A !W~ ~ \ ~afjl!"_lh , I ·L .; - t~.~~=d_ ~ =I ~4*..I~~~JE- . being the nucleus, and the Florida Sport Aviation and to get it to you soo ner. Our goal is for you to Antique and Classic Association, the EAA Antique/ receive it during the first week of the month. We shall Restorers Classic Division's Florida Chapter, presided over by Pres­ not be satisfied until we accom plish this. Our other goal ident Ed Escallon. The Sun 'n Fun corporation itself is is to double our Division membership. This we cannot Corner under the direction of President Len McGinty. Len is do alone. We need your support and help. Please use the $11 ably assisted by a long list of officers and chairmen, memb ership applications, which we have been sending to including John Shinn, E. M. Avery, Betty Jones, Graham you with the magazine, to sign up your friends who are .J. R. NIELANCER .JR. Gates, Billy Henderson, Rocky Sawyer, Duffy interested in the Antiques and Classics. You will be the Thompson, and many, many more. greatest beneficiary of our increased membership. This is the month of the big one down south. It is the If you are wondering about accommodations, there In closing, I would like to thank all of the officers, month that "yo'all" are invited to "unfreeze your bird" are 18 motels and two camp grounds in the Lake land directors, advisors, convention chairmen, co-chairmen and go down to the Sun 'n Fun Fly-I n at Lakeland, area, plus camping facilities at the fly-in site for tents, and volunteers, and particularly your Editor of The Florida, from the 17th through the 23rd. motor homes and travel trailers. There are many more Vintage Airplane, AI Kelch, who helped to make my job This year marks the 3rd annual event, and the Sun 'n hotels and motels within a few miles of Lakeland. so much easier and more enjoyable, and I would like to Fun is getting bigger and better each year. From a begi n­ Special events at the Sun 'n Fun will include the thank each of you members for all of your efforts on ning three years ago, when it was a large regional fly-in display of the completely restored Laird Super Solution, behalf of the Division. We have a great organization, and, spread over a long weekend, it has now become what its with Matty Laird on hand to answer your questions, and with the help of each one of you, we shall make it even backers boast to be a "Mid-Winter Oshkosh", complete the "Gathering of Eagles" (those who flew before 1935). greater. with a leased and beautifully prepared fly-in site, a full Your EAA Antique/Classic Division willI be holding its r-----,------------------. week's program including forums, workshops, aerial winter Board of Directors meeting at Lakeland, on EDI~OR S. N.OTE . " demonstrations, commercial sales, an aviation novelty Thursday, the 20th. So if you'd like to sample some of With this Issue we. start a new ~ear. With this Issue ~e market, and an aircraft parts flea market. Add to this a that famous southern hospitality, "yo'all" come to the also have a new ~nnter, ~raphlcs of Cedar?urg WIS. 'F They are a convenient 5 minutes from the Vintage of­ corn roast on the field every evening and an awards ban­ S quet at Lakeland's beautiful new convention complex, un nun. f'Ice. We we Icome t h em to our f'Ie Id 0 f act..ivity. A great and you have a great week ahead of you. It has been just one year since your Board of Direc­ word of thanks is extended to Ray Scholler and the ' If mama and the kids aren't quite as enthusiastic tors elected me to fill the unexpired term of president of gang at Times Publishing for their fine work, they have about airplanes as you are, there are 25 famous Florida your Division. Many wonderful things have happened to expertly printed Vintage since its inception. attractions close by, including Disney World, Circus me during this past year, including your demonstration We have increased the base page content to 24 pages World, Cypress Gardens, Sea World and Busch Gardens. of confidence by electing me to a full term as President from 20. Many of last years issues were large r when we You may want to visit the J FK Space Center and the last August. I shall certainly do my best to live up to had the material. We will continue to add pages as we Piper Navajo aircraft factory yourself. your expectations. gain members and materi al. Should anyone have sent in The Sun 'n Fun is the result of a regional cooperative As I reflect back over the year, I see that, while we an article that is now not published please contact me as effort, backed by the SESAC (Southeastern Sport Avia­ have accomplished much in many respects, we have a double check that it was not lost in transit. Happy tion Council) EAA chapters, under the directorship of fallen short of a-couple of our goals. We have just taken New Year and good flying. Bill Ehlen, with the Tampa and Lakeland area chapters new steps to speed up the publication of this magazine AI Kelch OFFICIAL MAGAZINE ANTIQUE / CLASSIC DIVISION of Editorial THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Staff JANUARY 1977 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 1 Editor Assistant Editor AI Kelch Lois Kelch Associate Editor Associate Editor Robert G. Elliot! Edward D. Williams 1227 Oakwood Ave. 713 Eastman Dr. Daytona Beach, Florida 32014 Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056 Associateeditorswill be identified in the table of con­ The Restore's Corner .... _ . _ .. _..... ... .. ....... .... ..... ...1 tents on articles they send in and repeated on the Cessna .. _ . .. _.. _ .... _... , . .............. .... _.. ....... 3 ar ticle if they have written it. Associate editorships will be ass igned to those who qualify (5 articles in 1976 Ryan Reunion ..... ....... .. .. ____ . ... .. _.. _.... ___ . ... _7 any calendar year). Gee Bee Airplanes _. __ .. _... _... ___ . _ ....... _.. _ . _ ... _ . .. .. .....8 Vintage Album. __ . .. _ . _ . _ . , . __ . __ _.... .. .. , ___ . _ . _. _..........11 Directors Bellanca __ .... _ . _ . ____ ... , _ . ____ . __ ..... _....... __ .... .. _ . _ .13 Shannon Air Museum. _.. _. _ . _.. .. ___ . ________ . _____ . _____ . _ . ___ .17 ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC Claude l. Gray, J r. AI Kelch 9635 Sylvia Avenue 7018 W. Bonniwell Road DIVISION Northridge" California 91324 Mequon, Wisconsin 53092 OFFICERS James B. Horne Evander M. Britt 3840 Coronat ion Road Box 1525 PRESIDENT Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP J,R. NIELANDER, JR. P.O_ BOX 2464 0 George E. Stubbs M. C. "Kelly" Viets FT_ LAUDERDALE, FL 33303 Box 113 RR1,Box151 Brownsburg, Indiana 46112 Stillwell, Kansas 66085 o NON-EAA MEMBER - $34_00_ Includes one year membership in the EM Antique/Classic Division, 12 VICE-PRESIDENT William J. Ehlen Morton Lester monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa­ JACK WINTHROP Route 8, Box 506 P.O . Box 3747 tion, 12 monthly issues of SPORT AVIATION and separate membership cards. RT_l,BOXlll Tampa, Florida 33618 Martinsville. Virginia 24112 o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20_00_ Includes one year membership in the EM Antique/Classic Division, 12 ALLEN, TX 75002 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; c;ne year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa­ , Advisors tion and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION not included. SECRETARY W. Brade Thomas, Jr. Dale A. Gustafson o EAA MEMBER - $14.00_ Includes one year membership in the EM Antique/Classic Division, 12 monthly RICHARD WAGNER 301 Dodson Mill Road 7724 Shady Hill Drive issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE and membership card. (Applicant must be current EM member and P_O_ BOX 181 Pilot Mountain, North Carolina 27041 Indianapolis. IN 46274 must give EM membership number. LYONS, WI 53148 Robert A. White Roger J. Sherron TREASURER 1207 Falcon Drive 446-C Las Casitas E,E_ "BUCK" HILBERT Orlando, Florida 32803 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 8102 LEECH RD_ Mau nce "Sonny" Clavel Stan Gomoll UNION, IL 60180 Box 98 104290th Lane, N.E. PICTURE BOX Wauchula, F L 33875 Minneapolis, MN 55434 ON THE COVER (Back Cover) THE VINTAGE A IRPLANE is owned usively by Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc. ana is published monthly at Cessna 79SA formerly owned by Factory picture of Cessna 790 Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130. ~ Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130 and Milwaukee PoSt Office . Wisconsin 53201. Membership rates for Antique Class Aircraft, Inc. Bob Wilson see story page 3. showing crosswind landing con­ at $14.00 per 12 month period of 0.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membersh ip is open to all who are interested in avia . formation. Copyright ~ 1976 Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2 By Bob Wilson Rt. 3 Box 2758 Ocala, FL. 32670 (All Photos Courtesy of the Author) One of the best ot the Classic airplanes today is the Cessna 195. Here's a nice big, comfortab le, all metal bird that hauls five people in comfort with 120 Ibs. of bag­ gage, and over five hours fuel range. It has great perform­ ance, even today with a good 160 mph cruise at about 14 GPH, depending on engine installation, which stil l puts out a reasonable 12 MPG. Now if you're obsessed with fuel costs, have no use for radial engines and tail­ wheels scare you, then a 195 is not your bag, and you'd better stay with your Mooney.
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