Index Abydos, on Dardanelles 200, 202, 208; III 171; adopts royal title 173; Antiochos III at 208, 210 attacked by Antiochos III 174; Abydos, in Egypt 168 death 175 Achaian League beginnings 86; in Acheloos, river 91 Chremonidean War 88; Acilius Glabrio, Marcus 218; consolidation 91–93; hostility to confi scates Aitolian lands at tyrants 91; expansion 94–97; Delphi 237 Ptolemaic subventions 93, 94, 161; Adea (Eurydike), granddaughter of helps Epeiros 95; fi rst contact with Philip II, marries king Philip III Rome 98; appeals to Antigonos Arrhidaios 19; appeals to Doson 100; member of Doson’s Kassander 26–27; murdered 27 Security Pact 101; attacked by Adeimantos of Lampsakos 66 Aitolians 183; loses Aigina 189, Adulis 121, 122 229; in Peace of Phoinike 189; Aemilius Paullus, Lucius 245, 259; receives Roman envoys 200; joins Rhodian envoys to 260 Rome 204–205; declares war on Aemilius, Marcus 236 Antiochos III 217–218; profi ts Agathaios, Athenian agonothetes 107 from supporting Rome 219; sends Agathokleia, daughter of Oinanthe troops to battle of Magnesia 220; 166 rejects money offer of Eumenes Agathokles of Syrakuse 144 II 229; mediatesCOPYRIGHTED between Miletos Agathokles, MATERIAL son of Lysimachos 57, 58, and Magnesia 236; problems with 60, 61 Sparta and Messene 238–240; Agathokles, son of Oinanthe 166; death treatment after Pydna 250–251; 192 accepts exiled Delians 251; Agelaos of Naupaktos 186–187 “Achaian War” 253 Agis IV, king of Sparta 94, 109 Achaios I 117, 124, 137 Agron, Illyrian king 95, 98 Achaios II supports Seleukos III 125; Aï Khanoum 113, 136 governs Asia Minor for Antiochos Aiakides, king of Epeiros 23, 26 INDEX 325 Aigai 15; burial of Alexander IV 35; Akra, fortress at Jerusalem 270–271, plundered by Pyrrhos 85, 86 274 Aigina, bought by Attalos I 179, 189, Akrokorinth 80, 181, 204; attacked by 205 Romans 205; evacuation Aigion 32, 86 demanded 206 Ainos 103, 123, 169; taken by Philip V Akrotatos, king in Sparta 90 202; possession disputed 229, 241 Aktion 184; battle of 291, 308, 315 Aitolian League, takes Oiniadai 2; leads Alabanda 194 in “Lamian War” 16; opposes Alexander the Great, message to Kassander 45; mediates between Olympia 1; founds Alexandria Demetrios and Rhodes 49; refuses 145; death 2, 4; infl uence on Demetrios access to Delphi 83; successors 63; cult 116, 152 supports Pyrrhos 59, 87; fi ghts Alexander IV, Macedonian king, son of Celts 81–82; gains representation Alexander the Great 15, 21; on Amphiktyonic Council 84; captured and imprisoned by dominates Delphi 105–106; asylia Kassander 27; murdered 34, 45 treaties 90; internal reorganization Alexander Balas, Seleukid king 273 90; treaty with Akarnania 91; war Alexander Zabinas, Seleukid king 275 with Boiotia 93; raids Peloponnese Alexander Jannaeus, Hasmonean king 94; helps Epeiros 95; fi rst contact 276 with Romans 98; “Social War” Alexandreia, festival in Egypt 151 183–184; joins Rome 188; makes Alexandreia Troas 57; resists Antiochos separate peace with Philip V 189; III 211, 215 interests in North Aegean 198; Alexandria by Egypt 42, 69, 70; receives Roman envoys 200; joins founded by Alexander the Great Rome again 204; claims after 145; built out by Ptolemy I and Kynoskephalai 207–208; Ptolemy II 147, 151–153; dissatisfaction with Roman procession of Ptolemy II 153; settlement 210–211, 214, 216–217; activities of mob 295, 297, 302, attacks Sparta and kills Nabis 217; 310; siege and capture by Ptolemy captures Demetrias and invites VIII 298; in Roman civil war 307 Antiochos III 217; defeated by Alexandros, son of Polyperchon 28, 30; Romans 218–219; results of war assassination 32 with Rome 237–238; recognizes Alexandros, son of Kassander, Pergamene Nikephoria 227, 238 Macedonian king 53, 54, 60, 65 Akarnania, loses Oiniadai 2; treaty with Alexandros, son of Krateros 92–93, Aitolia 91; divided up between 104; bids for independence 92–93 Aitolia and Epeiros 93; Epeirot Alexandros, king of Epeiros 87, 89; section becomes independent 95; divides Akarnania with Aitolians receives Illyrian support 98; 93; death 94 member of Doson’s Security Pact Alexandros, brother of Molon 171 101; agreement with Anaktorion Alexandros, son of Admetos, 184; offered by Rome to Aitolia Macedonian offi cer 181, 199 188; Peace of Phoinike 189; two Alinda 194 citizens provoke crisis with Athens Amarion, Achaian shrine 86 201 Amaseia 288 Akesimbrotos, Rhodian admiral 206 Amasis, Egyptian Pharaoh 42 Akichorios, Celtic leader 81 Amastris, wife of Lysimachos 65 326 INDEX Amastris, Paphlagonian city 286 operates in Bithynia 26; fi ghts Ambrakia 218; dispute with Athamania Eumenes in Iran 26–28; war with 251 coalition 29–34; announces Amisos 288 liberation program 30, 72; amixia 297 operations in Greece 32; makes Amphiaraos 252 peace in 311 34; letter to Skepsis Amphiktyonic Council, Phokians regain 34, 73; war against Seleukos 38; seats 84; Aitolians receive seats priorities after 308 49; takes 84; expansion of Aitolian infl uence basileus title 43–44; attacks Egypt 84–85, 91, 98, 185; restoration of 44; death at Ipsos 50 traditional membership 219; Antigonos II Gonatas, Macedonian king recognizes Pergamene Nikephoria 7, 59; sends troops against Celts 227; letter of Eumenes to Council 81; fi ghts Celts near Lysimacheia engraved at Delphi 245 82; marries Phila 83; tolerates Amphipolis 27, 34, 45, 66, 104 Aitolian expansion 88; Amun (Ammon) 145 Chremonidean War 89–90; makes Amynander, king of Athamania 170; dedications at Delos 107; death mediates in “First Macedonian 94 War” 189; receives Roman envoys Antigonos III Doson, Macedonian king 200; joins Antiochos III 218 97; recovers Thessaly 98; Karian Amyzon 194 expedition 98, 100; negotiates with Anahita 177 Achaian League 100; founds Anaia 234 Security Pact 101; battle of Sellasia Anaktorion 184 102; death 103 Anchwennefer, Egyptian rebel leader Antikyra 205 257 Antiocheia, festival at Smyrna 130 Andriskos, Macedonian pretender 250, Antiocheia, festival at Kyme 141 253 Antiocheia in Syria 61, 71; free city in Andromachos, son of Achaios I , father Roman province 277 of Achaios II 124, 125; released Antiocheia in Persis 180 from Ptolemaic captivity 174 Antiocheia (Jerusalem) 270 Andronikos, Pergamene offi cer 263, Antiocheon, name of month at Smyrna 264 130 Andros 56, 93, 103 Antiochis, daughter of Achaios I 117, Ankyra 123 126 Anthela 91 Antiochos I, marries Stratonike, daughter Antigenes, Macedonian offi cer 20 of Demetrios 59; succeeds father Antigone, daughter of Berenike 60 80; active in Babylonia 114; fi ghts Antigoneia, festival on Delos 107 Galatians 116; honored in Asia Antigoneia, city in Syria 43, 71 Minor 116, 140; stephanephoros in Antigoneia, city in the Troad 57, 74 Miletos 134 Antigonis, Athenian phyle, created 47; Antiochos II, younger son of Antiochos I abolished 201 117; “Second Syrian War” and Antigonos I Monophthalmos, founder of treaty with Ptolemy Philadelphos Antigonid dynasty, role under 119; marries Berenike 119; Alexander 14; joins Antipater and European expedition and treaty with Krateros 19; at Triparadeisos 20; Lysimacheia 120; dies at fi ghts Eumenes of Kardia 21–22; Ephesos 120 INDEX 327 Antiochos “Hierax,” son of Antiochos II Babylon 14–15; changes Athenian 119, 122; “War of the Brothers” constitution after Lamian War 123–124 16–17; marriage policy 64; Antiochos III, younger son of Seleukos II death 21 39, 125; attacks Ptolemaic Koile Antipatros, son of Kassander 53, 54, Syria 167; recaptures Seleukeia in 65 Pieria 167; at Seleukeia on the Antipatros “Etesias,” son of Philippos Tigris 171; battle of Raphia 173; 80, 81 challenges Achaios II 174–175; Antonius, Marcus 308 recognizes Attalos of Pergamon Anu-uballit, Babylonian offi cial 137 175, 179; destroys and restores Apama, wife of Seleukos I 59, 61, 64; Sardeis 175–176; anabasis helps Didyma 134 177–178; called “Great” 178; Apama, wife of Magas of Kyrene 117, recognizes Magnesian asylia 180; 159 Egyptian schemes 192; takes Apama, wife of Prousias I 178 Ptolemaic Koile Syria 196, 268; Apama, wife of Prousias II 244 attacks coastal Asia Minor Apameia in Syria 61, 71 208–210; ideas of empire 210; Apameia in Bithynia (Myrleia) 198 interview with Romans 211; Apameia in Phrygia 216; peace of marries daughter Kleopatra to 220 Ptolemy V 214; defeated at Apelles, Macedonian offi cer 181, 183 Thermopylai 218; battle of Apion, son of Ptolemy VIII 299, 300, Magnesia 220; treaty with Rome 301; leaves Kyrene to Rome 301 222–223; death 223 Apis 145 Antiochos, eldest son of Antiochos III Apollodoros of Nagidos 150 177, 215; premature death 216 Apollonia in Illyria 95, 97, 186, 187, Antiochos IV, youngest son of Antiochos 188 III 224, 236, 269; attacks Egypt Apollonia on the Rhyndakos 229 259; captures Cyprus 259; “Day of Apollonia Salbakes 232 Eleusis” 159–160, 268, 271; at Apollonios, Egyptian dioiketes 149 Jerusalem 270; in Babylonia 271; Apollonis of Kyzikos, wife of Attalos I death in Media 271 127, 227, 231 Antiochos V, son of Antiochos IV, letter apomoira 149 to Lysias 271; death 272 Aquillius, Manius 266 Antiochos VI, alleged son of Alexander Aquillius, Manius, son of above 286 Balas 274 Aratos of Sikyon 92, 105; captures Antiochos VII “Sidetes,” son of Akrokorinth 94; gives money to Demetrios I of Syria 273, 274 Athens 96; appeals to Antigonos Antiochos VIII “Grypos,” son of Doson 100, 109; death 187 Demetrios II of Syria 275–276 Archelaos, Macedonian king 68 Antiochos IX “Kyzikenos,” son of Archelaos, general of Mithridates VI Antiochos VII 276, 300 255, 286, 287 Antiochos X Eusebes, son of Antiochos Archelaos, priest of Komana in Pontos IX 276 304 Antiochos
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