Surgeon’s Journal of Her Majesty’s Female Convict Ship, Sir Robert Seppings Dr L.S. Cunningham, Surgeon Between the 16th March and the 12th July 1852 Adm. 101-68-04 Initialled WB 10 Augt. PB010259.JPG Copy of the sick list of the Sir Robert Seppings Female Convict Ship When Put Name Age Quality Disease or Hurt When Put How On Sick Off Sick Disposed List List Of March 17th Miller Davidson 16m Child Catarrhus 3rd April Well Do Mary Crooke 4m Do Diarrhœa 26th March Well Do Rosa Callagher 25 Convict Parturitio 31st “ Well Do 19th Thomas Joyce 5m Child Porrigo 13th April Well Do Mary Bentley 42 Convict Paronychia 31st March Well Do Mary Mc Guire 23 Do Catarrh: 28th Do Well Do 20th Eliza Patten 27 Do Diarrhœa 31st Do Well Do 21st M.A. Jones 54 Do Phlogosis 31st Do Well Do Jane Steward 30 Do Contusio 31st Do Well Do 22nd Cath. Calligan 25 Do Gastritis 20th May Well Do 25th Isabella Gardner 39 Do Bronchitis 8th April Well Do 28th Esther Dethridge 5m Child Do 17th Do Well Do Ann Dinham 22 Convict Catarrh: 17th Do Well Do Eliza Davis 24 Do Catarrh: 17th April Well Do Harriet Wilson 46 Do Icterus 27th May Well Do M.A. Munro 4m Child Diarrhœa 2nd April Well Do 29th Charl: Morris 40 Convict Catarrh: 2nd April Well Do Amelia Langley 21 Do Do 2nd Do Well Do Ann Girvan 15 Do Diarrhœa 3rd Do Cured Do 30th M.A. King 33 Do Contusio 4th Do Well Do Harriet McKee 25 Do Obstipatio 31st March Well Do 31st Martha Thorn 31 Do Ophthalmia 21st April Well April 1st Jane Douglas 21 Do Obstipatio 2nd Do Well Do 3rd Margt Hart 24 Do Syphil: 19th June Well Do 4th Jane Handiland 21 Do Hæmorrhois 10th April Well Do 4th Eliza Miller 22 Do Ambustio 13th Do Well Do 5th Mary Rogers 28 Do Menorrhagia 12th Do Well Do 6th Maria Handley 22 Do Catarrh: 11th Do Well Do 7th Janet Kirkpatrick 8m Child Scrophula 18th Do Well Do 8th Margt Anderson 19 Convict Catarrh: 11th Do Well Do Bridgt Williams 19 Do Do 11th Do Well Do Helen McIntyre 20 Do Do 11th Do Well Do Eliza Saville 17 Do Obstipatio 10th Do Well Do 9th M.A. Smith 6 Child Ophthalmia 26th Do Well Do 10th Isabel: Smith 25 Convict Diarrhœa 12th Do Well Do 11th A.M. Timms 16 Do Hepatitis Ac. 1st May Well Do 12th Sarah Burns 21 Do Obstipatio 15th April Well Do 13th Mary Kennedy 40 Do Do 15th Do Well Do 14th Jane Logan 37 Do Do 17th Do Well PB010260 April 14th Ann Wilson 15 Convict Gonorrhœa 2nd May Cured Do Eliza Thompson 19 Do Do 5th June Do Do 15th Jane Douglas 21 Do Obstipatio 19th April Well Do 16th Mary Simpson 18 Do Gonorrhœa 1st June “ Do 19th Ros: Callagher 23 Do Menorrhagia 26th April “ Do 20th Alice Smith 22 Do Gonorrhœa 27th Do “ Do 22nd Mary Crighton 18 Do Cyanche 25th Do “ Do 25th Eliz. McWalters 28 Do Diarrhœa 2nd May “ Do 26th M.A. Hicks 25 Do Catarrh 1st Do “ Do Mary Crooke 6m Do Marasmas 13th Do Died Do 28th Ann Scholes 31 Convict Diarrhœa 3rd Do Cured Do 30th Hanh. Hyde 28 Do Diarrhœa 6th Do “ Do Do Esther Dethridge 6m Child Scrophula 13th July “ May 1st Eliz Denham 13m Do Diarrhœa 3rd May Died Do Do Ann Etherington 18 Convict Cyanch 5th Do Well Do Do M.A. Calligan 18m Child Marasmas 27th Do Died Do Do M. Rogers 21 Convict Obstipatio 2nd Do Well Do 2nd A. Cruickshank 23 Do Diarrhœa 6th Do “ Do Do Sarah Burns 21 Do 27th Do “ Do Do Thos. Joyce 8m Child Do 19th Do “ Do 3rd M.A. Price 23 Convict Menorrhagia 5th Do “ Do Do C. Willis 28 Do Dyspepsia 4th Do “ Do Do E. Attwood 21 Do Menorrhagia 6th Do “ Do Do C. Shannon 20 Do Luxatio 7th Do “ Do Do Miller Davidson 16m Child Diarrhœa 30th Do “ Do Do Phoebe Parkin 29 Convict Dyspepsia 8t July Col. Hospl. Do Do L. Alexander 22 Do Amenorrhœa 15th May Cured Do Do Mary Milne 19 Do Do 7th Do “ Do Do Ann Alford 47 Convict Menorrhagia 4th June “ Do Do A. Wilson 20 Do Obstipatio 5th Do “ Do Do H. Hewins 22 Do Dysmenorrhœa 7th Do “ Do 4th M. Williams 22 Do Obstipatio 5th Do “ Do 4th M. Bane 5 Child Do 8th Do “ Do Do Janet Lindsay 33 Convict Do 6th Do “ Do Do A.M. Timms 16 Do Nyctalopia 13th Do “ Do Do S. Gleed 19 Do Obstipatio 5th Do “ Do Do J. Cooper 18 Do Tinia tarsi 19th Do “ Do Do A. Orton 33 Do Phlegmon 16th Do “ May 4th Jane Davis 18 Do Diarrhœa 17th May Cured Do Do Eliz: Manwarren 35 Do Obstipatio 6th “ Do Do Eliz: Davis 24 Do Diarrhœa 24th June “ Do Do Ann Tyson 27 Do Amenorrhœa 6th May Well Do Do Jane Marshall 24 Do Catarrhus 9th Do “ Do Do Eliz: Hill 35 Do Obstipatio 6th Do “ Do 5th Ann Scholes 31 Do Diarrhœa 10th Do “ Do Do Amel: Langley 21 Do Phlegmon 10th Do “ Do Do M.A. Jackson 21 Do Nyctalopia 16th Do “ Do Do M. Danock 44 Do Phlegmon 7th Do “ Do Do M.A. Prosser 22 Do Obstipatio 6th Do “ Do Do Ann Martin 25 Do Ulcus 12th Do “ Do Do Eliz: Andrews 33 Do Obstipatio 7th Do “ Do Do Janet Adams 40 Do Do 13th Do “ Do Do Cath: Stewart 21 Do Do 6th Do “ Do Do Ann Booth 36 Do Phlogosis 19th Do “ Do Do Eliz: Saville 17 Do Amenorrhœa 8th Do “ Do Do Cath: Brown 21 Do Obstipatio 6th Do “ Do Do Jane Wilson 22 Do Do 9th Do “ Do 6th Sarah Naylor 4 Child Do 7th Do “ Do Do M. A. McDonald 21 Convict Do 8th Do “ Do Do Bridget Lyons 42 Do Dysentery 14th June Died Do Do Jane Jones 19 Do Obstipatio 9th May Well Do Do Ann Dawson 20 Do Menorrhagia 8th Do “ Do Do Mary Anderson 19 Do Phlegmon 9th Do “ Do Do Carol Rodgers 21 Do Obstipatio 8th Do “ Do Do E. Webster 30 Do Do 8th Do “ Do 7th M. Bateman 24 Do Do 12th Do “ Do Do Harriet Pratt 22 Do Do 10th Do “ Do 8th Bridget Connell 24 Do Do 9th Do “ Do 9th Eliza Hill 35 Do Diarrhœa 13th Do “ Do Do Mary Rowe 31 Do Hysteria 12th Do “ Do Do Mary McGuire 24 Do Obstipatio 10th Do “ Do Do Jane Giles 26 Do Amenorrhœa 17th Do “ Do Do Eliza Coulson 44 Do Phlegmon 18th Do “ Do Do Margt Foreman 35 Do Rheumatism Ch. 13th Do “ Do 10th Sophia Rennie 29 Do Dysuria 14th Do “ Do Do Mary Dethridge 18 Do Diarrhœa 27th Do “ Do Do Mary Collins 22 Do Catarrhus 13th Do “ PB010261 May 10th Hannah Johns 19 Convict Otitis 17th May Well Do Do Mary Hines 19 Do Obstipatio 11th Do “ Do 11th Ann Dawson 21 Do Do 15th Do “ Do Do Eliza Patten 31 Do Diarrhœa 31st Do “ Do Do M. Smith 22 Do Obstipatio 13th Do “ Do Do Nancy Morris 26 Do Do 12th Do “ Do Do Jean Lamond 35 Do Catarrhus 19th Do “ Do Do Ann Jones 55 Do Catarrhus 31st Do “ Do 12th Rachel Jackson 21 Do Obstipatio 13th Do “ Do Do Sarah Hinton 20 Do Diarrhœa 15th Do “ Do Do Jane Davis 8m Child Do 21st Do “ Do Do Ann Girvan 15 Convict Cyanch. T 13th Do “ Do Do Hanh Browning 22 Do Menorrhagia 19th Do “ Do Do Maria Handley 25 Do Phlegmon 25th Do “ Do Do Helen Riley 19 Do Obstipatio 14th Do “ Do 13th S. Jeffrey 3 Child Scrophula 13th July “ Do Do Jane Logan 40 Convict Abscessus 24th May Cured Do Do M.A. Joyce 28 Do Do 24th Do “ Do Do Patk Condray 2yrs Child Diarrhœa 19th May Well Do Do Cath Frankland 23 Convict Menorrhagia 17th Do “ Do Do M.A. Hogan 27 Do Hæmorrhagia 19th Do “ Do Do Ann Wolf 33 Do Obstipatio 15th Do “ Do 14th Carol Rodgers 21 Do Catarrhus 17th Do “ Do Do Ann Wallace 23 Do Hæmorrhagia 17th Do “ Do Do Maria Fay 27 Do Contusio 17th Do “ Do Do Mary Rowe 31 Do Do 21st Do “ Do Do Ann Etherington 18 Do Abscessus 20th Do “ Do 15th M. F. Thorn 31 Do Ophthalmia 8th July Col. Hosptl. Do 16th Isabel. Gardner 40 Do Catarrh: 27th May “ Do Do Ann Wall 21 Do Diarrhœa 24th Do “ Do Do Sarah Jones 44 Do Obstipatio 18th Do “ Do Do Eleanor Smith 21 Do Do 20th Do “ Do Do E. Johnson 22 Do Do 21st Do “ Do 17th Mary Rankin 47 Do Catarrh 19th Do “ Do Do Thos Foley 4 Child Phlegmon 19th Do “ Do Do Margt Field 27 Convict Obstipatio 18th Do “ May 17th Emma Jones 22 Convict Obstipatio 20th May Cured Do Do Eliz: Miller 21 Do Do 21st Do “ Do 18th Margt Maynard 19 Do Catarrhus 24th Do “ Do Do Jane Anderson 19 Do Obstipatio 19th Do “ Do Do Jane Doulas 21 Do Do 19th Do “ Do Do Ann McMenemy 23 Do Do 19th Do “ Do Do Mary Jones 21 Do Do 19th Do “ Do Do Margt Daley 25 Do Do 19th Do “ Do Do Susan Williams 47 Do Do 20th Do “ Do Do Janet Weir 45 Do Do 21st Do “ Do Do Hart Hewins 22 Do Diarrhœa 24th Do “ Do 19th M.
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