' . 356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. NoVE~IBER 19, war claim to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War He also presented a petition of Reynolds Post, Department of Claims. Washington, Grand Army of the Republic, of Blaine, Wash., By Mr. PORTER: Resolution of Pennsylvania Shoe Manufac­ and a petition of J. B. Steedman Post, No. 24. Department of turers' Association, relative to a 35-foot channel for the Delaware Washington, Grand Army of the Republic, of Whatcom, Wash., River, port of Philadelphia-to the Committee on Rivers and praying for the enactment of a service-pension law; whb!l were Harbors. referred to the Committee on Pensions. Also, resolution of the board of directors of the Grain and Flour Mr. BURNHAM presented a petition of Local Union No. 43, E.xchange of Pittsburg, Pa., favoring enlargement of power of International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, of Ashland, N.H., Interstate Commerce Commission-to the Committee on Interstate and a petition of the Building Trades Oouncil of Manchester, and Foreign Commerce. N. H., praying for the passage of the so-called eight-hour bill; By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesota: Petition of F. G. Lorens and which were referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. other citizens of Center City, Minn., protesting against passage He also presented a petition of Local Union No. 43. Interna­ of parcels-post bill-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ tional Brotherhood of Paper Makers, of Ashland, N.H., and a Roads. petition of the Building Trades Council of Manchester, N.H., Also, petition of Typographical Union No. 432, of Stillwater, praying for the passage of the EO-called Hoar anti-injunction bill; · Minn., in favor of an eight-hour bill and anti-injunction bill-to which were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Committee on Labor. Mr. NELSON presented petitions of M. G. Evenson, of St. Also, petition of W. J. and A. Hedenthrom and other citizens Peter; of Scofield Post, No. 121, Department of Minnesota, Grand of Lindstrom, Minn .. protesting against passage of parcels-post Army of the Republic, of Zumbrota; of John A. Logan Regi­ bill-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. ment, No.2, Union Veterans Union, of St. Paul; of James Bry­ By Jtfr. WARNER: Petition of citizens of Monticello and Mans­ ant Post, No. 119, Department of Minnesota, Grand Army of the field, Platt County, TIL, praying for an antipolygamy amendment Republic, of Minneapolis; of Mitchell Post, No. 63, Department to the Constitution-to the Committee on the Judiciary. of Minnesota, Grand Army of the Republic. of Madelia, and of Aim, resolution of Charley Lee Post, No. 561, Grand Army of Frank P. Blair Post, No. 82, Department of Minne ~ota, Grand the Republic, Herrick, Department of lllinois, urging passage of Army of the Republic, of Ortonville, all in the St.ate of Minne­ a service-pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. sota, praying for the enactment of a service-pension law; which were refened to the Committee on Pensions. He also presented petitions of the Woman's..Christian Temper­ SENATE. ance Union and the congregation of the Western Avenue Metho­ dist Episcopal Church,of Minneapolis; of the Woman's Christian THURSDAY, November 19, 1903. Temperance Union of Lamberton: of the _Woman's Christian Prayer by Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington. Temperance Union of Wabasso; of the congregation of the 1\fetho­ Mr. KNUTE NELSON, a Senator from the State of Minnesota, dist Episcopal Church of Wab:1sso; of the Woman's Christian appeared in his seat to-day. Temperance Union of Jtfinneapolis; of the congregation of the The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ Presbyterian Church of Euclid; of the EpwoTth .. League of Lam­ ceedings, when, on request of Mr. PENROSE, and by unanimous berton; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Etna; consent, the further reading was dispensed with. of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union-of Clarkfield, and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal will stand ap- of the Woman's Club of N orthf:ield, all in the State of Minne ota, proved, if there be no objection. It is approved. · praying for an investigation of the charges made and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; which were GRAZING IN FO~EST RESERVES. referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Mr. PERKINS pre!:cnted a petition of the Chamber of Com­ munication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a merce of Sacramento, Cal., praying for the establishment of an draft of a proposed bill to control grazing in forest reserves; which, additional judicial district in that State; which was referred to the with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Committee on ths Judiciary. Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game, and ordered to He also presented a petition of Local Division No. 192, Amal­ be printed. gamated Association of Street Railway Employees, of Oakland, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Cal., praying for the pas~age of the so-called eight-hour bill; 1\Ir. PENROSE presented a petition of Subordinate Union No.6, which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. International Hod Carriers and Building Laborers Union, of He also presanted a petition of Local Division No. 192, Amal­ Sarre, Pa., and a petition of Local Union No. 8874, American gamated Association of Street Railway Employees, of Oakland, · Federation of Labor, of Shenandoah, Pa., praying for the passage Cal., praying for the pa sage of the so-called Hoar anti-injunctbn of the so~called eight-hour bill; which were referred to the Com­ bill; which was refened to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Education and Labor. He also presented a petition of the General George A. Custer He also presented a petition of Subordinate Union No.6 Inter­ Council, No. 22, Junior Order United American Mechanics, of Oak­ nationa1 Hod Carriers and Building Laborers' Union, of Sayre, land, Cal., praying for the enactment of legislation to re trict im­ Pri.., and a petition of Local UnionN?. 8374, American Federation migration; which was referred to the Uommittee on Immigration. of Labor, of Shenandoah, Pa., praymg for the passage of the so­ He also presented a petition of the W.oman' Chri tian Tem­ called Hoar anti-injunction bill; which were referred to the Com­ perance U nion3 of San Jose and Los Angeles, Cal., praying for an mittl3a on the Judiciary. investigation of the charges made and filed ag-ainsli Hon. REED He also presented a petition of Lincoln Post, No. 140, Depart­ S.YOOT, a Sanator from the State of Utah; which was referrej to ment of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic, of Shamokin, the Committee on Privileges and Elections. P3.., praying for the enactment of a service-pension law; which Mr. DRYDEN presented a memorial of the national executive was referred to the Committee on Pensions. committee of the National German-Americ.o'Ul Alliance, praying He also presented a petition of Welcome Council, No. 134, Junior for the enactment of legislation to regulate the interstate trans­ · Order of United American Mechanics, of Pittsburg, Pa.. praying portation of intoxicating liqu0rs; which w~s referred to th3 Com­ for the enaetment o'f legislation providing an educational test for mittee on Interstate Commerce. immigmntstothiscountry; which was referred to the Committee He also presented petitions of sundry citizeRS of Montclair; of on Immjgration. the congregation of the Calvary Presbyterian Church, of Camden; He also pret:ented a petition of the Pennsylvania Shoe Manu­ of the congregation of the Rosedale Baptist Church, of Camden; facturers' Association, of Philadelphia, Pa., and a petition of the of the congregation of the Jtiethodist Episcopa.l Church of Ocean Business and Professional Club of Philadelphia, Pa., praying that Grovo; of the Charity Organization Society of Bayonne; of tho an appropriation be made to provide a 35-foot channel in the congregation of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Bayonne; Delaware River from Philadelphia to the sea; which were re­ of Bayonne Council, No.119, Junior Order United American 1\fe­ ferred to the Committee on Commerce. chanics; of the congregation of Prospect Street Presbyterian Mr. FOSTER of Washington presented petitions of sundry citi­ Church, of Trenton, and of the congregation of the Bethany Baptist zens of Aublll.-n, of the congregation of the Christian Church of Church, of Camden all in the State of New Jersey, praying for Waitsburg, and of the Alloha Club, of Tacoma, all in the State of an investigation of the charges made and filed against Hon. REED Washington, praying for an investigation of thecharges_p1ado and SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; which were referred to filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; the Cm;nmittea on Privileges and Elections. which were refen-ed to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Mr. BEVERIDGE presented a petition of the Local Union He also presented a memorial of Local Union No. 325, Cigar No. 19, American Federation of Labor, of Forli Wayne, Ind., and Makers' International Union, of Spokane, Wash., remonstrating a petition of Local Union No. 10108, American Federation of against any reduction of the tariff on cigars, tobacco, etc., im­ Labor, of Stoneblu:ff, Ind., praying for the passage of the so-called ported from Cuba; which was referred to the Committee on Fi­ eight-hour bill; which were referred to the Committee on Educa­ nance.
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