Luther Seminary Digital Commons @ Luther Seminary Commencement Programs Archives & Special Collections 2009 Luther Seminary, May 2009 Luther Seminary Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.luthersem.edu/commencement Recommended Citation Seminary, Luther, "Luther Seminary, May 2009" (2009). Commencement Programs. Paper 71. http://digitalcommons.luthersem.edu/commencement/71 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives & Special Collections at Digital Commons @ Luther Seminary. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Luther Seminary. For more information, please contact [email protected]. m roe e e THE ORDER OF SERVICE THE PRELUDE DIALOGUE Rondeau Mediavale" Joel Martinson A: Great is our Lord and mighty in power; WELCOME FROM CENTRAL LUTHERAN CHURCH C: there is no limit to God's wisdom. Richard Nelson Senior Pastor A: We give you thanks, 0 God, we give you thanks, C: calling upon your name THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN and declaring all your wonderful deeds. A: We will recount to generations to come Stanza 1-All;2— Women; 3-All;4 Men;— 5- All the praiseworthy deeds and the power of the Lord, C: and the wonderful works God has done. The congregation shall stand. A: Those who know your name, 0 Lord, will put their trust in you. Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty" ELW #533 C: 0 Lord, watch over us. 1. Open now thy gates of beauty, A: You never forsake those who seek you, 0 Lord. Zion, let me enter there, C: 0 Lord, watch over us. where my soul in joyful duty A: Sing praises to the Lord; waits for God who answers prayer. Proclaim to the peoples the things God has done. Oh, how blessed is this place, C: 0 Lord,watch over us. filled with solace, light, and grace] PRAYER OF THE DAY 2. Gracious God, I come before thee; come thou also unto me; P: The Lord be with you. where we find thee and adore thee, C: And also with you. there a heav'n on earth must be. P: Let us pray. To my heart, oh, enter thou, Gracious and glorious God, you have chosen us as your now? let it be thy temple own, and by the powerful name of Christ you protect us 3. Here thy praise is gladly chanted, from evil. By your Spirit transform us and your beloved world, that we may find our joy in your Son, Jesus here thy seed is duly sown; Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with let my soul where it is planted bring forth precious sheaves alone, you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. C: Amen. so that all I hear may be fruitful unto life in me. The congregation shall be seated. 4. Thou my faith increase and quicken, After each reading: let me keep thy gift divine; L: The word of the Lord. howsoe'er temptations thicken, C: Thanks be to God. may thy word still o'er me shine FIRST READING Jeremiah 1:4 10- as my guiding star through life, as my comfort in all strife. SECOND READING Psalm 56 5. Speak, 0 God, and I will hear thee, THIRD READING 2 Corinthians 2:14 17- let thy will be done indeed; may I undisturbed draw near thee The congregation shall stand. while thou dost thy people feed. GOSPEL Matthew 9:3835- Here of life the fountain flows; here is balm for all our woes. The congregation shall be seated. THE SERMON Text: Benjamin Schmolck, 1672 1737;- tr. Catherine Winkworth, 1829 1878,- alt. 3 THE ORDER OF SERVICE The congregation shall stand. Mary Hinkle Shore THE HYMN OF THE DAY Associate Dean for First Theological Degree Programs Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling" ELW #582 Paul Lokken Associate Dean —Graduate Theological Education 1. Holy Spirit, ever dwelling in the holiest realms of light; THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF Holy Spirit, ever brooding AWARDS AND HONORS Richard Bliese o'er a world of gloom and night; Holy Spirit, ever raising Winners of the G.M. and Minnie Bruce Prize in New those of earth to thrones on high; Testament, A.E. Hanson Prize in Homiletics, John Milton life- living, imparting Spirit, Prize in Old Testament and The Children, Youth and we and you praise magnify. Family Prize receive modest cash awards. 2. Holy Spirit, ever living The Graduate Preaching Fellowship is given to an outstanding as the church's very life; Master of Divinity degree graduate from the senior class. Holy Spirit, ever striving Descriptions are on page 15. through us in a ceaseless strife; Holy Spirit, ever forming in the church the mind of Christ: RESPONSE ON BEHALF OF THE GRADUATES we with endless you praise worship Andrew Nelson for and fruits your gifts unpriced. Master of Divinity Degree Candidate 3. Holy Spirit, ever working THE CALL TO MISSION through the church's ministry; quick'ning, strength'ning, and absolving, The graduates shall stand. setting captive sinners free; Holy Spirit, ever binding L: There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; there age to age and soul to soul are varieties of service but the same Lord; there are in communion never ending, varieties of working, but it is the same God who you we worship and extol. inspires them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. GREETING Richard Bliese For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; between slave and free; between male and female; ANNOUNCEMENTS OF: the same Lord is Lord of all and bestows his riches THE PASTOR GEORGE WEINMAN CHAIR upon all who call upon him. OF PASTORAL THEOLOGY AND MINISTRY C: We are the Church, all kinds and conditions of people; THE CHRISTUS Lux MUNDI AWARD but we are one body of Christ and individually See pages 6 7- for information. members of one another. Out of respect for the graduates, please remain seated during L: Graduating students, in the presence of God, we the service, refrain from using flash photography and have met here to honor you for your perseverance, hold your applause until all names have been read. faithfulness, and diligence in study, and to present to the Church all of you who aspire to serve the Church THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES of God in a variety of ministries.When he said, I have come not to be served, but to serve, Jesus defined the All candidates listed on pages 8 14. meaning of ministry. Luther Seminary sends you forth PRESENTATION OF THE CLASS Roland Martinson into this service with its love and blessing, and prays Academic Dean that you may be adequate to your task. Graduates: CONFERRING OF DEGREES Richard Bliese With faith in the Triune God, we commit ourselves Cheryl Chatman to this ministry of service and mission. We pray that Board of Directors all our works, through God's gracious help, may be begun, continued and ended in Jesus Christ our Diane Doncits Lord.Amen. Registrar IN Text: Timothy Rees, 1874 1939,- alt. THE ORDER OF SERVICE The congregation shall stand. 3.0 God, you saw my deep distress before the world's foundation, THE PRAYERS and, with your mercy measureless, Following each petition... you planned for my salvation. You turned to me a father's heart; A: Lord, in your mercy, you did not choose the easy part, C: Hear our prayer. but gave your dearest treasure. THE LORD'S PRAYER 4.You said to your beloved Son: Tis time to have compassion. A: Lord, remember us in your kingdom and teach us Then go, bright jewel of my crown, to pray: and bring to all salvation; from sin and sorrow set them free; Our Father in heaven, slay bitter death for them that they hallowed be your name, may live with you forever." your kingdom come, your will be done, 5.The Son obeyed your gracious will, on earth as in heaven. was born of virgin mother; Give us today our daily bread. and, your good pleasure to fulfill, Forgive us our sins he came to be my brother. as we forgive those His royal pow'r disguised he bore, who sin against us. a servant's form, like mine, he wore, Save us from the time of trial to lead the devil captive. and deliver us from evil. 6.To me he said: Stay" close to me, For the kingdom, the power, I am your rock and castle. and the glory are yours Your ransom I myself will be; now and for ever. Amen for you I strive and wrestle. The foe will shed my precious blood; THE BENEDICTION all this I suffer for your good; P: The Lord bless you and keep you. my life o'er death will triumph. The Lord's face shine on you with grace and mercy. Now to my Father I depart, The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. C: Amen. from earth to heav'n ascending, and, gracious wisdom to impart, THE RECESSIONAL HYMN the Holy Spirit sending, who will in trouble comfort you, Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice" ELW #594 will teach you well, your faith renew and in all truth will guide you. 1. Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice, with exultation springing, 8.What " I on earth have done and taught and, with united heart and voice guide all your life and teaching; and holy rapture singing, so shall the glorious reign of God proclaim the wonders God has done, increase, the whole world reaching. proclaim the vict'ry God has won, Let none the gospel gift impede; how precious was our ransom? I make you free; be free indeed? This final word I leave you." 2.Fast bound in Satan's chains I lay, death brooded fiercely o'er me, THE PO ST L U D E sin was my torment night and day; in sin my mother bore me.
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