Hull Local Plan Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014 Part 1 of 3: SHLAA 2014: Report (Including a 5 year supply statement) Supporting Documents Part 2 of 3: SHLAA 2014: Citywide map showing all SHLAA Sites Part 3 of 3: SHLAA 2014: Plans and Schedules November 2014 Part 1 of 3: SHLAA Report (Including a 5 year supply statement) Contents Part 1 of 3: SHLAA 2014: Report (Including a 5 year supply statement) 1. Introduction and context 2. SHLAA Analysis 3. Five Year Supply Statement (2014 to 2019) Appendices Appendix A: SHLAA 2014 Five year housing supply (2014 to 2019) Appendix B: SHLAA 2014 Six to ten year housing supply (2019 to 2024) Appendix C: SHLAA 2014 Eleven to sixteen year housing supply (2024 to 2030) Appendix D: SHLAA 2014 Sites not within developable supply Appendix E: Methodology and site assessment criteria Appendix F: Disclaimer Hull City Council - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014 Part 1 of 3: SHLAA Report (Including a 5 year supply statement) 1. Introduction and context 1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development including the delivery of a wide choice of high quality homes and to boost significantly the supply of housing. 1.2 Local Planning Authorities should have a clear understanding of the supply of housing land in their area. A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment should establish realistic assumptions about the availability, suitability and likely economic viability of land to meet the identified need for housing over the plan period. 1.3 This SHLAA 2014 has been produced in accordance with the NPPF and the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) unless specific local circumstance required a different approach. 1.4 The NPPG identifies that an assessment should: • identify sites and broad locations with potential for development; • assess their development potential; and • assess their suitability for development and the likelihood of development coming forward (the availability and deliverability/achievability). 1.5 The SHLAA 2014 Methodology, Appendix E of this report, sets out how the Council collects and assesses site information. The SHLAA 2014 uses the published SHLAA 2013 database as the starting point for 2014 site assessment. The SHLAA 2014 continued to adopt key variables and assumptions from the SHLAA 2013, including estimating housing potential, when sites will be developed, lead in times and delivery rates. This approach, whilst cautious was considered appropriate, despite an evidenced upturn in delivery within the City. 1.6 Site details and boundaries for sites included in the 16 year potential housing supply are published within the supporting document Part 3 of 3: SHLAA 2014: Plans and Schedules. All the sites are shown on a citywide map which forms Part 2 of the SHLAA 2014. 1.7 Site details are held within a database, updated on an annual basis, with a baseline date of 1st April. Sites receiving planning permission for housing up to August are included. 1.8 Site details and evidence provided as part of the call for sites, May/June 2014, associated with the Hull Local Plan to 2030 are included as appropriate. During the local plan consultation stakeholders, developers and interested parties were invited to attend forum workshops and drop-in-sessions to discuss the evidence underpinning the issues and options paper. Hull City Council - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014 Part 1 of 3: SHLAA Report (Including a 5 year supply statement) 1.7 The SHLAA 2014 should be read alongside the Hull Strategic Housing Market Assessment November 2013. 1.8 The information in this SHLAA is subject to the disclaimers set out in Appendix F. Hull City Council - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014 Part 1 of 3: SHLAA Report (Including a 5 year supply statement) 2. SHLAA Analysis SHLAA Core Outputs 2.1 The core outputs of the SHLAA 2014 are listed below in table 2.1: Table 2.1: SHLAA 2014 Core Outputs as identified within NPPG Core Output Output A list of all sites or broad locations This report, Part 1, Appendix A, B and C, list all considered, cross-referenced to their developable sites locations on maps. This report, Part 1, Appendix D, lists all sites considered within the SHLAA but not currently considered as contributing to potential housing supply within the period 2014 to 2030. SHLAA 2014 Part 2, SHLAA sites cross-referenced to their locations on a city wide map. An assessment of each site or broad SHLAA 2014 Part 3, contains individual site schedule and location, in terms of its suitability for site boundary plan. Includes additional detail for those development, availability and sites which are considered to be realistic candidates for achievability (including whether the development. site/broad location is viable) to SHLAA 2014 Part 3 provides an individual site schedule, determine whether a site is realistically trajectory and boundary plan for each developable site expected to be developed and when. within the SHLAA 2014. Contain more detail for those sites SHLAA 2014 Part 3 provides an individual site schedule, which are considered to be realistic trajectory and boundary plan for each developable site candidates for development, where within the SHLAA 2014. others have been discounted for clearly evidenced and justified reasons; The potential type and quantity of SHLAA 2014 Part 3 provides an individual site schedule, development that could be delivered trajectory and boundary plan for each developable site on each site/broad location, including a within the SHLAA 2014. reasonable estimate of build out rates, Please note the SHLAA 2014 does not prescribe potential setting out how any barriers to delivery types of development on sites, details of the use of could be overcome and when. indicative neighbourhood densities in identifying potential development on some sites is explained in Appendix E: methodology. An indicative trajectory of anticipated This report, Part 1, Section 2.9 to 2.10 details the development and consideration of indicative trajectory of anticipated development. associated risks. SHLAA 2014 Part 3 provides an individual site schedule, trajectory and boundary plan for each developable site within the SHLAA 2014. Hull City Council - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014 Part 1 of 3: SHLAA Report (Including a 5 year supply statement) Potential Housing Supply 2.2 The SHLAA should identify a five years’ supply of specific deliverable sites. It should also identify a supply of specific developable sites or broad locations for growth for years 6 to 10 and where possible for years 11 to 16. 2.3 There are 299 sites within the SHLAA 2014 database. The potential housing supply 2014 to 2030 is made up of 179 sites. The remaining 120 are sites outside the identified 16 year supply and includes those excluded for policy reasons. 2.4 The sites in the SHLAA 2014 were assessed in accordance with the methodology detailed in Appendix E of this report. The amount of housing to be potentially developed from SHLAA 2014 sites over the period 2014 to 2030 is set out in table 2.2. Table 2.2: SHLAA 2014 Potential housing supply (excluding windfall). Potential Timescale Potential housing supply % of potential supply housing Five year supply 5,152 35.9 6-10 6,914 48.2 11-16 2,277 15.9 TOTAL 14,343 100 Windfall 2.5 NPPF paragraph 48 states local planning authorities may make an allowance for windfall sites in the five-year supply if they have compelling evidence that such sites have consistently become available in the local area and will continue to provide a reliable source of supply. Any allowance should be realistic having regard to the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, historic windfall delivery rates and expected future trends, and should not include residential gardens. 2.6 Given the urban nature of Hull, small sites, conversions and change of use have historically contributed to the delivery of housing within the city. Small sites, those sites delivering less than 5 dwellings, are not identified in the SHLAA schedules. Delivery of housing on small sites has averaged around 50 dwellings per annum over the ten year period 2004 to 2014 (source: Hull City Council’s housing completion monitoring). 2.7 In the ten year period 2004 to 2014, conversions and change of use accounted for fifteen percent of the gross housing delivered within Hull (source: Hull City Council’s housing completions monitoring). The City Centre and many other locations around the city provide opportunities for conversions and change of use, many of these opportunities are not Hull City Council - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014 Part 1 of 3: SHLAA Report (Including a 5 year supply statement) currently identified within the SHLAA. Permitted development rights for conversion of offices to residential potentially may also lead to additional windfall housing supply. 2.8 It is considered realistic to assume that a windfall supply from small sites, conversions and change of use will continue to come forward. The SHLAA 2014 considers that a windfall allowance of 50 dwellings per annum over the plan period from small sites, conversions and change of use is appropriate. This figure is considered to be a cautious approach and will be reviewed annually within the SHLAA. SHLAA Trajectory 2.9 The SHLAA 2014 identifies a supply of potential developable housing sites of 14,343 dwellings. 2.10 The SHLAA 2014 identifies sites to be potentially constructed within the five years 2014 to 2019 of 5,152 dwellings. Site delivery trajectories for the 5 year supply of potential housing sites are detailed in Appendix A. 2.11 For the period 2014 to 2030 the total potential housing supply is 15,143 dwellings including a windfall allowance from small sites, conversions and change of use of 50 dwellings per annum.
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