S EALI Calif. Oakland. Or Ian a nave nice e OS.' A Loa St. Harriman *21 t. H 1135 Venice 7:17 CO. IIEIIG 1 E II or. HACH CO,j J. LEO THE WU:STERN NN it CL It. II. Calif. Calif. net re an girt e. a r ' n Angeles, L.a elmeo. I f t era ow 1 Francisco. sa St. Wall 1022 St. immina DI C El. UV St.' O'Farrell 1115 CO. EYHERG II CO. IIERG HEY it CO. J. LEO NSTO J. LEI) Atli- ' cuirriss R. CALIFORNIA OAKLAND, ILLINOIS CHICAGO, COMPANY MAGNAVOX THE itl Hear name. Magnavox... the under unit separate a as sold also sets radio fine of makes several in equipment built-in as Used speaker. dynamic new this at marvel will You performance of standard original of GUARANTEE LIFETIME A history... speaker in time first the for offer, to Magnavox enables -core X the Also, volume. any at distortion and rattles hum, from freedom speaker... any in time first the for assures, It construction. speaker dynamic of ciple prin- exclusive new, a is -core X Magnavox SPEAKEK DYNAMIC -COREX NAVOX MAG reproduction radio in advancement Astonishing JOURNAL TRADES RADIO AND MUSIC ESTERN St. Pierpont 140 North Street, Ninth 47 COMPANY SUPPLY WESTERN CO. SHARP A. C. City Lake Salt Portland St. 17th Weo 135-139 Street Ninth 121 RAVENSCROFT & KIERULFF RAVENSCROFT & KIERULFF Angeles Los Francisco San Radio! in News Big 18 JUNE OUT EY -G-R-49-S7L Watch 1401141111 ..====ti..7.J====.-"=n=C=- 111 June, 1929 Western Music & Radio Trades Journal ;TO THE LINE ! EDISON PADIO \\\\\\\\witiLiin\\ c_ r;WL__.. LIG HT=0. -MATIC TUNING mmilliffruemv tirimulkm\\ and at sensationally low prices This is news!Golden news!An Edison lectivity, distance and realism that is astound- Radio at $167.50.Think of that!An Edi- ing. And all the fine workmanship, electrical son Radio with the wonderful new and in- efficiency and reliability for which the great triguing Light-O-Matic Tuner!Superlative name of Edison stands.There are two other cabinet beauty!A great Dynamic Speaker! Light-O-Matic models equallyremarkable. A marvelous newcircuitofundreamed All are sensational values.Truly this will powerusingfive"227" be an Edison Radio Year tubes, two "245" tubes and -a golden year for Edison one "280" tube.Perform- dealers! Thomas A. Edison, ance of punch and pep; se - Inc., Orange, N. J. The New Edison Radio-Model R-4 Blended walnut finish, with quarter matched sliding doors and raised butt walnut panels. Dynamic Speaker. Phonograph Jack. Size:46" x 26%" x 17". The New Edison Radio The New Edison List Price $197.50, less tubes. and Electric Phono- Radio-Model It -S graph-Model ('-4 Blended walnut finish, with Combinationall -electric matched butt walnut pilasters radio and phonographina and sliding doors. TRADE MARK massive studio cabinet.Edi- Dynamic son electric pickup.Blended Speaker. PhonographJack. walnutfinish,withsliding Size: 42%"x2314"x151". List a doors of matched butt walnut. Price $167.50, less tubes. Size: 48"x28%"x19".List Price $295.00. less tubes. , Light-O-Matic Tuningarouses in- 0 -Made Tuning makes radio logs stant interest in the new Edison models. You obsolete. want a station-a click-a flash of light-you Stations are plainly and permanently logged have it! on the dial.Simple-nothing to get cut of That's Light-O-Matic. Tuning!And order. This tuningdevice,unlikeothers, remember it's exclusive with Edison.Light- actually enhances the appearance of the Radio. now. units UTAH new these hearing by hum. No qualities reproducing cycles. 60 to 25 on used canbe finer their of yourself step Convince speaker. ic - transformer down dynam- shielded anced rectifier-eliminating age bal- UTAH new the S I L volt- high wave full house and speaker inductor T power balanced UTAH Westing- with Equipped new the is there dium to In 00 101/4". Cone -a11121/4".over ter Sta- the addition Diame- Operation. A.C. 110 66-A Model STADIUM UTAH Ill. Chicago, Ave., Michigan South 1737 CO. PRODUCTS RADIO UTAH use. door out- and hall large theatre, home, for speaker superior a output largest for Ideal products. their to qualities reproduction superior giving of necessity the feel who dealers and jobbers manufacturers, of needs the meet to Built speaker STADIUM Large Ready NOW 1929 June, Journal Trades Radio & Music Western June, 1929 \\ t .tern Music & Radio Trades Journal CONTENTS Salt Lake City Prepares to W el - WENTERN come Delegates to Big Con- MUSIC AND vention Trade Show to be the Real Thing 111 RADIO TIRAIPES Collections Made Easy - JOuRNALry Salt Lake City in Story and Pic- tures 19 "ln Behalf of the Western Merchant" Published the Fifteenth of Each Month at 501 Commercial Exchange Treble, Bass and Hum - 57 Building, Los Angeles, California, by Byam Publishing Co., Wallace M. Byam, Marion E. Byam. What Can You Afford to Pay Editorial Offices:San Francisco, N. E. Coe, 1625 Mason St.;Seattle, Salesmen? 72 C. M. Patterson, 503 Lloyd Bldg.;Salt Lake City, FredL. W. Bennett. 235 Hubbard Ave.; Portland, L. Gilbertson, Oregon Journal; Denver, J. R. Doings of the Associations 82 Thompson, 4965 Knox St. Advertising Offices, New York, C. A. Larson. 254 W. 31st St. ADVISORY BOARD The Publisher's Angle OF PUBLICATION R. T. BAILEY A New Way of Reporting News"Best Sellers." That is the phrase we used. President, Bailey's, Inc. Now other Eastern magazines are doing Spokane, Wash. Beginning with this issue of Westernthe same and using the same phrase. GEO. Q. CHASE Music and Radio Trades Journal you will President. Kohler & Chase In September, we ran a story of a prom- San Francisco. Calif. notice that news and manufacturers' an-inent Western firm. JAMES FLETCHER nouncements are written in a new manner. In November the Fletcher Bros. Music Co. same photographsandpracticallythe Victoria. British Columbia It is similar to the style of news reporting L. E. FONTRON same story appeared in an Eastern maga- Sec.-Treas., Martin Music Co. pioneered by the weekly news magazinezine.In October, we ran a photograph Los Angeles. Calif. Time about three years ago.The success A. G. FARQUHARSON and news story of a very interesting West- Secretary, So. California Music of Time has been phenomenal, due pri-ern character and his store.In April the Trades Association marily to the pointed, honest, story telling Los Angeles. Calif. same photograph appeared in an Eastern WM. H. GRAHAM style of its news. magazine. We have the original negative Hopper -Kelly Music Co. Seattle. Wash. Though not using the style exactly asand the only print.The fact is the writer MRS. S. S. HOCKETT Time does, we have adapted many of itstook the picture with his own camera. Hockett-Cowan Music Co. Fresno. Calif. features and devised a method of handlingThis magazine was given no credit. About ERNEST INGOLD news that we believeisideallysuiteda year ago an Eastern magazine lifted four Ernest Ingold, Inc. San Francisco to trade magazine work.So-called pub -pages bodily.Credit was given inconspic- ROYAL DAYNES licit y,manufacturers' announcements,uously under one cut only.We started President, Western Music & Radio Trades Association have always been the bane of trade paperaction on that and ended with acceptance Salt Lake City. Utah editors.Much of it as it comes from theof an apology. We wish since that we'd A. D. LAMOTTE President, Thearle Music Co. manufacturers is well handled and well taken cash.Like any other publication, we s,,o Diego, Calif. written.Some of it buries a real goodglory in having our articles and ideas ELLAS MARX Elias Marx Music Co. idea or a genuinely interesting news itemlifted, but we like credit for them. Sacramento, Calif. under a superfluity of super -adjectives. W. C. ORTON Orton Bros. Music Co. Some of itis trash.We are re -writingNext Month-Overhead Butte, Mont. much of it in this new style. Unless he is a super -man, no one man's DON C. PRESTON Don C. Preston Music Stores There is no reason why a trade magazineopinion is worth much.Solving a given Bakersfield. Calif. should not be as interesting as any otherquestion, it is not as good as the opinions GENE REDEWILL Redewill Music Co. magazine.We would like to know whatof 25 or 50 men. So we have been making Phoenix, Ariz. von think about this new style. investigations among a great many deal- FRANK SALMACIA Glendale Music Co. ers, talking overhead.What percentage Glendale. Calif. Credit Where Credit is Due should it bear to sales in different classes C. B. SAMPSON Sampson Music Co. We hereby make the prediction that be-and sizes of stores? How should it be dis- Boise. Idaho fore four months have elapsed one of thetributed?Can it be cut without affecting W. W. BRADFORD Knight -Campbell Music Co. Easternradio -musicmagazineswillbesales, and where are the best- places to Denver, Colo. using the same style of news reporting thatslash?One trained business investigator WILL A. WATKIN Will A. Watkin Company we are startinginthisissue. Several and two college students working under Dallas, Texas months ago, when some other magazinestheir professor have been doing a lot of SHIRLEY WALKER San Francisco, Calif. were printing phonograph record releaseswork on overhead.Their findings will be GEO. C. WILL in their entirety, we began printing thepublished in the next issue. Salem, Ore. Entered as Second Class Matter January 24, 1928. at the Postoffice at Los Angeles, California. under Act of March 3,1879.$2.00 a year. Western Music & Radio Trades Journal, Vol. X, No. 13.Published monthly at 501 Commercial Exchange Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
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