sW3¯6 @))& • eu3Dx5 ry5Jtø5 *!-u4 SUMMER 2007 • ISSUE 81 nø8 Ax2 kN[7usi4 WA5phi wvJ3yAtQIz vNbus5 vrbXstz8k5 Charlene Watt’s Nunavik Contribution to the Guitar of Canada « Wi3lÖoi6 yK9oXsQxc3S6 drsyJk5 • Safety First With Firearms « ®NsIt8i4 x©tt5yyxi6 • Putting Your Money to Work « kN[7us5 WdIoEpi4 r1åm5yK5 • Nunavik Needs Lawyers …xyq9l …and much more WA5pJ5 kN[s2 wkq8i4 Serving the Inuit of Nunavik Ì4fNi s9li / This Season hNu9ø ck3l whm§a[5 rAtoEIs[7u rAt8ixbs[s2 w5y?sbzi mr[4 fxS‰n8 w5y?oC[5V kN[7u W1axtdt5b wMz5, yxI xMf, WNhZc3S6 mr[4 kNogò5 tudtQ?z5 toIsAtc3ym5hi r=Zg3ixt9lA yKjx5ty?9oxlil wkw5 WAmIq8i4 kN[7u. wMsJdtgxc3g6 rAtoEpj5 wvJ3tQIs5hi. wª2 whmz whmQZI1axbu xyq8i4 wk8i4 W?9odtÌ3ymJi4 èuy Ñ x7ml fÑ4 b3Czi xqc tŒ8isymJu5. mr[4 w2WQIcExc3S6 vJytbs5yxm¯b Wix3ioEi4f5 wkoEi4f5 whmQIcy§aK6 xyuk5 tuuA5 WNhx3bshi xsMbsogxCu. yK9oÙ6 WsygcoEi4fl W?9od t ÌE ymIq5 xqctŒ8if5. xsM5yi3jl eg3qsChx3iu9l ®NsIi4 st3[sAt5nIi4 wkw5 wMsA8Nyd9lQ5 whmQIs§6: v1aNClx1qN[5 r1qm rAt1axq8i4 „3yQxu4 b3Cu ®NsItA5 mrbZhx3ij5. x3ˆW7j5 bsg5bshi. G>r1qm rAt1axq5> MQxu4 v1aN1qi3nsm5 Makivik Corporation >rAt1axÏM9lg3iu5>.H wkc3S6 ®NsIosDtc7mE5gu4 kN[7usi4 Makivik is the ethnic organization mandated to represent and promote the rAt1axosD5p?8iuk5. interests of Nunavik. Its membership is composed of the Inuit beneficiaries of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA). Makivik’s responsibility is to rAtoE[7u rAtoEIs[4 w5y?sb6 rNoµ4fk5 ur9ot3iu4 ensure the proper implementation of the political, social, and cultural benefits of w2Wix3[s§aK6. wªy5ti4 x©ti5ti N7ui6 whmA8NC5b Nsu9lî5 the Agreement, and to manage and invest the monetary compensation so as to enable the Inuit to become an integral part of the northern economy. x5pc1qQx5b. bm8NsZlx3tlA, rAtoEps2 w5y?sbzi w5y?oC[, rNoµ4fk5 x5pgw8NEIs§aKt5. w¬8Nt4 w5y?sbü5ht5 tu2W5 mr[4 eu3Dxq5 ckwoziq5 €3eym§a7mb rAtoEpj5 ckwozdIsAtui4 mo9lt4 mr[4 eu3Dxq5 kwbs?2S5 mr[s2 gnC3nix3[zk5. gis3c bs?5g5 xrc3t­ NQ5 wk8k5 W?9odt5nIo8k5 èuy Ñ x7ml fÑ4 b3Czi xqc tŒ8iu5. ryxis5ht4. bf8NbsJ5 whmQIsJ9l b=Zi mr{[s2 S3gi3nq5b whmQIgw8NE1qbq5. g1zh5tyKA5 x9MoD5y eu3Dxos3tj5, gnC5ni4 x9Max3ymJi9l, xe4Qxlè5FXÏfxî5 m8iq5 N9ogw8Nq8i5 m8ii5 WymZlxCu4, x5paxi9¬8î5. x†y, gÇAty GyM†5H, sçMstyl x9McystlQ5. ie5noxaygxCu4 w¬8Nt4 ß5yIs§aK5 dos1qZ3©oIs5ht4. Öµ5ãN3bs6 Makivik Magazine wkw5 wl[3bslt4 w5y[5nq5b briq5 x5pŒZMgw8Ns§aK5. vNbus5 Makivik Magazine is published quarterly by Makivik Corporation. It is distributed sNb3gnq5 x{Ïi+Ì8u sNbEx3gymJ5 bZ wl[3bsoDt4 wk[is2 free of charge to Inuit beneficiaries of the JBNQA. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of Makivik Corporation or its executive. We welcome w5y[5nq8i4 xgw8Nc‰I§a?5 vNbs2 ã7mtzi4Fã7mnstzi4 wl[s2 letters to the editor and submissions of articles, artwork, or photographs. Please include your full name, address, and telephone number. so5nq8i4, xgw8Ni4 gdJc3X5 xg3bsyZI3lt4V w7mò4fx sNb3gnu4 vmpc3Xg5. mr{[f5 S3gi3nq5 yxItg5 kN[7u W1axtdtQ7uIK5 gmy mqs6, rNoµ4ftg5 Wb €bu, xzJ3ç6 ÷i Wb, xzJ3ç2 gzoz W5nb3[ni4 WD3Xoxt5yi3i4 WA5p[7u x5pcEx9M[c1qM6 w7uÅgwNu5hil. bm4fx wMQIsK5 xoxQi3ÙK8k5 mwf fxb8, xzJ3ç2 gzoz mrbZhx3if5 WD3Xoxt5yi3u4 WA5p[7u wk8k5, yKi5nul iEsAt5nt8k5, x7ml sdàQI5ti4 ñ1zylb xiA3tyQ­ €8bi w5gñ5, ®NsIoEp7mE4 ÷p Ít, x9Mt7mE4 xc3it8k5. yxIo v?Ei3Ùc3d6 wk8i4 xyui4 scIstc§i4. wªct5ti4 Makivik Executive Öà¬EQxc1qME2SA5. eg3zt8il rAtu8i4 ehXdlQ5 tosEq8NX5gn­ Pita Aatami, President s5hb. rA†5 ckw1qyx3g5 WsJj9lî5 xros3bsJ8Nq7mb. Johnny Peters, Resource Development Vice-President Michael Gordon, Economic Development Vice-President Anthony Ittoshat, Treasurer George Berthe, Secretary mr{[f5 WNh5toµq8i4 Nf3nmE8it8i4 cspmIsdpKA5, xyoµq8il W[Qc5bMs3bt8i4 gn3tyAt5ni4 x9MbsJ5ni9l eu3Dxox5ti4 What do you think about when you W5yxymt5yicMs3gi4. are sitting in the dentist chair? One of our We wish to express our sincere thanks to all Makivik staff, as well as to all others who provided assistance and materials to make the production of this magazine Nunavik Players, Sarah Alaku, works as possible. a dental assistant. The mind wanders to eu3Dxos3t / Editor other things when the body is under the Ù2 uxh / Bob Mesher control of somebody else. First thought: scsys2 É2Xk5 k5tEº5/ Translation ui xü9M4 / Minnie Amidlak MESHER How embarrassing it is to have to remove ui fº / Minnie Grey çpx rosb6 / Harriet Keleutak BOB one’s partial in the presence of a nice lady. ™? Wl3©5 / Eva Pilurtuut xbsy3u4 xqic3hi w¬8âk5 µr Sgo4 / Maggie Putulik ˆ7mhi xtIsA8Ng6. (“Partial” seems more dignified than “false ñu Sgo4 / Sammy Putulik One size fits all. teeth”.) Somebody is making a lot of money eu3DxD3bsJ5 / Layout selling dentures to Nunavimmiut. w5yx5tC tã8f8k5 / Etsetera Design Inc. x9MymJ1absJ5 mr{[f8k5 The dentist chair is a humbling piece of furniture. You may go through life Published by Makivik Corporation thinking you are special and unique from everybody else. But, according to the P.O. Box 179, Kuujjuaq, Quebec J0M 1C0 Canada dentist chair, you are merely average. All the required curvatures are formed to sçMstz / Telephone: (819) 964-2925 ensure as much physical control as possible for the person working at your face. •ñMcsyxChxD†5 b4vi eu3Dxî5g5 wozJ5 wk8k5 èuy Ñ x7ml fÑ4 b3Czb xqctŒ8izi5 W?9odtb3bgk5 ryxi. No matter which egg a chicken is hatched from, they are all cut into exactly *Contest participation in this magazine is limited to Inuit beneficiaries of the nine pieces for deep-frying. Coffins are also pretty much standard for the aver- JBNQA. x5pax6 yM2Wxî5g6: ñMt Ax5, yxibs2 age human. Does the Canadian army have a stock of coffins and spare Canadian Xiz, nNMsJK6 urJxW7u4 kN[7us5 flags in a hangar or warehouse in Afghanistan, available as required? Perhaps wvJ3ystQIzi4 >Wz§J3gi4 x5hˆc3hi> s W 3 ¯ 6 @))&teu3Dx5 ry5Jtø5 *!-u4 46..&3t*446& vNbus5 frbXbstzk5.> Ì8N frbXst4 some privates manage them. x5pŒ1qmE5gi4 Nrgw8N6 vNboµu WymJi4 wMs3gymJ6. x5pos3g[i6 Ù2 uxh. Like Sarah and our other Nunavik Player, Thomassie Mangiuk, everyone is Front cover: Charlene Watt, daughter of Senator unique and special. With our favourite people, hopes for the future, and tough- Charlie Watt, carved a small piece of decorative inlay as Nunavik’s contribution to the “Six String Nation”. est challenges to overcome. Sarah’s pet peeve is when people spread rumours ñMt Ax2 kN[7usi4 This guitar is made out of very significant bits and WA5phi wvJ3yAtQ/z vNbus5 vrbXstz8k5 pieces from across the country. Photographed by $IBSMFOF8BUUT about others. We shouldn’t do that. Encourage children to brush their teeth often. eu3Dxq5 /VOBWJL$POUSJCVUJPOUP Bob Mesher. UIF(VJUBSPG$BOBEB Good teeth are priceless. WA5pJ5 kN[s2 wkq8i4 Serving the Inuit of Nunavik mr[4 ISSN 1481-3041 2 s W3 ¯6 @))&teu3Dx5 ry5Jtø5 *!-u4 46..&3t*446& wloq5 / Contents Wi3lÖomi6 drsyEli Firearm Safety 04 xˆNsJ5 Wxê9lFkNê9l. vtmi3Jx2 Nlâ4fbzb xyxA5, wx+b M[x4 kÌ6 fxX4f5 kN[7u ®NsIoE[5nz ybmsJ3gi4 b3eo7u4 tAux3g6 KlxC8u4 xto7u4 sç[c3hi yM3Jxoµu Plans For a New Financial Co-operative 10 kNs2 x3ÇAc3tbsizk5 vtmic3tlA mw !)­u >yMs2 s3Úy?9oxizk5 d5y©2 h3Cbs?9oxizi4.> vtmAtc3ht4. ®NsItA5­yM5gn3i6 Moms and babies. Beside the conference banner, Esther Levesque holds her eight- 12 month-old Floryan while addressing participants of the International Polar Year event PennyWise on May 10th about “ Climate Change Impacts on Canadian Arctic Tundra”. kN[s2 wMQIsiz vNbustA5 frbXstzk5 A Piece of Nunavik in Canada’s Guitar 14 WdItÅ3g5 Legal Tips 18 wkw5 i5Il5ÌDyq5 ho i5bK5 Inuit Music Lives On 20 ñMt Ax2 kN[7usi4 kN[7u nNá4f5 gn3tyAt5nEo3uIq5 WA5phi wvJ3yAtQ/z Nunavik Creations Update 27 vNbus5 vrbXstz8k5 wkw5 cz5bÔq5b SJzi $IBSMFOF8BUUT Air Inuit Propwash 28 /VOBWJL$POUSJCVUJPOUP d5ygu5 bf5nsJ6 30 UIF(VJUBSPG$BOBEB Polar Point of View MESHER OB Ó+ wx, i3o?9˜5 B « Wi3lÖoi6 yK9oXsQxc3S6 drsy/3gk5 t 4BGFUZ'JSTU8JUI'JSFBSNT First Air, Nirlivallaat 32 « ®Ns/t8i4 x©ty5yxi6 t 1VUUJOH:PVS.POFZUP8PSL « kN[7us5 Wd/oEpi4 r1åm5yK5 t /VOBWJL/FFET-BXZFST …xyq9l yBOENVDINPSF [5gpx ¥uZs2 v˜+ø5 i5Il5ÌDyq5b u5ñk5 x9Mb[iq5 Victoria Simigak Writes About Greenland Music 33 WA5pJ5 kN[s2 wkq8i4 Serving the Inuit of Nunavik sˆ hNV / WHAT IS THIS? ysty gñA8Nstq5 nS7uyQ5 Protect Your Hearing 40 ñMcstÌD8NSt5FñM8îAtÌD8NSt5 ßuz x5paxu4Fx5pdtu4 hNs7m¯5 NMs5y lxgxD[5. hNsJE5yi3k5 NMs5yQxDtt5 kN[7u5 gnC5ã5 x9Mb3[f5 xs9Mt9lQ5 sKz gÇ3lt4 “Mystery Photo Con test” Nunavik Notes 42 x5paxu4 NlN3gu4 Wos5pAtQI3î[5 gÇ3tlA sKz. WJ8NyxdN3St5¡ s[Z3gw5 Youth 54 You could win $100 if you guess what this mysterious picture is. Mail your answer to “Mystery Photo Contest” at the address shown below. Good Luck! ñM8îAtÌEx9ä5 / BONUS PRIZES NMs3bsQx˜3g5 ƒ4Jxu mr[{s2 x9M[7mEzi ie5ygi, y2t7X @!, Îb gvl4 m8gpx3us6 ñM8îAtÌMsJJ6. @))&­u. Four much-sought-after Makivik Magazine T-shirts. Drawing will be held at Makivik’s head office in Kuujjuaq on Friday, September Ïä xäf xfo[7us6 R!))­i4 NMs5yyx3hi 21st, 2007. s4Ws2 XWzi4 Ó+ wx xåtzi uax3­ ymJu4 NM5yMsJ6. xyq5 ñM8îA†5 ybm5 Év9Mø5 s[iDw5 WIsMsJ7uJ5 sfkz ÔyW d3[l4, o8b WIsJm5Jxg5 mr{[s2 eu3Dxq8i5 vNJ6, ™? g9MsZ6, x7ml Ô yªÙ. WymJ5. Mystery Photo Contest Caroline Alayco of Akulivik won $100 for cor- zine Makivik Corporation rectly guessing this snowy owl painted on the a P.O. Box 179, tail of First Air’s Boeing 737 aircraft. Other prizes mag Kuujjuaq, Québec went to Joseph Koovalook, Linda Kanayuk, Eva J0M 1C0 Tullaugak, and Joe Snowball. MAKIVIK 3 Wi3lÖomi6 drsyEli: bm8N w2WQ5yxlA WI5ndtQIK5 Firearms Safety: We Are Responsible drstk5 Wi3lÖoi3i4 woãp rE+tx8 N© ck6 drst4 x5IbsQxc3m¯5 bft5yJ6 €i ñ8b tmê-u5. Öm1zoµ6 drstu4 wl9oymJE5yq8NoµExc3dA5 x7ml Öm1z5 wl9oymÔ÷3tlA vmQQxc3hA. Gun safety instructor Christian Nadeau shows Annie Saunders Desmaris the safest of all ways to carry a firearm. We should always assume a gun is loaded and act accordingly. eu3Dxq5 MESHER BOB mr[4 4 Wi3lÖomi6 drsyEli Firearms Safety W9MEstbsi3XsMsJJ6 vNbu drsyEli Wi3lÖom­ The most important fact stressed during the Canadian Firearms Safety i3ªozJi4 x9oqhzu à %­at9lA ƒ4Jxu WQs3nt5yA­ Course held in Kuujjuaq on Saturday, May 5th has to do with ownership tc3tlQ5, Ì8Nl WQs3nt5yisMsJJ6 wozMsJK6 drstc3ij5 and responsibility. In fact, if you own a gun, you are responsible for that x7ml drstui4 vm5yxExc3ik5.
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