S A I N T J O H N N E U M A N N P A R I S H 7 0 8 M I l f o r d R d , M e r r I m a c k , N H 0 3 0 5 4 — S J N N H . O R G DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY April 28, 2019 THE DIVINE MERCY Go and learn the meaning of the words, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." I did not come to call the righteous but sinners." —Mt 9:13 Fr. Robert Glasgow Pastor The following are excerpts from Misericors et Miserator Chaplain (LTC) USA, Ret. [Lt., Merciful and Compassionate ], the formal decree issued 880-4689 x113, [email protected] May 5, 2000 by the Congregation for Divine Worship and Deacon Mark De Rosch the Discipline of the Sacraments which established the [email protected] Second Sunday of Easter as "Divine Mercy Sunday". Eileen Buckley Business Manager / Parish Secretary 880-4689 x110, [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday (Anticipatory) .............................. 5:30 PM Sunday ....................................................... 8:00 AM Sunday ..................................................... 10:00 AM Sunday (Labor Day thru Memorial Day) .... 6:00 PM Daily (Mon, Wed-Fri) .............................. 12:15 PM SANCTUARY OF DIVINE MERCY CONFESSION Vilnius, Lithuania Saturday ............................................ 4:00-5:00 PM Sunday ............................................... 5:00-5:30 PM It Is God's Mercy That And before/after daily Mass, or by appointment. Grants Supernatural Sorrow and Resolution to Amend INDEED, Divine Mercy BAPTISM knows how to pardon even the most serious Parents must attend a Parent Baptism Class before the baptism of their child. The class is offered the sins, and in doing so it first Sunday of each month following the 10:00 moves the faithful to AM Mass. perceive a supernatural, not merely MARRIAGE psychological, sorrow Please contact the office at least six months prior for their sins so that, to the wedding date. The diocese requires Marriage ever with the help of Prep. divine grace, they may VISITS TO THE HOMEBOUND AND SICK, make a firm resolution not to sin any more. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Such spiritual Please call the office to request home or hospital dispositions undeniably visitation. follow upon the RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION forgiveness of mortal sin when the faithful RCIA is the process of formation offered to those fruitfully receive the who seek to become Catholic. For information, please call the office. sacrament of Penance or repent of their sin with an act of perfect charity THE DIVINE MERCY and perfect contrition, by Eugeniusz Kazimirowski (d. 1939) with the resolution to "JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU!" receive the Sacrament of How happy I am to see myself imperfect and be in need of God's mercy. —St Thérèse of Lisieux (d. 1897) Penance as soon as they D i v i n e M e r c y S u n d a y — A p r i l 2 8 , 2 0 1 9 can. Indeed, Our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us in the parable World Wars that Christ entrusted his message of mercy to of the Prodigal Son that the sinner must confess his misery her. Those who remember, who were witnesses and to God saying: "Father I have sinned against heaven and participants in the events of those years and the horrible against you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son" sufferings they caused for millions of people, know well (Lk 15:18-19), realizing that this is a work of God, "for [he] how necessary was the message of mercy. was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found" (Lk Jesus told Sr Faustina: "Humanity will not find peace 15:32). until it turns trustfully to divine mercy." Through the work Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday of the Polish religious, this message has become linked for ever to the 20th century, the last of the second millennium And so with provident pastoral sensitivity and in order to and the bridge to the third. It is not a new message but can impress deeply on the souls of the faithful these precepts be considered a gift of special enlightenment that helps us to and teachings of the Christian faith, the Supreme Pontiff, relive the Gospel of Easter more intensely, to offer it as a John Paul II, moved by the consideration of the Father of ray of light to the men and women of our time. Mercy, has willed that the Second Sunday of Easter be [The Second Sunday of Easter] from now on dedicated to recalling with special devotion these gifts of throughout the Church will be called "Divine Mercy grace and gave this Sunday the name, "Divine Mercy Sunday." In the various readings, the liturgy seems to Sunday." indicate the path of mercy which, while re-establishing the a relationship of each person with God, also creates new relations of fraternal solidarity among human beings. Christ On April 20, 2000—the occasion of the canonization of has taught us that "man not only receives and experiences Sister Mary Faustina Kowalska (d. 1938), a Polish nun—, the mercy of God, but is also called 'to practice mercy' Pope St John Paul II (d. 2005) announced that the Second towards others: 'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall Sunday of Easter would henceforth be observed as "Divine obtain mercy' (Matthew 5:7)." He also showed us the many Mercy Sunday". The following are excerpts from the Holy paths of mercy, which not only forgives sins but reaches out Father's homily. Italics added. to all human needs. Jesus bent over every kind of human poverty, material and spiritual. His message of mercy continues to reach us through his BEFORE saying, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent hands held out to suffering man. This is how Sr Faustina me, even so I send you . Receive the Holy Spirit. If you saw him and proclaimed him to people on all the forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the continents when, hidden in her convent at £agiewniki in sins of any, they are retained" (John 20: 21-23), Jesus Kraków, she made her life a hymn to mercy: Misericordias points to the wounds of the Passion, especially the wound Domini in aeternum cantabo . in his heart. From that heart Sister Faustina Kowalska, the blessed—whom from now on we will call a saint—will see two rays of light shining and illuminating the world. "The two rays," Jesus himself explained to her one day, L A S T W E E K "represent blood and water." Attendance 714/Offering $7,248.50 Blood and water! We immediately think of the Capital Improvements $105.00 testimony given by the Evangelist John, who, when a Easter Flowers $185.00 solider on Calvary pierced Christ's side with his spear, sees THANK YOU for your generosity! blood and water flowing from it (cf. John 19:34). Moreover, if the blood recalls the sacrifice of the Cross and the gift of the Eucharist, the water, in Johannine symbolism, represents not only Baptism but also the gift of the Holy Spirit (cf. John 3:5; 4:14; 7:37-39). WEEKLY CALENDAR Divine Mercy reaches human beings through the heart 28 Apr, DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY of Christ crucified: "My daughter, say that I am love and 10:00 AM | Children's Church during Mass mercy personified," Jesus will ask Sr Faustina. Christ pours 29 Apr, MONDAY out this mercy on humanity though the sending of the Spirit who, in the Trinity, is the Person-Love. And is not 6:30 PM | Pastoral Council Meeting mercy love's "second name," understood in its deepest and 30 Apr, TUESDAY most tender aspect, in its ability to take upon itself the 7:00 PM | FAST Presentation burden of any need and, especially, in its immense capacity 7:00 PM | Scout Meeting for forgiveness? 1 May, WEDNESDAY Today my joy is truly great in presenting the life and 9:00 AM | Knitting Group witness of Sr Faustina Kowalska to the whole Church as a 10:30 AM | Faith Sharing (Claps) gift of God for our time. By divine Providence, the life of 2 May, THURSDAY this humble daughter of Poland was completely linked with 9:00 AM | Day Away the history of the 20th century, the century we have just 3 May, FRIDAY left behind. In fact, it was between the First and Second D i v i n e M e r c y S u n d a y — A p r i l 2 8 , 2 0 1 9 10:00 AM | Food Pantry CATHOLIC CHARITIES NH 4 May, SATURDAY ANNUAL APPEAL 8:30 AM | Men's Group 1:30 PM | Praise & Worship Band "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me" (Mt 25:40). MASS INTENTIONS Next weekend—May 5—Catholic Charities NH comes to our parish to solicit our financial support. Apr 27 (Sat), 8:00 PM Michaela McLaughlin (req. by Your financial support helps Catholic Charities Ellie Boucher) provide support and services for those most in Apr 28 (Sun), 8:00 AM Bob George (req. by the Withers) Apr 28, 10:00 AM Raymond Atkinson (req. by the need. 8.2% NH residents live in poverty. 1-in-5 Vanecek family) NH children are growing up in low-income Apr 28, 6:00 PM SJN Parishioners households. You can change everything by supporting the CCNH Annual Appeal. A sampling SANCTUARY LAMP In memory of deceased parishioners of SJN of what CCNH offers: COUNSELING SERVICES: Individual, couples’ and family counseling that helps A N N O U N C E M E N T S people increase their self-esteem and strengthen skills that build and sustain DIVINE MERCY CELEBRATION healthy relationships and healthy families.
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