·~ l I DEMOGRAPHIC PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS I SELECTED LIST, October 1977 Studies of population trends and problems The Determinants and Consequences of Population Trends: New Summary of Findings on Interaction of Demographic, Economic and Social Factors. Volume I. English, Russian (French and Spanish in press). 611 pp., $24.00. ST/SONSeries N50. Sales No. 71.Xlll.5. Volume II, Bibliography and Index. English only. --pp.,$----. ST/SONSeries A/50/Add.l. Sales No. E.71.XIII.6. *The Aging of Populations and its Economic and Social Implications. A world-wide survey and analysis of aging, its causes and consequences. English, French. 168 pp., $1.75.ST/SOA/Series A/26 .. Sales No. 56.XIII.6. *Recent Trends in Fertility in Industrialized Countries. A comparative analysis of the recovery of the birth-rate in various countries during and after World War II. English, French. 182 pp., $2.00. ST/SONSeries N27. Sales No. 57 .XIII.2. *Foetal, Infant and Early Childhood Mortality. Vol. I. The Statistics. Vol. II. Biological, Social and Economic Factors. English, French, Vol. I: 137 pp., $2.00. Vol. II: 44 pp., $0.75. ST/SONSeries N13 and Add. I. Sales Nos. 54.IV.7 and 54.IV.8. *The Mysore Population Study. Report of a field study of interrelationships of demographic, economic and social factors in Mysore State, India. English. 443 pp., $4.50. ST/SONSeries A/34. Sales No. 61.XIII.3. *Population Growth and Manpower in the Philippines. A joint study with the Government of the Philippines. English, French, Spanish. 66 pp., $1.00. ST/SOA/Series N32. Sales No. 61.XIII.2. Demographic Aspects of Manpower. Sex and Age Patterns of Participation in Economic Activities. English, French, Spanish. 81 pp., $1.00. ST/SONSeries A/33. Sales No. 61.Xlll.4. Guanabara Demographic Pilot Survey. A joint project with the Government of Brazil, carried out in the State of Guanabara, Brazil. English, French. 77 pp., $1.00. ST/SONSeries N35. Sales No. 64.XIII.3. (A Spanish version published by the Latin American Demographic Centre, Santiago, Chile.) Population Growth and Manpower in the Sudan. A joint study with the Government of the Sudan on population and manpower problems. English, French, Spanish. 150 pp., $2.00. ST/SOA/Series N37. Sales No. 64.XIII.5. Growth of the World's Urban and Rural Population, 1920-2000. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 124 pp., $2.00. ST/SOA/Series N44. Sales No. E.69.Xlll.3. A Concise Report of the World Population Situation in 1970-1975 and its Long-Range Implications. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 70 pp., $3.00. ST/ESA/Series A/56. Sales No. 74.XIIl.4. The World Population Situation in 1970. English, f<'rench, Russian, Spanish. 78 pp., $2.00. ST;SONSeries A/49. Sales No. E.71.XIII.4. Measures, Policies and Programmes Affecting Fertility. with Partirnlar Reference to National Family Planning Programmes. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 162 pp., $3.00. ST/SOA/Series A/51. Sales No. E.72.XI!l.2. Interim Report on Conditions and Trends of Fertility in the World, 1960-1965. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 89 pp., $3.00. ST/SOA/Series A/52. Sales No. E. 72. XIII. 3. Fenility and Family Planning in Europe Around 1970: a Comparative Study of Twelve National Surveys. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 192 pp., $10.00. ST/ESNSeries A/58. Sales No. 76.XIU.2. Levels and Trends of Fertility Throughout the World, 1950-1970. English. 361 pp., $19.00. ST/ESNSeries N59. Sales No. 77.Xlll.2. Reports on methods of demographic analysis and projections Age and Sex Patterns of' Mortality. Model Life Tables for U11der-Developed Countries. English, French, Spanish. 38 pp., $0.40. ST/SOA/Serics A/22. Sales No. 55.XIII.9. Manual I: Methods of Estimating Total Population jiJr Current Dates. English, French, Spanish. 45 pp., $0.75. ST/SONSeries NIO. Sales No. 52.XIII.5. (Also in Russian non-sales edition.) Manual//: Methods of Appraisal of Quality of Basic Data for Population Estimatt's. English, French, Spanish. 67 pp., $0.70. ST/SO A/Series A/23. Sales No. 56.Xlll.2. (Also in Russian non-sales edition.) Manual Ill: Methods.for Population Projections by Sex and Age. English, French, Spanish. 81 pp., $1.50. ST/SONSeries N25. Sales No. 56.Xlll.3. (Also in Russian non-sales edition.) Manual IV: Methods of Estimati11g Basic Demographic Measures from Incomplete Data. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 132 pp., $2.00. ST/SOA/Series A/42. Sales No. 67.XIII.2. National Programmes of Analysis of Population Ce11sus Data as an A.id to Planning and Policy-Making. A study to assist Governments in utilizing census results for purposes of pianning in economic and social fields, and formulation of policy. English, French, Spanish. 64 pp., $1.00. ST/SOA/Series A/36. Sales No. 64.Xlll.4. (Also in Russian non-sales edition.) General Principles for National Programmes of Population Projections as Aids to Development Planning. Guide-lines for national programmes of population projections to assist in policy-making and planning of economic and social development. English, French, Spanish. 60 pp., $0. 75. ST/SOA/Series A/38. Sales No. 65.XIIl.2. (Also in Russian non-sales edition.) The Concept of a Stable Population: Application to the Study of Populations of Cou11tries with Incomplete Demographic Statistics. A technical study concerning the properties of stable, semi-stable and quasi-stable populations and their applications in analysis of demographic data of countries lacking reliable statistics. English, French, Spanish. 237 pp., $3.50. ST/SONSeries A/39. Sales No. 65.XIII.3. Estimating Future School Enrolment in Developing Countries: A Manual of Methodology. A collaborative project with UNESCO. English, French, Spanish. 156 pp., $2.00. ST/SONSeries N40. Sales No. 66.XIII.3. (Also published in UNESCO's series ST/S/10.) Methods of Analysing Census Data on Eco11omic Activities of the Population. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 152 pp., $2.50. ST/SONSeries A/43. Sales No. E.69.Xlll.2. Variables and Questionnaire for Comparative Fertility Surveys. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 104 pp., $2.00. ST/SONSeries N45. Sales No. E.69.XIII.4. Manual V: Methods of Projecting the Economically Active Population. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 119 pp., $1.50. ST/SONSeries N46. Sales No. 70.XIII.2. Manual VI: Methods of Measuring Internal Migration. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 72 pp., $1.50. ST/SONSeries N47. Sales No. 70.Xlll.3. Manual VII: Methods of Projecting Households and Families. English, French, Russian, Spanish. 108 pp., $5.00. ST/SONSeries N54. Sales No. 73.XIII.2. *Out of print. Available for reference in depository and other libraries which receive United Nations material. (Continued on p. 3 of the co1•er) r / ST /SUA/Sl:.H.A/ oU/ AOO. I r i I\ / Department of Economic and Social Affairs POPULATION STUDIES, No. 50 THE DETERMINANTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF POPULATION TRENDS New Summary of Findings on Interaction of Demographic, Economic and Social Factors VOLUME II Bibliography and Index UNITED NATIONS New York, 1978 Ii \ NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com­ bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Geographical areas for which statistical data are presented in this publication conform to the official country nomenclature used by the United Nations at mid-1971, when the first part of the study went to press; it has not been possible, therefore, to take into account the changes in the list of countries or in their official names, decided by the Secretary-General at a later date. This study is presented in two volumes. Volume I consists of chapters I to XVII, the substantive chapters, which treat the relationships between population trends and economic and social factors. Volume II, in English only, consists of the bibliography, author and :::.ibject indexes and an annex containing a list of back­ ground papers utilized in the preparation of this study. ST/SOA/SER.A/50/Add. l UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. E.71.XIIl.6 Price: $U.S. 9.00 (or equivalent in other currencies) CONTENTS Volume II Page Bibliography . 3 Author index..... 117 Subject index . 137 Annex .................................................................. 155 I iii BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 l I ' A nepessege. Budapest, Kozgazdasagi es Jogi Kiinyvkiado, 1959. 571 p. ACSADI, Gyiirgy et al. A nepesedesi helyzetiink nehany tanulsaga. AALEN, F. H. A. A review of recent Irish population trends. Popula­ Demografia (Budapest) 11(3-4):476-505, 1968. tion studies (London) 17(1):73-78, July 1963. Text in Russian and English. ABBOTT, John Cave. The role of marketing in the growth of agricul­ ADAMOWSKI, Zbigniew. Ewolucja zatrudnienia w rolnictwie tural production and trade in less developed countries. Monthly polskim; w swietle badan ankietowych w indywidualnych gos­ bulletin of agricultural economics and statistics (Rome) 9(9): 1-7, podarstwach cliJopskich w latach 1950-1960. Warszawa, September 1960. Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne, 1964. 480 p. ABEL, Wilhelm. Die Wiistungen des ausgehenden Mittelalters. 2. Summary in Russian and English. veranderte und erweiterte Aufl. Stuttgart, G. Fischer, 1955. 180p. ADAMS, Edith. International migration trends affecting Europe in ABELSON, Philip H. Desalination of water. Science (Washington, the 1960's. In International Population Conference, London, D.C.) 146(3651): 1533, December 1964. 1969. Proceedings ... vol. 4. International Union for the Scientific ----. Limits to growth. Science (Washington, D.C.) Study of Population ... p. 2536-2547. 175(4027):1197, 17 March 1972. ----. Population estimates and projections; appendix B. In ABERCROMBIE, K. C. Food and agriculture. In International targets Social policies ... Richard Titmuss and Brian Abel-Smith ... p. for development ..
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