COLDEN COMMON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE VIRTUAL MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 15th JULY 2020 AT 10.30AM Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, the Parish Council met virtually via Zoom Present Cllr Pam Glasspool Cllr Maggie Hill (Chair) Cllr John Boyes Cllr Richard Izard (at item 52/20) Cllr Alex Loughran (at item 48/20 Apologies Cllr Joanna Battle In attendance Debbie Harding (Clerk) Sophie Thorogood (Assistant Clerk) 0 members of the public P44/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were given as listed above P45/20 TO RECEIVE ANY COUNCILLOR DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY OR NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS, IN RELATION TO ANY ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Cllr Boyes declared a personal interest in the Brambridge Shop application and will not take place in the discussion. P46/20 TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON 17th JUNE 2020 It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 17th June 2020 were confirmed and accepted as a true record of the meeting, proposed by Cllr Pam Glasspool seconded by Cllr John Boyes and carried. P47/20 TO RECEIVE QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC This meeting was advertised as a virtual meeting with the details of how the public could participate on the agenda. No questions were asked. P48/20 TO RECEIVE ANY UPDATES REGARDING ACTIONS FROM THE LAST MEETING OR ANY OTHER GENERAL UPDATES FOR INFORMATION ONLY The plants which were planted on footpath 11 without permission have been removed. The ditch needs to be cleared and will be completed by Green Smile. Winchester City Council are updating the 2015 open space strategy to a 2020 open space strategy, presumably to take forward gaps for the 2036 Local Plan. The Clerk has informed them that open space in the Sandyfields development needs to be added but added a caution about including the woodland as public access is not yet available and the ownership is not yet resolved. Winchester City Council currently have no plans at the moment to put a TPO on the Oaks. They feel it is unfair to responsible trees owners because someone else's actions to put TPO on the Oaks. The Woodland TPO will not be extended as this will mean householders would be unable to cultivate their gardens. Page 1 of 4 The speed limit reminders now have a deployment schedule which his being managed by the handyman. P49/20 TO NOTE ANY PLANNING APPLICATIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN DETERMINED BY WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL The following applications have been determined since the last meeting Applications which have been approved 20/01000/TPO - 5 Blackthorn Green 20/01087/TPO Trellissick Upper Moors Road SO50 6HW (application amended for approval) The following applications were refused by the WCC Planning Committee 20/00855/FUL - Brown Eaves, 170 Main Road No applications have been withdrawn The following applications are still pending 19/02712/TPO 3 Piping Road - T2 - Oak - Remove. T3 - Oak - Remove. 20/00691/HOU – 6 St Vigor Way 20/00829/HOU - 18 Hack Drive 20/00547/HOU – Pastures, Wardle Road 20/00545/LIS - Kennel Farmhouse Hensting Lane 20/01154/TPO Street Record St Vigor Way 20/01150/TPO North Pond, Colden Common, Tree works as per tree survey 20/01145/TPO Street Record St Vigor Way, Lift crown over pavements 20/01147/TPO Vears Lane East and Lime Close, Tree works as per tree survey P50/20 TO NOTE ANY APPLICATIONS THAT WILL BE CONSIDERED BY WINCHESTER CITY COUNCILS PLANNING COMMITTEE No applications are pending committee approval P51/20 TO NOTE ANY PLANNING APPEALS, SUBMITTED OR DETERMINED SINCE THE LAST MEETING AND RESOLVE TO SUBMIT ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OR REFER TO THE FULL PARISH COUNCIL. No appeals have been submitted nor waiting to be determined. P52/20 TO CONSIDER THE REPRESENTATION ON THE FOLLOWING PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND ANY OTHERS WHICH MAY BE RECEIVED AFTER THE AGENDA IS PUBLISHED 20/00960/HOU - 22 Oak Tree Close Colden Common Amended plans are being considered for a reduction in the size of the extension. They are not yet viable on the planning portal. 20/01302/TPO - Blackberry Cottage 30 Vears Lane The Parish Council ask that the Tree officer confirms that the proposed works to the Birch Tree are suitable and that bat habitat is considered prior to any work taking place, due to the proximity to the pond. Proposed by Cllr Pam Glasspool, seconded by Cllr Alex Loughran and carried. Page 2 of 4 20/01206/HOU – 17 Pennington Close The Clerk to write to the neighbours to ask them to get in touch if they have any concerns over the application. Subject to confirmation of no neighbour concerns, it was resolved that the Parish Council has no objection to this application, proposed by Cllr Maggie Hill, seconded by Cllr John Boyes and carried. 20/01202/PNRCOU – 20 Brambridge The Parish Council have no comment on this application, proposed by Cllr Maggie Hill, seconded by Cllr Richard Izard and carried. Cllr Boyes abstained. 20/01200/HOU – 1 Finches Close The Parish Council has no comment on this application, proposed by Cllr Maggie Hill, seconded by Cllr John Boyes and carried. 20/01459/TPO - 25 Hawthorn Close Colden Common Winchester, SO21 1UX The Parish Council has no comment, other than the tree should be checked for bat habitat should the tree officer resolve to approve the application, proposed by Cllr Maggie Hill, seconded by Cllr Glasspool and carried. - P53/20 TO PROVIDE ANY UPDATE AFTER THE PARISH COUNCILS DECISION TO NOT ACCEPT THE TERMS OFFERED BY TAYLOR WIMPEY TO ACCEPT OWNERSHIP OF STRATTON’S COPSE Cllr Porter has not yet met with Taylor Wimpey regarding Stratton Copse, so no update has been received. P54/20 TO UPDATE ON THE PRE-SUBMISSION CONSULTATION ON THE VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT Approx. 25 replies have been received regarding pre-submission consultation on the VDS. It was agreed for the Committee to meet informally on the 24th July at 10am at Colden Common Park to discuss the feedback received and agree any amendments. The Clerk to summarise the comments for the committee and make the full documents available. P55/20 TO DISCUSS FOOTPATH 13 AND UPDATE ON ANY CONVERSATIONS WITH HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL IN REGARD TO RIGHTS OF WAY IN THE VILLAGE. The bridleway is not accessible on the Main Road end and needs at new gate. The Clerk to ask the lengthsmen to cut back the foliage at the Main Road at his next visit. No update has been received from rights of way regarding footpath 15. Southern Water have called to say that the mains pipe is NOT leaking. The Clerk to report the water leak at Glen Park which may have an impact on the field. The Clerk to ask whether a local volunteer can test the water where it is so very wet to see if the water is chlorinated. Page 3 of 4 The Clerk to ask Laura Boyns for a date to inspect the resurfaced rights of way in the village for remedial works, before the end of the 1-year guarantee in the contract. P56/20 TO CONSIDER THE REQUEST FROM HCC FOR THE PARISH COUNCIL TO ADOPT OWNERSHIP OF EXISTING BUS SHELTERS IN THE VILLAGE. The Parish Council own the following shelters Church Lane East, Main Road Near Scotts Close, Upper Moors Road near the Community Centre The ownership of New Road West, Spring Lane East, Tees Farm Road and Twyford Moors is unknown. The concrete shelter at Twyford Moors could be a H&S liability and would be expensive to remove and then replace. HCC have indicated that they may consider replacing the concrete shelter at Twyford Moors if the Parish Council will accept ownership of it and the 3 other shelters whose ownership is unproven. The Clerk to continue conversations with HCC based on taking on ownership of all the shelters in return for the replacement of the concrete shelter at Twyford Moors and if possible, another shelter installed elsewhere. Proposed by Cllr HIll, seconded by Cllr Boyes and carried. P57/20 TO CONSIDER ANY MATTERS FOR THE AGENDA FOR THE NEXT MEETING To resolve to close the meeting to members of the public to discuss update on enforcemnt action in the village and alleged breaches of planning policy Village design statement P58/20 RESOLVE TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS UPDATE ON ENFORCEMENT ACTION IN THE VILLAGE AND ALLEGED BREACHES OF PLANNING No public were present, no resolution was made. P59/20 CONFIDENTIAL SESSION TO DISCUSS ANY REPORTS OF ALLEGED BREACH OF PLANNING WITHIN THE PARISH TO RECEIVE ANY UPDATES FROM WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL ON PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND CONTROL ENFORCEMENT WITHIN THE PARISHCONFIDENTIAL SESSION TO DISCUSS ANY REPORTS OF ALLEGEDITHIN THE PARISH TO RECEIVE ANY UPDATES FROM WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL ON PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND CONTROL ENFORCEMENT WITHIN THE PARISH No matters were discussed. Page 4 of 4 .
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