Development and applicaon of molecular markers to maerl-forming species in Europe: data for their conservaon PhD thesis Crisna Pardo Carabias 2016 Departamento de Bioloxía Animal, Bioloxía Vexetal e Ecoloxía Facultade de Ciencias Development and application of molecular markers to maerl‐forming species in Europe: data for their conservation Desarrollo y aplicación de marcadores moleculares a especies formadoras de maerl en Europa: datos para su conservación Desenvolvemento e aplicación de marcadores moleculares a especies formadoras de maerl en Europa: datos para a súa conservación PhD Thesis / Tesis de Doctorado / Tese de Doutoramento Cristina Pardo Carabias Supervisors / Directores / Directores: Dr. Ignacio M. Bárbara Criado Dr. Rodolfo Barreiro Lozano Dr. Viviana Peña Freire Tutor / Tutor / Titor: Dr. Rodolfo Barreiro Lozano Reviewed by / Revisado por / Revisado por: Dr. Jacques Grall (Observatoire du Domaine Côtier de l'IUEM‐OSU, France) Dr. Rafael Riosmena Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, México) Deposit / Depósito / Depósito: October / Octubre / Outubro 2015 Defense / Defensa / Defensa: January / Enero / Xaneiro 2016 Departamento de Bioloxía Animal, Bioloxía Vexetal e Ecoloxía. Facultade de Ciencias da UDC. Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Acuicultura (Interuniversitario). RD 1393/2007. i IGNACIO M. BÁRBARA CRIADO, RODOLFO BARREIRO LOZANO AND VIVIANA PEÑA FREIRE, SENIOR LECTURER OF BOTANY, PROFESSOR OF ECOLOGY AND POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER, RESPECTIVELY, FROM DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL BIOLOGY, PLANT BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF A CORUÑA CERTIFY: That the following report entitled "Development and application of molecular markers to maerl‐forming species in Europe: data for their conservation" written by Miss CRISTINA PARDO CARABIAS has been prepared under their supervision in the Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology at the Science Faculty of the University of A Coruña, within the framework of the Official PhD Program in Aquaculture (Inter) regulated by RD 1393/2007, and it meets the requirements to be defended and to aspire to the degree of “International PhD”. And for any legal statement, the present document is signed in A Coruña October 8, 2015. Dr. Ignacio M. Bárbara Criado Dr. Rodolfo Barreiro Lozano Dr. Viviana Peña Freire iii IGNACIO M. BÁRBARA CRIADO, RODOLFO BARREIRO LOZANO Y VIVIANA PEÑA FREIRE, PROFESOR TITULAR DE BOTÁNICA, CATEDRÁTICO DE ECOLOGÍA Y CONTRATADA POSTDOCTORAL (XUNTA DE GALICIA MODALIDAD A), RESPECTIVAMENTE, DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL, BIOLOGÍA VEGETAL Y ECOLOGÍA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE A CORUÑA DECLARAN: Que la siguiente memoria titulada “Development and application of molecular markers to maerl‐forming species in Europe: data for their conservation” presentada por Doña CRISTINA PARDO CARABIAS ha sido realizada bajo su dirección en el Departamento de Biología Animal, Biología Vegetal y Ecología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de A Coruña, dentro del Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Acuicultura (Interuniversitario) regulado por el RD 1393/2007, y cumple con las condiciones exigidas para ser defendido y optar al grado de “Doctora Internacional” ante el tribunal que lo deberá juzgar. Y para que así conste a los efectos oportunos, firman la presente en A Coruña a 8 de Octubre de 2015. Dr. Ignacio M. Bárbara Criado Dr. Rodolfo Barreiro Lozano Dra. Viviana Peña Freire v IGNACIO M. BÁRBARA CRIADO, RODOLFO BARREIRO LOZANO E VIVIANA PEÑA FREIRE, PROFESOR TITULAR DE BOTÁNICA, CATEDRÁTICO DE ECOLOXÍA E CONTRATADA POSDOUTORAL (XUNTA DE GALICIA MODALIDADE A), RESPECTIVAMENTE, DO DEPARTAMENTO DE BIOLOXÍA ANIMAL, BIOLOXÍA VEXETAL E ECOLOXÍA DA UNIVERSIDADE DA CORUÑA DECLARAN: Que a seguinte memoria titulada “Development and application of molecular markers to maerl‐forming species in Europe: data for their conservation” presentada por Dona CRISTINA PARDO CARABIAS foi realizada baixo a súa dirección no Departamento de Bioloxía Animal, Bioloxía Vexetal e Ecoloxía da Facultade de Ciencias da Universidade da Coruña, dentro do Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Acuicultura (Interuniversitario) regulado polo RD 1393/2007, e cumpre coas condicións esixidas para ser defendido e optar ao grao de “Doutora Internacional” ante o tribunal que o deberá xulgar. E para que así conste aos efectos oportunos, asinan a presente na Coruña a 8 de Outubro de 2015. Dr. Ignacio M. Bárbara Criado Dr. Rodolfo Barreiro Lozano Dra. Viviana Peña Freire vii This PhD thesis was funded by the projects CTM2010‐18787 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España, partially funded by ERDF‐the European Regional Development Fund‐) and 10MMA103003PR (Xunta de Galicia). Sampling in Brittany (France) was supported by a European Community‐Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 ‘‘Capacities’’ Specific Programme (ASSEMBLE grant agreement no. 227799). Cristina Pardo Carabias appreciates the fellowships received to carry out the present PhD thesis in “Universidade da Coruña”: ‐ “Axuda de apoio á etapa predoutoral do Plan Galego de Investigación, Innovación e Crecemento 2011‐2015 (Plan I2C) para o ano 2011 da Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galicia. Expediente PRE/2011/058” from November 1st, 2011 to December 20th, 2012. ‐ “Beca del Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU). Convocatoria 2010. Nuevas becas del Ministerio de Educación del Gobierno de España. Referencia AP2010‐1682” from December 21st, 2012 to October 31st, 2015. Cristina Pardo Carabias also appreciates a scholarship to carry out a research stay in the “Station Biologique de Roscoff” (France) from September 15th 2014 to 15th December 2014 under the supervision of Dr. Myriam Valero: ‐ “Ayuda del Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU). Convocatoria 2013. Estancias breves del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España. Referencia EST13/00886”. ix To my parents, my sisters and my nephew, who have always been there. A mis padres, mis hermanas y mi sobrino, que siempre han estado ahí. Aos meus pais, as miñas irmás e o meu sobriño, que sempre estiveron aí. xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my PhD supervisors Dr. Ignacio M. Bárbara, Dr. Rodolfo Barreiro and Dr. Viviana Peña for their inestimable support and help during this thesis. I want to thank all my partners of the BIOCOST Research Group for their help, support and shared moments during this thesis: Javier Cremades, Pilar Díaz, Juan Lugilde, Alicia García, Verónica García, J. Miguel Ruíz, Sergio R. Roiloa, Cristina Piñeiro, Pablo Touriñán, José Ribamar, María Quintela, Lucía Couceiro, Naiara Albaina and Isabel Maneiro. In addition, I want to thank Belén Carro and Lúa López that without their inestimable help and support, this thesis would not have been possible. I am grateful to Dr. Myriam Valero for welcoming me in her Research Group during my stay in Roscoff (Brittany) and all people of her Research Group. Also thanks to all people that during my stay encouraged and help me: Alejandro Montecinos, Katherine Valenzuela, Zujaila Qui Minet, Marie Rescan, Jérome Coudret, Komlan Avia and Marie‐Laure Guillemin. I am also grateful to Dr. Christophe Destombe for his invaluable advice and for giving me the chance to meet Dr. Jacqueline Cabioch. Madame Cabioch, thanks for sharing with me your knowledge and by your great advices in maerl beds. My friends and University partners have always supported and inspired me: Laura Sanjurjo, Rafael Carballeira, Teresa Martínez, Esther Novo, Tamara Rábade, Tania García, Marta Lois, Ana B. Monteagudo, Alba García and Irene Lema. In addition, I would like to thank my old friends Raquel Abal, Iria Rodríguez, Miguel Delgado and Fátima Prol for all the moments that they shared with me, thanks guys. Besides, I would like to highlight the company, support and help from my comrade Javier Veloso during my thesis journey and life. Finally, I thank my family for their company and support: my parents Mercedes and Emilio J., my sisters Mónica and Rosa, my nephew Hugo, my uncles Teresa and Luís, my cousins Silvia and Fernando, my godparents Suso and Ana, and my grandparents Emilia and Delfín that although they are no longer here they taught me the best of life. xiii ABSTRACT Appropriate management of habitats of conservation concern, such as the maerl beds, requires reliable information on basic issues like species diversity, life cycle, and the population genetics of maerl‐forming species. Conventionally, these topics had been addressed with morphological information. In comparison, the present thesis has tried to step forward by using molecular markers to solve these gaps in our knowledge. In chapter 1, maerl‐forming species were delimited in Atlantic Europe using an integrative taxonomic approach that included COI‐5P and psbA sequences as molecular data. A new major maerl‐forming species was discovered by DNA barcodes, and its description is provided in chapter 2. A contribution to disentangle the life cycle of a major maerl‐forming species (Phymatolithon calcareum) was obtained with a combination of DNA barcodes and morphology in chapter 3. Chapter 4 describes the development of a set of microsatellite markers for this species using NGS technology. Finally, preliminary results obtained with these microsatellites to several populations of P. calcareum across European Atlantic maerl beds are shown in a final Annex to this thesis. xv RESUMEN La gestión adecuada de los hábitats de interés para la conservación, como los bancos de
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