CHAPTER-1 57 th Annual Report 2010-2011 5 members represent labour union 2 members represent manufacturers of tea 2 members represent consumers 2 members represent other interest The list of current members of the Board (2008-09 to 2010-11) is at ( Annexure-I ) The Board is assisted by the following standing ORGANISATIONAL committees : SET-UP & FUNCTIONS i. Executive Committee This committee comprising 9 members including Chairman deals with the administrative matters of the 1.0 Constitution of the Board Board. The Tea Board, set up under section 4 of the Tea ii. Export Promotion Committee Act, 1953, was constituted on 1st April 1954. It succeeded the Central Tea Board and the Indian Tea Licensing This committee comprising of 7 members including Committee that were functioned respectively under the Chairman advice the Board on export promotion issues Central Tea Board Act, 1949 and the Indian Tea Control and monitors various promotional schemes being imple- Act, 1938. The activities of the two previous bodies mented by the Board. confined largely to regulation of tea cultivation and export of tea as required by the International Tea Agreement iii. Labour Welfare Committee then in force, and promotion of tea Consumption. The This committee comprising of 9 members including present Tea Board is charged with the overall development of the tea industry in India. Chairman advice the Board on issues relating to labour welfare measures which are not covered under the 1.1 Organisation of the Board: Plantation Labour Act, 1951. This committee also guides The Board is headed by a Chairman and consists 30 the Board in implementation of various welfare schemes members appointed by Government of India representing the below noted different segments of the industry. The for the benefit of the plantation workers and their wards. tenure of the Board is three years and it is reconstituted iv. Development Committee every three years. This committee comprising of 7 members including 1.2 Tea Board- Composition Chairman advice the Board on issues relating to tea 3 members represent Parliament production, productivity and quality improvement and is 8 members represent owner of tea estates responsible for overseeing the various developmental 6 members represent govt. of principal tea schemes being implemented by the Board. growing states The list of current members of Standing Committee 2 members represent dealers including exporters of the Board (2008-09 to 2010-11) is at ( Annexure- II ) and internal traders of tea 1 57 th Annual Report 2010-2011 1.3 Election of Vice Chairman : who are stationed at Guwahati and Coonoor. The Board has sixteen (16) offices within India and three (3) abroad Shri J L Butuail, Chairman, Kangra Valley Small Tea ( Annexure-III ) located in the following places : Planters’ Association, Kangra Valley Tea Estate, Gopalpur Himachal Pradesh acted as the Vice Chairman of the (i) Overseas offices : London, Dubai, and Moscow. Board for period ending 31.03.2011, in terms of Rule 9(1) All these foreign offices of the Board are designed to of the Tea Rules, 1954. undertake the various promotional measures to boost up export. These offices also act as a liaison offices for 1.4 Functions of Tea Board : interaction between importers and Exporters. The primary functions of the Tea Board are briefly as (ii) Offices within India : The Regional/Sub-Regional under: Offices which are under the direct control of HO and of a) Rendering financial and technical assistance for Executive Directors are located as follows : cultivation, manufacture and marketing and Export Promotion of tea. Offices under Offices under Offices under direct control of Executive Director, Executive Director, b) Extending financial support for Research and Head Office Guwahati Coonoor Development activities for augmentation of tea produc- tion and improvement of tea quality. New Delhi Guwahati Coonoor c) Extending financial assistance to the plantation Mumbai Silchar Chennai workers and their wards through labour welfare schemes. Siliguri Jorhat Kochi d) Assistance to the un-organised small growers sector Palampur Dibrugarh Kottayam both financially and technically Kurseong Tezpur Tea Nook, e) Collection and dissemination of Statistical infor- Tirumala Jalpaiguri Agartala mation f) Such other activities as are assigned from time to 1.7 Tea Board Research Centre. time by the Central Government. The Darjeeling Tea Research & Development Centre 1.5 Source of Funds : is located at Kurseong headed by a Project Director. Funds are made available to the Board by the 1.8 Functional activities of Departments in the Head Government through Plan and Non-Plan Budgetary allo- Office: cations. a) The Secretariat headed by Secretary looks after The Non-Plan funds are being used exclusively for the Establishment / administrative works and co-ordinates with administrative and establishment charges of the Board and the various departments of the Board’s office. Plan funds are used for all other activities. b) The Finance wing headed by Financial Advisor and 1.6 Administrative Set-up : Chief Accounts Officer is responsible for the maintenance The head office of the Board is located in Kolkata, of accounts, release of financial assistance to tea West Bengal and it is headed by Chairman and being gardens and internal audit. assisted by Deputy Chairman and two Executive directors 2 57 th Annual Report 2010-2011 c) The Development Directorate headed by the j) Darjeeling Tea Research and Development Centre: Director of Tea Development is responsible for formulation The Board has its own Tea Research Centre at Kurseong. and implementation of various developmental schemes In this Centre, field as well as laboratory experimentations and rendering assistance to the industry in the procure- are carried out on specialised topics of replantation, young ment, distribution and movement of essential inputs. tea management, crop physiology, clonal selection, bio- d) The Promotion Directorate headed by the Director pesticides, residual toxicity, fertility status and nutrition of Tea Promotion looks after the works relating to Marketing uptake of tea, flavoury components and manufacturing and Promotion of tea in India and abroad. technique of flavoury tea etc. DTR&DC also publishes a number of scientific papers and technical bulletins as part e) The Research Directorate headed by the Director of transfer of technology besides undertaking advisory visits of Research is responsible for co-ordination of tea research to tea estates. carried out by the different tea research institutions in the country and monitoring the functions of the Tea Board’s 1.9 Salient features of the services being rendered by own Research Station. Tea Board: f) The Licensing Department headed by the Con- The activities undertaken during the year under report troller of Licensing is responsible for issue of licenses, to by the aforementioned departments are given elsewhere. tea producers*, manufacturers, exporters, brokers, Brief summary of the services being extended by the auction organisers & monitoring of the movement of “Tea Board to the industry is given below: Waste” Tea Development : *Permission & Registration of Tea Estates /Gardens In order to bring about overall improvement in tea (Section 12 of the Tea Act, Rule 30, 30A, 30B, 31 of Tea productivity and production and creation of better tea Rule 1954) processing facilities for qualitative improvement of the Monitoring and regulating Tea Waste and Tea product, a number of financial assistance schemes are Warehouses (Section 30 of the Tea Act and Tea (Waste) operated by the Board. The interests of all the sectors Control Order 1959) ie. large, medium and small plantations are given due consideration. Regulating and Monitoring Tea Manufacturer, Tea Auctioneers and Tea Brokers (Section 30 of the Tea Act Like any other industry, some tea units also face read with Tea (Marketing Control Order 2003) sickness from time to time and the affairs of such tea gardens are looked into in terms of the provisions under g) The Labour Welfare Department headed by the Tea Act. Besides financial assistance, fiscal incentives Welfare Liaison Officer looks after the work relating to by the way of Tax concession (Section 33 AB of Income implementation of welfare schemes of the Board, which Tax Act) for better working of the tea gardens are are not covered under the Plantation Labour Act, 1951. considered by the Board. h) The Statistics Department headed by the Statis- One of the thrust areas for development is the small tician is responsible for the collection of statistics relating grower sector. Keeping in view the lower productivity of to tea area production, export and all other related data the small units, financial assistance is extended towards and carrying out techno-economic surveys of various tea various developmental measures such as Training and growing areas in the country including cost studies. Demonstration on improved methods of tea cultivation, i) Hindi Cell headed by the Hindi Officer is responsible setting up of tea nurseries for supply of planting materials for the implementation of the provisions of Official at subsidised costs, study tours for the growers to visit Languages Act and various related measures. various tea growing areas etc. 3 57 th Annual Report 2010-2011 Tea Research : handled by the Research Directorate of the Board. The Research is an essential input for development of tea Board is being represented by the Director of Research industry. Traditionally, the research on tea is being carried in various technical committees on tea research. out by the R & D Units set up and managed by industry Labour Welfare : itself. Tocklai Experimental Station of Tea Research Asso- Tea Board has been extending support towards certain ciation (TRA) and Tea Research Foundation of UPASI in Labour welfare measures to tea plantation workers and South are the two important centres of research for tea these measures are confined to those which are not in the country. Tea Board is maintaining a Research centre covered under the Plantation Labour Act and Rules there at Kurseong to look into specific requirements of Darjeeling under.
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