ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER ORIGINALNI NAUČNI RAD ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER EVALUATION OF ANTIBIOTIC CONSUMPTION AT RAKOVICA COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER FROM 2011 TO 2015 Marijana Tomic Smiljanic1, Vesela Radonjic2, Dusan Djuric3 1 Community Health Center in Rakovica, Belgrade, Serbia 2 Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia, Belgrade; University of Kragujevac, Serbia, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy 3 University of Kragujevac, Serbia, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy EVALUACIJA POTROŠNJE ANTIBIOTIKA U DOMU ZDRAVLJA RAKOVICA U PERIODU 2011_2015. GODINA Marijana Tomić Smiljanić1, Vesela Radonjić2, Dušan Đurić3 1 Dom zrdavlja Rakovica, Beograd, Srbija 2 Agencija za lekove i medicinska sredstva Srbije, Beograd, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Srbija, Fakultet medicinskih nauka, Odsek za farmaciju 3 Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Srbija, Fakultet medicinskih nauka, Odsek za farmaciju Received / Primljen: 08.06.2016. Accepted / Prihvaćen: 12.07.2016. ABSTRACT SAŽETAK Antibacterial drugs are among the major discoveries of the Antibakterijski lekovi su među najvećim otkrićima 20. 20th century because they signifi cantly reduced the rate of mor- veka, jer su znatno smanjili stopu obolevanja i smrtnosti bidity and mortality as well as the risk of infections related to od infektivnih bolesti i rizik od infekcije kod invazivnih invasive medical procedures. Indiscriminate and wrongful use medicinskih procedura. Neodgovorna i pogrešna upotre- of these powerful life-saving drugs has led to the development ba ovih moćnih lekova koji spasavaju život dovela je do of resistance of numerous microorganisms, resulting in an in- razvoja rezistencije mnogih mikroorganizama na njih, a crease in the number of hospital-acquired infections with a fatal rezultat toga je i porast bolničkih infekcija sa smrtnim outcome. Th us, it is very important to establish the volume of ishodom. Veoma je važno utvrđivanje obima potrošnje antibiotic consumption and surveillance of antimicrobial resis- antibiotika i nadzora nad antimikrobnom rezistencijom, tance in order to rationalize the use of this important group of radi racionalizacije upotrebe ove važne grupe lekova. Pri- medications. Th e usage unique ATC/DDD methodology results menjena je jedinstvena ATC/DDD metodologija, rezulta- expressed as Defi ned Daily Doses (DDD)/1000 inhabitants per ti su izraženi kao broj upotrebljenih definisanih dnevnih day (DID) has enabled the comparison of antibiotic consump- doza (DDD)/1000 stanovnika /dan (DID) omogućila je tion in Serbia to that in other countries for a better understand- poređenje potrošnje antibiotika u Srbiji sa drugim zemlja- ing of our results. Th e community health center in Rakovica pro- ma i bolje razumevanje naših rezultata. U Domu zdravlja vides treatment for approximately 70,820 patients. Th e volume Rakovica leči se oko 70820 pacijenata. Izračunat je obim of overall antibiotic consumption has been calculated as well as ukupne potrošnje antibiotika kao i ucešće pojedinih anti- the use of certain antibiotics in the total consumption and com- biotika u ukupnoj potrošnji i poređenje sa vodičima dobre parison of the guides for good clinical practice. Th e most pre- kliničke prakse. scribed antibiotics were antibiotics for diseases of the respiratory system. Th e most prescribed groups of antibiotics were penicillin Najviše su propisivani antibiotici za bolesti respiratornog drugs, which are an optimal choice as per the guides for good sistema. Najpropisivanija grupa antibiotika su penicilini, što clinical practice. Amoxicillin are the most frequently prescribed je u skladu sa vodičima dobre kliničke prakse. Zapažen je individual antibiotic. A yearly increase in prescribing penicillin porast propisivanja penicilina iz godine u godinu sa domi- was observed. A rise in consumption of all generations of quino- nacijom amoksicilina. Zapaža se i porast propisivanja hino- lones was observed, particularly for levofl oxacine, which is not lona, posebno levofl oksacina, što nije u skladu sa preporuka- in accordance with the recommendations. ma vodiča dobre kliničke prakse. Keywords: Rational use of antibiotics, DID, antibiotic Ključne reči: racionalna upotreba antibiotika, DID, po- consumption trošnja antibiotika UDK: 615.33497.11”2011/2015” / SER J EXP CLIN RES 2017; 18 3: 245250 DOI: 10.1515/SJECR20160054 Corresponding author: Vesela Radonjic, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy; E-mail: [email protected] 245 INTRODUCTION as profitable as the ones that treat chronic illnesses. Indis- criminate use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of In 1985, the World Health Organization (WHO) de- multidrug resistant microorganisms–MRSA, VRSA, VRE, fined the rational use of drugs as a process in which the etc. The problem of the increasing resistance of microor- patients obtain medications that suit their needs, in doses ganisms to antibiotics has become a global health issue (6). suitable for them, within an appropriate length of time and The choice of therapy should rely either on the culture at the lowest cost for them and the society they live in (1). and identification of bacterial pathogens and the results Currently, the irrational use of medications, with all of of the sensitivity test (directed therapy) or on the familiar its negative implications, represents a continuing process common pathogens in the given state and their common that takes on increasing proportions and is thus consid- forms of resistance (empirical therapy). ered to be one of the biggest global public health issues (2). The basic principles of the rational use of antibiotics Of all the drugs, antibiotics have played the greatest are as follows: role in indiscriminate drug prescriptions. The discovery • Based on the localization of the infection, the causative and use of antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of infec- agent that is in question can be assumed. tions constitutes the biggest success of modern medicine. • An empirical antibiotic choice during the initial patient Approximately 80 % of all antibiotics prescribed in health contact should be made. care institutions are being prescribed within primary • Sampling for microbiological survey should be conduct- health care settings and most frequently for respiratory ed prior to administering antibiotics. tract infections. A non-clinical factor, such as the pressure • Within 48-72 hours, the effectiveness of antibiotics that is exerted on doctors by the patients, also has a large should be reconsidered, and in view of microbiological impact on antibiotic prescriptions, but the doctors them- findings, the choice of whether to continue or change selves prescribe antibiotics quite often and unjustifiably the application of antibiotics should be decided. (3). A study has been performed involving patients with • Apply the antibiotic for a sufficient length of time to symptoms of cough where antibiotics are quite frequently treat the infection in question. administered, showing that there is no difference in the de- One of the ways to achieve this goal is to evaluate and gree of recovery between the patients treated with antibi- correct the antibiotic prescribing habits in all health care otics and the ones who did not receive them (4). institutions, principally in the primary health care system The introduction of a mandatory continuing medical such as community health centers (7). This study has ex- education (CME) requirement for health workers in the amined the protocols on antibiotic prescribing at Rakovica Republic of Serbia regulated by the Law on Health Care Community Health Center, Belgrade. and Rules will probably have an impact on solving this problem. Apart from other public health measures that have led GOAL to the extension of life expectancy, the use of antibiotics is certainly of great importance. However, the success in The main goal of this study is to provide insight into the treatment of infections is compromised by their irrational volume of consumption of antibiotics and the participa- use, which has led to bacterial resistance of these medica- tion of certain antibiotics in their overall consumption at tions. Irrational use is defined as microbiologically ineffi- Rakovica Community Health Center, as well as to compare cient antimicrobial therapy that can have adverse effects the volume to the national guidelines effective in Serbia on the outcome of treatment. The irrational use of anti- and the ESAC (European Surveillance of Antimicrobial microbial drugs is important not only from the clinical as- Consumption) recommendations. pect, i.e. because of the outcome of the patient treatment, but also from the public health aspect since it represents one of the main factors for the emergence of resistance of METHODOLOGY infectious agents (5). With an aim at preventing resistance, antimicrobial The monitoring of antibiotic use refers to a five-year drugs should be administered rationally, which according to period (2011 -2015) involving patients over 18 years of age current concepts means that their usage should not be em- at the adult health care service at Rakovica Community pirical but rather targeted and based on diagnostic evidence. Health Center. The community health center in Rakov- Over the last 30 years, the development of new antibi- ica provides treatment for approximately 70,820 patients otics has considerably decreased, while the options to treat (30,016 male and 40,657 female). infections caused by resistant agents, which are increas-
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