1 ' "i ; ■ ~ ~ I d a nS a g e d1 p a g | e a r , N o . 2 6 8 7 6 t h y e a r Twin Falls,5, Idaho IFriday, Septemiber l 25,1981 ________________ R e < a g a r 1 u n < c o v ej r s u m p o »pulai r c u its WASHINGTON (UPlU Pl)-President to keep;p a Hd on next year’s deficit,Icit, takes effect Oct.l and J d ste e r e d c le a r of re s tra inInt. t, He said the national debideb leads to an America ai work, to fiscal "But let there be no mistake: we hursday nighl his now pretre d lc tc d to rc a c h e d $43.1 billion, ----- Reagan-OUllInedJThur ion. a proposal that Socialal Security cost- will soonon rcoch $l trillion and the costcos sanlly, lo lower taxes2S and less Infla- have no0 choicect but to continue down , latest plan to baianccnee tho budget b y .. Reagaignn proposed cuts In defense;nse-'-of'llving boosts be dc delayed to save of inter[eresl p a y m e n ts a lo n e nowno\ tion," he said. “I bellelleve our plan for the roadid lowardlo a balanced budget - ; sp e n d inIng. g but onfy aboul 1 percentIt olof m oney. 1984.' a m o u nIt i tot< m ore th a n $96 billon, recovery Is sound andjit i will work. a budgel;cl lhalI will keep us strong at ‘ A 12 p e rc e n t spcndiriding cut for most the totalit'al b u d g e l - $3 billion in 1982 S ittin g b e h in d his b broad desk, his "Washiishlngton spends m ore on intcinter- The television appeae a l to th e p eople h o m e nnmd d s e c u re o v e rs e a s ," -------fcaeral-programs._aJ.a-tax.crackdown.. andSi3b■3 billion over three years,_____________h a n d a -c la s p e d -b e fo re ra-Jiim,_Ri>ngnn __ e s t - t h alan-jm n -all-of-its-educatiorition,— w ^lnthestylethal-wl^n-b^gel-flndj— ^‘None^ile-of-these-stcfH^ll be-casy;:'' • and ihe death of' th<the’ Energy and AndiheTllsclosedplanrtoTeneratt ht rate— InterrupiGdhls’austcrijrity-piichto' an* “ nuiritrtfif:tfin n d '‘m6dlcal~program•ams "tax cur^cloriosThirs> s’liirimeh Offer- “ Reagan1 said.sa "I know wc are asking Education agcnckss wwerc among his anothercr $3 billion In governmeni: in-in nounce he wants a sp special panel — combinecned,” bo said, blaming federtJerai Ing a -mixlure of closecl reasoning forsacrlficrlflcesfromvirtuallyallofyou.. - p ro p o s a ls . c o m c - nearly $i billion lu^feesfees named by House and , d ^M te leaders ' Iwrrowlnving for much of the squeeze.ote_pn_._splced.wUh gentle anetlecdotes, Reagan_.but.thcrelsre Is naalternatlve.!.:____ :___________ - In e nationwide brobroadcosl-oddress- chargeses to users of federal'walerway!•ays - and the WJilte Hdu^' 'm a r k e ts . e — "to'remove' money m hinted Ihere 1s somcfl: flexlblllly In his Roaganan promised;j “Benefits for the (rom the 0vj»L0ffice.:e. 1Reagan said he and atr tr! services — in the fiscal yeai;ear Social Security once ai and for oil from He pledgedpie to “hold to a firm'irm . new p ro g ra m . needy willrvlll be p ro te c te d ," bul h e sold would Bsl( congresss to cut outlays for that begie g in s n e x t w ee k , p o litics .” - steady course"cc as he tries to pullIlhe Ih " I recognize thal manany In Congress abuses ■ ■ In the—food -stamp ‘and £- fiscal 1982byri3 billiollllon, on lop of the whilele c< a llin g fo r th e end o f som o>tax ta j Reagan, wearlng-a a-blue-suit- and- nation oul-of-"theoi economic swam]am p--m ayhavc other alterem atlvesrand’I' Medicaidpprogram s, (orexaniple, will' . $35 billion reduclluctlon already loophole3les, Reagan refused to tampeiiper muled polka dol tie, wasw coolly com- we’ve b^nlnforsolong.” welcome a dialogue withw them,” the be slopped. — ^Pi>rovedr4{»«aid4histhi^ M ncccsMcy— with-the-be-personaUncom&4aJuiut4haithat— posed aa h e -b u tlfc-his-i e^vu we'vo cIiumii a pathTtnit— ttia p re sld e n i said.------------- • See SPEECH Page 2 - m ] t i^ e e p e? r b u dI g c t Cl: u t s ' ' " 1 3 h il a v e k o e a l c: o n c e> : r n lUCE HAMMOND -- • alternative? The- salternative is places to save moriey,” Bradshaw u R f r ~ ' TImcs-N-.-News writer bankruptcy for the natjallon. _ _ said. ____ “I Ihink It’s the rfghl5ht direclloh. and "That'sa t's w h a t w e 're all going to hav e : y I believe his proposalll makes sense," to do to maker Reagan's plan work: m IN FALLS - The presldeni;nt Is Bradshawsald." look foor r savings while we're still g for more budget cuts, and,d mnot B ut h e a d m ilte d th aat t Reagan's plan solventt bbe e fo re w e e n d up b a n k ru p t. Al e v e ry oo m n e is th rilled . will forcc Idaho agencincles and public some poinw int y o u h a v e lo sto p ask in g for 1 tell you one thing, the farmcimcrs schools to face ssome “harsh moremonn o n e y , ----------------------------------- --------- - mall businessmen In our artarea realities." B ra dIshaw, sh a who Is 70, said much the ’ walct^out for reductions Ini "Thesepeoplewlllhiho v e lo look for a s a m e aboiaboul Reagan's call for a more ams'lhey’ve relied on. likee llIhe w ay to do the job wwith what they - tightly-n’-m an ag rt * Social - Security Business AdministrationI 'andar havo,"‘ho sold. "It'ss :sod. but some- system,1, withm checks for waste and armers Home Adminislralion,Ion," limes a toxing agency!:y has to go broke fraudulentileni filings. lere savings and Kl Buhl businessman Geor;forge before it can see whei leagan doesn't get Ihls (Social my. betteroperalloncnnbe ly) Into financial stability, Ihe S n w c i W h i s uHnformal Times-News phqr)hqne _ : As on e x a m p le , Bra( ople-of-our area.are golng.tii- lSchoorD Is,rIc.r-",P^Pi“ y, all M a^c Valley r^ldcndenis hdmelown’s'Wen'deirS jp a n d no l e v e n ge t a ch ec k ," he I an apptoxlmale eled supporl President Ronolonold which ended up with a ‘Politicians arc great at voting ree y e a rs a m . in's goal of fiscal stability,’, bibut $90,000 d e b t a b o u t thre< mething and letting the next | j [ I tru s t h is m e th o d s. I n a nation: Itlon pay for ll. Well, we're HHRR :lonal -T h e school d is tric!tlrledanj^rallcil t -----------sd d ress* Iwo times to pass anm overrice levy, puylugfor i for an additional '$i6-bllllc but just the same, aI yyear ago they’d Anthonylony, who serves on the Idaho (t c u t d u rin g 1982 a n d a r “ paid off the debts, hailad $25,000 in Ihc Democrat:ratlc P arty Executive Council, c d Social S e c u rity sy ste m . ., bank and had manageigcd to give Ihelr soys thetie ideali of balancing the budget ■ :ryone agreed on one thini ihead r a is e s ," h e ssaid- a Is a mand:andatory goal, but he disagrees ! T h e r ei' ^s more belt-lightening ahe; ow the adrriinlslration proposes ■ ZTLJIl______________ fo r lnidlvlduals, d l\ b^lnessw and Ixlocal - "I asked the superK-rlntendent how :e agonclM alike, they'd done ll,and beesaid s thcyh^ ~ ^ ? ^ “r~ ‘-■■f * s e rv l c e i u can’t do 11 by cutting in one ' said ellmlnale a few teacheh e r positions, but - " I thhlnk ir we should back him." sa while bolstering up somewhere r a u , ------------------------- S f tn ,__Ken K ..Bradshaw, R^cndelndell. mostly,.they watchedJd lh c ir expenses r “ G olly.y . If w e d o n ’t, w h a t'sr ' 'thetl and supplfcs — alwavayTlooHng for ■^'Se^ACTIOrrPa^J"^— r .JP *',-* ^ ..... e a g a n -’ j s s e e o rt i d t r i p <a r o u n d i s ^ ‘v i f l R l n co t a s s vw e e t o n I C a p i t cl o l H i ll S H IN G T O N t U P I ) - TwoTv deeper cuts lhan Ihe10 president pro- "So muchmuc for their lalk of measur- e—Republican -leaders-BO-said—posrt, -------------------------------------------------------in g - p r oogram-effectiveness-and g n pre----------- ' . T h u rsdKlay a nl$ht It w ill b e to u g h loogive gi' Slevens said it w<would be "very servingg Ihotl social safety net.
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