SUBJECT-INDEX TO PLATO ABBOTT Bonbon HENRY FROWDE Oxford University Press W arehou Amen Corner, E.C. (JUw QJorft MACMILLAN X: CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUK A SUBJECT-INDEX TO THK DIALOGUES OF PLATO BRING AN INDEX TO THE MATTERS ANI) NAMES CONTAINED IN THE DIALOGUES OF PLATO ACCORDING TO THE PAGES OF STEPHENS’ EDITION BY EVELYN ABBOTT. M. A. FLil.LOU AND Tl'TOK OF 1U1J.IOI. i UI.LKGK UNIVERSITY O x f o r d AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCC L X X V S& T H iR /? O jforfc PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THU UNIVERSITY N O T E T h e references in this Index are made to Stephens' pages, so that it can be used with any edition, whether translated or in the original Greek ; but it must be remembered that one Greek word is sometimes represented by two or more English words ; e.g, 6 perception ’ and ‘ sensation ’ are translations of aiardrjms, ‘ replenishment ’ and 4 repletion ’ of nXr/paiais. To avoid confusion, the Greek word is given with the English in cases where a doubt might arise. The page of Stephens is divided into five parts by the letters A , B, C, D, E. These are retained in the Index in the Proper names. E. A. INDEX. A. Acropolis, the, in ancient Athens, Crit. 112 A ; in Atlantis, ib. 115 D A b a r is , the Hyperborean, his charms, foil. Charm. 158 B. Actions, kinds of, Laws 9. 864; vo­ Abdera, Protagoras of, Protag. 309 G ; luntary and involuntary, Hipp. min. Rep. 10. 600 C. 373) 374- Abolition of debt, Laws 5. 736. Active life, age for, Rep. 7. 539, 540. Abortion allowed, Rep. 5. 461. Acumenus, a physician, Phaedr. 269 Absolute, the, unknown, Parm. 133, A; lather of Eryximachus, ib. 268 134; absolute knowledge possessed A; Symp. 176 B; a companion of by God, ib. j 34. Socrates, Phaedr. 227 A. Abstract ideas, origin of, Rep. 7. Acusilaus, Symp. 178 C. -23 ; Phaedo 74 ; abstract and con­ Adamant, Tim . 59. crete in opposition, Phaedo 103. Adeimantus, son of Ariston, a person Cp. Ideas. in the dialogue Parmenides, Parm. Academia, Lysis 203 B. 126 A ; a person in the dialogue Acarnanians, the two, Euthyd. 271 C. Republic, Rep. 1. 327 C, 2. 362 Accents, change of, Grat. 399 B. D, 376 D ; brother of Plato, Apol. Acesimbrotus, a physician’s name, 34 A ; his genius, Rep. 2. 368 A ; Grat. 394 G. takes up the discourse, ib. 368 E, Achaeans, Rep. 3. 389 E , 390 E, 376 E, 4. 419 A, 6. 487 E, 548 E . 393 A, D, 394 A ; Law s 3. 682 D, Adeimantus, son of Cepis, present at E, 685 E, 706 D, E ; 1 Alcib. the Protagoras, Protag. 315 E. 112 B. Adeimantus, son of Leucolophides, Achaemenes, 1 Alcib. 120 E. present at the Protagoras, Protag. Acharnian, Callicles the, Gorg. 495 D. 315 E. Achelous, Phaedr. 230 B, 263 D. Admetus, Symp. 179 B, 208 D. Acheron, Phaedo 112 E, 113 D. Admonition, Soph. 230. Acherusian lake, Phaedo 113 A, B, Adonis, the gardens of, Phaedr. 276 B. G, 114 A. Adoption, Laws 9. 877, 878. Achilles, the son of Thetis, Apol. 28 Adrasteia, her ordinance, Phaedr. G ; Hipp. min. 371 D ; attacks 248 G ; prayed to, Rep. 5. 451 A. Scamander, Protag. 340 A ; better Adrastus, the 1 mellifluous,’ Phaedr. than Odysseus, Hipp. min. 363 B, 269 A. E , 364 B, G, D, 365 B, 369 B, Adulteration, Laws 11. 916; punish­ C, 371 D; attacks Hector, Ion ment of, ib. 917. 535 B ; his grief, Rep. 3. 388 Advocates, Laws i t . 938. A; his avarice, ib. 390 E ; son of Aeacus, a judge in Hades, Apol. 41 A ; Peleus, ib. 391 C; sent to the Gorg. 523 E, 524 A, 526 C, E ; Islands of the Blest, Symp. 179 E, son of Aegina, ib. 526 E; grand­ 180 A, B ; dies for Patroclus, ib. father of Achilles, Hipp. min. 363 208 D ; Brasidas compared to, ib. B ; 1 Alcib. 12 1 B. 221 C; taught by Cheiron, Hipp. Aeantodorus, brother of Apollodorus, min. 371 D ; his master Phoenix, Apol. 34 A. Rep. 3. 390 E ; his speech to Ajax Aegina, Crat. 433 A; Phaedo 59 D ; (II. 9. 644), Grat. 428 C. Laws 4. 707 E; 1 Alcib. 121 B; Acquaintance, importance of friend­ two obols required for the passage ship and, Laws 6. 771. from Aegina to Athens, Gorg. 511 4 INDEX. D ; the nymph, mother of Aeacus, ib. 6. 785 ; of the guardians ib. 755 ; ib. 526 E. for marriage, ib. 774 (cp. Rep. 5. Aeginetans, in Crete, Laws 4. 707 E. 460). Aeneas, his horses (II. 5. 223, 8. 108), • Agent and patient have the same Laches 191 B. qualities, Gorg. 476 ; Rep. 4. 437. Aeschines, son of Lysanias, Apol. 33 Agis, a general’s name, Crat. 394 G ; E ; was present at the death of the son of Archidamus, 1 Alcib. 124 A. Socrates, Phaedo 59 B. Aglaophon, a painter, father of Aris- Aeschines, an orator, Menex 234 B. tophon,Gorg. 448 B; of Polygnotus, Aeschylus, his false statement con­ Ion 532. cerning Achilles, Symp. 180 A. Agora, Laws 8. 849. Quoted:—S.c. T. 1, Euthyd. 291 Agra (Artemis), Phaedr. 229 G. D; S. c.T. 451, Rep. 8. 550 G; Agreement, breach of, Laws 11. 920. S. c. T . 592, Rep. 2. 361 D ; S. c. T . Agriculture, tools required for, Rep. 593, ib. 2. 362 A ; Niobe fr. 146, Rep. 2. 370; wild trees, etc., older than 3. 391 E; Niobe, fr. 151, Rep. 3. domesticated, Tim. 77; irrigation, 380 A; Xanthians, fr. 159, Rep. 2. ibid.: laws concerning (cp. Model 381 D ; Telephus fr. 222, Phaedo City), about boundaries, Laws 8. 107 E ; Fab. incert. 266, Rep. 3. 842; about neighbours, ib. 843; 383 B ; Fab. incert. 326, ib. 8. 563 C. about trespass of cattle, ibid.; about Aesculapius (Asclepius), not ignorant swarms of bees, ibid.; about damage of the lingering treatment, Rep. 3. by fire, ibid.; about distances in 406 D ; bribed to restore a rich planting, ibid.; about watering, ib. man to life, ib. 408 B ; descendants 844 ; about rain-water, ib .; about of, ib. 406 A ; his sons at T ro y, ibid. tasting fruits, ib. foil.; about pol­ (cf. Asclepiadae) ; left disciples, ib. lution of water, ib. 845; about 10. 599 C; father of physicians, harvesting, ib. 846: agriculture Symp. 186 E ; ‘ we owe a cock to,’ allowed in the model state, ib. 5.743; Phaedo 118 A ; festival in honour of, among the nobler arts, ib. 10. 889. at Epidaurus (Asclepiaea), Ion 5 30 A. Aim of life, Laws 6. 770. Aesop, his fables, Phaedo 60 G, D, #Air, Tim. 49; form pf, ib. 5 6 ; air- 61 B, C; his fable of the fox and passages, ib. 78. lion (fab. 137), 1 Alcib. 123 A. Ajax the son of Telamon, Apol. 41 A; Aexone, the deme of, Democrates of, Ajax and Odysseus, Hipp. min. Lysis 204 E; Laches of, Laches 371 B, D, E; Ajax and Achilles 197 G. (II. 9. 644), Crat. 428 C; the re­ Affinity, degrees of, Rep. 5. 461. ward of his bravery, Rep. 5. 468 D ; Agamemnon, and Achilles, Hipp. min. his soul turns into a lion, ib. 10. 370 G ; meaning of the name, Grat. 620 B ; not to be wounded by steel, 395 A, B; his excellence, Symp. Symp. 219 E. 174 C ; reproved in the tragedies by Alcestis, her love for Admetus, Symp. Palamedes, Rep. 7. 522 D ; abused 179 B, D, 180 B, 208 D. by Odysseus, Law s 4. 706 D ; his Alcetas, brother of Perdiccas, Gorg. soul became an eagle, Rep. 10, 620 471 A. B ; his dream, ib. 3. 383 A ; his Alcibiades, fatherof Axiochus, Euthyd, gifts to Achilles, ib. 390 E ; his 275 B. anger against Chryses, ib. 392 E.foll. Alcibiades (a person in the dialogues, Agathocles, a great Sophist, Protag. 1 Alcibiades, Protagoras, and Sym­ 316 E ; a teacher of Damon, Lach. posium), Euthyd. 275 A ; Alcibiades 180 D. and Socrates, Protag. 309 A ; Gorg. Agathon, and Pausanias, Protag. 315 481 D; Symp. 213 B; son of E ; absent from Athens, Symp. Cleinias, ibid.; son of Dinomache, 172 C ; his first victory, ib. 173 A ; 1 Alcib. 105 D ; a descendant of his wisdom, ib. 175 E ; his speech, Eurysaces, ib. 121 A ; his attendant w. 194 E foil.; Agathon and Alci­ Zopyrus, ib. 122 B ; Pericles his biades, ib. 212 D foil. guardian, ib. 104 A, 118 C ; his Age, for philosophy, Rep. 7. 539; for ' property, ib. 123 C ; his beauty, active life, ib. 540; authority of, Protag. 309 A; would not learn Law s 3. 690, 9. 879; for service, the flute, 1 Alcib. 106 E ; his praise INDEX. 5 of Socrates, Symp. 215 A foil; his 375? 5- 459; of medicine and drunken entry into Agathon’s house, friendship, Lysis 217; of medicine ib. 212 G ; with Socrates at Delium, and education, Laches 185; of ib. 220 E foil.; at Potidaea, ib. sense and mental qualities, ib. 190; 220 A, 221 A. of death and sleep, Phaedo 71; of Alcinous, ‘ tales of,’ Rep. 10. 614 B. thought and sense, Theaet. 188; Aleuadae, Meno 70 B. use of in arguments, Pol. 285, 286, Alexander, son of Alcetas, Gorg. 297 ; of arts and politics, 1 Alcib. 471 B. 107; argument from, Hipp. min. Alexidemus, father of Meno, Meno 373; of arts and moral qualities, 76 E. ibid.
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