK FS Pink. 15 $ 8.45 04-013 PURPLE FS Purple. 15 $ 6.45 04-014 RED FS Red. 15 $ 6.45 04-015 WHITE FS White. 15 $ 8.45 04-016 MIXED FS 15 $ 7.45 04-017 Mixture of colors. ACONITUM (Ranunculaceae) - Monk's Hood, Wolfsbane, Zone 5-9 Species/Cultivar Size Description Qty/ Pkg Price/ Pkg Item # arendsii FS Violet/blue flower spikes and the glossy 6 $ 5.95 04-018 deeply veined leaves. AGAPANTHUS (Amaryllidaceae) - Lily of the Nile, Zone 8-10 Species/Cultivar Size Description Qty/ Pkg Price/ Pkg Item # 'Blue FS Hardy blue african lily. 1 $ 3.45 04-019 Triumphator' 'Donau' FS Flowers pale blue w/ dark blue center 1 $ 3.45 04-020 stripe. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. Page 1 4407 Town Vu Road Bentonville, AR 72712 AGAPANTHUS (Continued) Species/Cultivar Size Description Qty/ Pkg Price/ Pkg Item # africanus 'Albus' FS (A. praecox ssp. orientalis 'Albus') White 1 $ 3.95 04-021 flowered selection of the Common Agapanthus. While the wrong name, A. africanus is still generally used. Flowers up to 100 in wide umbel, white. umbellatus FS (A. praecox ssp. orientalis) Common 1 $ 5.45 04-022 Agapanthus. Here listed under the correct name, while the wrong name A. africanus is still generally used. Flowers up to 100 in wide umbel, blue. ALLIUM (Alliaceae) - Flowering Garlic, Onions, Zone 4-10 Species/Cultivar Size Description Qty/ Pkg Price/ Pkg Item # angulosum FS Superficially like A. senescens, but with 1 $ 3.45 04-023 keeled leaves. Mouse Garlic. Summer flowering purple to white. 8-18 inches. cernuum FS An attractive species with lilac-rose 6 $ 5.95 04-024 umbels, pendant when flowering, later becoming erect as the seeds ripen. Ht. 12-16 inches. AGM ledebourianum FS Summer flowering rosy-violet or pink to 1 $ 5.95 04-025 30 in. macranthum FS Attractive loose umbel with 10 to 20 rich 1 $ 8.45 04-026 plum-purple, bell-shaped flowers, each about 1/2 inch. The hang gracefully from 1-2 inch pedicels. Leaves narrow, channelled, to 18 inches. Ht. 12-16 inches. sphaerocephalon 5/+cm Umbels dense, rather egg-shaped, deep 25 $ 5.45 04-027 crimson-purple. Foliage cylindrical, hollow. Bulbs quite distinct, having a very shiny, papery tunic. Ht. 28-36 inches. tuberosum FS Chinese Chives. From gardens. Flowers 3 $ 4.45 04-028 white with a dark midvein on the reverse, many in a hemispherical umbel. Leaves several, sheathing the lower part of the stem. Ht. 14-20 inches. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. Page 2 4407 Town Vu Road Bentonville, AR 72712 ALLIUM (Continued) Species/Cultivar Size Description Qty/ Pkg Price/ Pkg Item # unifolium 5/+cm A fine North American species with 20 $ 6.45 04-029 bright lilac-pink umbels, tips of bracts rosy-purple. Excellent for cutting. Ht. 8- 12 inches. ALSTROEMERIA (Alstroemeriaceae) - Peruvian Lily, Zone 8-11 Species/Cultivar Size Description Qty/ Pkg Price/ Pkg Item # 'Dandy Candy' FS Vibrant volors, red, deep rose and 1 $ 5.45 04-030 picotee-type white with pink, very large flowering, all flowers with dark stripes and yellow markings on dwarf plant to 14 inches. Zone 9-10 aurea 'Lutea' FS Umbels 3- to 7- rayed, with 1 to 3 3 $ 4.95 04-031 flowers per ray. Tepals about 2 inches, yellow, marked carmine. Numerous lanceolate leaves clothe the stems, which can reach 3 feet. aurea 'Orange FS Flowers large, in shades of orange. Ht. to 3 $ 4.95 04-032 King' 3 feet. ligtu Hybrids FS The tall, familiar garden plant, flowering 6 $ 5.95 04-033 in colors ranging from red, orange, tangerine through pink towards white. Flowers about 1 1/2 inches long, 20-30 in an umbel. Leaves erecto-patent, linear, 2- 3 inches long. Ht. 3-5 feet.
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