Vol. XIX No. 1 January, 1964 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE—— ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN a FAIRFAX MANSIONS, FINCHLEV RD. (corner Falrtax Rd ). Londan. N.W.J Offict and Consulting Houti: Telephon* : MAIda Val* 9096/7 (General Oflkc* and W*ltar* for th* Ag*d>. Monday to Thurtday 10 a.m.—l p.m. 3—6 p m MAIda Vale 4449 (Employment Agency, annually licensed by the L.C.C., Friday 10 a.m.—l p.m. and Social Services Dept.) to use boycott as a political weapon, it is appalling that unlike most British firms the LIMITS OF INTEGRATION Norwich Union yielded to pressure. The leading Jewish organisations and their spokes­ This month AJR Information enters its 19th not include those who came over as infants men have made this clear in a dignified and year of existence. Compared with the brief or were born in this country, and it would effective way. However, even more important publication periods of most Jewish periodicals be unrealistic to assume that like the is the fact that public opinion is aware of the in this country this continuity is itself an Sephardim. the Jews from Gennany would wider issues involved and strongly condemns achievement and thanks are due to the mem­ remain an identifiable group for several this act of blackmail and its consequences. It bers of the AJR who have made it possible. generations. Yet. in full recognition of our is equally reassuring that at least one paper, It is particularly encouraging that, especially transitory position under a wider historical the Evening Standard, took the opportunity during the recent months when new develop­ aspect, it is the lesson of many observations to remind its readers of the precarious situa­ ments in the field of restitution and compen­ that the comparatively younger ones also tion in which, even in this country of political sation were announced, quite a few new mem­ belong to "us ". It is certainly no accident maturity and tolerance, Jews must sometimes bers have enrolled in order to receive that the Board of the British Section of the find themselves, and strongly raised its voice AJR Information regularly. Leo Baeck Institute includes young univer­ against the discrimination they have to face We take this opportunity of recalling that sity teachers who are professionally integrated in various spheres. The public condem­ the first issue, published in January, 1946, into their environment but for whom research nation of such discrimination is at least as carried a statement by the Home Secretary work on the German-Jewish past is a task important as the fact that it exists; it should also entitling those refugees from Nazi which they do not carry out in a detached be taken into account when we try to arrive oppression who had been admitted to this way, but with which they thoroughly identify at a balanced assessment of our position. country before the war on a temporary basis themselves. It will be equally necessary to W.R. to stay permanently and to apply for naturali­ enlist the co-operation of the " younger " ones sation. Thus one of the major objects for for the social work which will have to go on which the AJR had fought since its foundation for a very long time to come. A rejuvenation FORDERUNGEN ZUM BUNDESRUECKER­ in 1941 was achieved, and there are few in our of the various committees in charge of the STATTUNGS-GESETZ Old Age Homes or other activities of the AJR midst who at that time expected that almost Anhoerung der Verfolgtenverbaende in Bonn two decades later the AJR would still be func­ :jy the co-option of younger members will have tioning and going from strength to strength. to become part of our policy. Zum 4. Dezember 1963 hatte der Wieder­ The fight for a just final settlement of the gutmachungsausschuss des Bundestags in restitution question and the care for the aged Kennedy's Fight for Minorities Bonn die Verfolgtenverbaende zu einer are but two examples of the manifold tasks Integration was one of the keynotes in the Ruecksprache ueber die Vorschlaege der With which we are confronted. life of the late President Kennedy, whose Bundesregierung fuer eine Novelle zum However, as far as the personal status of tragic death is mourned by the whole world Bundesrueckerstattungsgesetz eingeladen. Die the former refugees is concerned, many first and to whom tribute is paid in this issue. Sitzung wurde von dem Vorsitzenden des thought that naturalisation would solve all His fight for the integration of the coloured Ausschusses, Rechtsanwalt Martin Hirsch, their problems. Only gradually they came to citizens of the United States resulted from a geleitet. realise that this was a fallacy—not only passionate sense of justice and a deep under­ Der Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung hec- use their different background was bound standing of the under-privileged minorities. sieht u.a. die voile Befriedigung der von den to be noticed by their British-born fellow It was in the same vein that in his book, "A Oberfinanzdirektionen durch Bescheid festge­ citizens, but also because they themselves Nation of Immigrants", published first in stellten Ansprueche wegen Entziehung fest­ hecame increasingly aware that in many ways 1958 under the imprint of the B'nai B'rith stellbarer beweglicher Vermoegensgegen­ they were still, to a certain extent, different Anti-Deiamation League, he pleaded for the staende (z.B. Wertpapiere, Hausrat, Lifts, even after acquiring British citizenship. By liberalisation of the U.S.A. immigration regu­ Schmucksachen, Pelzg, Brief marken usw.) vor. this we do not want to imply that integra­ lations. Having experienced the effects of Ansprueche bis zur Hoehe von DM 40.000 und tion into a new environment is impossible, the rigid application of the quota system by Ansprueche in Hoehe von 50 v.H. des hut we have to recognise that there are which many Central European Jews were DM 40.000 uebersteigenden Betrages sollen 'imitations. barred from leaving their countries of perse­ sofort befriedigt werden, hoehere Betraege cution before the outbreak of war, we have in Abstufungen in den Jahren 1964-1967. Betraege, die am 31. Dezember 1967 noch The Younger Generation special reason to remember this great states­ man under this aspect as well. nicht gezahlt sind, sollen vom 1. Januar 1968 ab verzinst werden. Die Zinsen sollen 1 v.H. Surprising as it may seem, this does not The question of integration also came up fuer jedes angefangene Vierteljahr betragen. "'ily apply to the older generation. Only in connection with the enforced resignation Auch Entziehungen in Ost-Berlin sollen decently the Observer published an article by of Lord Mancroft as Chainnan of the London entschaedigt werden, wenn die Verfolgten ^ young woman who had come to this country Advisory Board of the Norwich Union. It Oder ihre Rechtsnachfolger zu irgend einem *ith a children's transport in 1939. Her past would simplify the issue if we described the Zeitpunkt zwischen dem 30. Januar 1933 und *as constantly on her mind and she felt the actual causes of the resignation as antisemi­ dem 8. Mai 1945 ihren Wohnsitz oder '^^ge to visit the town where she was born tism in the usual meaning of the word. Anti­ dauernden Aufenthalt in Gebieten hatten, mit and where her parents lived until they were semitism is a phenomenon arising from the deren Regierungen die Bundesrepublik oeported. Only after visiting her birthplace minority status of the Jews in the Diaspora, Deutschland diplomatische Beziehungen unter­ °^d she feel that she had "overcome" her whereas in this case the action was ultimately haelt Oder die sie—wie Israel—so behandelt, Past. The interesting part of this story is directed against the State of Israel which, like als ob mit ihnen diplomatische Beziehungen ''ot the way in which she—rightly or wrongly every sovereign State, is bound to have both unterhalten wuerden. ~~^eems to have solved her problem, but the friends and foes in the forum of international Der Gesetzentwurf laesst ferner einen psychological tension under which she had politics. Therefore, as one Israeli paper Antrag auf Haerteausgleich zu, wenn ein een living, although she had spent most of pointed out on the occasion of another recent rueckerstattungsrechtlicher Anspruch wegen ^£^ formative years in this country. incident, it would be tantamount to the pre­ der Entziehung yon Hausrat in den ehemals From this angle we have to consider the servation of a ghetto mentality if any antagon­ besetzten Westgebieten oder wegen der question of the younger generation. By ism against Israel were at the outset branded Entziehung von Schmuck—und Edelmetall— younger generation " we mean those who are as antisemitism. Yet. having said this, it must Gegenstaenden in den ehemals besetzten oder °w between 30 and 45 years of age. We can­ be stated that once the Arab States deem fit Continued on page 2, column 1 Page 2 AJR INFORMATION January, 1964 ZUM BUNDESRUECKERSTATTUNGS-GESETZ GERMANY AND ISRAEL Dr. Ludwig Erhard will not press for diplo­ Continued from page 1 matic relations with Israel for fear that the Arabs recognise the Communist regime in eingegliederten Gebieten rechtskraeftig ERWEITERUNG DER RICHTLINIEN East Germany. The Chancellor also stated, zurueckgewiesen oder zurueckgenommen oder FUER VORAUSZAHLUNGEN when he met ne\yspaper correspondents nicht rechtzeitig angemeldet worden ist und recently in Bonn, that he would not introduce nach Fristablauf oder nach Rechtskraft der legislation barring German scientists from Entscheidung oder nach der Ruecknahme des Herabsetzung der Altersgrenze working in Egypt because " a careful investi­ gation " had revealed that only two scientists Antrags allgemeine Beweisunterlagen bekannt " with a Nazi past" were involved. Diplo­ geworden sind, die eine guetliche Einigung Am 30.
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