A conspectus of the families and genera of the vascular plant flora of Malaya The genera recorded as nalive or naturalized in Malaya arc listed in alphabetical order under the appropiate family. Family delimitation Sollows Brummitt (1992). Italicized names represent those genera represented solely by naturalized species. The number in parenthcscs after each generic name represents lhe numbers of species of that genus in the Malayan Slora. The number of senera, and the nunlher of species. ~.cspectively.in each family arc given in square brackets alter each family name. Fern Allics 1. EQUISETACEAE 11, 1) 1.I Eqniwtnn~L. ( I ) 2. LYCOPODIACEAE 13,191 2.1 Huperzia Rel-nh. (12) 2.7 L~copodiellaHoluh (7) 2 .: Lycopodiun~L. (5) 3. PSILOTACEAE [I, 2J 3.1 Psiloturn Sw. (2) 4. SELAGINELLACEAE 11,291 4.1 Selaginella P Beauv. (2')) Ferns 5. ADlANTACEAE [8,31J 5.1 Adiantnrn L. ( 12) 5.5 Henlionitis I-. (I ) 5.2 Cheilanthes S\%.(4) 5.6 1'1lyrogrrrnlr~1rrLmk ( 1 ) 5.3 Coniograrnrne F6e (I) 5.7 Spngrarnma J.Sm. (7) 5.4 Doryopteris 5.S1ii.(2) 5.8 Taenitis Willd. c2.v Schkuhr (3) 6. ASPLENIACEAE (1,291 6.1 Aspleniurn L. (29) 7. AZOLLACEAE [I, 11 7.1 Azolla Lam. ( I) 8. BLECHNACEAE 14.91 8. I Blechnun~I.. (6) 8.3 Stenochlaena 1.S1n.(I ) 8.2 Brainea J.Srn. (1 ) 8.4 Woodwardia Sm. ( 1 ) 9. CHEIROPLEURIACEAE [1,1] 9.1 Cheiropleuria C'. Prcsl (I) lo. CYATHEACEAE (1,201 10.1 Cyathea Sin. (20) 11. DAVALLIACEAE 12.141 l l I Davallia 5m (I 2) I1 2 Le~~costcgiaC P1e4 (2) 12. DENNSTAEDTIACEAE [lo, 4-51 12.1 Dennstaedtia Bernli. ( l ) 12.0 Odontosoria FCC ( 1 ) 12.2 Histiopteris (J. Arg:idh) J.5111. (2) 12.7 Paesia A.St.-IIII.(1 ) 123 Hypolcpis Hernli. (i) 12.8 Ptcridium <;led. rr Scop. (2) 12.1 Li~~dsacaDi-yand. (23) 12.9 Saccolon~aKaull'. (I ) 12.5 Microlcpia C.Presl (0) 12.10 Tapcinidi~~nl(C'.rJrcsl) C.C'I~I(3) 13. DICKSONIACEAE [1,ll I.?. l Cihoti~mKa~ill. (I ) 15. DRYOPTEKlUACEAE 112,571 15.1 Arrophorus ('. Prc\l ( I) 15.7 Heterogoni~~mC. Prcsl (1) 15.2 Arachniode4 Blurnc (1) 1S.S Perauema D. Don ( 1 ) 15.3 Ctenitis (C'.('hi. ) C.Chr. (2) 15.9 Pleocnen~iaC.Presl (1) 15.1 Cyelopcltis J.Sm. ( 1 ) 15.10 Polystich~~mRnlh (2) 15.5 Didy~nochlaenaDehv. ( 1 ) 15.1 1 Ptcridrys C'.C7hr.Kc Ching (3) 15.6 Dryoptcris .Mans. (0) 15.12 Tectaria Cay. (28) 16. GLEICHENIACEAE 14,141 If1 I Dicranopterk Hernh (1) I0 3 Glcichcnia \m (3) Ih 2 IXploptcrygi~~n~(Dlcl\) N,lha~(5) I6 4 Stichcrtn C PI c\1 (2) 17. GKAMMITIDACEAE [7.49] 17.1 .-\crosorus ('opcl. (2) 17.5 Prosaptia C. Presl (7) 17.2 Calymn~odonC. Presl (1) 17.6 Sclcrogloss~miAldcrn. (1) 17.3 Ctcnopteris Hlurnc c\-Kunre (10) 17.7 Xiphopteris Kaulf. (7) 17.1 Gra~~~mitisSu. ( 15) 18. HYMENOPHYLLACEAE 15,451 1 S. 1 Ccphalon~ancsC. Pred (7) 18.4 Sphacrocioni~~m('. P~.csl(2) 18.7 Crcpidomanes (C. Presl) (-'. Prcsl (12) 18.5 Trichomanes L. (7) lX.3 Hyn~enophyllnnlSm. (17) 19. LOMARIOPSIDACEAE 15,191 19.1 Bolhitis Schott (5) l'J.1 Lomariopsis FCC (I ) 1').2 Elaphogloss~~mScllotl c2.r .l.Sm. (8) 19.5 Teratophyll~~~nMelt, ex Kuhn (3) 1'1.3 Lon~agrammaJSm. (2) 20. MARKATIACEAE [2,41 20.1 Angiopteri* Hottm (2) 20.2 Christcnsenia Maxon (2) 21. MARSILEACEAE [I, 21 21.1 Mardea L. (7) 22. MATONIACEAE [ I, 21 22.1 Matonia K.Br r\ \!,ill. (2) 23.01.EANDKACEAE 13,111 23.1 Arthropteris J.Sm ( l ) 23.3 Oleandra C'av. (2) 23.2 Nephrolepk Scholl (8) 24. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE [3,81 24 1 Botrychiun~CH ( I ) 24 iOphioglowm L (6) 71 2 Helminlho\tach?\ Kr~ull(I) 25. OSMUNDACEAE 11.2) 25.1 Osnlunda L. (2) 26. PARKEHIACEAE [I. I I 26 1 Ceratopterk Hron~n.( 1 ) 27. PLAGIOGYRIACEAE 1 I. 41 77 1 Plagiogyria (Kun7e) Mcll (4) 28. POLYPODIACEAE 117,681 28. I Aglaonlorpha Schott (4) 28. I0 micro so run^ I.inh (4) 28.7 Belrisia Mirh. (2) 78. 1 1 Neorheiropteris H. ('hriil (2) 28.3 Colysis C. Prcsl (5) 2S.12 Paragranlma (Blunic) 'T. Pvloorc (1) 2S.1 Drynaria (Bory) .I.Sm. (4) 28.13 Phynlatosorl~sPii..Scl-m. (1) 28.5 <;oniophlehium C. PrcsI (5) 28. I4 Platycerium Uc<v. (4) 28.6 Lecanopteris Reinh. (3) 28.15 Pyrrosia b11rk>.(8) 28.7 Lenin~aphyllutnC. Prcsl ( I ) 28. l h Selliguea Bory ( 12) 28.8 Leptochilus Kaulf. (4) 28.1 7 I'hylacopteris K~~nfcc\-.I.Sm. ( I ) 2S.O Loxogramme (Blumc) C'. Prcsl (4) 29. PTERlDACEAE (2,161 29 I Arro\tichum L (2) 20 2 Pteris L ( 14) 30. SALVINIACEAE [I, 21 30.1 Salvinia Sig. (2 ) 31. SCHIZAEACEAE 12,141 I1 1 Ljgodium Sw (8) I I 2 Srhizaea Sm (6) 32. THELYPTERIDACEAE 115,601 32.1 Ampelopteris Kun~c( I) 32.6 Cyrlosorns Link (I) 32.2 Amphineuron Holttum (3) 32.7 Macrothelypteris (H. ItO) Ching (1 ) 32.3 Chingia 1Ioillum (3) 32.8 Mesophlehiun Holttum (5) 32.4 Christella H. Iiv. (7) 32.9 Metathelypleris (H. ItO) Ching (3) 32.5 Curyphopteris Hollturn (9) 32.10 Parathclypteris (H.ItO) Ching (I) 37.1 1 Pnemnatopteris Nakai (3) 30. I1 Sphaerostephanos J.Srn. ( I I ) 30.12 Pronephrium C, Presl (0) 30.li Trigonospora Holttum (I ) .:O. I3 Pwudophegopteris Ching (7) 33. VITTARIACEAE [4, I31 33.1 Antrophynm li;~ulf(2) 33.3 Vaginnlaria Fdr ( I ) 33.7 Mouogramma ('omm. cu Schkulr~(I) 33.4 Vittaria Snr. (9) 34. WOODSIACEAE [5,36j 34.1 Acgstopteris Nakai (1) 33.1 Diplaziopsis C. Chr. ( 1 ) 21.2 Athyriun~Rorh (2) 34.5 Diplazium Sw.(30) 34.3 Deparia Hook. & Grcv (2) Gymnosperms 35. ARAUCARIACEAE [I, 21 3i.l Agathis Snlisll. (3) 36. CYCADACEAE [I, 21 36.1 C!ca\ I.. (2) 37. GNETACEAE [l,91 '47 I Gnetun~1.. (0) 38. PODOCARPACEAE [5,14] 38.1 1)acryrarpus (Fndl.)~lc Lauh. ( I i 38.1 Nageia Cii~crl~i.(2) .3.2 ihcrydium Lamli. (li 3x5 Podocarpus l.'t-I21-.rr Pcrs. (6) 38..7 Fnlcatifoliun~dc I.aul7. i1 ) Angiosperms - Dicots 39. ACANTHACEAE 129,1581 30.1 Acanthus L.. (-3) 30. l h Pararuellia Hwmck. (1 ) 39.2 Andrographis \V;111. rr Kccs (2) 39.1 7 Perirtrophe Nee\ (2) 30.3 A.\v.v/(~.vir~Blumc (2) 30. IX Phialaranth~~sBrcmck. (3) :0.1 Barleria 1 .. (.:i .3J. I0 Phloparanthus Yees ( 1 ) 3.iChroesthcs Ucno~\l( 1 ) 39.20 Pseuderanthenlun~Radlk. ( 12) 30.6 Coswianthem~nn13rr.mt.k. ( I ) .?J.2 1 Ptyssiglottis 7. Ancierstw (7) 30.7 Dicliptera Juss. ( 1 ) 30.22 Rhinaranthus Nee\ ( I) 3O.S Filetia Miq. ((1) .30.2.3 Rnellia L. (1) 39.0 Gynmo5tachyun1 Necs (12) 30.21 H~mgiaNdes (5) 30. I0 Hemigraphi\ Uces (7) .i0.2i Staurogyne Hrcrnck. (16) 30 I I Hygrophila R.Bi-. (S) 30.3Stenothyrsus C.B. ('l~rkc! I ) 3V. 17 Hjpoestt.9 Sol. VI K.HI..(I ) 30.27 Strohilanthes Blumc (71) 39.13 Justici:~1.. (71) 30.2S Thunbcrgia llct~.(7) 30. I1 Lepiclagathis Will~l(3) 30.20 Thysanostign~aJ.R. Iml:~\.( I ) .39 l i Nelsonia K.131..( I ) 40. ACERACEAE [I. 1 j 40.1 Acer L. (I ) 41. ACTINIDIACEAE 12,121 11.1 Actinidia Lmcll. (2) 11 2 Saurauia W~lld.(10) 42. AIZOACEAE [2, 11 j 12.1 Sesuvium L.. ( 10) 12.1Trianthema L. (1 ) 43. ALANGIACEAE [l, 7) 13.1 Alangium Lani. (7) 44. AMAKANTHACEAE [lo, 191 11. I Achyranthes L. (2) 41.6 Cyathula Blumc (I) 14.7 Allmania K.Ur. (,.I W~gh(( 1 ) 41.7 Deeringia R.Hr. (2) 11.3 Alternanthera Forssk. (3) 11.8 GompI~t~~v~~~L. (2) 14.1Anlaranthus L. (5) 11.9 Psilotrichopsis C.C. 'I'owns. ( I ) M.5 Cchsii~1 .. ( I ) 41. I0 Psilotrichum Blurnc (1 ) 45. ANACARDIACEAE [17,771 45.1 Ati(i(~~irdi[~tt~L. ( I ) 1.i I0 Melanochyla Hook./. (9) 15.2 Androtiu~nSt;tpf ( I ) 15.1 I Parishia Hook./: (3) 15.3 Roues Mcisn. (7) 15.12 Pentaspadon Hook./: ( ;) 15.4 Ruchanania S~I-ens. (2) 45.13 Pistacia I.. (I) 15.5 Can~pnosperma'l'liwaites (3) 4.5.14 Khus I-. (7) 15.6 Dracontomclon Hlurne ( I ) 15.li Semecarp~~s L.I. (7) 15.7 Drin~ycarpusHook.l. (1 ) 15.l h Spondias 1.. (1) 153Gluta L. ( I) 1.5.1 7 Swintimia Gril‘l'. (5) 15.0 Mangifera L. (19) 47. ANISOPHY LLEACEAE [2,9] 17 1 4niwph?llca K Hr CI S,~h~ni(8) 17 2 Combretorarp~~\1 looh / (I ) 48. ANNONACEAE 136,2021 18.I Alphonsea I look./. & TThom.;on ( I7 ) 18. I1 Goniothalam~aI Hlurnc) I look.!. & 'lhomson ('01 18.7 Anaxagorea /\.St.-Hil. (1 ) 18.15 Marsypopetalun~Scheff. (1 ) 18.3 Artahotrys K.HI-.( 13) 18.16 Meiog!~~eMiq. (2) 18.1 Cananga (DC'.) Hook./: & 'l'liomson (7) 18.17 Melodorum Lour. (2) 18.5 Cyathocalyx ('hanip. c,r Hook.f cYr Tiiornson (8) XIS Mezzettia Bccc. (2) 18.6 Cyathoste~~~~naGI-ill. (7) 1S.19 Mezzettioprir Kldl. (I) 18.7 Dcndrokingstonia Ka~~wliert(I) 18.10 Miliusa L.c\c.h. c,.r A.13C. (7) 18.8 Desmos Lour. (7) 18.21 Mitrella Miq. ( l ) 18.0 Disepalum tlook./. (2) 18.22 Mitrephora (Blumc)llook./: & I'homson (2) 18.10 Ellipeia Hook./: & I'homson ( I 1 1S.2 Monocarpia Miq. (I ) 48.1 l Enicosanthun~Hecc.
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