FAWLEY COURT - historia Patacu i Muzeum ~~ .... ,', .... ~..•........ ,~ ... ~, .... ~ ... ~,_., ..~~ Tablica Plaque commemoratillg IIpamif'tlliajqca 300-Icdl' rite 300th al/lzi)'{')"sarJj of the II:ljlmdoll'a Ilia House's co/zstructiOlz pafacil Fawley Court stanm-vi zabytko• ings of Fawley Court is that of the Centrumwy XVII-wiecznyrozleglych palac,niegdysotoczo•dobr ThehistoricCentre17th-centuryof the once housevast hold•and ny parkiem, usytuowanym nad brze• surrounding gardens stretching along giem Tamizy, na granicy hrabstw the Thames, on the border of Oxford• Oxfordshire i Buckingamshire. shire and Bllckinghamshire counties. Historia posiadlosci sit(ga polowy XI The history of Fawley Court reaches wieku. Za panowania Edwarda Wy• back to the mid-11th century. During znawcy (ok. 1003-1066) obronny dwor the reign of Edward the Confessor (c. z dobrami FaHey otrzymal Tostig, syn 1003-1066) a fortified manor with lands Godwina, mianowany przez wladct( known as 'FaHey' (from the plenitude of hrabiq Northumbrii, zas Wilhelm fallow deer) came to be held by Tostig, I Zdobywca (1028-1087) podarowal go the son of Earl Godwin, when the king szwagrowi, Walterowi Giffordowi hra• named him Earl of Northumberland. biemu Buckingham. Przez blisko 400 After the Norman conquest, William I lat majqtek pozostawal w posiadaniu (c. 1028-1087) awarded it to his bro• rodziny de Sackville, potem jego kolej• ther-in-law, Walter Gifford, Earl of nym wlascicielem zostal Thomas Ra• Buckingham. Having passed to Sir kes, szeryf Buckinghamshire za cza• William de Sackville in 1079, Fawley sow Edwarda IV (1442-1483). W 1616 Court remained with his descendents roku przeszedl w rt(ce rodziny White• for the next four centuries. Thereafter it lock6w. W czasach wojny domowej came into the possession of Thomas 1642-1646 Fawley znalazlo sit( na linii Rakes, the sheriff of Buckinghamshire walk mir,;dzy rojalistami a wojskami during the reign of Edward IV (1442- ~~~~~~~i!r 11 '!'{ 'I' ''it '" ',i .;:; 71 'c'f -~~~~~<4~" "j ',\ ;1 iI 1'1 "( '::7 11 II ';I = ~" - y ,,'. ~'" 1 . '. _Vii~-.mS""'~.,., •. .~- .~, .n'TT·It" .. j~/\",/ \/",~;,y/!1\ /',/\ .•.'.,'~'-;:=" _.""""._.p>; ~~~' / FAWLEY COURT - historia Patacu i Muzeum ".~ "--" '. - ... Zqf{{ r :;IOIIl'C::;JlJJ S/lIlllia/with the :; ji/furq Ch rGllOS({ figure of Ch rOllo:; • ::;XVJlJ 11'. 18th cellt/ll'Jj Cromwella. S~dzia Bulstrode White• 1483). In 1616 Fawley Court passed to lock byl zwolennikiem parlamentu, ro• the Whitelock family. During the first jalisci zniszczyli wi~c Fawley Court phase of the English Civil Wars (1642• niemal doszcz~tnie. Nast~pny wlasci• 1646) Fawley found itself caught in the ciel posiacUosci, pik William Freeman crossfire be1:\veenthe Royalists and the rozpoczql w 1684 r. budow~ nowej, armies of Cromwell. As Judge Bulstrode wspaniaIej siedziby wecUug projektu Whitelock was a supporter of Parlia• sir Christophera Wrena (1632-1723) ment, the Royalist forces destroyed krolewskiego architekta i matematyka. Fawley Court almost entirely. In 1684 Si~gajqce konca XI wieku pozostalosci the next owner, Colonel William Free• ufortyfikowanego dworu zostaly wIq• man, began the construction of a new czone w nowq bry1~. Pa1ac byl pozniej and marvellous residence designed by kilkakrotnie przebudovvywany: oko1o Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723), 1787 r. prosta elewacja glowna otrzy• crown architect and mathematician. mala jonskq kolumnad~, zas w 1884 r. The surviving elements of the 11th-cen• dodano do budynku jedno z dwu tury fortified manor were integrated zaprojektowanych przez Williama D. into the new structure. The House has Mackenzie skrzydel. since been remodelled several times. For W latach 30. XVIII w. owczesny wfa• instance, in 1787 its simple elevation sciciel Fawley Court, architekt amator received an ionic colonnade, and in John Freeman zaprojektowal otaczajq• 1884 one of 1:\vo wings designed by ce dom zewn~trzne tarasy i ogrod William D. Mackenzie was added. w stylu nawiqzujqcym do projektow In the 1730s Fawley Court's owner, Williama Kenta (1685-1748) ze znaj• amateur architect John Freeman, dujqcymi si~ w nim pawilonami - na• designed outdoor terraces surrounding strojowq swiqtyniQ, trojosiowQ bramq the house and a garden whose style was wodnq zdobionq rustykq i pokrytym reflective of designs by William Kent alJElLJl..lLJ.1 A A,A..iLJ1l .:Lil....a.A.Jl.Jt,A,.;Jt llA 'a.Jl J ~~'-~l'O?~'Y'';'~'~;:''fc'"f- ;,,'-\ ~~~~7~CC""i'f";!!(~:=" , "t~·.-.1-:/\/\ >< /, ~?~~~';~~~--'j--:-~"_4_?J:<!'...)y:~r:yJr3l3~.:s:-l13T3:JI~'~ RllillJj .~lViq(lJlli The sham millS ofa 1l' par/2Il temple ill the pari? krzemieniem mostkiem. Zbudowana (1685-1748). It included various pavil• przed 1732 r. ruina swiqtyni stanowi ions - such as the evocative temple • przyldad angielskiej neogotyckiej and the watergate in rustic style and the architektury ogrodowej. Byly w niej bridge covered in flint. The sham ruins eksponowane antyczne rzeiby ze slyn• of a temple built in 1732 is the earliest nej kolekcji hrabiego Arundel, m.in. example of neo-gothic garden architec• Gigant z oltarza pergamonskiego. ture in England. It housed Greek and Rzeiby te zostaly sprzedane w 1986 r. Roman sculptures from the famous col• IN latach 70. XVIII w. pracowal lection of Count Arundel, including the w Fawley Court, projektujqc nowy wy• Great Altar of Pergamon. In 1986 these stroj wn~trz, wybitny architekt James 'Arundel Marbles' were all sold. Wyatt, uczen Roberta Adama. Z tego In the 1770s the renowned architect okresu zachowal si~ wystroj dwu J ames Wyatt, a student of Robert Adam, mniejszych salonow palacu, z sufitami designed new interiors for Fawley z 1771 roku w stylu Adamow oraz Court. Two of the resultant parlours neoklasycznymi kominkami autor• have survived, along with the ceilings stwa Wyatta oraz Johna Francisa done in 1771 in the Adams' style and Moore'a z lat 1767-1771. Wystroj bi• the neo-classical fireplaces designed by blioteki z roku 1804 zostal wykonany Wyatt and John Francis Moore. The wedlug projektu cenionej rzeibiarki 1804 library interiors were executed Anny Darner Seymour. according to the design of the talented Okolo 1770 roku Sambrook Freeman sculptress Anne Darner Seymour. zlecil przeprojektowanie parku Lance• In about 1770, Fawley Court's subse• lotowi "Capability" Brownowi. Zam• quent owner, Sambrooke Freeman, kni~ciem wyznaczonej przez slynnego commissioned the famous landscape ogrodnika glownej osi widokowej byla architect Lancelot "Capability" Brown neoklasyczna swiqtynia usytuowana to redesign the parkland. Brown laid It~~A$Uj,j,·..rl~. Y1 . I~ I3rallUl IFndll{{ Wa tCl:c;a tc }/"OIII the 1730" ':: 1 pololl'i} XVII! Il', alld the brl{(c;e over llIlOstclll/{ullwllalcm thi' [{lIwl na wysepce Temple Island na Tamizie. out a vista that culminated with a neo• Zaprojektowana przez Jamesa Wyatta classical temple built upon a holm in the w latach 1769-1771 jest najwczesniej• Thames. Designed by James Wyatt in SZq zachowanq do dzis udokumento• 1769-1771, it represents the oldest sur• wanq jego praCq, a wnt(trze stanowi viving example of his work. Moreover, przyklad kr6tkotrwalej mody na deko• the temple's interiors are the earliest racjt( w stylu etruskim. Budowla ta pel• English example of the short-lived fash• ni rolt( punktu orientacyjnego w co• ion for Etruscan style. To this day it rocznych Henley Royal Regatta, kt6• serves as a point of reference in the rych zainicjowanie w 1839 roku przy• annual Henley Royal Regatta, initiated pisuje sit( jednemu z Freeman6w. in 1839 by one of the Freemans. In 1853 W 1853 r. palac w Fawley Court zna• the house at Fawley Court passed to the lazl sit( na 100 lat w rt(kach rodziny Mackenzie family for \-vhat was to be Mackenzie. W tym okresie William 100 years. It was then that William Mackenzie zaprojektowal malowniczy Mackenzie designed the picturesque kanallqczqcy palac Z Tamizq. canal that joins the house with the Palac Fawley Court w ciqgu wiekow Thames. byl celem wizyt czlonk6w rodziny pa• Down through the centuries Fawley nujacej: w 1688 r. w palacu zatrzymal Court has been visited by members of sit( 'Wilhelm III Oranski z zonq Mariq the Royal family. In 1688 on their way w drodze na koronacjt(, w okresie re• to the coronation ceremony, William of gencji obaj kr61mvie J erzy III Orange and his wife Mary stopped at i J erzy IV czt(sto odwiedzali palac. Fawley Court, as later both George III Rowniez Wilhelm IV, przyjaciel Peera and George IV did on numerous occa• Freemana Williamsa z czasow wsp61• sions. William IV, a friend of Peer nej sluzby w Kr61ewskiej Marynarce Freeman Williams from the time of ijL;I .,LiiJl,i,d..AJI jL:i~a.11.il.Jl Ajl.D.A~ .( -Y--,~~~~~:;:;:'-*~'~{.',"._/, -~?~~g:~::~"~~}'~' L-f '~C)Dnr:. f· / Y . '\'0;'·]1 It ' ..::J-/~~ ../\ -,. :f-;'J[.':;Z;:~t FAWLEY COURT - historia Patacu i Muzeum . ~ ",' .. '.roo i"_ •._.. 1- ~_~-......-c,_ ~. ~.,... 11th-eel1tw'JJ Nonl1al1dzhi portal Norman portal z XI w. zdobiqcy decorating the Kaplier,:Swiee Calldle Chapel Wojennej, odwiedzal Fawley Court their service in the Royal Navy, also vis• przy roznych okazjach. ited Fawley Court several times. Dopiero druga wojna swiatowa Events related to World War II and i zmiana sytuacji spoleczno-ekono• Britain's socia-economic changes spelt micznej spowodowaly koniec swietno• the end of the estate's splendour. At an sci rezydencji. Na aukcji w 1952 roku auction in 1952 Fawley Court's entire wyprzedano caly ruchomy majqtek movable property was sold off, and it Fawley Court, a trudny do utrzymania was determined that the House itself w nowych warunkach palac przezna• would be demolished. The 1953 pur• czono do rozbiorki. Nabycie palacu chase of the palace by the Congregation w 1953 r. przez Zgromadzenie Ksi~zy of Marian Fathers rescued it from that Marianow zmienilo sytuacj~. Nowi fate. The new owners designated the wlasciciele przeznaczyli budynek na House as a Polish school - the Divine polskq szkol~ - Kolegium Bozego Milo• Mercy College - alongside which Father sierdzia, przy niej zas ks.
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