The electronic version of the book is created by http://www.enverhoxha.ru GLORY TO THE BRILLIANT AND IMMORTAL WORK OF COMRADE ENVER HOXHA! THE WORK OF COMRADE ENVER HOXHA LIES AT THE FOUNDATIONS OF EVERY­ THING ACHIEVED IN THE PRESENT-DAY ALBANIA. HIS NAME AS THE ARCHI­ TECT OF THE NEW SOCIALIST ALBANIA AND HIS WORK LI­ VE AND WILL LIVE THROUGH THE CENTURIES. ENVER HOXHA — the founder and leader of the Communist Party of Albania, today the Party of Labour of Albania, (by Sh. Hysa) GREAT SORROW FOR THE PARTY AND THE ENTIRE ALBANIAN PEOPLE OUR BELOVED LEADER, COMRADE ENVER HOXHA, IS DEAD Comrades, communists, workers, cooperativists, intellectuals, women and youth of Alba­ the betrayal of the nation by the old political forces. At the head of the Party, He drafted nia, veterans of the National Liberation War and compatriots, and worked out the general political line of the National Liberation War, found and defined With great sorrow and deep grief we inform you that today, on 11 April 1985, at 02.15 the roads to the achievement of the victory of 29 November 1944, in fierce clashes with ex­ hours, the heart of the beloved and glorious Leader of the Party and our people, Comrade ternal and internal enemies, with opportunists and factionalists. Enver Hoxha, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, Under the leadership of Comrade Enver Hoxha, the Party united the Albanian people in Chairman of the General Council of the Democratic Front of Albania, General Comman­ the National Liberation Front. He was the initiator and organizer of the historic Confe­ der of the Armed Forces of the PSR of Albania, ceased to beat. rence of Peza. For the first time in their history our people achieved their fighting unity The founder of our glorious Party, the organizer and leader of the National Liberation on the basis of a platform which expressed their genuine desires and aspirations. It was this War and our people's revolution, the architect of the construction of the new socialist Alba­ unity which faced up to the savage forces of the fascist occupiers and traitors to the nia, departed from us. The heroic Commander of our National Liberation Army, the Man who country. created the Democratic Front and laid the foundations of the People's Power, closed his eyes. Comrade Enver Hoxha is the direct organizer of the National Liberation Army. Under The life and work of Comrade Enver Hoxha is the living history of the present-day Alba­ His command, our glorious partisans fought with unrivalled heroism within and beyond the nia. His name is connected with all the class battles and all the victories of the Party and borders of Albania, and with the support of the patriotic forces of the whole people, li­ the Albanian people. berated our beloved Homeland. His thought and personality have always been present in all the stages through which The people's power and the new Albanian state, which were born in the heat of the Na­ our people have gone, from the day when the Communist Party was founded to this day, at tional Liberation War, are built on the revolutionary thinking and leading activity of Comrade any moment when the fates of the people and the Homeland hung in the balance. His lea­ Enver Hoxha. Under His care and according to His teachings, the people's councils became dership and guidance have been decisive at all the key moments when decisions were made the powerful weapon of the dictatorship of the proletariat, of the democracy for the masses, on the course to be followed and the battles to be waged. and of the construction of socialism. A staunch revolutionary and a devoted patriot, Comrade Enver Hoxha was the first Comrade Enver Hoxha drafted and worked out the program of magnificent transforma­ among the Albanian communists to understand the great historic need for the creation of tions and the construction of the new socialist society. The victorious battles for the in­ the Communist Party, the only staff capable of uniting the people and leading them in the dustrialization of the country, the building of all the monumental projects which gave the war for the liberation of Albania and the establishment of the people's power. His great hi­ country its new working class and a powerful base for its all-round economic and social de­ storic merit is the creation of this staff, of strengthening it organizationally and educating velopment, were waged under the leadership of the communists, with Comrade Enver Hoxha it ideologically at the very grave moments of the fascist occupation and oppression, and at the head. 4 • 2 (81), 1985 ALBANIA TODAY ALBANIA TODAY 2 (81), 1985 • 5 Relying on Marxism-Leninism and knowing the sufferings and centuries-old aspirations Comrade Enver Hoxha is the greatest historic figure of our people and nation, which will of our patriotic peasantry, Comrade Enver Hoxha gave the fundamental orientations for the illuminate the road for the present and coming generations with its undying light. He will collectivization and modernization of agriculture. The correctness of the road mapped out by live for ever beloved, honoured and respected in the hearts of all the communists and our the Party is clearly seen in the present reality of our cooperativist village. people. With His Work and teachings, He will always stand by them in order to inspire Comrade Enver Hoxha led the Party and the people in the deep-going ideological and them in their struggle and work for the good of the Homeland and communism. cultural revolution which has been carried out in our country. If Albania today is an ad­ Let His ardent call addressed to the Albanian people on the occasion of the 40th anniver­ vanced socialist country which develops on its own forces, the land of people freed from sary of the liberation of the Homeland: any social and spiritual oppression, the land of democracy and well-being for all, of edu­ «Let us guard what we have achieved as the apple of our eye, let us go on consistently cation and culture for the broad masses of the people, all this is due to the struggle which to develop it further, to leave the coming generations an Albania ever stronger, always red, the Albanian people have waged with the Party and Comrade Enver Hoxha at the head. like the undying flame of the hearts and ideals of communists and partisans, an Albania There is no field of political, ideological and social activity of our Party and state in which will live and progress through the centuries. I am convinced that the people and the which the philosophical thinking, the organizational power and leading activity of Com­ Party will raise our triumphant flag higher and higher, will raise the honour, prestige and rade Enver Hoxha have not been manifested. He has worked out the general line of the foreign name of socialist Albania higher and higher in the world,» remain always our battle flag. policy and stands of our Party and state over international questions. This policy, firm This is the unanimous pledge which our Party of Labour and the whole Albanian peo­ opposition to American imperialism, Soviet social-imperialism and world reaction, sincere ple take today. support for the revolutionary and liberation struggles of the peoples, and solidarity with In these moments of deep sorrow over the loss of our beloved Leader, comrade and the democratic and anti-imperialist forces, has strengthened the international position of teacher, Enver Hoxha, let us strengthen our steel unity and close our ranks even tighter our country, has increased the sympathy and respect for socialist Albania in the world, has round the Party and its Central Committee, let us mobilize even more our forces so as to increased the number of its friends and well-wishers. make our Albania what Comrade Enver Hoxha wanted it to be, strong, prosperous and ad­ Under the leadership of Comrade Enver Hoxha, the Party of Labour of Albania has vanced, let us work tirelessly as He worked and fought for half a century on end in order waged a heroic struggle against modern revisionism. No one has defended the teachings of to raise its name ever higher. Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin against opportunist distortions with such great revolutionary Glory to the brilliant and immortal Work of Comrade ENVER HOXHA! feeling, at any time and in any situation, as he did, no one has exposed the social-imperialist and social-chauvinist policies and activities of the Titoites, the Khrushchevites and other re­ negades, as he did. No one has fought with such energy and determination against the internal enemies of the Party, the factionalist groups and foreign agents from Koçi Xoxe to the gang of Mehmet THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE Shehu, as he did. This struggle has saved our Party, people and Homeland. OF THE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA Comrade Enver Hoxha ranks among those outstanding revolutionaries who have made THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY a great and special contribution to the development of the Marxist-Leninist theoretical OF THE PEOPLE'S SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA thinking bearing on all the questions of the revolution and the construction of socialism. THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS His summing up of the experience of the liberation war and the practice of the building OF THE PEOPLE'S SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA of our new society, His analyses of the processes of current world development and their con­ clusions of great ideological value, serve as bearings and reference for the day-to-day revolu­ THE GENERAL COUNCIL tionary activity.
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