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Dnloqnqorfil o1to111uuy5o pedur. 'sJeIuE puB uorlnqutsrp eql lnoq8 u^lou)l sr aJour ,{p DBleJ lBql uEaur seq qcr€arser luecad 'J por Susn?c $aaoqlad urBur eql aJB qo4tlc pua luoutuulc otoqtqdotKlll (f3o1o1p u.nou4un 'sJelusc 'sloJ 'sroluBc Jo seseesrp pus spds Jael qcuaq pua uols poo^\ toor) sod,{l pBojq a^g rrpun paquJsap ars arlaJlsnv urJlsJ/{\-q1nosJo slseJoJ,ql ur Suu.rnJJo sosResrpJo ,(SoloJa eql |JBrlsqY rarBaqs '.I '{ BIIBrlsnYurelsall-qlnos Jo lsorod uraqlnos oql q asBasl(I Jo suollBrlldrul lBrlSolorfl aqJ 9 Ii!IJdVHJ Table 1 Diseasesof the Ercalypt&r speciesoccurring in the Woo&hip Licence Area in southrvestemAustralia. X indicatesoccurence of disease,susceptibility obtained from inoculation or observationindicated in parenthesisand referencenumber ill sq)erscript. Red FloweF Tingle DiseaselPathogen ing Gum Yellow Red SOUTH-WESTERNAUSTRALIA ROOT CANKERS PlEtophthora cimanoni xGf'Y (R)ro (Rf (R)' x(Ms)"'Y G', Phltophthora citricola (Msf (MS)t" Plty top ht hor a dr echs ler i r Phy topht hor a me g asperm a (R-Ms)k. vllf. soJae Phy top ht lwr a nicotiana e r Phytoptt ora nicoriarae (MS)kr vat. p@asirica wooD RoTs Armillaria lu eobubalina X(Ms)h'r'P X(Ms-MR)*n x(Ms-Mn;h'Px(s)P (White rot) Phellhu$ gilvus xs'* Phellinus rimosus xt'' (White pocket heart rot) Piptoporus austaliensi$ xs'* (Brown cubical hes.t tot) Piptoporusportefiosus x&* (Brown rot) Po typ o r us p eI li culos us Xt,* (Brown powdery rct) Polyporus tumulosus x?c.* (Heafi ro$ Poria mutaB xs'* (Yellow straw rot) BRANCH AND STEM CANKERS Botryosphoeio ibis rG){ r tr(Ms)q r Endothiagyrcsa r r )f Ranulorio pirereka x(s)t" x(sI'" (Sporotichum d esbuctor'!) LEAF SPOTS Daisionellz eucalypti Faimaniella sp. L eptom e lanc o ni un a ust r ali erce r Phoma sp. r UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY Brown wood x Crown decline x 100 r01 ,ar}'dd.tJr :0€6D u,qq",sJ,x :(886r) u',t\s^ :(116r) uofns^ t(r86r) eFi 'Io r"" -l,.trt:l:ff.1ff;T,t;;iitgtl,r( :(986I) 7, ,, ra4eqs, l(qLg6ID ,, rerEeqsb:(gg6l) tred&I pue re$eqsd :(896I) ro8podo:(986I) .r, ,r.ocr"eds :(286I) euB.X pw :lsdq :(€16I) IaIcoU prrBrtzlE4 :(Zt6I) b8pod puB{ooq/(eNx :0g6I) u€ur.roJ puB|shbpun lr :(S86I) relx8g pw lsrnbpunl, :(€86I) ?, ,, rlu; :(ZE6I) uollrH, :(g861) ururiduruqlrsr,qgpuu ,{pur11,:(9g61j Sreqsro4 :(t€6I) 84.^Ilo.Cp :(€86f) dBtr pur uosr,ruil":(8961) auns--I poE.u^rorq :(1861)Illur^iiseogs :sdcueralaX ',fie,1 = n'eFrapoIAI = N'luBlsJsoU= U,elqdecsns = S (oopxo 'A) oopreL\ 'Z) (DputSrotu Wl:el Ciuosrl.D[ dqoznT) Vald Qa6ohn3 sntdqocn7) l.r|olpX elSur,I (ollotrc{ ntdqocflX) urn8 Supenolg poa Qoloclsta^lp sltdqotnT) '.l'le)tr (o ttldol Dc sntd q o cng) utey't (^rapll^l ,&ap^Lod) r(s^)x aoplwaqqo ocaqotao4dg rX lrqttl olsauloH srods Jva'I €x oata4c 4tf,itog xlDrNvc I lals J (peu.rtuun)'ds otor4rldotttl4 x oa 3 o t dtur Dr oqtqdottt l J .x lluou@uulco,totltrldot Kqd cJo 9NIdI lvq ssruflsunN lix wflullDp?tbtto mllaqtoctw ,x 'ds onalaoqdsottt^J qx ydQocna otodsoc.taS slods dva'I ,x oroxluosslp oltolD$ad il( osort8 olqtopuT "x aoqoa D oJodsot(C sda)Nvc htals J m,q13 smtlpaq4 'lx ouloqnqoatq oyollluuv srod qoo,^d. vrTvursnvNusJssat-Hmos sfi srno pat ^lollel rttng &t! urSoqlsd/rosBesrq oopurA qurBl qgurJ -re^\ou ped glg)t IJJBIAI g,,tuor) | .tqsl More is known of environmental factors affecting important form of reproduction of homotballic species disease and 0re ecology of pathogens occuring in srch as P, citricola and P. megasperma var. sojae south-westem Australia, than on the implications of because the thick-walled spores ere more resisiant to disease in an ecosystem conlext. For this reason tbe desiccation than mospores, diseases occurring ia the forests of south-westem Australia are described under five broad types (Iable Favourable environments for sporulation and survival vary 1). Table 2 summarizes the life cycles and Table 3 between areas and from ye3r to year. The coincidence possible implications of representative pathogens for of warm moist conditions depends on the commencement the four disease types of known etiology. As an aid 0o atrd finishing of frontal winter rains, the the assessment of potential disease problems, Table I frequency of summer rain, the occurrence of water-geining also includes those pathogens reported when the areas from near-surface seepage above impeding Euca.Iyptus species were grown outside of horimns within the soil profile, the amount south-weslernAustralia and in nurseries. of soil cover, and of disturbance. The dishibution of susceptible host malerial is also an important factor. Infected moist soil moved by human activity is the DISEASES OF JARRAII, KARRI, main way the Phytophthora species are dispersed over MARRI AND WANDOO FORESTS OF large distances. Natural dispersal occurs by water flowing in surface and near-surface SOUTH-WESTERN AUSTRALIA drainage systems and by growth through root systems (lable 2). Root Cankers Phyophthora cinnatnomi snd, P. citicola arc the most frequently recovered and widely distributed PhytophJhoraspecies are the main pathogensinfecting Phyophthora species in the southem forest region secondary phloem of roots of Eucatyptus tn (Table 4). T\e two Phytophthora species have been south-western Australia (Table l). Although mainly recovered nrainly from janah (E. marginata) forest, root pathogens,Phytophthora species can also invade but also from karri (E. forest (Schuster the collar and lower stem. The Phytophthora species Qiversicolor) 1978; Shrkely and Hill', personal commrmication; in Table I are introduced soil borne opportunists unpublished reports by CALM's dieback mapping whose life cycles are characteristically dependenton group). Often sympiom expression is zubtle, resulting noisture for sporulation, survival and dispersal (Dell in underestimation of the occurrence of the and Malajczuk 1989; Shearerand Tippett 1989).The Phytophthora species in southern forests. Disease may soils and topography in conjunction with the only be evident as sparsely scatlered deaths of hyclrological cycle and a susceptibleplant comrnunity susceptible hosts, I-arge areas are classified as of south-western Australia have provided niches uninterpretable (Table 4) because of either the lack of whereby Phytoplxhora species can survive dry visible susceptible indicator species on aerial conditions, despite the harsh dry summersexperienced photograpbs or resistant species have colonized and in the region. The inieractions that have created the dominate infected areas in which the susceptible diversity of microenvironments and conditions vegetation has been kitled.

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