A HANDLIST OF CHURCH OF IRELAND VESTRY MINUTE BOOKS IN THE REPRESENTATIVE CHURCH BODY LIBRARY, DUBLIN Representative Church Body Library September 2021 Introduction The Representative Church Body Library is the library of the Church of Ireland (the Anglican or Protestant Episcopal Church in Ireland) and is, inter alia, the principal repository for the parish records of the Church of Ireland. However, records of parishes in Northern Ireland which are not retained in parish custody may be deposited in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 66 Balmoral Avenue, Belfast BT9 6NY. The handlist details those vestry minute books which had been transferred to the Library by 30 September 2021. The handlist also contains entries for records of some non-parochial ministries such as chapels of ease and trustee churches which kept minutes of their proceedings. Parish records are available to readers in the Library during the normal opening. A Booking System is in place to view records of interest (See the Church of Ireland website at the link below). The Library staff do not undertake general research on behalf of readers. Further information on the records in this handlist may be had from the understated address Representative Church Body Library Braemor Park, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Telephone (+353 1) 492 3979 E-mail [email protected]. Website http://www.library.ireland.anglican.org/ COUNTY ANTRIM Ballywillan Connor 1710-1753 Belfast – St Andrew Connor 1908-1970 Belfast – St James Connor 1871-2005 Belfast – St Luke Connor 1868-1906 Belfast – St Matthias Connor 1904-1965 Belfast- Mount Merrion Dromore 1963-1976 Derrykeighan Connor 1902-1826 Kilwaughter & Cairncastle Connor 1821-1990 COUNTY ARMAGH Annaghamore Armagh 1877-1976 COUNTY CARLOW Aghold Leighlin 1707-1927 Carlow Leighlin 1669-2005 Clonmelsh Leighlin 1855-1877 Clonmore Leighlin 1808-1964 Cloydagh Leighlin 1828-1936 Dunleckney Leighlin 1776-1963 Hacketstown Leighlin 1816-1991 Killeshin Leighlin 1823-2004 Kiltennel Leighlin 1902-1969 Nurney Leighlin 1846-1893 Old Leighlin Leighlin 1870-1921 Painestown Leighlin 1849-1916 Painestown-St Anne Leighlin 1865-1870 Powerstown Leighlin 1810-1850 Shankill Leighlin 1871-1923 Staplestown Leighlin 1823-1982 Timogue Leighlin 1811-1869 Tullow Leighlin 1815-1987 Urglin Leighlin 1774-1956 Wells Leighlin 1804-1878 COUNTY CAVAN Annagh Kilmore 1910-1980 Arva Kilmore 1894-1921 Bailieborough Kilmore 1830-1965 Ballymachugh Kilmore 1821-1961 Castlerahan Kilmore 1828-1869 Derrylane Kilmore 1945-1988 Drumlane Kilmore 1796-1888 Kildrumferton Kilmore 1789-1988 Killoughter Kilmore 1813-1972 Kingscourt Meath 1902-1963 Larah Kilmore 1901-1971 Moybologue Meath 1872-1932 Mullagh Kilmore 1826-1938 Swanlinbar Kilmore 1875-1948 Templeport Kilmore 1817-1942 COUNTY CLARE Clonlea Killaloe 1883-1923 Drumcliffe Killaloe 1827-1983 Kilfieragh Killaloe 1850-1962 Killaloe Killaloe 1700-1706 Kilmurry Killaloe 1822-1916 Kilnaboy Killaloe 1780-1955 Kilnasoolagh Killaloe 1761-1957 Kilrush Killaloe 1741-1876 Kilseily Killaloe 1827-1907 Kiltenanlea Killaloe 1817-1950 O'Brien's Bridge Killaloe 1870-1928 COUNTY CORK Abbeystrewry Ross 1820-2001 Abbeymahon Ross 1864-1929 Aghabullogue Cloyne 1828-1876 Aghada Cloyne 1816-1924 Ardnageehy Cloyne 1895-1961 Athnowen Cork 1807-1990 Ballyclough Cloyne 1790-1901 Ballycotton Cloyne 1879-1905 Ballyhay Cloyne 1742-1925 Ballyhooly Cloyne 1800-1921 Ballymartle Cork 1820-1958 Ballymodan Cork 1784-1982 Berehaven Ross 1786-1871 Blackrock Cork 1829-1975 Brigown Cloyne 1727-1906 Brinny Cork 1910-1960 Buttevant Cloyne 1833-1958 Caheragh Cork 1830-1871 Carrigaline Cork 1722-1880 Carrigrohane Cork 1865-1983 Carrigtwohill Cloyne 1948-1959 Castlehaven Ross 1739-1930 Castlelyons Cloyne 1830-1955 Castlemartyr Cloyne 1751-1959 Castletownroche Cloyne 1828-1967 Clonfert Cloyne 1870-1926 Clonmel Cloyne 1734-1985 Clondrohid Cloyne 1827-1883 Clonpriest Cloyne 1825-1879 Cloyne Cloyne 1863-1965 Cork-Holy Trinity Cork 1706-1974 Cork – St Fin Barre Cork 1764-2001 Cork – St John Cork 1916-1996 Cork-St Nicholas Cork 1721-1986 Cork-St Paul Cork 1796-1927 Cork-St Peter Cork 1752-1949 Corkbeg Cloyne 1836-1931 Desertserges Cork 1832-1935 Doneraile Cloyne 1782-1852 Donoughmore Cloyne 1868-1900 Douglas Cork 1791-1961 Dromtariffe Cloyne 1823-1901 Dunderrow Cork 1806-1872 Farahy Cloyne 1834-1917 Fermoy Cloyne 1870-1888 Frankfield Cork 1870-1969 Garrycloyne Cork 1919-1958 Glanworth Cloyne 1870-1882 Glengarriff Ross 1846-1988 Ightermurrough Cloyne 1812-1871 Inchigeelagh Cork 1870-1876 Inniscarra Cloyne 1816-1989 Innishannon Cork 1700-1979 Inniskenny Cork 1870-1902 Kanturk Cloyne 1875-1971 Kilbonane Cork 1835-1877 Kilbrogan Cork 1788-1958 Kilbrittain Cork 1852-1872 Kilcaskin Ross 1833-1874 Kilcredan Cloyne 1803-1836 Killannully Cork 1871-1934 Killeagh Cloyne 1753-1923 Kilmoe Cork 1901-1999 Kilmurry Cork 1876-1886 Kilnagross Ross 1870-1934 Kilroan Cork 1819-1915 Kilshannig Cloyne 1731-1956 Kilworth Cloyne 1778-1938 Kinneigh Cork 1853-1015 Kinsale Cork 1685-1998 Lisgoold Cloyne 1844-1871 Lislee Ross 1822-1962 Litter Cloyne 1759-1875 Macroom Cloyne 1766-1976 Magourney Cloyne 1815-1964 Mallow Cloyne 1756-1925 Marmullane Cork 1723-1950 Midleton Cloyne 1871-1916 Mogeely Cloyne 1815-1962 Monanimy Cloyne 1812-1880 Mourne Abbey Cloyne 1812-1879 Moviddy Cork 1870-1972 Nathlash Cloyne 1819-1862 Rahan Cloyne 1834-1861 Rathclaren Cork 1780-1960 Rathcooney Cork 1784-1995 Rathcormac Cloyne 1873-1987 Rincurren Cork 1792-1965 Rushbrooke Cloyne 1866-1991 Schull Cork 1829-1974 Templenacarriga Cloyne 1835-1877 Templetrine Cork 1823-1904 Tempol-na-mbocht Cork 1855-1959 Timoleague Ross 1830-1956 Youghal Cloyne 1739-2013 Wallstown Cloyne 1827-1837 COUNTY DONEGAL Ardara Raphoe 1872-1964 Aughanunshin Raphoe 1788-1869 Conwal Raphoe 1822-1985 Desertegney Raphoe 1869-1947 Donagh Raphoe 1872-1933 Gartan Raphoe 1841-1958 Glencolumbkille Raphoe 1870-1936 Gleneely Raphoe 1881-1990 Glenties Raphoe 1873-1927 Inniskeel Raphoe 1828-1966 Inver Raphoe 1782-1987 Killaghtee Raphoe 1875-1943 Killea Raphoe 1788-1909 Killybegs Raphoe 1788-1897 Leck Raphoe 1813-1900 Mount Charles Raphoe 1869-1923 Moville Lower Raphoe 1783-1918 Raphoe Raphoe 1683-1795 Raymochy Raphoe 1850-1883 Tullyaugnish Raphoe 1875-1990 Taughboyne Raphoe 1804-1874 COUNTY DOWN Cregagh Down 1929-2008 Donaghadee Down 1870-2004 CITY AND COUNTY OF DUBLIN Balbriggan Dublin 1838-1945 Balgriffen Dublin 1808-1865 Balrothery Dublin 1728-1945 Balscaddan Dublin 1870-1872 Bethesda Chapel Dublin 1876-1908 Booterstown Dublin 1821-1990 Carysfort Dublin 1837-1893 Castleknock Dublin 1706-1931 Chapelizod Dublin 1808-1985 Cloghran Dublin 1726-1876 Clondalkin Dublin 1729-1965 Clonmethan Dublin 1827-1896 Clonsilla Dublin 1705-1888 Clontarf Dublin 1815-2016 Coolock Dublin 1870-1946 Crumlin Dublin 1757-2008 Dalkey Dublin 1836-1988 Donabate Dublin 1704-1917 Donnybrook Dublin 1825-1987 Dublin-St Aidan Dublin 1896-1954 Dublin-St Andrew Dublin 1757-1847 Dublin-St Ann Dublin 1755-1973 Dublin-St Audeon Dublin 1870-1914 Dublin-St Augustine Dublin 1911-1967 Dublin - St Barnabas Dublin 1869-1922 Dublin – St Bartholomew Dublin 1864-1998 Dublin-St Bride Dublin 1662-1865 Dublin-St Catherine Dublin 1657-1969 Dublin – St Catherine & St James Dublin 1970-2003 Dublin-St George Dublin 1851-1983 Dublin-St James Dublin 1845-1963 Dublin-St John Dublin 1595-1894 Dublin-St Kevin Dublin 1870-1981 Dublin-St Luke Dublin 1833-1976 Dublin-St Mark Dublin 1720-1967 Dublin-St Mary Dublin 1699-1958 Dublin - St Mary - Chapel of Ease Dublin 1894-1896 Dublin-St Matthias Dublin 1840-1953 Dublin-St Michael Dublin 1667-1871 Dublin-St Michan Dublin 1724-1989 Dublin-St Nicholas Without Dublin 1794-1870 Dublin-St Paul Dublin 1698-1972 Dublin-St Peter Dublin 1686-1976 Dublin-St Stephen Dublin 1871-1998 Dublin-St Thomas Dublin 1750-1966 Dublin-St Victor Dublin 1922-1928 Dublin-St Werburgh Dublin 1720-1984 Dun Laoghaire-Christ Church Dublin 1838-1978 Dun Laoghaire-Mariners'Church Dublin 1847-1970 Female Orphan House Dublin 1932-1958 Finglas Dublin 1657-1989 Free Church Dublin 1887-1989 Glasnevin Dublin 1706-1976 Glenageary Dublin 1867-2001 Grangegorman Dublin 1844-1979 Harold's Cross Dublin 1869-1975 Holmpatrick Dublin 1720-1983 Howth Dublin 1800-1918 Kill Dublin 1896-2010 Killiney-Ballybrack Dublin 1869-1981 Killiney-Holy Trinity Dublin 1860-2015 Kilmainham Dublin 1871-1970 Kilsallaghan Dublin 1817-1872 Kilternan Dublin 1803-1992 Leeson Park Dublin 1878-2011 Lucan Glendalough 1870-1957 Lusk Dublin 1739-1879 Magdalen Chapel Dublin 1870-1955 Mageough Home Dublin 1881-1967 Malahide Dublin 1870-1993 Milltown Dublin 1856-2014 Missions to Seamen Dublin 1913-1982 Molyneux Church Dublin 1940-1943 Monkstown – St John Dublin 1928-1971 Mount Merrion Dublin 1936-1987 Mulhuddart Dublin 1869-1901 Newcastle Lyons Glendalough 1730-1988 Portmarnock Dublin 1788-1823 Raheny Dublin 1798-1988 Ranelagh Dublin 1914-1963 Rathfarnham Dublin 1852-1989 Rathmichael Dublin 1871-2004 Sandymount Dublin 1850-2011 Santry Dublin 1679-1870 Stillorgan Dublin 1870-1933 Swift's Alley Church Dublin 1834-1892 Swords Dublin 1730-1917 Tallaght Dublin 1777-1923 Taney Dublin 1792-1977 Tullow Dublin 1869-1999 Whitechurch Dublin 1824-1995 Zion Dublin 1861-1990 COUNTY FERMANAGH Devenish Clogher 1739-1934 Donacavey Clogher 1870-1899 Kinawley Kilmore 1775-1965 COUNTY GALWAY Annaghdown Tuam 1870-1891 Ardrahan Kilmacduagh 1835-1873 Athenry Tuam 1826-1960 Aughrim Clonfert 1726-1930 Ballinakill Clonfert 1801-1881 Ballinakill Tuam 1852-1963 Ballymacward Clonfert 1805-1920 Castlekirke Tuam 1889-1923 Clonfert Clonfert 1903-1932 Clontuskart Clonfert 1870-1985
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