Connelly Law Offces, Ltd. has satellite offces in Eastern Connecticut and Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts for your convenience. Contact us at 855-724-9400 Volume 16, No. 8 August 2020 Senate Committee on Aging: Impact of Isolation and Loneliness on Seniors During COVID-19 By Herb Weiss tals, nursing homes, assisted living, home For Senior Digest health, and the community. On July 11, the two hour and twenty-minute hearing, at As the COVID-19 crisis has shuttered Senate Russell Offce Building 253, fea- businesses throughout the nation, state and tured a new released report published by federal health offcials scramble to stop the the National Academies of Science, En- spread of this deadly virus. As states begin gineering, and Medicine (NASEM) titled, to slowly open up their economies, a grow- “Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older ing number of researchers are fnding that Adults: Opportunities for the Health Care mandated social distancing and isolation SyCommstem.” through self-quarantine may have signif- America’s Seniors are cantly impacted senior’s mental health and Isolated and Lonely emotional wellbeing. According to the Washington, DC-based A U.S. Senate Special Committee on Ag- NASEM’s fndings, nearly one quarter of ing morning hearing, chaired by Chairman older adults are socially isolated, and more Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ranking Mem- than 40 percent report being lonely. During ber Bob Casey (D-PA), was held to ad- the COVID-19 pandemic, early studies dress the growing isolation and loneliness have suggested that for some older adults, seniors across the nation are experiencing social distancing guidelines and stay-at- due to COVID-19 and to explore what pol- home orders are resulting in increased rates icies can better assist those working with of social isolation and loneliness, which Photo Credit: NPR this vulnerable population. can have serious, even deadly, consequenc- This hearing builds on the Aging Com- ing the 2020 reauthorization of the Older The Senate Aging Committee hearing, es for the health and well-being of our na- mittee’s long-standing leadership on the Americans Act (OAA), which included titled, “Combating Social Isolation and tion’s seniors. Prolonged social isolation issue of social isolation and loneliness, several policies to reduce social isolation Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pan- and loneliness have been found to have including holding the frst Congressional and loneliness, says a statement issued by demic,” pulled together a panel of experts adverse impacts on health comparable to hearing on this topic in 2017 and lead- the Senate Aging Committee. who are supporting older adults in hospi- smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Senate Committee on Aging, page 4 Aging in Place During a Pandemic: How a Stairlift can Help Make Staying Home Safer Stannah Stairlifts Inc. important that you take into account not For Senior Digest only what you’re able to do today, but also consider your long-term mobility and how While we’re all adjusting to a “new certain areas within your home could pose normal” in 2020, many seniors are reeval- physical challenges down the road. uating their long-term plans to cope with On the other end of the spectrum, for the changing landscape brought on by those dealing with an unexpected dis- the COVID-19 pandemic. Senior housing charge from a hospital or rehab facility due blocks, long-term care facilities and assist- to COVID-19, the situation only becomes ed living communities - all viable options, more complicated. Returning to a home just a short time ago – now feel outdated that cannot accommodate your accessibil- and impractical, in this era of social dis- ity needs can be nearly as dangerous as tancing. With seniors and their families living in one of these institutional settings. more determined than ever to avoid these Fortunately, there are many resources at facilities, for many, the goal has shifted your disposal. Ramps, grab bars, shower back towards aging in place and creating a chairs, non-slip mats, canes, walkers and safe living space at home. other mobility accessories and equipment Beyond the challenges of the current are readily available in most communities. moment, creating a safe home environ- But what if stairs are a problem? There ment means accounting for mobility con- are several solutions out there, but one of cerns, that might not be top-of-mind. If the best and most affordable options is to Straight Stairlift you’re planning for the future, it’s vitally have a stairlift installed. Falls on the stairs Stannah Stairlifts Inc., page 7 End-of-Season “Ask the “The most courageous act is still to Produce Lawyer” think for yourself. Aloud.” - page 19 - page 5 – COCO CHANEL 2 August 2020 • Senior Digest An Open Letter To Governor Gina Raimondo The Honorable Gina M. Raimondo, Governor state action on this is- receiving home care about high turnover among the work- State House 82 Smith Street sue since 2005 when a ers providing their care. We believe that is directly con- Providence, RI 02903 Brown University study nected with the low salaries and inadequate benefts for revealed tha 19% of our direct workers in the homecare feld. Dear Governor Raimondo, Medicaid-funded nurs- Governor, we urge you to embark on this effort with the At your July 1ST televised briefng on the Coronavirus ing home residents were same leadership, diligence, stamina, and transparency that epidemic you announced a new state initiative to reduce “low care”—the second you have brought successfully to our struggle against the seniors’ health risks from living in congregate settings, highest rate in the coun- Covid-19 virus pandemic. We ask you to assemble a team especially nursing homes. You mentioned two specifc ef- try. These were people that will listen carefully to seniors and their families and forts: 1) creation of an information system to assist more who needed assistance will be accountable for results. We pledge to wage a vigor- seniors and their families to fgure out how to receive with activities of daily ous campaign in the General Assembly for the investments long-term care at home wherever possible; and 2) build- living, but didn’t have that will be needed. We look forward to working with you ing a better and more robust homecare provider workforce serious health condi- on this vital matter affecting our state’s seniors. through improved wages and benefts, plus development tions. It concluded that of a “career ladder” for homecare workers. with a better system of Respectfully Yours, We are very pleased that you have responded to a les- community-based long- Bill Flynn, MSW son learned from the pandemic---that many Rhode Island term care, a number of Executive Director, Senior Agenda Coalition of RI seniors residing in nurs- them didn’t need to be ing homes could remain in in a nursing home. the community with bet- For years many seniors and their families have shared William F. Flynn Jr. is executive director of the Senior Senior Digest ter options for homecare. with us their frustrations in seeking reliable information Agenda Coalition. Contact him at senioragendari@ya- 21 Industrial Court We and other groups have and advice about homecare options. Additionally, in recent hoo.com. Seekonk, MA 02771 been calling for decisive years we have been hearing more and more from seniors Email [email protected] Telephone 508-336-6633 Web Site www.seniordigestnews.com EDITOR’S DEADLINE All materials for the September 2020 issue are due by: PUBLISHED MONTHLY August 12th 2020 Please include name and telephone number in case we have questions. Published by Senior Digest WRITERS: Please e-mail copy to [email protected] ADVERTISERS: Please contact Tom Reily at 508-336-6633 ext.337 Graphic Design/Layout: TCI Press Inc. For best reproduction, all ads and photographs should be high resolution (300dpi) PDFs, tifs or jpgs. Printed by TCI Press Inc. Contributors: Eric Creamer. Eric Bither, Paul A. Brule, Deborah L. Burton, MS, Kathleen S. Connell, Don Drake, William F. Flynn Jr., Kathleen Heren, Walter Laskos, Portia Little, Jim Miller, Lisa M. Petsche, and Herb Weiss Subscription rates are $21 per year. Senior Digest assumes subscriptions are continuous unless notifed to the contrary in writing. Senior Digest assumes no fnancial responsibili- ty for typographical errors in advertisements but will reprint that portion of the advertisement in which the typographical error occurs. Advertisers will please no- tify the management im- mediately of any error that To Advertise in may occur. Senior Digest reserves the right to reject advertising submitted for publication. Letters to the editor rep- resent the opinions of the writers, not the editors, and must be signed and include Please Contact Tom Reily the letter writer’s telephone number for verifcation. at 508-336-6633, ext. 337 Senior Digest • August 2020 3 Avoid Paying the Fiddler Am I right or am I wrong? pandemic? Don’t believe it’s necessary to practice social Seldom, if ever, do we get distancing? Remember the price to pay! It doesn’t take away scot-free without a rocket scientist to point out that by being informed having to pay a price for and choosing wisely, we increase our ability to protect our actions. Am I right? It ourselves from contacting the virus. But we have to want seems like there is always to do it. We must want to be informed and educated. We some catch, some price to must want to make the right choice. We must want to live, pay, and for the most part, we and to enjoy a life that’s free from the pain and anguish learn that from an early age.
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