323 Index Elizabeth de Burgh is indexed under Clare, her natal name, with her parents and siblings, and mentioned under her husbands Burgh, Verdon and Damory. A refer- ence simply to ‘Elizabeth’ in a subhead – e.g., ‘Isabella, queen of England, and Eliz- abeth’ – means Elizabeth de Burgh (née Clare), the subject of this book. Index entries beginning with the same name are filed in the order: person, institution, place. The year of death is given for individuals who are prominent or share the same name. Italics indicate an illustration. Note that the index follows the author’s North American spellings. abbreviations 253–4 alabaster 94 abduction 16, 23, 60, 100, 101, 318 effigy 63, 71, 318 of Elizabeth 16, 259n.51 goblets 83, 207 Abergavenny 270n.178 Albon, William 204 see also Bergavenny, William Alby, John de 173–4 accounts 7, 72, 73, 118, 128 ale 65, 68, 70, 82, 182 by tally 76, 84 assizes 74 financial year 183n.5 Alexander Romance 236–7 household 5, 26, 29, 40, 69, 71 Alice de Lusignan xix, 6 privy purse 65 husband Gilbert de Clare (d. 1295) xvi, xix, Acre see Joan of Acre 5–7, 58 advantage (discount) 82, 83 their daughters 101 advice 59, 183n.4, 211 alien dependencies (religious houses) 8, 37, 155 for king 12, 24, 62 aliens detained or goods confiscated 37, advowsons 54–5, 79, 246, 274n.25 286n.78 age 72, 89 almonds 82, 87 at entering nunnery 111 almonry 88, 162–3, 206, 208 at giving birth 282n.22 almoner 162, 163 at marriage 15, 21, 104, 110 almsgiving 32, 75, 137, 162–4, 177, 287n.89, girls 18, 59, 266n.138 295n.15 coming of 23, 50, 78, 260n.65 altar equipment 94, 162, 206–8 leaving home 7 Alton, Staffs. 17–18, 25 proof of 113, 248, 266n.138 Amesbury Priory, Wilts. 8, 15–16, 19–20, 36, 99 Agnus Dei xiii, 134, 231, 241n.14, 317 and Elizabeth 257n.26 agriculture 12, 16, 74 anchorites 120, 152, 162 aid (payment) 46, 78, 106, 246 Anne de Lexeden 68, 139, 162, 170 Ailmer, William 159 Matilda of Lancaster 108 Airmyn, William, bishop of Norwich 154 men 120, 162, 208 324 FOR HER GOOD ESTATE angels (images) 71, 94, 127, 205, 206, 228 Baggethorp (Bakethorp), Nicholas de 171 Angers, France 171 Baketon, Walter de 171 Anglesey Priory, Cambs. 30, 81, 89, 93, 116, baking 65, 70, 81–2 155–6, 164 away from home 68, 81 Elizabeth’s bequest 205 to feed the poor 88, 294n.12 Elizabeth’s chantry 54, 155–6, 164–5, 346 see also bread Anglo-Norman language 41 Ballinrobe Friary, Connacht 10–11, 78 Annunciation 94, 206, 223, 322 Banchon, Margaret 204, 207 Anstey Abbey, Herts. 54, 118 Bannockburn (battle, 1314) 12 antiphoners 198, 200, 203 Bar see Joan of Bar; Renaud de Bar apothecaries 90, 277n.69 Bardfield, Essex 49, 74, 88, 89, 90, 163 archaeology 226, 240n.4 Elizabeth at home 53–4, 80, 102, 126, 137–8, Cambridge 200, 226, 228 171–3, 192 architects 53, 69, 131, 269n.166 parish church 152, 159, 166, 172 Arderne, William 156 Bardi merchant society 51 armor 106, 180 Bardolf, Thomas 46, 75, 115 Arundel (title) see Fitzalan daughter? 219, 235 Athol (title) see Atthele; Strabolgi son John xvii, 50, 114–15, 269n.175, Atthele, Elizabeth de (née Ferrers), countess 285–6nn.72–3 of Athol xvii, 66, 69, 111–12, 204 family arms 155 1st husband David de Strabolgi xvii, 71, 112, family property 115, 121, 147 119, 284n.57 John’s career 115, 140 2nd husband John Maleweyn 285n.59 John’s wife Elizabeth Damory xvii, 46, attorneys 19, 26, 44, 66, 78, 144, 150 114–16, 203, 293n.54 Audley, Hugh, earl of Gloucester (d. 1347) their daughters Isabel and Agnes xvii, 116, xvi, 20, 22-4, 27-31, 36, 281n.14 203–4, 206 wife Margaret de Clare (d. 1342) 9, 20, 33, their son William xvii, 285n.71 99–100 Barking Abbey, Essex 32, 33–4, 41, 105, 186, their daughter Margaret 56, 101, 104 188n.3 husband Ralph Stafford 56, 101, 104, 140, barley 82, 248 146 Barnwell Priory, near Cambridge 116, 293n.56 augmentation (bonus goods) 83 barrels 82, 85, 88 Augustinians 299n.54 Barton (Berton) by Mildenhall, Suffolk 143 Austin friars 10, 104, 128, 173, 228 basins 83, 207, 208 friaries see Ballinrobe; Clare; London; Bassingbourne, Robert and Thomas 150 Walsingham Bassingbourne, Warin de 150–1 canons see Anglesey; Barnwell; Walsingham Bataille, John 145, 150, 208 nunneries see Campsey Ash Bateman, William, bishop of Norwich 154, Aurifaber, Robert and Thomas 93–4, 279n.85 171, 227 Aynel, Laurence 52 bathing facility (stew) 80 Beauchamp, Guy de xvii, 111, 113, 219 bacon 163, 182 wife Philippa (née Ferrers) xvii, 66, 69, 110–11 Badew, Richard 166, 296n.24 their children Katherine and Elizabeth 111 Badlesmere, Bartholomew de (d. 1322) xix, 24 Beauchamp, Thomas de, earl of Warwick 111, wife Margaret de Clare (d. 1334) xix 219 their children xvi, xix, 137–8, 191, 194 Beche, Nicholas de la 52, 268n.163 INDEX 325 Beche, William de la 180, 181, 183n.4 Black Prince see Edward of Woodstock beef 65, 84, 182 blacksmiths 91, 92 beer see ale Blaenllynfi Castle 37 bells 207, 208 Bletchingdon, Oxon. 68, 75 Elizabeth’s 213–16 Bliberg, John de 171 as instrument 222 Bliss, Mary 213–16 Benedictines see Amesbury Abbey; Rowney Blithe, Richard 170, 176 Priory; Stoke by Clare Priory; Swaffham Blount, William le 44, 114 Bulbeck Priory; Usk Priory; Walden Priory wife Margery (née Verdon) 114 Beneyt, William 208 Bluet, Eleanor (Lady) 56, 66, 269n.175 Bere, Richard de la 147 Blyth, Northumberland 106–7 Bergavenny, William 171 boar as gift 148, 155 Berkeley, Lady 56, 269n.175 Bohun cousins as bibliophiles 190–5, 219 Berkeley, Maurice 103, 104, 269n.175, 281n.16 Bohun, Humphrey de, 4th earl of Hereford wife Elizabeth (née Despenser) 103–4, (d. 1322) xvi, 28, 128, 190 266n.131 wife Elizabeth of Rhuddlan, countess of Berkwey, William de 204 Hereford (d. 1316) xvi, 32, 190 Bertrandi, Garner 122 their daughter Margaret, countess of Devon Berwick-on-Tweed 107 (d. 1391) xvi, 56, 138, 192, 193 beryl goblet 208 husband Hugh Courtenay xvi, 190–1, 233 Bible 123, 169, 198, 235, 297n.35 their son Edward (d. 1334) xvi, 190, 191 bibliography 300–13 their son Humphrey, 6th earl of Hereford bibliophiles 183n.3, 190–5, 217–19, 221, 233–7 (d. 1361) xvi, 67, 128, 191, 194 Bicester Priory, Oxon. 68 their son John, 5th earl of Hereford (d. 1336) Bircham see Bricham, Norfolk xvi, 16, 28, 128, 190–1, 233, 289n.101 birds 86 their son William, earl of Northampton bitterns 65, 86, 126, 182 (d. 1360) xvi, 128, 137, 163, 191–4 egrets 56, 65, 126, 182 wife Elizabeth de Badlesmere, countess hawks 86, 106 of Northampton (d. 1356) xvi, 192–3, falcons 86, 102, 145, 268n.163 194, 236-7 lanners 86, 250 their daughter Elizabeth (d. 1385) xvi, goshawks 86, 249 236 sparrowhawks 76, 86, 126, 217, 252 their son Humphrey, 7th earl of Hereford sparrowhawk pyx 203, 206 (d. 1373) xvi, 194, 236, 237 tercels (male hawks) 76, 252 wife Joan Fitzalan (d. 1419) xvi, 237, herons 68, 86, 129 244n.37 as meat 56, 65, 67, 75, 119, 182 daughter Eleanor de Bohun (d. 1399) for royal guests 126, 127 237 larks 86, 276n.52 daughter Mary de Bohun (d. 1394) swans 80, 84, 129 194, 237 as meat 65, 67, 68, 86, 119, 129, 182 Bokenham, Osbert 99 Bisham well, Berks. 36 Bologna, Italy 170 Black Book of Wigmore 185 Bonde, Stephen 71 Black Death (bubonic plague) 56, 65–6, 67–8, books 169, 233–7, 239–40 102–3, 167, 211 by Walter of Milemete 60, 62, 64, 130 326 FOR HER GOOD ESTATE commissioned 59–60 Bridgnorth, Shropshire 31 illustrations 57, 61 Bromholm Priory, Norfolk 159 Contra Pelagianos (‘Against the Pelagians’) Brompton, William de 264n.107 169, 171 Brother John the hermit 208 Elizabeth’s 169, 171–2, 233–4 Brotherton, Thomas de, earl of Norfolk 193 bequest to Clare Hall 197–200 Bruce, Edward 12–13 given to Clare Hall 170, 172 Bruce, Robert, king of Scotland 12, 44, 64 given to individuals 110 in Ireland 13, 40, 106–7 Vitae patrum (‘Lives of the Church Fathers’) wife Elizabeth de Burgh (d. 1327) 10, 13 169 their son David 44 see also bibliophiles Bruisyard Abbey, Suffolk 108 boots and shoes 53, 95, 111, 279n.91 Brune, Nicholas de 172 Boroughbridge (battle, 1322) 32, 33, 190, 191 bubonic plague see Black Death Botelar, John 299n.1 Buckingham, Thomas 199 boundary dispute 52 buge (lambskin) 284n.57 Bourne, Bartholomew 153 building work 53, 152, 238 Bousser, John de 186, 187 builders 55 Bousser, Robert 148 new buildings 69, 271n.194 bows sold 30 Bures, Robert de 220 boxes 207, 208 son Andrew 149, 151, 181, 220 chest 243n.23 Burgh, Elizabeth de (d. 1327), queen of Boys, John du 170 Scotland 10, 13 Bradwardine, Thomas, archbishop of Burgh, Elizabeth de (d. 1360) see Clare, Canterbury 169, 171–2, 174, 199, 237 Elizabeth de Brampton, John 264n.110 Burgh, Elizabeth de (d. 1363), countess of Brampton, William de 264n.107 Ulster xvi, 49, 78, 107–8, 109, 201 Brandon, Warks. 75–6, 162 husband Lionel of Antwerp xvi, xvii, 49, 67, Braose, William de 28, 35, 187 108, 127, 220, 321 bread 66, 70, 82, 182 their daughter Philippa of Clarence xvii, 109 assizes 74 Burgh, Hubert de 106 feeding the poor 88, 163, 294n.12 Burgh, Hugh de 78 as a gift 138, 162 Burgh, John de xvii, 10–11, 257n.28 horse bread 81, 92, 278n.77 wife see Clare, Elizabeth de (also known as see also baking Elizabeth de Burgh) Bredon, Simon de 71, 277n.68 Burgh, Matilda (Maud) de (d.
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