REPUBLIC OF BURUNDI MFA-MAGAZINE Nber 58 of 31st January 2020 Ministry of Foreign Affairs The President of the Republic leads a moralization session Summary page today, announced the The President of the Republic leads a morali- Spokesperson for the 1 zation session President of the Republic. Mr. Jean Claude Karerwa The Head of State re- Ndenzako indicated that ceives in audience the 2 the primary objective of Burundian Ambassa- these moralizing sessions dors accredited abroad of the Society is, accor- ding to the Head of State Monsignor Georges Bizimana takes posses- 2 H.E Pierre Nkurunziza, to sion of Ngozi Cathedral help Burundians be more intelligent people. And to The Minister of Foreign he President of the Republic H.E explain that an intelligent person is not Affairs meets in Bujum- T Pierre Nkurunziza animated on a person who accumulates knowledge 3 bura the Heads of Bu- Thursday, January 30, 2020 in Gisuru in several fields but above all, who rundi Diplomatic Mis- commune of the province of Ruyigi, a knows that the source of intelligence is sions abroad session of moralization of the society God the Creator, who knows how to towards the natives, the civil servants give a place of choice to God and who The Minister of Foreign and the population of the province of walks in the footsteps of his ancestors. Affairs of Burundi meets Ruyigi. The President of the Republic insisted the Heads of Diplomatic 4 and Consular Missions on the place of choice that the Burun- and the Representatives At the end of this session which was dian people should reserve for this of International Organi- held behind closed doors, the Spokes- God of providence, who has always zations accredited to Burundi person of the President of the Republic watched over his prosperity and his Mr. Jean Claude Karerwa Ndenzako protection, continued Mr. Jean Claude The Senate supports the indicated that it is the 1st moralization Karerwa Ndenzako. work carried out by the 5 session that the Head of State has held According to Mr. Jean Claude Karerwa Truth Commission and Reconciliation (TRC) since beginning of this year 2020. Ndenzako, the Head of State H.E According to the Spokesperson of the Pierre Nkurunziza then invited the Bu- Head of State, the President of the Re- rundians in general and the population The coffee sector re- public suggested that the assessment of Ruyigi in particular to spare no effort turns to the hands of the 6 State made in relation to the moralization to cut short with the past in order to sessions he held throughout the coun- guarantee a better future for try, proved that the Burundians have subsequent generations. The CNDD-FDD candi- date in the 2020 presi- made significant progress in several The Spokesperson of the Head of 7 domains. For the Head of State, the State said that the President of the dential elections already revealed country's development is a reality Republic, H.E Pierre NKURUZIZA ur- Page 2 MFA-MAGAZINE Nber 58 of 31st January 2020 ged everyone and the parents in particular to put a Ruyigi in particular. lot of effort into the education of their children. Mr. The Head of State paid a visit to the school of the deaf- Jean Claude Karerwa Ndenzako said that the Head mutes established on the hill Nyempongo of the com- of State deplored the brain drain at a time when in mune of Gisuru in province of Ruyigi. This school ac- Burundi there is a glaring lack of specialists, particu- commodates 74 pupils living with this handicap and larly in medicine. coming from the communes of Gisuru, Kinyinya and The President of the Republic calls for patriotism Cendajuru. and invites parents to be patriots first and to instill At this establishment, the Head of State H.E Pierre these values in their offspring, said Mr. Jean Claude Nkurunziza attended a lesson in writing the Kirundi Karerwa Ndenzako. language in careful manual calligraphy and he appre- On the sidelines of this moralization session, on be- ciated the application of these schoolchildren. half of the people of Ruyigi, the Governor of this province offered 5 cows, 5 sheep and baskets of The Emmanuel Community of Churches of Burundi in food to the Head of State H.E Pierre Nkurunziza as turn offered a cow and seven sheep to the Head of an appreciation for his multiple benefits towards the State H.E Pierre Nkurunziza as a sign of thank you. Burundian people in general and the population of (Source: www.rtnb.bi) The Head of State receives in audience the Burundian Ambassadors accredited abroad zigama Ntamagiro, Ambassador of Burundi in Germa- ny said that the discussions focused on the socio- political and economic situation prevailing in Burundi as well as the current state of cooperation between Burundi and the countries where they are based. According to Mr. Gaudence Sindayigaya, Ambassador of Burundi to the United States of America, the Head of State H.E Pierre Nkurunziza reminded them to be good Ambassadors in the countries where they represent Burundi. The President of the Republic H.E Pierre Nku- runziza invited the countries where these Ambassa- dors are mandated to favor bilateral cooperation and he Head of State H.E Pierre Nkurunziza re- not aid because, in the Burundian tradition, friendly ceived in audience, on Monday, January 27, T cooperation remains the cornerstone of any bilateral 2020, certain Burundian Ambassadors accredited to cooperation, he said. foreign countries. After the audience, Mrs. Else Ni- (Source: www.rtnb.bi) Monsignor Georges Bizimana takes possession of Ngozi Cathedral he President of the National Assembly the Right T Honorable Pascal Nyabenda enhanced by his presence on Saturday January 25, 2020, the canonical taking ownership ceremonies of Monsignor Georges Bizimana former Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Bubanza, appointed by His Holiness Pope Francis 5th bishop of Diocese of Ngozi. These colorful ceremonies also saw the participation of the Apostolic Nuncio in Burundi, the representation of the Bishops of Rwanda, the two former Presidents Mr. Page 3 MFA-MAGAZINE Nber 58 of 31st January 2020 Sylvestre Ntibantunganya and Mr. Domitien Monsignor Georges Bizimana called on the Christian Ndayizeye, the Parliamentarians and Senators and of Ngozi and of Burundi in general to behave in the some Members of the Government. way of Jesus, that is to say, to avoid anything that The ceremonies began with the enthronement of could sow confusion, or hatred. On the other hand, he the new Bishop of Ngozi, Monsignor Georges Bizi- invited them to work and contribute to the building of mana and the reading of the letter of nomination of peace. He reiterated his commitment to collaborate His Holiness Pope Francis, a letter written in Latin with the authorities in justice. "Besides, it's my mis- language, presented by the Legate of Pope the sion", he said. Apostolic Nuncio in Burundi and read by the Dean Speaking, the President of the National Assembly the of Bishops of Burundi Monsignor Stanislas Kabu- Right Honorable Pascal Nyabenda who represented rungu. the Government in these ceremonies, said that the In his first homily at Ngozi Cathedral as a diocesan Government of Burundi is delighted with the good rela- bishop, Monsignor Georges Bizimana referred to tions that exist between the Catholic Church and the the Acts of the Apostles chapter 8, to teach on re- Government of Burundi and wishes a clear impro- pentance. vement so that the population benefits from it. Speaking, his predecessor, Monsignor Gervais The Government of Burundi asks the Catholic Church Banshimiyubusa told him about the major projects to continue and collaborate with the Government in in progress including the diocesan synod, the cons- development projects so as not to disperse efforts with truction of the youth sanctuary, a center for the di- a view to achieving sustainable development, conti- sabled, a Catholic University with its Campus in nued the Right Honorable Pascal Nyabenda. On be- Ngozi. In addition to development projects, he gave half of the Government, the President of the National him advice relating to how to conduct the sheep Assembly asked the Council of Bishops to carry out entrusted to him. the lessons which calm the spirits in these moments of The new Bishop of the Diocese of Ngozi, Monsignor the elections which turned out to be very sensitive. Georges Bizimana thanked all those who expressed their sympathy by participating in these ceremonies. On behalf of the Government, the Right Honorable "It is a sign that I am supported in my new role", he Pascal Nyabenda asked the Council of bishops to said. He asked the audience for their contribution in make their contribution to the free and peaceful elec- prayers for success in these functions. Monsignor tions of 2020. The President of the National Assembly Georges Bizimana is committed to spare no effort to has shown that the decision of the Head of State not bring his stone to the building and to lead the to not standing for election in 2020 is a clear sign that people of God well so that at the end of time they democracy is getting stronger in Burundi. can meet in the beyond. (Source: www.rtnb.bi) On the eve of the 2020 elections, a sensitive period, The Minister of Foreign Affairs meets in Bujumbura the Heads of Burundi Diplomatic Missions abroad n January 28, 2020, the Minister of Foreign O Affairs of the Republic of Burundi His Excellen- cy Ambassador Ezéchiel NIBIGIRA met, in one of the meeting rooms of the Ministry, the Ambassadors of Burundi abroad, for a session of exchange.
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