rosse Pointe ews 30 cents 48 Pages Plus Insert VOL. 44-No. 43 Grosse POinte, Michigan. Thursday, October 27, 1983 Woods candidates meet tonight at fornm Munro IS a graduate of the Um- anI~ Club and a member of the By Mike Andrzejczyk ford Road and has hved 10 the Lovelace, Z4, served as a public Lakeshore Optimist Club Woods since 1976 safety officer m the Woods from ver~lty of Oklahoma and IS the re- cipient of federal awards for lead- WILLIAM WILSON has served Tomght, the voters of Grosse TED BIDIGARE, of AnIta, has 1972 to 1974 He is currently em. Pointe Woods will have a chance ployed by CNA Insurance Mar. ership and mentoflous CIVilian on the councll for four years In to meet the SIXcandidates running served for three years on the ci- service A veteran of World War that time he has served on the ty's CommunIty Development fled and the father of two sons, for three city counCil seats The II Munro IS a member of the So- city's Sen{or Citizens Commission, Block Grant AdvI!>ory Commis- the family has lived 10 the Woods forum, sponsored by the League cI~ty of Automotive Engmeers, Parks and Recreation Commis- sIOn Marned and the father of for SIX years of Women Voters, begins at 7 30 the U S AI'mor AsboClation,' and sion Public Relations CommiSSIOn Imported or domestic? pm in the council chambers, one son, he holds a Bachelor of the As~oclatIon of the U S Army. and 'the Grosse Pointe Clmton Re- SCience degl ee from John Carroll In hiS four years In the councll, There'll always be a Gros~e 20025 Mack Lovelace has served for the last fuse Authority Umvel ~lty m Cleveland ROBERT NOVITKE has, 10 his Pointe. It seems a lady on two as chairman of the Finance Cloverly Road was being both- Three incumbents are seekmg six years of service on the council, Wilson, who lives on Wedge- to retain their seats. They are Bldgare, 40, wa~ a U S. Army Committee He also served on the wood, IS a native Pomter who IS ered by raccoons, so she called pllot and served two tour!> of duty served as counCil representative Fredenck Lovelace, Robert Nov- Insurance CommiSSIOn and was vel' v active in sports throughout the Farms Police Dep~rtment Ul Vld A POln~cr, he to thl:' Park<; and Recreation Itke and WIlham WIlson Three ~am n~tn;c chairman ot the Hlstol'lcal Com- the" area. He has been aUlhated for some help has I1ved III the Woods for 18 Commission, member of the Jud- challengers are lookmg for seats, miSSIOn With the Woods-Shores Little Lea- years ICiary Committee and the board of The cops gave her a couple of also. They are Paul Beaupre, Ted directors for the Grosse POinte gue, Babe Ruth League. Grosse traps and showed her how they Bldlgare and Douglas Munro FREDERICK LOVELACE, of DOUGLAS MUNRO IS a native Clmton Refuse Disposal Authority. POInte Hockey ASSOCiatIOn and worked. As for bait, the resI- Hawthorne Road, IS !>eeking hiS Pomter and a resident of the Red Barons football. dent was advised to use some- !>econd term on the councl1 He Woods for '!7 years He is acting Novltke, of Clairview Court, is a PAUL BEAUPRE IS general The News met with the candi- thing with a strong "fishy" manager of Plumbrook Golf Club received hiS undergraduate de- deputy commander of the U.S practIcmg attorney and also pres- smell. gree at Wayne State Umverslty Army Tank-Automotive Research ident of BflarclIff Realty Co. The dates and asked them about the and secretary of Plumbrook Real- city and Issues facmg the counctl ty Co The 33-year-old father of and also holds a degree In bus 1- and Development Center. This IS father of fIve chl1dren, he IS a A few days later the woman Their responses begm on page 17A two is makmg his first run for ne~s admimstratlon from Central hiS second attempt at a counCil long-tIme resident of the city as called to complam that Michigan Umverslty. seat, havmg run before m 1981 well as past-preSident of the Klw- of this week's issue she hadn't been able to cap- public office Beaupre lIves on Ox- ture her four legged felons. Hmmmmmmm. Did she set the traps correctly? She had. Per- As deadline haps bait was the problem. Drinking Wfiat did she bait the traps with? put on the draws near Well, admitted the resident, she didn't have any sardines or anchovies, so she baited the shelf for political trap with caviar. It was, she said, the only fishy smelling thing she had m the house mOInent jabs honed Perhaps the raccoons were By Harriet Nolan By Harriet Nolan holding out for a little cham- A live and let live attitude IS Most of the five candidates for pagne to go With It being expressed by Grosse Pointe Park council have been content, of City merchants who wanted per- late to rehash the old issues of Hot dog! mission to sell beer and wine by street repair and school closings While we've all got ~ome the glass now that it appears any in their race to fill three seats in champagne in our hands, let's hope for approval of a tavern the Nov. 8 electIOn. raise a toast to McCabe, a Bas. license this year has soundly bit the David Gaskin, a newcomer to sett Hound owned by Bob and dust. Park politics, is somewhat of an "I'm gomg to carryon and not Barb Wagner. of Hawthorne exception. Road. It looks lIke he might have give up," says Andrew Moqum, saved their lives last week co-owner of the Merry Mouse With "I do my own thinking and partner Munelle Hyland "We're speak out on the issues that per- Accordmg to Barb Wagner, still gOIng ahead With our expan. tam to me," says Gaskin, she and her husband Bob were sion plans " of Bishop Road. asleep in their upstairs bed- Moquin expressed disap- room the mght of Wednesday, pomtment With tbe council's deCIS- He thinks that all the Pointes Oct. 19, when McCabe's persis- IOn, particularly since it refused should organize a program that tent barking woke them up to turn the questIOn over to the soliCits relocation of employes of Since the pooch had been let voters In the upcommg Nov 8 local corporations to this area. out before the household re- electlon "We don't do an adequate job of bred, the Wagner's couldn't He IS firm, however, In statmg figure out wha t was going on making ourselves known to new- his love for the community that comers as a wonderful place to Coming downstairs, they welcomed him and makes the PIlolo by Tom Greenwood live," says Gaskin, a partner in fQUlldMcCabe barking near the Merry Mouse so successful the law firm of Dahlbert, Mal- kitchen which was a huge ball A follow-up letter to council lender & Gawne. of flame. The fire department What a BOOOti/u1 display! from Attorney John King askmg it Members of Mary Jane Paone's kindergarten class, from Gabriel Richard School, received a big surprise "There is a great array of was alerted, but the kitchen to reconSider and put the Issue to and the dining room were com- last week when they toured the Farms Fire Department. The kids were treated to a one-day only Halloween starter to high level homes in this a vote of the people this year fell display created by Farms Fire Fighter Jack Fischer. Both monsters are well over six feet tall and have area and a greater effort should pletely destroyed Luckily, no on deaf ears one was hurt, mcluding the fire eyes that light up at night. The skeleton on the left is built on a pivotal base that allows it to swing in the be made by all the counCils to de- fighters. Krng, the City's former mayor, wind. During night hours, the ghastly ghoul is lit up by a flickering strobe light, The werewolf on the right velop a cohesive program between also represents Jacobson's Stores, sports red eyes and is highlighted by a red strobe, A resident of St. Clair Shores. Fire Fighter Fischer corporations and realty people," Apparently, a burner on the Inc, and the ClairPomte and l'eports he also decorates his home with giant sp}der webs and greets kids with a dry-ice-in-water created he adds. stove had been left on, then fo~ to haunt things up a bit. The kids were impressed by the display and so were residents who happened to Ram's Horn Restaurant in the Gaskin takes exception with somehow created the fire. Mrs. petition dl:lve down Kerby Road where the monsters hung out for a day, Incidently, in case you were confused, Fire Wagner said they never did Fighter Fischer is the shorter. smiling figure in the background. people who "imply" that crime m hear their smoke alarms gomg Mayor Lorenzo Brownmg says the Park is any different in size or off, although they were working no one is really against the re- scope than in the other Pointes properly quest, but that it's mostly a matter "While I believe we can always of tIming Guess it's lucky they had an Hunting the homebound ghost do better, I and other CItizens 1have original, four legged smoke "It's obvious that the merchants talked with agree that our police alarm sleeping downstairs aren't happy," says Councilman By Jamie Cook stress among family members so In her classes, Hmtzen said she and fire department response time is excellent," he says.
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