The UWM Post April 2,199$ Established as THE ECHO, 1915 Vol. 42, N* 25 Post photo by Robin Udcf SA in constitutional crisis Student Court justices react to suspensions with "coup d'etat" Administration declines to intervene By Gary Grass ' a court order at the March 22 sen­ "It's clear they want to run the ate meeting. elections so they can get more Following a move by the Stu­ The political branches of the SA money," said one senator, who dent Association Senate to sus­ had debated the matter previously asked to remain unidentified. pend four members of the student and decided not to request the President Angus issued notice court on Sunday, three of those court to take over the elections, of the special meeting of the sen­ justices collaborated with those because of the cost ate on Friday. In an e-mail message left unsuspended, and issued an explaining the agenda of the order nullifying the Senate's ac­ meeting, she called "the process tion. r with the court., the primary rea­ The act has placed the SA in a "If they're having son for the meeting." state of constitutional limbo, with At the meeting, four justices, the Judicial branch threatening a meeting, it's Chief Justice Reginald Bates, As­ the Legislative branch with con­ sistant Chief Justice Abe Degnan, tempt and the Legislative branch a violation of Court Clerk Kim Bakke, and As­ threatening the Judicial branch sociate Justice William Lang, were with impeachment, and each side state ...law" each referred to the SA's ethics currently refusing to recognize the board, the Senate Oversight Com­ other's actions. -SA Senator John Young mittee, on separate itemized Election move launched crisis i charges. After the charges were unanimously referred, the senate Some senators had previously "The last elections they ran undertook a separate vote to sus­ expressed concerns over the con­ were exceedingly expensive," said pend the four from their duties duct of the court, but the current SA President Jessica Angus. pending the outcome of disciplin­ constitutional crisis was propelled The senate responded to the ary procedures. The senate's rules A dancer from the American Indian Center shook up the Union forward by senate outrage over the March 22 order by immediately regarding impeachment explicitly concourse last week. court's move to take over the SA's passing legislation to freeze the allow for such a suspension. The elections, which they presented as salaries of all court members. motion passed with just one "nay" vote. Each justice charged was ac­ Dorm legislation clears big hurdle cused of violating sections 2.1,3.2 SEE COUP ON PAGE 6 By Jim Kogutkiewicz Downer Woods, the 18-plus acres Additionally, he argues that, with ters Group of the Sierra Club, ar­ of woodland comprising much of recently expanded bus service be­ gued, "Our urban forests have all After final passage by the state UWM's northern border. The bill tween UWM and Waukesha County, but disappeared, thereby increas­ Assembly last week, a bill which al­ would now allow for UWM to im­ many potential Sandburg residents ing the value of what remains." Late Night lows the university to build a new prove the maintenance of the will reconsider living on campus. The value of what does remain Saga tower east of the Sandburg Halls Downer Woods Conservancy. This However, university officials of Downer Woods, however, is also complex now awaits Governor change is to save the woods from claim UWM's housing demand is contested. UWM senior scientist Continues Tommy Thompson's signature. invasions of nonnative plants. rising. Assistant Chancellor Bill Dr. Jim Reinartz says Downer LJJ1 News. Page 3 While permission had already This unique land exchange in­ Mayrl recently said that in fall Woods is overrun with non-indig­ been granted to build a new tower creases the total amount of pro­ 1996, more than 100 students who enous plants like buckthorn, gar­ Pierced southwest of the current complex, tected land to over 21 acres. requested rooms in Sandburg lic mustard, and others. He be­ this legislation sets aside 0.74 acres Construction of another were turned away, and in fall 1997, lieves that sacrificing the small Returns of previously-protected woodlands Sandburg tower, however, has almost 300 were rejected, despite area of recreation area required Arts. Page 11 the addition of 100 beds. Univer­ between Sandburg Hall and the been hotly debated. to build a Sandburg addition is a sity projections show an 8 percent Klotsche Center for the develop­ Bill Gump, president of the Stu­ small price to pay for improving Borg increase in new freshman applica­ ment of an East Tower, in ex­ dent Environmental Action Coa­ the quality of the conservancy. Cit­ tions for 1998-99. Assimilate change for new protections for a lition (SEAC), contends the uni­ ing what he believes to be tremen­ 2.6 acre area on the corner of versity does not need another Some environmentalist organi­ dous potential for ecology educa­ UWM Hartford and Maryland Avenues. dorm. Citing a 5,000 student de­ zations argue that Downer Woods tion, he supports the legislation. Perspective. Page 21 The legislation also amends a crease in enrollment this decade, should remain untouched for But Rose sees little benefit in 1967 law which required the uni­ Gump claims current dorm space purely ecological reasons. the transfer. More Soup! In a March 12 statement, Cathy versity to "not significantly alter the sufficiently satisfies UWM's de­ Mosaic. Page 8 present character" of any lands in mand for on-campus housing. Rose, representing the Great Wa­ SEE TOWER ON PAGE 4 POST N E W S PAGE 2 THE UWM POST APRIL 2, 1998 time to say No!" to W-2 sanctions, evic­ Auction munity Based Research," featuring info fair on Apr. 8 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. tions, utility cut-offs, and people losing 14. Moore himself will lead a discus­ The UWM Foundation is hosting an Pamela K. Pletsch of the School of Nurs­ in the Union Wisconsin Room Lounge. their children because of W-2 at a march sion session. Advance tickets only from auction tobenefit the All-University Cam­ ing. The program is being held Apr. 7 This is an opportunity for older prospec­ and rally, Saturday, April 4, at 1 p.m. the ACLU, Progressive Milwaukee, and paign, at 4:30 p.m. Friday, Apr. 3, in the lecture in Cunningham 795. tive students to meet with advisors and Gather outside the Clinton Rose Senior the Milwaukee County Labor Council, Union Wisconsin Room. The live and si­ April 8 brings "Preventing AIDS: A learn more about UWM's flexible edu­ call 954-5158 for more info. Center, 3045 N. MLK Dr. and march to lent auction will include a Pentium com­ Worldwide Agenda and Problem," fea­ cation options for busy adult learners. the offices of the Private Industry Coun­ puter, call 229-4152 for more info. turing Mike R Allen in a location to be For more info call 229-6732. cil. For more info, to volunteer, or to en­ announced. So ya wanna be a teacher, ay? dorse the march, call 374-1034. "So You Want To Be a Teacher" Day For the kids History of the seas will be held in the Union Milwaukee Noted children's author Robert End sanctions now The "Search for the Battle of Actium," Room Apr. 16, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sabuda will be speaking Friday, Apr. 3 a presentation by William Murray, pro­ With the theme of "The New An Interfaith Candlelight Vigil to end at 7 p.m. in the UWM Union Alumni fessor of history at the University of South Millenium: Challenges and Prospects the sanctions against the Iraqi people will Bulletin Board Fireside Lounge. The program is the Florida, will be held in Room 195, in Urban Teaching," the day features be held Apr. 5 at 7 p.m., at the Islamic seventh annual Ellen Raskin Lecture. for activists and people who Mitchell Hall, 3203 N. Downer Ave, on former MPS Superintendent Robert Center, 4707 S. 13th St. (13th & Layton). Raskin was a Milwaukee native and Apr. 8 at 8 p.m. Murray will discuss the Jasna and current head Alan Brown. Bishop Richard Sklba of the Milwaukee just love life won a Newbury Award for writing and results of his underwater survey in which Catholic Archdiocese and Kathy Kelly of Reservations are required by April illustrating The Westing Game. he located remains from the battle. "Voices in the Wilderness," who recently 13 for this free event designed for any­ Sabuda is also a a pop-up creator, visited Iraq, will be on hand. one interested in a teaching career. Call and has written and illustrated dozens (dlso check out the POST ARTS For more info call 964-5158. Math designed for everyone 229-4721 for more info. of stories for chi Idren. He has won the CALENDAR on pdge15) The Marden Lecture, an annual talk Outstanding Children's Book of the on mathematics issues intended for a gen­ Year Award from the New York Times Race unity sought Share life, save a life eral audience, this year features Prof. De With 15 minutes of your time, and two Book Review. For more info about the The Baha'i Club at UWM invites the On Apr. 15, Greg Squ ires of the De­ Witt Sumners of Florida State University. tablespoons of your blood, the National Raskin Lecture call 229-5072. public to see "The Power of Race partment of Sociology joins Sunwoong The lecture will take place Apr.
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