InvestBulgaria Agency Table Contents:of Business Environment 2 Electrical Engineering & Electronics 19 Mechanical Engineering Sector 25 Chemical Industry Sector 31 Food & Beverage Sector 37 Other Non-metallic Mineral Products 45 Medical & Pharma Sector 51 Renewable Energy Sources Sector 59 ICT and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Sector 71 InvestBulgaria Agency 2009 1 Investment clImate In BulgarIa Predictability Bulgaria’s Credit Rating 2009 • EU member, NATO member A3/A - Baa1/BBB+ • Macroeconomic and financial stability Baa2/BBB • Five year average GDP growth of 6.2% Baa3/BBB - Ba1/BB + (2004-2008) Ba2/BB • Budget surplus 3.0%(2008), currency peg to EUR Ba3/BB B1/B • Investment grade rating BBB by S&P & Japan B2/ Credit Rating Agency B • Recognized free market economy 8/3/2000 6/6/2003 8/4/2004 3/1/2006 2/18/1999 10/7/2002 7/24/2003 2/10/2005 8/17/2005 • Foreign direct investment at 18.1% of GDP (EUR 12/16/1997 12/19/2001 12/16/2002 11/29/200631/01/200820/03/2009 6.5 bn in 2008) JCRA S&P Moody's Fitch Quality • Quality of human capital Global Services Location Index 2009 (AT Kearney) India 3.13 2.48 1.30 - Education levels among Europe top 5% China 2.59 2.33 1.37 - 7% of workforce has engineering degrees Malaysia 2.76 1.24 1.97 - English language studied by 70% of students Thailand 3.05 1.30 1.41 - Motivated and entrepreneurial attitude Indonesia 3.23 1.47 0.99 • Quality of business environment Egypt 3.07 1.20 1.37 Philippines 3.19 1.17 1.24 - Strong institutional support for foreign investors by IBA Chile 2.41 1.20 1.89 - No restrictions to capital flows Jordan 2.99 0.91 1.59 • Quality of life Vietnam 3.21 1.02 1.24 Mexico 2.48 1.50 1.45 - Ample opportunities for all-season outdoor recreation Brazil 2.18 1.83 1.37 - Diverse cultural heritage and art activities Bulgaria 2.83 0.89 1.62 Financial Attractiveness USA 0.47 2.71 2.15 - World renown food and beverages People Skills & Availability Ghana 3.26 0.70 1.36 Business Environment Competitiveness Corporate tax in Bulgaria (%) • Well educated and highly qualified work force 30% • 10% corporate tax rate 23.5% 19.5% • 10 % personal income tax, flat rate 20% • Tax exemptions and investment incentives for qualified investment 15% 15% • Among lowest operational cost in a European market economy 10% • Duty free trade covering markets with over 550 m customers 10% • 61 Double Taxation Treaties and 66 Agreements on the mutual protection and promotion of foreign investment 0% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 general economIc IndIcators 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009E 2010F GDP (EUR bn) 21.9 25.2 28.9 34.1 35.2 36.2 Real GDP growth rate (%) 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.0 -1.6 -0.1 GDP per capita (EUR) 2,827 3,278 3,772 4,485 4,530 4,594 Population (m) 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.6 Unemployment (eop, %) 10.7 9.1 6.9 6.3 10.2 12.0 Labour costs per hour (avg, EUR) 0.94 1.05 1.25 1.65 1.80 1.85 Exports FOB (% of GDP) 43.3 47.6 46.8 44.8 - - Imports FOB (% of GDP) 63.4 69.6 71.8 70.4 - - FDI (EUR m) 3,152 6,158 8,488 6,163 3,900 3,600 FDI (% of GDP) 14.4 24.4 29.4 18.1 7.5 6.0 Inflation (CPI, yoy, avg, %) 6.5 6.5 12.5 7.8 3.5 1.8 Consolidated Budget balance (% of GDP) 3.1 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.4 2.1 Total external debt/GDP (%) 69.8 81.9 100.2 107.7 102.9 102.5 EUR/BGN exchange rate – pegged at 1.95583 1.95583 1.95583 1.95583 1.95583 1.95583 1.95583 USD/BGN exchange rate (end period) 1.66 1.49 1.51 1.37 1.42 1.45 Lending interest rate (avg, %) 8.7 8.9 10.0 10.8 11.2 10.9 Sources: Bulgarian National Bank, Invest Bulgaria Agency, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, *eop = end of the period 2 demographIc data on BulgarIa Population by sex, 31.12.2008 Total (‘000) Male (‘000) Female (‘000) Urban population Total 7,607 3,681 3,925 71.1% Labour force characteristics, 2008 Labour force Persons not Place of Unem- in labour Activity rate Employment Unemployed residence Total Employed ployed force Sex thousands % Total 3,560.4 3,360.7 199.7 3,056.4 53.8 50.8 5.6 Male 1,896.8 1,792.9 103.9 1,277.1 59.8 56.5 5.5 Female 1,663.6 1,567.8 95.8 1,779.3 48.3 45.5 5.8 Urban 2,713.6 2,591.0 122.6 1,957.6 58.1 55.5 4.5 Male 1,416.7 1,355.3 61.4 805.1 63.8 61.0 4.3 Female 1,296.9 1,235.6 61.3 1,152.5 52.9 50.4 4.7 Rural 846.8 769.7 77.1 1,098.8 43.5 39.6 9.1 Male 480.1 437.6 42.6 472.0 50.4 46.0 8.9 Female 366.7 332.2 34.5 626.8 36.9 33.4 9.4 Source: National Statistics Institute comparIson Between BulgarIa and europe GDP 2008 Average GDP Average Corporate Monthly average Average growth, inflation, tax rate, labour costs wages growth, (EUR bn) 2006 - 2008 2006 - 2008 2009 (EUR), 2008 2007 - 2008 Bulgaria 34.1 6.2% 9.0% 10% 280 17.9% EU-27 12,507.0 2.3% 2.7% 28% 2,560 3.8% Hungary 105.2 1.9% 6.0% 16% 1,055 7.7% Italy 1,572.2 0.9% 2.6% 31.4% 3,350 5.4% Romania 137.0 7.1% 6.5% 16% 526 21.5% Poland 362.1 5.9% 2.7% 19% 997 9.8% Turkey 498.4 4.2% 9.5% 20% 943 n/a Source: Eurostat, Bank Austria Creditanstalt BulgarIa and the world Export by commodity, 2008 Investment Export byOther country,Italy 2008 Mineral goods 8.0% 8.5% Asia Other Italy fuels, oils Investment16.8% Investment Other Italy GermanyOther Italy Mineral goods 10.0% 8.0% 8.5% Mineraland Mineral goods goods 8.0% 8.5% Asia 9.2% 8.0% 8.5% fuels, oils 16.8% Asia Asia Germany fuels,electricity oils fuels,16.8% oils 16.8% Russia 10.0%Germany Germany and and 10.0% 10.0% 9.2% 16.2% and 3.0% 9.2% 9.2% electricity Russia electricity electricity Russia Russia United States 16.2% 16.2% 3.0% 3.0% Greece 16.2% 1.6% 3.0% 9.9% United States United States Greece United States Greece Greece 1.6% 1.6% Other 1.6% 9.9% 9.9% Belgium 9.9% Balkans Other 5.8% Other8.5% Other Belgium Balkans Belgium Belgium Balkans Balkans 5.8% Romania 8.5% France5.8% 5.8% Consumer Raw 8.5% 8.5% 4.1% goods materials 7.3% France Romania France France Consumer Raw Romania Turkey RomaniaOther EU-2 7 4.1% Consumer22.6% Consumer 44.5%Raw Raw 7.3% 4.1% 4.1% goods goods materials materials 7.3% 8.8% 7.3%15.4% Turkey Other EU-27 22.6% 22.6% 44.5% 44.5% Turkey Other EU-27Turkey Other EU-27 22.6% 44.5% 8.8% 15.4% 8.8% 15.4% 8.8% 15.4% Import by commodity, 2008 Import byOther country, 2008 Germany Americas 5.6% 5.8% 10.8% Other Other Americas Other Germany Americas GermanyAmericas 5.6% Germany Mineral Consumer Other Asia 5.6% 5.8%Italy 5.6% 10.8% 5.8% 10.8% 5.8% 10.8% fuels, oils goods 7.6% 7.8% Mineral Consumer Other Asia Italy Mineraland Mineral Consumer17.2% Consumer Other Asia Other Asia Italy Italy fuels, oils goods 7.6% 7.8% fuels,electricity oils fuels, oils goods goods China7.6% 7.6% 7.8% 7.8% and 17.2% Greece 21.5%and and 17.2% 17.2% 5.3% electricity China 4.7% electricity electricity OtherChina China Greece 21.5% 5.3% Greece Greece 21.5% 21.5% 5.3% 5.3% 4.7% Other 4.7%France 4.7% BalkansOther Other 2.2% 3.6% Balkans France Balkans Balkans France France Turkey 2.2% 3.6% 2.2% 2.2% 3.6% 3.6% 5.6% Romania Turkey Turkey Turkey 4.7% Raw 5.6% Romania 5.6% 5.6% Romania Romania materials Russia Other EU- 4.7% Investment Raw 4.7% 4.7% 33.9%Raw Raw 17.5% 27 goods materials Russia Russia Other EU- Investment materials materials RussiaOther18.8 EU-% Other EU- Investment27.3% Investment 33.9% 17.5% goods 33.9% 33.9% 17.5% 17.5% 27 goods goods 27 27 27.3% 18.8% 27.3% 27.3% 18.8% 18.8% Source: Bulgarian National Bank 3 ForeIgn dIrect Investment In BulgarIa: southeast europe's leader In attractIng FdI FDI inflow in Bulgaria 1999-2008, EUR m FDI stock by country, 1996–2008 (%) 8,596 9,000 United Germany Cyprus Kingdom 6% 8,000 5% 8% Belgium and Greece 7,000 Luxembourg 6,222 6,549* 9% 5% 6,000 USA 5,000 Netherlands 4% 4,000 12% Hungary 3,152 2,736 3% 3,000 1,851 Italy 2,000 3% 1,103 866 903 980 1,000 Austria Other 16% 0 29% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 * Preliminary Data FDI as % of GDP, 2008 FDI stock by sector, 1998–2008 (%) 20% 18.1% Real estate Other 22.4% 16% 5.5% Telecom 5.3% 12% Utilities 5.8% Finance 19.1% 8% 6.6% 5.6% 5.5% Construction 4.9% 6.5% 4.2% 3.7% 3.4% 3.0% 4% 2.5% 2.5% Manufacturing 18.9% 0% Trade Bulgaria Romania Serbia Ukraine Czech Rep Latvia Estonia Hungary Poland Slovakia Turkey 16.5% Sources: Bulgarian National Bank, InvestBulgaria Agency, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) top 25 ForeIgn manuFacturIng Investors In BulgarIa Investor Country Bulgarian company Sector Solvay Belgium Solvay-Sodi Devnya Chemicals (soda ash) Lukoil Russia Lukoil Neftochim Bourgas Refinery, Petrochemicals Aurubis Germany Aurubis Bulgaria Copper smelter Enel Italy Enel Maritza East 3 Energy Ideal Standard Belgium/USA Vidima, Ideal Standard Sanitary ware Şişecam Turkey Trakia Glass Glass industry Miroglio Italy Miroglio Bulgaria Textile, real estate Montupet France Montupet Bulgaria Automotive parts Schneider Electric France Schneider Electric Bulgaria Electrical equipment Yazaki Japan Yazaki Bulgaria Wire harnesses Lufthansa Technik Germany Lufthansa Technik Sofia Aircraft maintenance Italcementi Italy Devnya Cement Cement industry Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Japan Kaliakra Wind Power JSC RES ABB Germany ABB Bulgaria Automated components Palfinger Multinational Palfinger Bulgaria Hydraulic lifting, cranes Epiq Belguim Epiq Bulgaria Electronic automotive parts Ixetic Germany Ixetic Bulgaria Automotive parts Holcim Switzerland Holcim Bulgaria Cement industry Melexis Belgium Melexis Bulgaria Microelectronics Liebherr Germany Liebherr Bulgaria Refrigerators Wienerberger Austria Wienerberger Building materials Nestle Switzerland Nestle Bulgaria Food and beverage Viohalco S.A.
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