T his report contains the papers presented and outcomes from the workshop “Building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien spe- cies and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries, hosted by the Department of Fisheries, Government of Malaysia, on 12th-16th July 2004. The workshop was generously sup- ported through a US State Department grant, and co-sponsored by several other agencies. The ref- erence for the report is: NACA. 2005. The Way Forward: Building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic inva- sive alien species and associated trans- boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries. Final report of the regional workshop, hosted by the Department of Fisheries, Government of Malaysia, on 12th-16th July 2004. Net- work of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive 1 alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries 2 Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries The Way Forward: Building Capacity to Combat Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Alien Species and Associated Trans-Boundary Pathogens in ASEAN Countries Final Report of a workshop hosted by the Department of Fisheries, Government of Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 12th-16th July 2004 March 2005 Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Paficic Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive 3 alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries 4 Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries Table of Contents WORKSHOP SUMMARY AND WAY FORWARD, 7 WORKSHOP BACKGROUND, 11 PART I: THE PROCEEDINGS, 15 Session 1: Opening ceremony, 17 Session 2: Workshop objectives; selected technical overviews of invasive alien species and associated transboundary pathogens, 18 Session 3: Country status paper presentations, 20 Session 4: Case studies, 22 Session 5: Working group sessions, 25 Session 6: Building information systems to support ASEAN in assessment and manage- ment of alien aquatic species and associated aquatic animal pathogens, 25 Session 7: Final session, 27 Annexes, 33 A: List of participants, 35 B: Workshop program, 46 C: Keynote and inaugural address, 50 D: Working group guidelines, 55 E: Working group reports, 63 PART 2: THE RESOURCE PAPERS AND CASE STUDIES, 79 The Convention of Biological Diversity: Decisions of the 7th Meeting of the Conference of Parties on Alien Species that Threaten Ecosystems, Habitats or Species, 81 An Overview of International Initiatives, Treaties, Agreements and Management Actions Addressing Alien Invasive Species, 86 Current Knowledge of Aquatic Invasive Alien Species in ASEAN and their Management in the Context of Aquaculture Development, 97 Trans-boundary Aquatic Animal Pathogens in ASEAN and their Management, 115 Aquatic Alien Species and their Contribution to Aquatic Production, Food Security and Poverty Alleviation: An Overview of Data from ASEAN Countries, 127 Case Study of the Invasive Golden Apple Snail in ASEAN (ABSTRACT), 145 Tilapias are Alien to Asia: But are they Friend or Foe?, 146 Movements of Economically Important Penaeid Shrimp in Asia and the Pacific, 162 Marine and Freshwater Finfish Pathogens of Concern, 167 Key Freshwater Crustacean Pathogens of Concern to ASEAN, 172 Molluscan Pathogens of Concern to ASEAN, 179 Need for an Institutional Network for Managing Aquatic Exotic Species in Indonesia, 196 Risk Analysis as a Tool for the Management of Alien Aquatic Animal Diseases, 210 Risk Analysis Frameworks and Tools for Management of Aquatic Invasive Alien Species and Associated Trans-boundary Pathogens: Infrastructure and Capacity Requirements, 218 Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive 5 alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries Tracking Pathogens through Species Introductions: A Database Mapping Approach, 222 FishBase: Towardss Building a Tool to Assess Species Invasiveness, 225 Pilot Project on the Linkages between Development Assistance and Invasive Alien Species in Freshwater Systems in Southeast Asia: A Report to the US Agency for International Development, 228 The Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN): Expert Meeting Summary and The Way Forward, 232 CAB-International: Its Activities Related to Information ion Invasve Alien Species, 236 PART 3: COUNTRY PAPERS, 241 Brunei, 243 Cambodia, 247 Indonesia, 260 Lao PDR, 284 Malaysia, 290 Myanmar, 308 Philippines, 316 Singapore, 337 Thailand, 344 Vietnam, 347 CASE STUDY A Case Study on the Invasive Golden Apple Snail (GAS) in ASEAN, based on Philippine Experience 353 6 Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries Workshop Summary and Way Forward Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive 7 alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries 8 Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries Workshop Summary and Way Forward Background The workshop on “Building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries” was held in Penang, Malaysia, on the 12th-16th July 2004. The workshop was hosted by the Department of Fisheries of the Government of Malaysia and organized by the Network of Aquaculture Centres of Asia- Pacific (NACA) in collaboration with ASEAN, FAO, the WorldFish Center and the United States Department of State. The 75 participants included delegates from each ASEAN1 member country, resource per- sons with experience in aquatic invasive alien species (IAS) and aquatic animal pathogens and representatives of regional and international organizations, research institutes, universities and private sector entities2 . The workshop supports the ASEAN 2020 Vision of enhancing “food security and interna- tional competitiveness of food, agricultural and forest products and to make ASEAN a leading producer of these products.…” It was convened specifically to better understand the rela- tionship of aquatic IAS and pathogens and their impacts (both positive and negative), and to identify management and capacity building needs to reduce risks. The workshop built on the recommendations from a 2002 Bangkok workshop organized by the Global Invasive Species Program (GISP3 ) and a 2003 workshop of countries sharing the Mekong watershed4 , particularly in promoting awareness, establishing coordination mecha- nisms and information exchange systems and identifying management strategies and risk miti- gation measures for aquatic IAS. Findings The participants concluded that aquatic IAS and invasive aquatic animal pathogens signifi- cantly impact the aquaculture industry in ASEAN, and can have negative implications for aquatic biodiversity, and the social and economic well being of people in the ASEAN region. Participants also recognized the positive social and economic benefits that have come from the introduction and farming of some alien aquatic species in the region. Participants agreed that the way forward is to minimize the risks and costs associated with negative impacts of aquatic IAS and aquatic animal pathogens whilst capturing the social and economic benefits possible through responsible aquaculture of alien species. 1 Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam 2 AIT, APEC, ASEAN Secretariat, AusVet Australia, CAB International, Deakin University, FAO, IUCN, MRC, Multime- dia Asia, NACA, OIE, PhilRice, SakNIRO-Russia, SEAFDEC-AQD, Universiti Putra Malaysia, World Fish Centre and the US Department of State, US Dept of Commerce and Interior and the MD Dept of Natural Resources. 3 http://www.usa.or.th/embassy/reo/reo-wrkshp.htm. GISP (2003) “Prevention and Management of Invasive Alien Species: Forging Cooperation throughout South and Southeast Asia”. Global Invasive Species Program. 4 Workshop on International Mechanisms for the Control and Responsible Use of Alien Species in Aquatic Ecosystems, held 27-30 August 2003, in Xishuangbanna, People’s Republic of China. Workshop on building capacity to combat impacts of aquatic invasive 9 alien species and associated trans-boundary pathogens in ASEAN countries Recommendations Four working groups prepared detailed action plans to assess and manage the impacts and risks from aquatic IAS and associated animal pathogens. The following bullets highlight the main recommendations agreed upon by the workshop participants as the Way Forward: • Management of aquatic IAS and associated pathogens is imperative and should be encouraged and implemented in all ASEAN countries. • National strategies should be developed consistent with obligations under existing interna- tional treaties and instruments1 and in harmony with strategies for other IAS, including aquatic plants and ornamental fish. National strategies, coordinated through national focal points, should be based on impact assessment and management of alien species, where they are already established, and use of ecological and environmental risk analysis for proposed new introductions. • National strategies should be implemented within a legitimate regional framework sup- ported and endorsed by ASEAN. The recommendations in
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