Publications by Paul Streeten BOOKS (AUTHOR OR EDITOR) The Political Element in the Development oJ Economic Theory, by Gunnar Myrdal. Translated, edited and appendix, 1953 (Gennan edition 1963) (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul). The Great Economists, by R.L. Heilbroner, revised, edited and two additional ehapters, 1955. Economic Integration: Aspects and Problems, 1961 (Sythoff second edition, 1964). Value in Social Theory, by Gunnar Myrdal, edited and foreword by Paul Streeten, 1958 (Germa edition 1964). The Crisis oJ Indian Planning, edited with M. Lipton (Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford University Press, 1968). UnJashionable Economics (editor) (Weidenfeld & Nieolson, 1970). Commonwealth Policy in aGlobai Context, edited with Hugh Corbet, with two ehapters and introduetion by Paul Streeten (Frank Cass, 1971). Diversification and Development: The Case oJ Coffee (with Diane Elson) (praeger, 1971). Capital Jor AJrica: The British Contribution, with Helen Suteh (Africa Publications Trust, 1971). The Frontiers oJDevelopment Studies (Macmillan, 1972). (Spanish edition 1982). AidJor AJrica (praeger, 1972). The Limits oJ Development Research (pergam9D Press, 1974). Trade Strategies Jor Development (Maenlillan, 1973) edited by Paul Streeten Foreign Investment, Transnationals and Developing Countries, with Sanjaya Lall (Maemillan, 1977). Recent Issues in World Development, edited with Riehard Jolly (pergamon, 1981). Development Perspectives (Maemillan, 1981). First Things First: Meeting Basic Human Needs in Developing Countries, with S. J. Burki, Mahbub ul Haq, Norman Hieks, Frances Stewart (Oxford University Press, 1981). Human Resources, Employment and Development, Volume 2, Concepts, Measurement and Long-Run Perspective, edited by Paul Streeten and Harry Maier for the International Economie Association (Maemillan, 1983). 270 Publications by Paul Streeten 271 SOME CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS Vollbeschäftigung (Cologne, 1950), 'Mangel des Preismeehanismus'. 'Keynes and the C1assies', in Post-Keynesian Economics, edited by K. Kurihara, 1954. Studi in Memoria di Benevenuto Griziotti: 'The Taxation of Overseas Profits' (Milano: GuitTre, 1959). Theorie et Politique de /'Expansion Regionale (Brussels, 1961). Contribution on regional problems in developed eountries. 'Commereial Poliey', in The British Economy in the Nineteen-fifties, edited by Worswiek and Ady (Oxford University Press, 1962). 'Values, Faets and the Compensation Prineip1e', in Probleme der normativen Ökonomik und der wirtschaftspolitischen Beratung, edited by von Beekerath and Giersch (Berlin, 1963). Economic Growth in Britain, edited by P.D. Henderson (Weidenfeld & Nieolson, 1966), eontributed two ehapters: 'The Objeetives of Economie Poliey and 'Rieh and Poor Nations'. 'The Use and Abuse ofModels in Development P1anning', in The Teaching of Development Economics, edited by K. Martin and J. Knapp (Cass, 1967). 'Counselling in British Stabi1isation Poliey', in Grundsatzprobleme wirtschaftspolitischer Beratung (Berlin: Duneker & Humbo1t, 1968). Gunnar Myrdal, Asian Drama, an Inquiry into the Poverty ofNations (Twentieth Century Fund, Mareh 1968). 'International Capita1 Movements', Essays in Honour of Antonio de Viti de Marco, edited by Ernesto d'Albergo. 'Edueation and Development', in Festehrift for Professor Dr Friedrieh Edding, Economics ofEducation in Transition, edited by K. Hufner and Jens Naumann (Klett, 1969). 'Aid to India', Year Book of World Affairs 1970 (Stevens & Sons). 'Trade and Liquidity in India and Pakistan', with Akbar Noman, in The Widening Gap, edited by Barbara Ward, Lenore d'Anjou and J.D. 'Runnals (Columbia University Press, 1971). 'Costs and Benefits ofMultinational Enterprises in Less Developed Countries', in The Multinational Enterprise, edited by John H. Dunning (Allen & Unwin, 1971). 'New Approaehes to Private Overseas Investment', in Private Foreign Investment and the Developing World, edited by Peter Ady (Praeger, 1971). 'Eeonomie Development and Edueation', in Essays on Modernization of Underdeveloped Societies, editor: A.R. Desai (Bombay, 1971). 'The Political Economy of the Environment: Problems of Method', in Uncertainty and Expectations in Economics, Essays in Honour of G.L.S. Shaekle, edited by C.F. Carter and J.L. Ford (Blaekwell, 1972). Comments in Reconstruction and Development in Nigeria, Proceedings of a National Conference, edited by A.A. Ayida and H.M.A. Onitra (Oxford University Press, 1971). 'Overseas Development Policies' (with Dudley Seers) in The Labour Government's Economic Record 1964-/970, edited by Wilfred Beckerman (Duekworth, 1972. 'International Capita1 Movements', in Studi in memoria di Antonio de Viti de Marco (Bari, 1972). 272 Publications by Paul Streeten 'A New Look at Foreign Aid', in Foreign Resources and Economic Development, a Symposium on the Report ofthe Pearson Commission, edited by T.l. Byres (Cass, 1972). 'Some Comments on the Teaching ofEconomics' and 'An Institutional Critique ofDevelopment Concepts', in The Teaching 0/ Econamics in A/rica,edited by I. Livingston, G. Routh, 1.F. Rweyemamu, K.E. Svendsen (Chatto & Windus, 1973). 'Probleme internationaler Kooperation in Forschung und Technologie aus der Sicht der Europäischen Gemeinschaften', in Technischer Fortschrift und Unternehmensgrosse, edited by Burkhardt Roper (Düsseldorf, 1973). Preface to Earned International Reserve Units, by Chris Economides (Wor/d Development.Ox/ord, 1973). Summary Report on Six Country Studies for UNCTAD and policy concIusions (with Sanjaya Lall). 'World Trade in Agricultural Commodities and the Terms of Trade with Industrial Goods', in Agricultural Po/icy in Developing Countries. Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association at Bad Godesberg, West Germany, edited by Nurul Islam (Macmillan, 1974). 'The Multinational Enterprise and the Theory of DeveIopment Policy', in Economic Analysis and the Multinational Enterprise. edited by lohn Dunning (Allen & Unwin, 1974). ARTICLES 'The Theory of Pricing' Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Band 161, Heft 3/4, October 1949. 'The Theory ofProfit' Manchester School, Vol. XVII, No. 3, September 1949. 'Economics and Value ludgments', Quarterly Journal 0/ Economics, November 1950. 'Reserve Capacity and the Kinked Demand Curve', Review 0/ Economic Studies, 1950-1. 'The Inappropriateness of Simple "Elasticity" Concepts in the Theory of International Trade' and 'Exchange Rates and National Income', both with T. Balogh in Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, October-December 1950, and Bulletin 0/ the Ox/ord University Institute 0/ Statistics, March and April 1951. 'The Modem Theory of WeIfare Economics' (French), Economie Appliquee, Tome V, No. 4, October-December 1952. 'The EtTect ofTaxation on Risk-Taking', Ox/ord Economic Papers. Vol. V, No. 3, September 1953. 'Programs and Prognoses', Quarterly Journal 0/ Economics. LXVIII, No. 3, August 1954 (translated into German and Spanish). 'Elasticity Optimism and Pessimism in International Trade', Econamia Internazionale. Vol. VII, No. I, 1954. 'Two Comments on the Articles by Mrs Paul and Professor Hicks',Oxford Economic Papers. Vol. 7, No.3, October 1955. 'Productivity Growth and the Balance of Trade', Bulletin 0/ the Ox/ord University Institute 0/ Statistics, Vol 17, No. I, February 1955. 'Some Problems Raised by the Report of the Royal Commission on the Taxation ofProfits and Income', Bulletin 0/ the Ox/ord University Institute 0/ Statistics, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1955. Publications by Paul Streeten 273 'Tbe Taxation of Overseas Profits', Manchester School, January 1957. 'Government and the Economy in the USA', Rivista di diritto jinanziario e scienzo dellejinanze, March 1957. 'Tbe Economic Consequences ofOverseas Trade Concessions', Bulletin, August 1957. 'Growth, the Terms ofTrade and the Balance ofTrade', Economie Appliquee, April/September 1957 (with J. Black). 'Sviluppo economico Stabilita e altri fini della politica fiscale', Rivista inter­ nazionale di scienze sociali, October 1957. 'A Reconsideration of Monetary Policy', Bulletin, November 1957 (with T. Balogh). 'A Note on Kaldor's Speculation and Economic Stability', Review ofEconomic Studies, Vol. XXVI, No. I, October 1958. 'Taxation and Enterprise', University of Toronto Quarterly, January 1958. 'Tassazione e iniziativa privata', Revista internazionale di scienze sociali, February 1958. 'Principio de Compensacion', Rivista de Economia Politica, April 1959. 'Unbalanced Growth', Oxford Economic Papers, June 1959 (translated into Spanish). 'Desequilibre et croissance', Cahiers de I'OOtitut economique appliquee, July 1959. 'Tax Policy for Investment', Rivista di diritto jinanziario e scienza delle jinanze, June 1960. Shortened reprint in Mercurio. 'Domestic v. Foreign Investment', Bulletin ofInstitute ofStatistics, August 1960 (with T. Balogh). 'Wages, Prices and Productivity', Kyklos, October 1962. Reprinted in Inflation, Penguin Modern Economics, edited by RJ. Ball and Peter Doyle (1969). 'Socialist Economics' in Collier's Encyclopaedia, New York, 1963. 'Common Fallacies about the Common Market' and 'Problems of Economic Integration', in Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 90, Heft 2, 1963. 'Balanced versus Unbalanced Growth', Economic Weekly, 20 April 1963. 'Tbe Coefficient ofIgnorance' (with T. Balogh), Bulletin ofthe Oxford University Institute of Statistics, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1963. Reprinted in Economics of Education, I, Penguin Modern Economics, edited by Mark Blaug (1968) and Human Capital Formation and Manpower Development, edited by Ronald
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