Index ‘Abd al-Hasan b. Ahmad Jamal al-Layl, Alaska Purchase, the 139 Sayyid 240 ‘Alawi b. ‘Ubaydallah 236 ‘Abd al-Qadir 166, 167, 168, 169 Albania 262 ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad Aleksandrovich, Grand Duke Sergei al-‘Aydarus, Sayyid 238 150, 154 ‘Abdallah Ba Kathir, Shaykh 239 Alexander I, Tsar 139, 143 ‘Abduh, Muhammad 130–1, 171–2, Alexander III, Tsar 149 175, 182 Alexander, Michael 37 Abdülhamid II, Sultan 170–1, 181 Alexandria, Patriarchate of 252 abolitionism 8, 34–5, 86 Algeria 175, 191 Abu Hasan 239 Algiers 164, 166–7 Abu-Lughod, Janet 111 ‘Ali, the fourth caliph 234 ABVP (Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi al-Jazeera 127, 135 n. 58 Parishad – All India Sudent Alkalai, Judah 65, 66 Association) 347 All India Sudent Association (ABVP acculturation 188–9 Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Acquaderni, Giovanni 103 Parishad) 347 Action for a United World 331 Allah, Shah Wali 114 activism 16 Allen, John 333 Adler, Nathan 55, 73 Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift 30 Adrianople, threaty of 143 Alliance Israélite Universelle 8, 8–9, 9, al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din 112, 130, 70, 71, 73, 73–4, 99, 269, 273; 165, 171–2, 172–5, 175, 176, 181 agenda 196; committees 192–3; Afghanistan: British invasion of 173; education programme 188–90, Soviet invasion of 129–30, 130 190–1; establishment 187–8; Africa 308; Islam in 123–4; missionary French dominance 288 n. 17; activity 31–3; Pentecostalism 41; growth 64–8; Hebrew name scramble for 39 200–1; mission 188; in Tunis Afrikaners 298, 311 190–1, 191–3, 193–4, 196, Agudat Yisrael 68, 291 n. 55 196–7, 198 Ahl-i Hadith, the 116, 117, 119 Alliance of the Reformed Churches Ahl-i Quran, the 116, 117 299 Ahmad b. Abu Bakr b. Sumayt, All-India Muslim League 121–2, Sayyid 240 129 Ahmad b. ‘Isa al-Muhajir, Sayyid al-Manar 9–10, 171–2, 175–81, 182, 236 241 Ahmad Khan, Sayyid 116, 118, 120, al-Qaida 112 121–2 al-Rabita al-‘Alawiyya 243 Ahmadiyya, the 124 Al-‘Urwa al-Wuthqa 171–2, 172–5 Aimilianos of Simonopetra, 258 American Bible Society 30 Aksakov, Ivan 140, 144 American Hindu Anti-Defamation al-Aqsa Mosque 130 Coalition (AHADC) 354 365 366 Index American Revolution 85 Bak, Israel 61, 69 Amnesty International 306 Bak, Nissan 61 Amsterdam 57, 60 al-Bakri, Mustafa 114 Anderson, Benedict 269, 349 Balfour Declaration 271, 275, 277 Anglicans 26, 148; Conference of Balkans 252 Bishops 299 Bangladesh 126 Anglobalization 33 Bankimchandra 120 Anglo-Jewish Association 71, 188, 288 al-Banna’, Hasan 175 n. 17 Banten War 238 Anglophone globalization 24 Baptist Missionary Society 28, 29, Anjuman-i Khuddam-i Kaaba 129 32, 33 Antar Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad Baptist World Alliance 42 (ARSP – Indian Council for Barbir, Khadija 179 International Cooperation) 346 Barsky, Vassily 255 anti-colonial violence 238–9 Bartal, Israel 66 Anti-Defamation League 354 Bartholomaios I, Patriarch 260–3 anti-Jesuit campaign 86 Basil the Great, St 256 anti-Semitism 57, 58, 100, 273–4, 281, Bayly, Christopher 3, 84–5 283–4, 336, 354 Bazili, K. M. 145, 146 Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Beg, Moazzam 129–30 Protection Society 8 Begleri, G. P. 155 Antonii, Archbishop 149 Beirut 177, 179 Apartheid 311 Belgian Congo 39 Appleby, R. Scott 13–4, 319–38 Belgium 95, 97, 103 ‘Aqil, Sayyid Muhammad b. 243, 244 Bellemare, Alexandre 183 n. 6 Arab Brotherhood Society 182 Benedict XVI, Pope 319, 334, 335 Arab culture 199 Benezet, Anthony 34 Arab nationalism 202–3 Bennison, Amira K. 9–10, 71, 75, Arab Revolt, the 244 163–82, 209, 269 Arabism 170 Berlin 29 archaic globalization 23 Bethlehem 157 Arsenii (rector of the Moscow Beyer, Peter 3 Theological Academy) 154–5 Bharat Sewa (Service of India) 347 Arslan, Shakib 175 Bharatiya Swayamsevak Sangh Ashkenazi Jews 54, 58, 62, 74, 272 (BSS – Indian Volunteer Corps) Athanasios the Athonite, St 258 345 Athenagoras I, Patriarch 258–9, 260 Bhide, Lakshman Shrikrishna 345 Athos, Mt, Orthodox conflict over Bible, the, translations 31 257–9 Bin Laden, Osama 112, 127, 129, 130, al-‘Attas, Sayyid ‘Umar Salim 243 131, 135 n. 58 AWAAZ 347, 349–50 Blair, Tony 327 al-‘Aydarus, Sayyid Muhammad 241 Blandford, Sister Edith 91 Azariah, V. S. 34 Bleichröder, Gerson von 56 Bludova, Countess Antonina 148 Ba Kathir, Shaykh ‘Abdallah b. Board of Delegates 55 Muhammad 240–1 Board of Deputies 55 Backus, Isaac 25 Bolotov, V. V. 149 Badis, Ibn 175 Bolshevik Revolution 157 Baghdad 68 Borneo 238 Index 367 Bradley, Joseph 150 Caritas Internationalis 330, 341 n. 17 Brazil 330, 331, 340 n. 16 Casanova, Jose 294 British and Foreign Bible Society 29, Casaroli, Archbishop Agostino 328–9 30 Cathedral of the Resurrection, British Empire 7, 28–30, 35, 116, Moscow 141 123–4 Catholic Agency for Overseas Brown, Dan 82 Development 341 n. 17 Brussels World Conference 289 n. 27 Catholic Emancipation 95 Buddhism 2, 11, 12, 120; activist Catholic Enlightenment, the 85–7 typology 207; charity networks Catholic Foreign Mission Society 322 221; Chinese 220; and India 211; Catholic identity 88 Indic 210; Japanese 206, 207–13, Catholic International, the 82–106, 216–21, 224; Japanese delegation 319–38; administrative structures to World’s Parliament of Religions 336–7; aggiornamento (‘updating’) 212–3; Japanese orientations 321–2; anti-modernism 105; 207–8; Korean 221–4; Mahayana appeal 338; and capitalism 326–8; 210; missionaries 10, 209; the Catholic Revival 88–90, 96; as publishing 213–5, 223; in Taiwan civil society 319; the common 216–21; temples 208; Theravada good 339 n. 6; and communism 210; three treasures 208; 325–6, 328–9; congregations 90–2; transnational activists 10, 206–24; the Counter-Reformation 83–4, in the West 207; and Western 105; criticisms of 335–6; the Curia Buddhology 210–2; world religion 336; definition 83; demographics status 207; zhaijiao 216 335; elite 95; European Buddhism Promotion Society (Pulgyo semi-periphery 97; evangelization Chinheunghoe) 223 322–4; and the French revolution Buddhism-sympathizers 206–7 87–8; geography of 96–9, 105; Buddhist modernism 215 geopolitics 103–5; hierarchy Buddhist nationalism 123 333–4, 338; inculturation 321, 322; Buddhist public 213–4 influence 338; Jansenism 85–7, Buddhology 210–2 88, 89, 105; John Paul II’s legacy Bulgarian atrocities 17 334–5; liturgical movement 321; Bunyan, John, Pilgrim’s Progress 31 migration and 96; mission 322–4; bureaucratic organization 11 missionaries 84, 89–90, 92–4, 104; Burton, Richard 33 mobilization for the Pope 99–102; Burundi 337 non-governmental organizations 13–4, 325, 330–2; orders 90–2, Cahen, Isidore 74 332–3; philanthropy 94–5; Caliphate, the 8, 11, 129, 163, 176, political Catholicism 95–6, 102–3; 184 n. 42, 244–5 post-Cold War developments Calvinist International, the 24–5 337–8; precursors 82–8, 105–6; Calvinist tradition 28 public sphere 325; Republic of Cameroon 39 Letters 86; resources 338; Camondo, Abraham 67–8 ressourcement 321; Romanization Campus Crusade for Christ 43 101–2, 106; and the Second World Canada 348, 350, 353, 354, 358–9 War 325; shortage of priests 335; Canadian Hope 354 social Catholicism 102–3; social capitalism, papacy and 326–8 doctrine 327–8; solidarity 339 Carey, William 28 n. 6; subsidiarity 339 n. 6; 368 Index Catholic International, the – continued churches: and civil society 293–5, 296, transnationalism 319, 328–37; 297, 314; as supra-national and Vatican II 319, 320–5; community 295–8 women’s participation 92, 101; civil society 2, 270; Catholic the Zouaves 100–1 International as 319; and Catholic Medical Mission Board 331 churches 293–5, 296, 297, 314; Catholic Near East Welfare Association definition 4; global 2, 2–3, 4, (CNEWA) 330–1 15–6; and the Jewish Catholic power 106, 326 International 54–7 Catholic principles 342 n. 35 Clarence-Smith, William 12–3, 75, Catholic Reformation, the 83 233–46 Catholic Relief Services 330, 334 Clark, Christopher 5, 7, 23–43, 282 Catholic Revival, the 88–90, 96 Clarkson, Thomas 34 Catholic World Mission 331 Clement of Chilandar 258 Catholicism: cardinals 339 n. 8; and clerical authoritarianism 15 civil society 294; clerical Clinton, Bill 327 authoritarianism 15; CND 42 congregations 8; democratization Cohn, Albert 62 282; persecution 7, 87–8; Cold War 253–4, 259, 306, 325–6 politicization 8; religious orders 6; colonial religion, spending 32 and Russian Orthodoxy 148–9, colonialism 71, 116 155; transnationalism 319 Committee of the Female Servants of Caughey, James 32 the Nation (Rashtra Sevika Samiti) Cazès, David 9, 186–90, 192, 196 347 Central Khilafat Committee 129 Committee of Union and Progress 182 Chabad movement 56, 285 communal institutions 1 chalukah 60, 69 communications revolution 1, 7, charity 270 15, 23 Chau, Adam Yuet 10, 206–24 Communion 331–2, 332 Chemla, Abraham 195–6, 198 communism: fall of 262; papacy and Chicago, World’s Parliament of 325–6, 328–9 Religions 17, 37–9, 104, 212–3 Community of Sant’Egidio 332, 334, Chief Rabbi 55 336 China 33, 41, 115; Buddhism in Congo reform movement 17 214–5, 220, 221; language 214 congregational model 90–2 China Inland Mission 32 congregationalization 13, 15, 307–14 Chinese Buddhist Association 220 Congressional India Caucus 352 Christian Foundation for Children Constantine VI, Patriarch 260 and Aging 331 Constantinople 141, 152–3, 155; Christian School Brothers 90 see also Istanbul; fall of 252 Christian Student Movement 298 Constantinople, Church of 264–5 Christian unity 295 Constantinople, Patriarch of 140, 252 Church Missionary Society 28, 29, consumerist culture 327 30, 33 conversions 27, 29, 31, 38 Church of the Intercession on the Coptic Church 252 Moat (St Basil’s Cathedral), Cordaid 341 n.
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