SINGLE COPIES. 10 CENTS VOL. 111.No. 6. SEVENTY-SIX PAGES PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR NOVELTY NEWS Ne' Published Each Month by Edward Lyman Bill at1 Madison Avenue, New York, June 15, 1907 U Rnew ''Art -Tone" Flower Horns are so constructed that they cannot be bent or crushed, either in everyday useor in trans- portation.They are expertly made from the finest materials thatcan be procured.The seams are constructed-without solder-from four thicknesses of metal, thereby making all joints of unusual strength.The patented ferrule is reinforced by threethicknesses of metal-without solder-thereby overcoming all the defects of the ordinary ferrule. Itis just this great strength in construction, linked with the purity of tone -reproduction,therichnessof designs,and thepermanence of finish,thathas earnedfor"Art -Tone"Horns,thetradetitle: "The finest line of Flower Hornsever produced." Write for Handsome Booklet. FOUNDED 1867 Entered as second-class matter May 2,.1.105, aL the post °dice at New 1ork, N. Y.. under the curt of Congress of March 1,1619. 2 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. HUSBAND-"I want a Talking Machine." WIFE-"I prefer a Regina Music Box." THE WISE DEALER- -"Here it is-just what you BOTH want-the REGINAPHONE.It is a music box and a talking machine combined.It occupies about the same space as either one alone, and the price is much less than the cost of both if purchased separately." RESULT-A sale easily made, and everybody happy. THE REGINAPHONE Made in several styles --by the manufacturers of the World Famous Regina Music Boxes. Prices and terms on application. Broadway and 17th Street !lain Wire and Factory New YORK" RAHWAY, N. J. co. 259 Wabash Avc.:rtue CHICAGO NIANUF7ACTURIERS ALSO or, til.GIN ANOS-REGIN ISIBLIMA PIANOS --REGINA CHIME CLOCKS.DistributorsofVICTOR TALKING MACHINES and EDISON PHONOGRAPHS The Talking Machine World Vol. 3.No. 6. New York, June 15, 1907. Price Ten Cents you find opportunity. Do these thingsbetter SOME POINTERS ON SALESMANSHIP. than you have been expected to do them.Never in Any Othermind whether you are watched and rewarded on Some of the Qualities Essential to Success in the Selling of Talking Machines as the moment. Specialty-Some Facts Straight from the Shoulder Which Are Worth Noting bythe Men Memorizing and Your opportunity and your reward will come Who Desire to Reach the Top-A Few Pertinent "Don'ts" That Are Worth when you are 'an employer or a manager of a Better Still, Observing by theYounger Element of theTalking Machine Trade. business with which you are familiar and in "li you strikea thorn or rose, by them.Learn all you can about them-about which you have a pride and confidence. Keep a -gone; their manufacture, their quality,fit, lasting na- If it hail or if it snows, ture, and pleasing possession.Having this pride INCREASED 500 PER CENT. Keep a-goin' ; in those things which you sell, you can't help 'Taint no use to set and whine When the fish ain't on your line- showing it both to employer and customer inThe Wonderful Growth of the Trade in Com- Bait your hook and keep a-tryin'- your handling of them, replacing them neatly mercial Talking Machines-Advantages of Keep agoiu'." and -keeping things ship-shape.Your manner These Machines Apparent. It may have been overlooked that the merein speaking of them will carry conviction to the retail salesman may be a good salesman.Butextent that you know about them. The growth in popularity of the commercial he can be if he isn't.He can be as much better Out of this condition you will hear your cus-talking machine among business men is surpass- than the average as the best paid commercialtomer asking, "Now, what do you think as be-ing all expectations, and it is safe to say that traveling man is better than the cheapest "drum-tween this and this?" When you hear that ques-the sales during the past twelve months have mer" types. But he must learn how, after which,tion it is a tribute to your salesmanship.Storeincreased 500 per cent.It is a well-known fact through growing tact, knowledge, and capacitythese things in your recollections-they are in-thattne ordinary stenographer in a business in his work, the field may open wide to his am- valuable as a stimulus to confidence. office does not take on an average of more than bitions."Be an honest salesman," is my advice But beware of overconfidence.There's some-ninety words a minute.Nearly every man who to all beginners, says F. Oliver Quinn.There isthing wrong with you when you begin to feeldictates can think faster than the stenographer no other road to the broadest, most lasting suc-that you are It.Itis a weakness in yourselfcan write sbor t -hand, so he has to hold back.In cess.To be honest in the full sense is not asand unfair to your fellows.It begets a feelingdictating to a talking machine there is no time easy as it might appear, either. finally that your chances lie in your ability towasted, nor interruption to his thought, because You are not honest with your employer if youovershadow others. the machine goes right ahead at any pace he can are in the position of trying to sell his goods Cultivate the ability to remember faces and set.The reporters of debates in the House of without knowing how to doit.You are not tocall the customer by his right name. Re- Congress have for years read their shorthand honest with your customer if you haven't knowl-member his addressifyou can.These may notesintocommercial "talkers," from which edge of the goods you are handling.Through seem small things. but they are vital; humanthey are written out on typewriters.Court re- your ignorance of things which he expects younature never will Le above the implied compli-_porters have also been using the machines in to know you may swindle him egregiously. ment. this way for years with great success. Commer- SALESMEN A MAINSPRING OF BUSINESS. Your tactfulness will come of your own edu-cial talking machines cost less than typewriters The salesmanship represented in a retail housecation at yourself in dealing with all kinds ofof standard makes, and it is not impossible that is themainspring ofthe business. Nothing people.You will have learned more when youthe tremendous increase in their sale in the last would move in the place were it not for thecan send the cranky person home, satisfied, thanyearisthe beginning of a business campaign salesman.The duty of the salesman is to sellyou can have learned of scores of easily pleasedwhich will make them almost as common as type- goods, primarily.But in selling these goods customer's. writers. he is in the position of trying to make a profit (..rvE BUM{ wirxr1t waNTs. The talking machine is just 30 years old.Al- for his house, and in doing so to send a pleased There is a distinction to be made here and athough it was generally regarded as a musical customer home who will come back again.Thatdifference to be recognized _when you meet thetoy but a few short years ago, the nations of the still broader opportunity is open, too, which willpurchaser who knows exactly what he wants.world are spending millions and millions of dol- bring that customer back, asking that the manSell him that thinghe insistsuponhaving.lars forit each year.But the manufacturers who waited on him the last time shall attend toThere is nothing inconsistent with honesty inbelieve its possibilities as a time saver in busi- him again! doing so.If you have had a chance to 'expressness will soon make it one of the great factors What isit which will prompt such anin- yourself as you feel, it will have been in favorin our commercial life, instead of a contrivance quiry? The salesmanship of the salesman-noth-of something else;you need no argument inmerely for amusement.They are backing up ing more.What is this salesmanship?Every- letting the person have the thing he insists upontheir judgment by making enormous investments thing that the salesman may learn and feel andbuying. Ifhe should return with apossible in enlarging the capacity of their plants, and the know, tempered by personality, judgment, tact, complaint,itwill be wellif you have had atruth oftheir predictions will soon be .estab- and diplomacy. Some pointed "Don'ts" may leadchance to say something when the sale was made.lished. to the end of your ambition-for without thisRecall your speech, tactfully, and your next sale amLition you might as well quit: will be likely Le goods of your own choice. SCHMELZER SPRUNG A JOKE. SIX( ESTIONS FOR RETAIL CLERKS. Keep track of the advertising matter of your 'Don't forget loyalty to your employer. store.Nothing is more irritaling to a customer Herman F. Schmelzer, of the Schmelzer Arms Don't get "sore" and take it out of customers.than to call for air advertised line and discover Co.,Victordistributors,KansasCity, Mo.,is Don't be familiar'. that you never heard ofit.Concentration isknown to be somewhat of a practical joker, and Don't let a customer stand without attention; one of your greatest assets.Be a part of theupon the recent trip to Texas of the Kansas City show him at least that you know he is waiting.organizat!on which is furnishing you employmentCommercial Club, of which he is a member, he Don't use slang in addressing customers. and opportunity.Remember, too, that the storefurther added to his reputation.The party had Don't be content merely with obeying literalgives you the employment; you must find yourretired to their Lerths on the first night out, rules.
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