LOS Banos www.losbanos.org AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 520 J Street Los Banos, California AUGUST 19, 2015 If you require special assistance to attend or participate in this meeting, please call the City Clerk's Office @ (209) 827-7000 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, The City of Los Banos complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. **************** Si requiere asistencia especial para atender 0 participar en esta junta por favor lIame a /a oficina de /a Secretaria de la ciudad al (209) 827-7000 a /0 menos de 48 haras previas de /ajunta. La Guidad de Los Banos GumpJe con /a Acta de Americanos con DeshabiJidad (ADA) de 1990. Any writings or documents provided to a majority ofthe City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the meeting and in the City Clerk's office located at City Hall, 520 J Street, Los Banos, California during normal business hours. In addition, such writings and documents may be posted on the City's website atwww./osbanos.orq. ************* Cualquier escritura 0 los documentos proporcionaron a una mayoria del Ayuntamiento respecto a cualquier articulo en este orden del dia sera hecho disponibJe para la inspeccion publica en la reunion y en la oficina de la Secretaria de la ciudad en City Hall, 520 J Street, Los Banos, California durante horas de oficina normales. Ademas, tales escrituras y los documentos pueden ser anunciados en el website de la ciudad en WW\N.losbanos. ora. 1, CALL TO ORDER 7:00 PM 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE_ 3, ROLL CALL: (City Council Members) Faria _, Lewis _, Silveira _, Stonegrove _, Villalta_ 4, CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AGENDA. 5. PRESENTATION - Certificate of Appreciation to Ned and Patty Ryan, Los Banos City Council Agenda - August 19. 2015 Page 1 014 6. PUBLIC FORUM. (Members of the public may address the City Council Members on any item of public interest that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council; includes agenda and non-agenda items. No action will be taken on non-agenda items. Speakers are limited to a five (5) minute presentation. Detailed guidelines are posted on the Council Chamber informational table.) 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA. (Items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be voted on in one motion unless removed from the Consent Agenda by a City Council Member.) A. Check Register for #154706 - #155059 in the Amount of $688,302.21. Recommendation: Approve the check register as submitted. B. Minutes for the August 5, 2015 City Council Meeting. Recommendation: Approve the minutes as submitted. C. Waiver of Business License Fee for Greater San Joaquin Umpire Association. Recommendation: Waive the Business License Fee as submitted. D. City Council Resolution No. 5687 - Adopting a Revised Budget for the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year as it Pertains to Expenditures in the Building Department's Professional Services Account. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution as submitted. 8. PUBLIC HEARING. (If you challenge the proposed action as described herein in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described herein or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing.) A. Public Hearing - To Receive Public Comment and Consideration of a General Plan Amendment #2015-02 and Zone Change #2015-02 for CAMNIC LLC for One (1) Parcel Currently Designated Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and to Re-Zone the Same Property from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Neighborhood Commercial (C-N) for the Property Located at 745 West J Street, APN 027-094-005. 1) Ordinance No. 1132 - Amending the Official Zoning Map by Rezoning Property Located at 745 West J Street from Low Density Residential (R­ 1) to Neighborhood Commercial (C-N). (Second Reading & Adoption) Recommendation: Receive staff report. open public hearing. receive public comment, close the public hearing, waive the second reading. and adopt the ordinance as submitted. Los Banos City Council Agenda - August 19, 2015 Page 20f4 B. Public Hearing - To Receive Public Comment and Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to Allow the Use of Type 41 Alcohol License for the On-sale of Beer and Wine in Conjunction with an Eating Establishment (Hook & Ladder Hot Wings), for the Business Located at 245 West Pacheco Boulevard, Suites A & B, APN 027-161-042. 1) City Council Resolution No. 5688 - Approving Conditional Use Permit #2015-08 for the On-sale of Beer and Wine for Hook & Ladder Hot Wings Located at 245 West Pacheco Boulevard, Suites A & B. Recommendation: Receive staff report, open public hearing, receive public comment, close the public hearing, and adopt the resolution as submitted. C. Public Hearing - To Receive Public Comment and Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Title 8 Building Regulations of the City of Los Banos Municipal Code, to Provide an Expedited, Streamlined Solar Permitting Process that Complies with the Solar Rights Act and Assembly Bill 2188. (First Reading & Introduction) 1) Ordinance No. 1133 - Amending Title 8 of the Los Banos Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 6 to Provide an Expedited, Streamlined Permitting Process for Small Residential Rooftop Solar Systems. Recommendation: Receive staff report, open public hearing, receive public comment, waive the first reading, and introduce the ordinance as submitted. 9. CONSIDERATION OF THE ADOPTION OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 5689 - ADOPTING THE 2014 MERCED COUNTY MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL LOCAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN. Recommendation: Receive staff report and adopt the resolution as submitted. 10. CONSIDERATION OF THE ADOPTION OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 5690 - APPROVING THE 'DRAFT LOS BANOS STATE ROUTE 152 COMPREHENSIVE OPERATIONAL STUDY' DATED JUNE 1, 2015, AS PREPARED BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: THE INSTALLATION OF THE RAISED MEDIANS AS OUTLINED IN THE DRAFT STUDY IS NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL; ALL INTERSECTION WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS TO ACCOMMODATE U-TURNS ARE NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL; THE INSTALLATION OF CUL-DE-SAC ON 9TH STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROUTE 152 AND 9TH STREET IS NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL; AND THE CLOSING OF EXISTING DRIVEWAYS ONTO STATE ROUTE 152 IS NOT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. Recommendation: Receive staff report and adopt the resolution as submitted. Los Banos City Council Agenda - August 19, 2015 Page 3 014 11. PRESENTATION REGARDING AN UPDATE ON CHROMIUM 6. Recommendation: Informational item only, no action to be taken. 12. ADVISEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICES. (Four Reports) 13. CITY MANAGER REPORT. 14. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS. A. Elizabeth Stonegrove B. Tom Faria C. Deborah Lewis D. Scott Silveira E. Mayor Mike VillaIta 15. CLOSED SESSION. A. Conference with Labor Negotiators, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, Agency Designated Representatives: City Manager Carrigan, City Attorney Vaughn, City Clerk/Human Resources Director Mallonee, Finance Director Williams, Legal Counsel Tuffo; Employee Organizations: Los Banos Police Dispatchers/Community Services Officers Association (LBPDCSOA) and Unrepresented Miscellaneous Employees. 16. ADJOURNMENT. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing agenda was posted on the City Hall bulletin board not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting. --£..~:'4z -t.~ Lucille L. Mallonee, City Clerk Dated this 13'h day of August 2015 Los Banos City Council Agenda - August 19, 2015 Page 4 of4 CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION Presentedera Ned and Patty Ryan In appreciation ofyour efforts to improve tfie fandScaping and6eautification ofyour fiome. ~ '.MicfiaeC'1/i{(alta, '.Mayor ([)atea: jlugust 19, 2015 LOS Banos \.f !f!\ CrU:oS! ',~J l:'iU CK # 154706 - 155059 08/19/2015 $688,302.21 Bank Reconciliation Checks by Date User: sorozco LOS Banos Printed: 08112/2015 - 4:51PM Cleared and Not Cleared Checks Print Void Checks Check No Check Dale Name Module Void Amouut 154706 7/3112015 Accela, Inc. AP 1,157.00 154707 7/3112015 Alert-O-Lite, Inc. AP 625.86 154708 7/31/2015 Henry A Andersou Jf AP 65.00 154709 7/3112015 Arittriaik Uniform Ser IIlc AP 901.78 154710 7/3112015 Kevin Arruda AP 284.47 154711 7/3112015 AT&T AP 367.41 154712 7/3112015 AT&T AP 85.06 154713 7/3112015 Dorothy June Baker AP 106.92 154714 7/3112015 Battery Systems, Inc. AP 705.71 154715 7/3112015 Bear CatMfg Inc AP 420.05 154716 7/3112015 Richard A Blak Phd AP 350.00 154717 7/3112015 Bruce's Tire Inc AP 548.93 154718 7/3112015 aSK Associates AP 1,560.00 154719 7/3112015 Brian Butler AP 252.00 154720 7/31/2015 California Dairies Inc AP 73.30 154721 7/31/2015 Corneast AP 107.10 154722 7/31/2015 Corneast AP 420.00 154723 7/3112015 Copy Shipping Solutions AP 671.31 154724 7/31/2015 LN Curtis & Sons AP 3,912.03 154725 7/31/2015 Dept ofTransportation AP 3,375.69 154726 7/3112015 Esquire Deposition Solution, LLC AP 400.00 154727 7/3112015 Stephen Frates AP 252.00 154728 7/31/2015 GCS Environmental Equipment Services AP 530.22 154729 7/3112015 Galls Inc AP 503.21 154730 7/3112015 Helena Chemical Co Inc AP 770.86 154731 7/3112015 Krazan & Associates Inc AP 4,180.75 154732 7/3112015 Lawson Products, Inc. AP 10.94 154733 7/3112015 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore AP 7,970.00 154734 7/31/2015 Los Banos Express Oil & Lube AP 194.83 154735 7/31/2015 Advance America Cash Advance Centers ofCA. LLC #5 AP 15.80 154736 7/3112015 Alliance HeaIthcare Services AP 15.60 154737 7/3112015 Arrow Drillers, Inc.
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