US00941 1 007B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.411,007 B2 Bertacco et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 9, 2016 (54) SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR STATISTICAL (58) Field of Classification Search POST SILICON VALIDATION None See application file for complete search history. (71) Applicant: THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ann (56) References Cited Arbor, MI (US) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (72) Inventors: Valeria Bertacco, Ann Arbor, MI (US); 6,438,664 B1 8, 2002 McGrath et al. Andrew DeOrio, Ann Arbor, MI (US); 6,701.477 B1 * 3/2004 Segal ............................ 714f732 Daya Shanker Khudia, Ann Arbor, MI 7,269,756 B2 9/2007 Baartmans et al. 7.461.311 B2 * 12/2008 Harter et al. .................. 714f732 (US) 8,086,926 B2 * 12/2011 Kato .............. T14f741 2009/0206868 A1* 8, 2009 Laisne et al. ... ... 324f765 (73) Assignee: THE REGENTS OF THE 2010/0293422 A1* 1 1/2010 Huang et al. .................. 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CAD of ICs and Systems, vol. 29, No. 11, 2010. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Aug. 9, 2016 Sheet 1 of 7 US 9.411.007 B2 M 100 155 106 VALIDATION COMPUTER PROGRAM MEMORY SYSTEM DATABASE 145 VALIDATION PLATFORM 162 110 102 114 PROCESSOR PROTOTYPE CHIP WITH BPS HARDWARE FIG. 1 U.S. Patent Aug. 9, 2016 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9.411.007 B2 200 2O2 DETERMINE WHICH SIGNALS TO OBSERVE AND WHAT KIND OF SIGNATURES TO COLLECT 2O6 204 WNDow RUN ONE ORMORE POST-SILICON TESTS ON PROTOTYPE LENGTH CHIP AND LOG SIGNATURES DURING TEST WINDOW PARAMETER FOR TARGET SIGNALS 2O8 SEND SIGNATURES OFF-CHIP TO COMPUTERRUNNING ANALYSIS SOFTWARE AND INCREMENT WINDOW COUNTER 3D210 YES 212-SORT SIGNATURES INTO PASS GROUP AND THE FAIL. GROUP AND SORTEACH OF THE PASS GROUP AND FAL GROUP BYSIGNAL AND WINDOW 214 MAKE PASS MODELUSING PASS GROUP PASS BAND = lipass + k pass "Opass 216 MAKE FAIL MODELUSING FAL GROUP FAIL BAND = liai?t ktail "Otail 218 COMPARE PASS BAND TO FAIL BAND TO DETERMINE BUGBAND 222 220 BUGBAND RANK SIGNALS ACCORDING TO MAGNITUDE OF BUG BAND THRESHOLD AND IDENTIFY SIGNALS WITH MAGNITUDE > BUGBAND PARAMETER THRESHOLD PARAMETER ASBUGS FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Aug. 9, 2016 Sheet 3 of 7 US 9.411.007 B2 -passing testcases - - - failing testcases Signature value FIG. 3A 308 306 passing testcases N W y ---- failing testcases O 0.2 0.4 O.6 O.8 1 Signature value FIG. 3B U.S. Patent 411.007 B2 3. 9|7 U.S. Patent Aug. 9, 2016 Sheet 5 Of 7 US 9.411.007 B2 pueqônq 27 W2 U.S. Patent US 9.411.007 B2 909 enem euneufóS U.S. Patent US 9.411.007 B2 Ø Ø|OQUUOOJegXØ Ø|?OÐIÐOXE FIG. 7 LOOLOOLO OOC)OO OOC)OOO NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNVS??Oe0 FIG. 8 US 9,411,007 B2 1. 2 SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR STATISTICAL can usually be observed) and periodically transfer data off POST-SILICON VALIDATION chip. Traces are then examined by validation engineers to determine the root cause of the problem. This process may be STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY time-consuming and engineering intensive, and may be fur SPONSORED RESEARCH ther exacerbated by bugs with inconsistent outcomes. Addi tionally, off-chip data transfers are very slow, which further This invention was made with government Support under hinders observability due to limited transfer time. HR0011-07-3-0062 awarded by the Defense Advanced The debugging process of non-deterministic failures can Research Projects Agent. The government has certain rights be aided by deterministic replay mechanisms. However, these in the invention. 10 Solutions perturb system execution which can prevent the bug from manifesting, and often incur significant hardware and FIELD OF TECHNOLOGY performance overheads. In addition, in an effort to automate the failure diagnosis process, methods based on formal veri This applications relates generally to integrated circuit fication techniques have been proposed. These solutions testing and, more particularly, to post-silicon testing of pro 15 require deterministic execution and a complete golden totype integrated circuits. (known-correct) model of the design for comparison. How ever, the fundamental scaling limitations of formal methods BACKGROUND preclude these techniques from handling industrial size designs. Accordingly, there is a need for a scalable post Diagnosing and debugging failures in large, complex mod silicon Validation platform to localize inconsistent bugs, ern digital designs is a difficult task that spans the entirety of minimize off-chip transfers, without a priori knowledge of the design process. Recently, the role of post-silicon Valida the design or the failure. tion has increased, particularly in the microprocessor design industry, in light of the scaling problems of pre-silicon meth SUMMARY odologies and tight time-to-market development schedules. 25 Pre-silicon Verification operates on an abstract design The bug positioning system (“BPS) leverages a statistical model and has the advantage of being fully deterministic and approach to address the most challenging post-silicon bugs, fully observable, but is limited by its slow speed and low fault those that do not manifest consistently over multiple runs of a coverage. Failing testcases can be reliably reproduced to same test, by localizing them in space (design region) and diagnose functional bugs, which in turn manifest consis 30 time (of bug manifestation).
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