Gladman Developments Ltd Henthorn Road Clitheroe DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT October 2019 CONTENTS Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND p.4 Chapter 2 RESPONSE TO BACKGROUND p.10 Chapter 3 EVALUATION P.34 Chapter 4 DESIGN PRINCIPLES P.38 Chapter 5 BUILDING FOR LIFE P.62 This document is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without the written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: 100019980 (Centremapslive.com). Aerial imagery © 2019 Bluesky, DigitalGlobe, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd and Bluesky. Map data © 2019 Google Rev Issue Status Prepared / Date Approved / Date B Final MST / SLS 29 October 2019 SLS / 29 October 2019 FPCR Environment and Design Ltd, Lockington Hall, Lockington, Derby, DE74 2RH t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 e: [email protected] w: www.fpcr.co.uk masterplanning environmental assessment landscape design urban design ecology architecture arboriculture graphic design K:\9000\9053\LANDS\DAS\9053 DAS Rev B.indd 2 Henthorn Road, Clitheroe DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT Henthorn Road, Clitheroe 3 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND The Vision The development will create up to 160 dwellings with a The overall vision for range of housing to meet the needs of the area, whilst respecting and enhancing the site’s environmental assets. the site is to provide a Housing will be set within a robust network of green infrastructure, which will help to integrate development distinctive and high quality within the landscape and create a distinctive sense of place. place, which complements The design is inspired by the best of the character and detail found within Clitheroe. A Development Framework Plan sets the qualities and character the parameters of the proposed development. The precise design and layout of the proposed development would be of Clitheroe. provided at the reserved matters stage. 4 Henthorn Road, Clitheroe DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT Henthorn Road, Clitheroe 5 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Introduction and Purpose This Design and Access Statement (DAS) accompanies Statements can aid decision-making by enabling local the Outline Planning Application made by Gladman planning authorities and third parties to better understand A development’s context refers to the particular Developments Ltd for development of land off Henthorn the analysis that has underpinned the design of a characteristics of the application site and its wider setting. Road, Clitheroe. The development comprises a residential development proposal. These will be specific to the circumstances of an individual development (up to 160 units) with vehicular access off application and a Design and Access Statement should be Henthorn Road and via the adjoining approved residential The level of detail in a Design and Access Statement tailored accordingly. development site. Detailed approval is sought at this should be proportionate to the complexity of the stage for access only. All other matters are reserved for application, but should not be long.” Design and Access Statements must also explain the subsequent approval. The location of the site is illustrated in applicant’s approach to access and how relevant Local Figure 01 on page 7. (Paragraph 029 Reference ID: 14-029-20140306 Revision Plan policies have been taken into account. They must date: 06.03.2014) detail any consultation undertaken in relation to access The Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) was launched on 6th issues, and how the outcome of this consultation has March 2014. The PPG provides the following guidance on What should be included in a Design and Access informed the proposed development. Applicants must also Design and Access Statements: Statement accompanying an application for planning explain how any specific issues which might affect access permission? to the proposed development have been addressed.” “What is a Design and Access Statement? “A Design and Access Statement must: (Paragraph 031 Reference ID: 14-031-20140306 Revision A Design and Access Statement is a concise report date: 06.03.2014) accompanying certain applications for planning permission a) Explain the design principles and concepts that have and applications for listed building consent. They provide been applied to the proposed development; and a framework for applicants to explain how the proposed development is a suitable response to the site and its b) Demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context setting, and demonstrate that it can be adequately of the proposed development, and how the design of the accessed by prospective users. Design and Access development takes that context into account. 6 Henthorn Road, Clitheroe DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT Figure 01: Site Location N not to scale Key Site Boundary Permitted Residential Development DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT Henthorn Road, Clitheroe 7 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Building for Life 12 The scheme has been developed embracing the twelve Building for Life 12 (2018) criteria developed by CABE Integrating into the neighbourhood Creating a place and the Home Builders Federation. These criteria embody the vision of what new housing developments should be: 1 Connections 5 Character attractive, functional and sustainable. The Building for Life Does the scheme integrate into its surroundings by Does the scheme create a place with a locally inspired or criteria are used to evaluate the quality of schemes against reinforcing existing connections and creating new ones, otherwise distinctive character? this vision. while also respecting existing buildings and land uses around the development site? 6 Working with the site and its context This Design and Access Statement contains the information Does the scheme take advantage of existing topography, required for the evaluation, and is set out to enable the 2 Facilities and services landscape features (including water courses), wildlife evidence for the evaluation to be easily obtained. The Does the development provide (or is it close to) habitats, existing buildings, site orientation and twelve Building for Life Questions are grouped under three community facilities, such as shops, schools, microclimates? headings, and are set out adjacent: workplaces, parks, play areas, pubs or cafes? 7 Creating well defined streets and spaces 3 Public transport Are buildings designed and positioned with landscaping Does the scheme have good access to public transport to define and enhance streets and spaces and are to help reduce car dependency? buildings designed to turn street corners well? 4 Meeting local housing requirements 8 Easy to find your way around Does the development have a mix of housing types and Is the scheme designed to make it easy to find your way tenures that suit local requirements? around? 8 Henthorn Road, Clitheroe DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Street & home 9 Streets for all Are streets designed in a way that encourage low vehicle speeds and allow them to function as social spaces? 10 Car parking Is resident and visitor parking sufficient and well integrated so that it does not dominate the street? 11 Public and private spaces Will public and private spaces be clearly defined and designed to be attractive, well managed and safe? 12 External storage and amenity space Is there adequate external storage space for bins and recycling as well as vehicles and cycles? DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT Henthorn Road, Clitheroe 9 Chapter 2 RESPONSE TO CONTEXT Location The site is situated adjacent to the south-western edge Figure 02: Context Plan of the settlement of Clitheroe, within the administrative N authority of Ribble Valley Borough Council (RVBC). Henthorn Road borders the site to the south, connecting it with the not to scale River Ribble settlement to the north. Clitheroe is the main administrative Key B6243 centre at the heart of the Borough. It is positioned just to the west of the A59, which passes through the Ribble Valley and Site Boundary links York/Harrogate and Preston/Blackburn. Existing Settlements A Roads B Roads Minor Roads Railway Line and Station Watercourses Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) 10 Henthorn Road, Clitheroe DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT A671 Pimlico Link Road A671 A59 Edisford Road B6243 CLITHEROE Pendle Road Henthorn Road Clitheroe Road River Ribble A671 Pendleton A59 Barrow DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT Henthorn Road, Clitheroe 11 Chapter 2 RESPONSE TO CONTEXT Housing Need National Planning Policy Framework Every Council is required by the Government to boost The NPPF sets out the government’s planning policies for b) are visually attractive as a result of good architecture, significantly the supply of housing and to make planning England and how these are expected to be applied. layout and appropriate effective landscaping; decisions in the light of a presumption in favour of sustainable development. At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of c) are sympathetic to local character and history, including sustainable development. Paragraph 124 of the NPPF the surrounding built environment and landscape RVBC have a need for both open market and affordable makes specific reference to good design as a key aspect of setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate housing. Approval of this development will help towards sustainable development. innovation or
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