版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2020 © 2020 Hong Kong Museum of History 目 錄 Contents 編者的話 Message from the Editor 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 塵封璀璨 — 阿富汗古文物 04 Glistening Treasures in the Dust - Ancient Artefacts of Afghanistan 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 香港故事 The Hong Kong Story 08 文物捐贈 Donation 09 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 博物館動態 News and Events 常設展覽更新工程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 10 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibitions 第八屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽暨頒獎典禮 14 孫中山與近代中國 Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China 34 The 8th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong’s History and Culture 孫中山時期的香港 Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time 34 and Prize Presentation Ceremony 特稿 Special Issue 公眾節目Public Programmes 17 孫中山先生的最後歲月The Last Days of Dr Sun Yat-sen 36 香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum版權為香港歷史博物館所有 of Coastal Defence 公眾節目© 2020Public Programmes 38 海防館更新工程 MCD's Revamping© 2020 Hong Kong Museum of History 回望昔日香港義勇軍Looking back on the Hong Kong Volunteers 27 其他分館 Other Branch Museums 公眾節目 Public Programmes 29 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery 40 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum 42 外展活動 Outreach Programmes 羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum 43 《香港軍事發展今昔》Hong Kong Military History, Then and Now 31 外展工作坊 Outreach Workshops 32 資源及服務 Resources & Services 巡迴展覽導賞服務 Special Docent Service for the Travelling Exhibitions 32 團體預約參觀 Group Visits by Appointments 44 預約手語傳譯導賞 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours by Appointments 45 外借服務 Loan Out Services 46 參考資料室 Resource Centre 47 48 博物館位置及開放時間 Location and Opening Hours 節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 編者的話 Message from the Editor 2019年過去了,回顧去年,除了常設展覽「香 The turn of the year is a time to look back on 港故事」繼續訴說著香港的自然生態、民間風 what we have accomplished and look ahead to 俗及歷史發展之外,歷史博物館還舉辦了「金 what’s in store. In review, The Hong Kong Story 漆輝映:潮州木雕」、「 現代化之路 ─ 共和 permanent exhibition continued to describe the 香 國七十年」及「塵封璀璨 ─ 阿富汗古文物」 natural environment, folk culture and historical 三個專題展覽,讓公眾放眼世界,了解各地的 development of Hong Kong, while the museum 人和事。 also presented three thematic exhibitions in 2019 – 港 Gilded Glory: Chaozhou Woodcarving, The Road to 現正展出的專題展覽「塵封璀璨 ─ 阿富汗古 Modernisation – 70 Years of the People’s Republic 歷 文物」,共展出阿富汗四個著名考古地點出土 of China and Glistening Treasures in the Dust – 的231件(套)珍貴文物,包括金器、玻璃器、 Ancient Artefacts of Afghanistan – with the aim of 青銅雕塑,以及象牙雕刻等,這是一個可以一 encouraging audiences to look beyond Hong Kong 史 and appreciate the history and experiences of other 睹阿富汗珍貴古文物的難得機會,歡迎你和家 peoples. 人朋友一同前來觀賞。 博 Featuring 231 items (sets) of precious artefacts 在2020年的首季,歷史博物館及其分館將繼 including goldware, glassware, bronze sculptures 續舉辦多元化教育活動,當中有各種不同主題版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2020 and ivory carvings unearthed from four famous 物 的講座、工作坊、導賞團及戶外考察等,快來 archaeological sites in Afghanistan, our current 看看今季有甚麼活動,可根據你的個人興趣參 ©exhibition 2020 Glistening TreasuresHong in the Dust Kong – Ancient Museum of History 加,一起探索香港的歷史文化! Artefacts of Afghanistan offers you a unique 館 opportunity to view sumptuous relics from a rarely 歷史博物館及海防博物館的常設展覽將進行更 explored region together with your family and 新工程,而歷史博物館的下一個有關香港工業 friends. 的專題展覽亦正在籌備當中,期待在新的一年 我們有一個既豐盛又精彩的文化生活。 In the 1st quarter of 2020, the Museum of History and its branch museums continue to hold a variety of educational activities, including lectures, workshops, guided tours and outdoor visits on various topics. Find out what activities are available, choose the ones you are interested in and join us to explore the history and culture of Hong Kong! The Museum of History and the Museum of Coastal Defence are undergoing revamps, and the next thematic exhibition at the Museum of History, focusing on Hong Kong industry, is being planned. So we can all look forward to a richer, more amazing cultural life in 2020! Hong Kong Museum of History https://hk.history.museum 專 題 展 覽 專 題 展 覽 Special Exhibition Special Exhibition 至Until10.2.2020 香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳 圖四 Fig.4 Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History 門票 Admission Fees 港幣 HK$ 10 / 7 / 5 元 聯合主辦 籌劃 康樂及文化事務署 香港歷史博物館 阿富汗國家博物館 Organised by 圖三 Fig.3 Jointly presented by Hong Kong Museum of History Leisure and Cultural Services Department 支持機構 圖五 Fig.5 National Museum of Afghanistan 阿富汗伊斯蘭共和國駐中華人民共和國大使館 展覽透過阿富汗國家博物館珍藏從法羅爾丘地、 版權為香港歷史博物館所有Supported by 阿伊哈努姆、蒂拉丘地© (2020黃金之丘)和貝格拉姆 等四個著名考古地點出土的 231 件(套)珍貴文 Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 物,包括金器、玻璃器、青銅雕塑,以及象牙 the People's Republic of China © 2020 Hong Kong Museum雕刻等,展示青銅時代至公元一世紀期間的阿 of History 圖三 富汗及周邊地區深受古希臘、古印度和古羅馬 碗蓋 等外來文化的影響,以及與草原民族文化糅合 阿伊哈努姆神廟遺址出土 公元前三世紀至前二世紀 的多元文化風貌,更印證了古阿富汗在絲綢之 片岩 路上扮演了文化十字路口的角色,從而促進了 Fig.3 世界文明的交流與融會。 Lid of compartmented bowl Temple with niches, Aï Khanum 3rd-2nd century BC Schist Through the display of 231 items (sets) of rare artefacts including goldware, glassware, bronze 圖四 鼓狀飾物 sculptures and ivory carvings, unearthed from the 蒂拉丘地 1 號墓出土 four famous archaeological sites in Tepe Fullol, Aï 公元25至50年 黃金、綠松石、石榴石、珍珠母 Khanum, Tillya Tepe (Hill of Gold) and Begram, Fig.4 now in the collection of the National Museum Drum-shaped ornament of Afghanistan, this exhibition demonstrates the Tillya Tepe, Tomb 1 AD 25-50 圖一 Fig.1 圖二 Fig.2 profound influence of foreign ancient cultures such Gold, turquoise, garnet and mother-of-pearl as Greek, Indian and Roman on Afghanistan and 圖五 圖一 圖二 its surrounding regions from the Bronze Age to 項鍊 金柄短劍 花葉形髮飾 蒂拉丘地 5 號墓出土 蒂拉丘地 4 號墓出土 the first century AD, as well as a cultural diversity 蒂拉丘地 3 號墓出土 公元25至50年 公元25至50年 embracing the features of different Steppe cultures. 公元25至50年 黃金、綠松石、石榴石、黃鐵礦 鐵、黃金、綠松石 黃金、青銅 These artefacts also attest to the role played by Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.5 Necklace Dagger with gold-plated hilt ancient Afghanistan as the cultural crossroads of Hairpin with rosette design Tillya Tepe, Tomb 5 Tillya Tepe, Tomb 4 the Silk Road, which subsequently promoted the Tillya Tepe, Tomb 3 AD 25-50 AD 25-50 AD 25-50 Gold, turquoise, garnet and pyrite Iron, gold and turquoise exchange and integration of world civilisations. Gold and bronze 05 04 專題展覽 專題展覽 最新出版 New Publication Special Exhibition 《塵封璀璨-阿富汗古文物》展覽圖錄 Special Exhibition Glistening Treasures in the Dust - Ancient Artefacts of Afghanistan Exhibition Catalogue 這本為配合《塵封璀璨-阿富汗古文物》展覽 This catalogue has been published to complement 而編製的圖錄,除了介紹阿富汗國家博物館珍 the exhibition “Glistening Treasures in the Dust - 藏從法羅爾丘地、阿伊哈努姆、蒂拉丘地(黃 Ancient Artefacts of Afghanistan”. Apart from 金之丘)和貝格拉姆出土的 231 件(套)珍貴 introducing a group of 231 items (sets) of rare 文物,展示了古阿富汗的璀璨文化外,更收錄 artefacts unearthed from the archaeological sites 了香港大學饒宗頤學術館館長李焯芬教授和北 of Tepe Fullol, Aï Khanum, Tillya Tepe (Hill of 京大學考古文博學院林梅村教授撰寫的專題文 Gold) and Begram, now in the collection of the 圖六 Fig.6 章,分別從古阿富汗的地緣特點,及其文化十 National Museum of Afghanistan, the catalogue 字路口的地位,闡釋了古阿富汗與周邊地區多 also contains monographs written by Professor Lee 元文化的交流融匯,揭示了世界文明進程被忽 Chack-fan, Director of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The 錄音導賞服務 略的一個章節。 University of Hong Kong, and Professor Lin Meicun Audio Guide Service of the School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University. The exchange and integration of 備有粵語、普通話及英語介紹,租用費為港幣 diverse cultures between ancient Afghanistan and 10 元。歡迎到一樓大堂「錄音導賞服務處」查詢 its surrounding regions are elucidated in relation 詳情。 to the geographical features of Afghanistan and Available in Cantonese, Putonghua and English its role as the crossroads of cultures, revealing a 版權為香港歷史博物館所有narratives at a rental of HK$10. Please proceed to © 2020 long-neglected chapter in the progress of world the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby for civilisation. ©details. 2020 Hong Kong Museum of History 公眾導賞團 圖七 Fig.7 Public Guided Tours 全程約 1 小時,每團名額 30 人,請於該節開始 前 1 小時內到導賞服務處索取籌號,以預留登 記名額。先到先得,額滿即止。 現已有售 Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 30 圖六 Now available 女性形象飾板 persons. Quota slips for registration can be 貝格拉姆遺址 13 號室出土 公元一世紀 collected at the Guided Tour Service Counter within 象牙 an hour before each session starts. First come, first 香港歷史博物館編製 Fig.6 served. 平裝,368 頁 Plaque with female figures 售價:港幣 305 元 Begram, Room 13 粵語 ( 每天 ):上午 11 時及下午 3 時 30 分 1st century AD 國際書號:978-962-7039-96-9 Ivory Cantonese (daily): 11am and 3:30pm 圖七 英語 ( 星期六、日及公眾假期 ):下午 2 時 Produced by Hong Kong Museum 厄洛斯與賽姬飾板 貝格拉姆遺址 13 號室出土 English (Sat, Sun and P.H.): 2pm of History 公元一世紀 Paperback, 368 pages 石膏 普通話 ( 星期六、日及公眾假期 ):下午 4 時 Price: HK$305 Fig.7 30 分 Medallion with Eros and ISBN: 978-962-7039-96-9 Psyche Putonghua (Sat, Sun and P.H.): 4:30pm Begram, Room 13 1st century AD Plaster 07 06 常設展覽 文物捐贈 Permanent Exhibition 香港故事 文物捐贈 Donation The Hong Kong Story Donation 「香港故事」常設展是博物館多年來辛勤努力蒐 藏品是博物館的靈魂,也是博物館與群眾之 集、保存及研究工作的總展示。整個展覽佔地 間的橋樑,我們會利用市民捐贈的文物進行 七千平方米,共有八個展區,分布於兩層展廳, 研究、展覽和教育用途,與普羅大眾分享文 包括:「自然生態環境」、「史前時期的香港」、 物背後的故事。文物同時也是時代的見證, 「歷代發展:從漢至清朝」、「香港的民俗」、 透過對它們的研究和詮釋,我們可以超越時 「鴉片戰爭與香港的割讓」、「香港開埠及早 空,了解前人的生活點滴,記取歷史給予我 年發展」、「日佔時期」及「現代都市及香港 們的啟迪。 的回歸」。通過逾四千件展品、多個立體造景 我們一直致力蒐集、保存、研究、詮釋和展 及多媒體劇場,配以聲和光的特殊效果,生動 示與香港和華南地區歷史相關的文物。本館 有趣地介紹香港的自然生態、民間風俗及歷史 館藏絕大部分來自公眾人士的熱心捐贈。有 發展。「香港故事」從四億年前的泥盆紀開始, 你的參與,文物才可得到更好的保護和承傳。 以一九九七年香港回歸作結,內容務求雅俗共 如欲捐贈物品,可致電 (2724 9042)、電郵 賞,趣味與教育並重。 ([email protected]) 或郵寄香港歷史博物館 The Hong Kong Story permanent exhibition ( 信封面請註明「文物捐贈」),以便跟進。 showcases the dedicated hard work done by the Museum staff in the past years in collecting, A museum’s collection is its soul. It also serves as a preserving and researching the history and bridge between the museum and the public. We development of Hong Kong. Occupying an area of 版權為香港歷史博物館所有use items donated© by members 2020 of the public for 7,000m², The Hong Kong Story comprises 8 galleries research, exhibition and education purposes in order on two floors, including “The Natural Environment”, to share with visitors the stories behind each artefact. “Prehistoric Hong Kong”, “The Dynasties: From the© 2020 Hong Kong Museum of History 捐贈者芳名 Donors Meanwhile, artefacts are empirical evidence of a Han to the Qing”, “Folk Culture in Hong Kong”, (8-11.2019) period in time.
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