Answers Research Journal 8 (2015):37–37. www.answersingenesis.org/arj/v8/blood-flukes-schistosomatidae.pdf A Baraminic Study of the Blood Flukes of Family Schistosomatidae Matthew E. Ingle, %LROD8QLYHUVLW\%LROD$YHQXH/D0LUDGD&DOLIRUQLD M. Aaron,QGHSHQGHQW5HVHDUFKHU Abstract 6FKLVWRVRPDWLGDHLVDIDPLO\RISDUDVLWHVWKDWLQIHFWWKHEORRGYHVVHOVRIPDPPDOVDQGELUGV7KH SDUDVLWHVKDYHDFRPSOH[OLIHF\FOHWKDWUHTXLUHVDWOHDVWWZRKRVWVDQDTXDWLFVQDLO XVXDOO\IUHVKZDWHU DQGHLWKHUDELUGRUDPDPPDO%ORRGÁXNHVFDXVHGHYDVWDWLQJSDWKRORJLHVLQKRVWVDQGDUHGLIÀFXOWWR UHFRQFLOHZLWKDFUHDWLRQWKDW*RGGHFODUHVWREH´JRRGµ *HQHVLV 7KLVSDSHUDLPVWRGHWHUPLQHWKH QXPEHURIFUHDWHGNLQGVUHSUHVHQWHGLQWKLVIDPLO\RISDUDVLWHVWKHRULJLQDOKRVWVIRUWKHVHDQLPDOVDQG WKHGLYHUVLÀFDWLRQSDWWHUQDQGHYHQWVWKDWSURGXFHGWKHFXUUHQWVSHFLHV:HHPSOR\HGDVWDWLVWLFDO EDUDPLQLFVWXG\WRGHWHFWHYLGHQFHRIFRQWLQXLW\ZLWKLQIDPLO\6FKLVWRVRPDWLGDHDQGDQ\GLVFRQWLQXLW\ EHWZHHQ PHPEHUV RI WKH IDPLO\ DQG RWKHU EORRG SDUDVLWHV :H DOVR FRPSDUHG WKH SDWKRORJLHV JHRJUDSKLFUDQJHVDQGKRVWVSHFLÀFLWLHVRIELUGVFKLVWRVRPHVDQGPDPPDOVFKLVWRVRPHVWRSURYLGH LQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRULJLQDOKRVWVDQGGLYHUVLÀFDWLRQSDWWHUQ0HPEHUVRIIDPLO\6FKLVWRVRPDWLGDHDSSHDU WRUHSUHVHQWDVLQJOHFUHDWHGNLQGWKDWLVGLVWLQFWIURPWKHPHPEHUVRIRWKHUIDPLOLHVRIEORRGSDUDVLWHV %LUGVFKLVWRVRPDWLGVDUHJHQHUDOO\OHVVSDWKRJHQLFWKDQWKHLUPDPPDOFRXQWHUSDUWVDQGKDYHZLGHU JHRJUDSKLFUDQJHVDQGOHVVKRVWVSHFLÀFLW\6FKLVWRVRPDWLGDHPD\UHSUHVHQWDVLQJOHFUHDWHGNLQGWKDW ZDVFUHDWHGWROLYHZLWKLQRQHRUVHYHUDONLQGVRIELUGVSURYLGLQJVRPHEHQHÀWWRLWVKRVW$VPHPEHUVRI WKLVNLQGPRYHGLQWRGLIIHUHQWKRVWVRUGLYHUVLÀHGDORQJZLWKLWVKRVWWKH\FHDVHGSURYLGLQJDQ\EHQHÀWWR WKHLUV\PELRWLFSDUWQHU7KHUHVXOWLQJVSHFLHVDUHVRPHRIWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWDQGGDQJHURXVRUJDQLVPV RQHDUWK Keywords:SDUDVLWHVKRVWVPDPPDOVELUGV*HQHVLVNLQGVDQLPDOGLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ Introduction metabolic rate of their symbiotic partners and cause Parasites are organisms that live inside of or on KRVWV WR LQFUHDVH IRRG LQWDNH WR FRPSHQVDWH 7KHVH DQRWKHU RUJDQLVP EHQHÀWWLQJ DW D ÀWQHVV FRVW WR impacts in host energy reserves can have profound the host by competing with the host for resources or impacts on their reproductive output. Additionally, directly reducing the host organism’s reproductive some parasites directly impede reproduction. The RXWSXW3DUDVLWHVZHUHOLNHO\FUHDWHGDVPXWXDOLVWLF bacterium, Wolbachia, reduces gamete production RU FRPPHQVDO V\PELRWLF RUJDQLVPV ZLWK D VSHFLÀF LQ PDQ\ LQVHFW VSHFLHV )UDQFLV 7KH UDW SXUSRVH DQG IRU VSHFLÀF WDVNV ,QJOH 0DQ\ tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, causes reduced FUHDWHGNLQGVOLNHO\ORVWWKHDELOLW\WREHQHÀWWKHKRVW UHSURGXFWLRQLQWKHÁRXUEHHWOHTribolium confusum RUHQWHUHGDQLPDOVQRWLQWHQGHGWRVHUYHDVKRVWV DQG 6KRVWDN 3DUDVLWHVFDQOHDYHHYLGHQFHV developed parasitic lifestyles. Some organisms that of their infection on hosts long after the pathology DUHQHXWUDORIEHQHÀFLDOLQRQHKRVWDUHGHWULPHQWDO FDXVHGE\WKHLUSUHVHQFH 7KRPDVet al. LQDQRWKHU'HYNRWDHWDO SRLQWHGRXWWKDWWKH Several families of parasites contain members relationship of parasites and host organisms is so with the ability to infect and harm humans. LQWLPDWHWKDWWKHV\PELRQWVDUHRIWHQVXEMHFWWRFR Schistosomatidae contains some of the most extinction events, as the hosts serve as vessels for the GHYDVWDWLQJ WUHPDWRGH SDUDVLWHV LQFOXGLQJ ÀYH parasites that live nowhere else on earth. species that infect humans. These parasites are The most successful parasite individuals, who FROOHFWLYHO\ NQRZQ DV EORRG ÁXNHV DQG LQIHFW WKH produce the most offspring, must compete well for YHVVHOV RI WKH GHÀQLWLYH KRVW 0DQ\ WUHPDWRGH UHVRXUFHV ZLWKRXW NLOOLQJ WKH KRVW (YHQ VXFFHVVIXO parasites have a three-host life cycle, beginning with SDUDVLWHV UHGXFH WKH ÀWQHVV RI WKH KRVW DQG WKXV DQDTXDWLFVQDLO ÀUVWLQWHUPHGLDWHKRVW DQGHQGLQJ SURGXFH VHOHFWLYH SUHVVXUH RQ WKH KRVW /R]DQR with an organism in which the trematode can reach $FWLYHLQIHFWLRQVUHGXFHKRVWHQHUJ\UHVHUYHV VH[XDO PDWXULW\ GHÀQLWLYH KRVW 0HPEHUV RI WKLV %DUEHU HW DO DQG WKHUHE\ LQÁXHQFH WKH family are unusual in that they directly penetrate the EHKDYLRUDOWUDLWVRIWKHVHDQLPDOV .RUWHW+HGULFN VNLQRIWKHÀQDOKRVWRUJDQLVPZLWKRXWXVLQJDVHFRQG DQG 9DLQLNND 5REDU 0XUUD\ DQG %XUQHVV LQWHUPHGLDWH KRVW 0RVW VSHFLHV RI VFKLVWRVRPDWLGV IRXQGWKDWSDUDVLWHVFDQLQFUHDVHWKHUHVWLQJ DUH SDUDVLWHV RI ELUGV 6FKXVWHU $OGKRXQ DQG ISSN: 1937-9056 Copyright © 2015, 2016 Answers in Genesis, Inc. All content is owned by Answers in Genesis (“AiG”) unless otherwise indicated. AiG consents to unlimited copying and distribution of print copies of Answers Research Journal articles for non-commercial, non-sale purposes only, provided the following conditions are met: the author of the article is clearly identified; Answers in Genesis is acknowledged as the copyright owner; Answers Research Journal and its website, www.answersresearchjournal.org, are acknowledged as the publication source; and the integrity of the work is not compromised in any way. For website and other electronic distribution and publication, AiG consents to republication of article abstracts with direct links to the full papers on the ARJ website. All rights reserved. For more information write to: Answers in Genesis, PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048, Attn: Editor, Answers Research Journal. The views expressed are those of the writer(s) and not necessarily those of the Answers Research Journal Editor or of Answers in Genesis. 38 M. E. Ingle and M. Aaron 2·'RQRYDQ DQG KDYH ZLGH JHRJUDSKLFDO family being discontinuous with all other digeanean GLVWULEXWLRQV $O.DQGDUL HW DO ,QGLYLGXDOV ÁXNHV 6FKLVWRVRPDWLGV VKDUH PDQ\ XQLTXH within the genus Austrobilharzia infect shorebirds features that support the apobaraminic status: PDLQO\ VHDJXOOV DQG DUH JOREDOO\ GLVWULEXWHG WKH\ DUH GLRHFLRXV VH[HV DUH VHSDUDWH PHPEHUV /RFN\HUHWDO Other schistosomatids, such as ODFN D SKDU\Q[ DQG SUHSKDU\Q[ WKH JHQLWDO SRUH Bivitellobilharzia nairi, infect mammals and have LV SRVWHULRU WR WKH YHQWUDO VXFNHU WKH YLWHOODULXP YHU\ QDUURZ GLVWULEXWLRQV 'HYNRWD HW DO 2014 are well developed, follicular, and posterior to the The genus, Schistosoma, includes only species that RYDU\HJJVDUHQRQRSHUFXODWHWKH\DUHIRXQGLQWKH LQIHFWPDPPDOVDQGFRQWDLQVÀYHVSHFLHVWKDWLQGXFH YDVFXODU V\VWHP RI ELUGV DQG PDPPDOV DQG WKH\ SDWKRORJ\ LQ KXPDQV /RFN\HU HW DO 7KHUH SRVVHVVDJ\QDHFRSKRULFFDQDO /RFN\HUHWDO are 14 genera and approximately 100 species of 0DFH 6LPV DQG :RRG GHPRQVWUDWHG WZR VFKLVWRVRPDWLGV .KDOLO monobaramins within genus Schistosoma, noted the 0RVW SK\ORJHQLHV RI WKH UHODWLRQVKLSV DPRQJ VLPLODULWLHV EHWZHHQ PRQREDUDPLQV HDFK PHPEHU members of Schistomatidae are based on molecular LVFRQWLQXRXVZLWKDOORWKHUPHPEHUVRIWKHJURXS characters and focus on Schistosoma. Each cell and postulated the existence of a single schistosome contains multiple copies of the mitochondrial EDUDPLQ KROREDUDPLQ 5HJDUGOHVVRIWKHQXPEHURI JHQRPH PDNLQJ WKH PLWRFKRQGULDO '1$ PW'1$ KROREDUDPLQVZLWKLQWKLVIDPLO\WKHRULJLQDONLQGV DQ DEXQGDQW DQG HIÀFLHQW WRRO IRU PROHFXODU GLYHUVLÀHG LQWR WKH VSHFLHV ZH ÀQG LQIHFWLQJ ELUGV DQDO\VHV RI DOO RUJDQLVPV :HEVWHU DQG /LWWOHZRRG and mammals today. QRWHG WKH YDULDELOLW\ RI PW'1$ ZLWKLQ Organisms that complete their life cycle in hosts and between species and advocated for its use in FDQRQO\GLYHUVLI\DVWKHLUKRVWVGLYHUVLI\0HPEHUV genetic studies of schistosomatids. While molecular of Schistosomatidae have two hosts in the life cycle, characters are important and useful tools in studying and can diversify with changes in either. The original the associations among groups, morphological NLQG RU NLQGV ZLWKLQ WKLV SDUDVLWH IDPLO\ OLNHO\ and behavioral features sometimes illustrate GLIIHUHQWLDWHGXQGHUWZRFRQGLWLRQVWKH\GLYHUVLÀHG relationships simpler than do molecular features. along with their hosts, and they became more Phylogenies based on morphological information YDULHG DV WKH\ VZLWFKHG LQWHUPHGLDWH RU GHÀQLWLYH have fewer disagreements than those based on hosts. These two patterns of variation are not PROHFXODUFKDUDFWHUV%HOWUDQHWDO IRXQGWKDW PXWXDOO\H[FOXVLYHDQGOLNHO\ERWKFRQWULEXWHGWRWKH PDWLQJ V\VWHP ZKHWKHU PRQRJDP\ SRO\JDP\ RU relationships among schistosomatid species today. SRO\J\QDQGU\ GULYHVPRUSKRORJLFDOWUDLWGLIIHUHQFHV The purpose of this study is to determine the DPRQJ VFKLVWRVRPDWLGV 0RUSKRORJLFDO FKDUDFWHUV baraminic status of Schistosomatidae and to explain of members of this family illustrate a difference in WKHGRPLQDQWPHWKRGRIGLYHUVLÀFDWLRQLQWKHRULJLQDO the ancestries of the species that infect man and NLQGRUNLQGV:HSUHGLFWWKDWWKLVIDPLO\UHSUHVHQWV demonstrate that the infection of man occurred a holobaramin, and that most variation in the family in several different groups within the family UHVXOWHG IURP WKH GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ RI LQWHUPHGLDWH /RFN\HUHWDO /RFN\HUHWDO QRWHWKDW KRVWVDIWHUWKH&UHDWLRQ:HHN morphological studies are important to connect Schistosoma ZLWK WKH RWKHU JHQHUD RI EORRG ÁXNHV Methods While many researchers have studied the phylogeny Baraminic status of schistosomatidae of Schistosomatidae, the relationships among the In order to understand the baraminology members of the taxon have not been determined of the Schistosomatidae, we ran statistical using a statistical baraminic study. baraminological analyses on two character datasets 0DFH6LPVDQG:RRG IRXQGHYLGHQFHIRU of schistosomatids and one character dataset of WKH DSREDUDPLQ IRU GHÀQLWLRQ VHH 7DEOH VWDWXV VSLURUFKLLGV RQ %',670'6 YHUVLRQ :RRG of Schistosomatidae, with the members of the 2008b 7KLV VRIWZDUH FRQGXFWV EDUDPLQLF GLVWDQFH Table 1.'HÀQLWLRQVRIWHUPVRIWHQXVHGLQEDUDPLQLFVWXGLHV Term 'H¿QLWLRQ A group that contains members, who are discontinuous with all other
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