MotherIndonesian plant Journal productivity of Agriculture and cutting 2(2), quality 2009: of 115-120 chrysanthemum... 115 MOTHER PLANT PRODUCTIVITY AND CUTTING QUALITY OF CHRYSANTHEMUM VARIETIES GROWN UNDER PLASTICHOUSE AND OPEN CONDITIONS1) K. Budiarto and B. Marwoto Indonesian Ornamental Plant Research Institute Jalan Raya Ciherang, Segunung, Pacet, Cianjur 43252, PO Box 8 SDL Phone: (0263) 512607, 516684, Facs.: (0263) 512607, E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Indonesian trade on this commodity was surplus about US$ 1 million and its export value was increasing from Chrysanthemum is one of important ornamental plants in national year to year until present. floriculture agribusiness. The increase in production cost due to The increases in export value and world demand the raise in input prices that has led into the unfavorable business actually indicated the prospective market of chrysan- conditions. Efforts have been made to make chrysanthemum production becomes competitive and profitable. One of the themum. However, currently chrysanthemum farming is production input costs that can be reduced is planting the mother perceived less profitable. Many cases showed that plants for cutting production under open conditions. A research traditional chrysanthemum farmers faced unfavorable was conducted to find out the mother plant productivity and the business condition and they changed to other business. cutting quality produced under plastichouse and open conditions. This caused by uncompetitive product selling price at The research was carried out in Indonesian Ornamental Plant farmer level and low quality of cut flowers produced Research Institute, Segunung, Cianjur, West Java, from November 2003 to May 2004. Twelve commercial chrysanthemum varieties, (Marwoto et al. 2004). The increase in input price has led i.e. Sakuntala, Larasati, Kartini, Nyi Ageng Serang, Dewi Ratih, to raise in production costs, especially at initial cultivation Dewi Sartika, Cut Nyak Dien, Saraswati, Chandra Kirana, Cut period. One of production inputs that requires high cost Nyak Meutia, Cat Eye, and Town Talk were planted as mother was to build shelter house for chrysanthemum plants stocks for cutting production under two sets of environmental (Budiarto et al. 2006). conditions, i.e. under plastichouse and open conditions. A randomized completely block design with three replications was Efforts to increase chrysanthemum farmer income can used in each environmental condition. The results showed that be done by implementing plant quality control in more varietal differences were found significant among the varieties efficient cultivation system. Control and improvement of tested in terms of plant productivity and cutting quality in both plant quality was conducted through selection of adaptive environmental conditions. To all varieties tested, better plant and high competitive ability varieties, so use of inputs in productivity and cutting quality were produced by the mother production system can be reduced (Kawata 1987). One of plants grown under plastichouse than those under open conditions. However, insignificant differences in cutting quality and average variety selection aspects which should be considered is number of cuttings produced per plant were found by well adapted the ability of mother plant in producing cuttings at Cut Nyak Dien variety at both planting conditions. cultivation system at open conditions or without shelter house. Through variety selection, cultivation system at [Keywords: Dendranthema grandiflora, mother plants, open conditions has been applied at some chrysanthemum cultivation, cuttings] producing countries such as the Netherland (Van der Hoeven 1987) and Japan (Noble and Ellis 1990). INTRODUCTION Chrysanthemum mother plant was always maintained at juvenile stage to obtain shoot cuttings which have maximum vegetative growth potential. This growth Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelve) is one of the important ornamental plants producing popular potential was determined by response of plant genotype to environment condition. At open conditions, these cut flowers in the world after roses. In Indonesian inter- environmental factors were at suboptimal levels national trade, this commodity has a strategic position. The Indonesian Agricultural Statistics showed that in 2003, (Mortensen 2000) and simultaneously gave negative impact on growth and performance of mother plants which finally affect production and quality of cuttings (Moe 1988). Decrease in cutting quality as planting stock will 1) Article in bahasa Indonesia has been published in Jurnal then influence quality of plant growth and flowers at Hortikultura Vol. 17 No. 4, 2007, p. 321-327 flowering stages (Grunewaldt 1988). 116 K. Budiarto and B. Marwoto Chrysanthemum varieties that adapt to suboptimal containing macro- and micro-nutrients were given as environment at open conditions were highly recommended recommended rates from 1 week with frequency of twice a to be used in effort to decrease production cost without week. Pesticides were applied every 2 weeks to prevent influencing flower quality at subsequent planting date. the plants to pest and disease infestations. This idiotype of adaptive varieties at open conditions has Cutting harvesting was done every 3 weeks by cutting characteristics those are able to grow at juvenile stage and apical shoots grown 5-7 cm, or if the shoot has 5-7 complete produce cuttings with same quality compared to plant leaves. The shoots were cut by cutting scissor and cultivated in controlled environment under shelter house remained 2-3 leaf nodes. Parameters observed were cutting (Klapwijk 1987). production from mother plants, wet weight, cutting diameter, The objective of this research was to find out pro- length and number of cutting roots after 21 rooting days. duction and quality of chrysanthemum cuttings produced The observation was carried out on 5 plant/cutting samples by mother plants grown under plastichouse and open until six periods of cutting harvest which were taken conditions. Hypothesis in this research was that environ- randomly. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance ment conditions influenced production and quality of and LSD at 5% significance level at each planting condition chrysanthemum cuttings and one or more varieties tested (plastichouse and open conditions) and chrysanthemum was able to well adapted (grew and produced shoot varieties tested at both planting conditions. cuttings) under plastichouse and open conditions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION MATERIALS AND METHODS Production and Quality of Cuttings from The research was conducted in Indonesian Ornamental Mother Plants Grown under Plastichouse Plant Research Institute, Segunung, Cianjur, West Java, from November 2003 to May 2004. Twelve commercial Production and quality of cuttings produced by mother chrysanthemum varieties, i.e. Sakuntala, Larasati, Kartini, plants under plastichouse were varied among twelve Nyi Ageng Serang, Dewi Ratih, Dewi Sartika, Cut Nyak chrysanthemum varieties tested. Data on Table 1 showed Dien, Saraswati, Chandra Kirana, Cut Nyak Meutia, Cat the mean of stem diameter and wet weight of cuttings and Eye, and Town Talk were planted as mother plants for number and length of cutting roots after 21 rooting days. cutting production under two sets of environmental The highest average stem diameter was produced by conditions, i.e. under plastichouse and open conditions. cuttings of Town Talk, followed by Dewi Ratih and Chandra Cultivation of chrysanthemum mother plants under Kirana. Cuttings of Town Talk showed insignificantly plastichouse was followed the model commonly applied at different performance with those of Cut Nyak Meutia and commercial scale. Planting plots under plastichouse and Chandra Kirana which had highest wet weight. Beside the open conditions were arranged in randomized block design highest stem diameter and wet weight, Town Talk showed with three replications. highest root length as well. However, this root length was Soil was completely cultivated by hoeing for 30 cm and not followed with the highest root number. The highest fertilized with farmyard manure of 30 t/ha and bamboo root number was showed by cuttings of Cut Nyak Meutia. compost equal to 10 t/ha. A planting bed of 1 m was Under plastichouse condition, Town Talk gave better established. Inorganic fertilizer as basal dressing was performance than other varieties. Beside the highest cutting applied evenly with a rate of 0.5 g NPK/plant (32 g/m2) and quality, the variety was also more productive. This was the soil was then sterilized. showed by number of cuttings produced which was Rooting cuttings were grown at planting bed based on insignificantly different with those of Kartini and Cat Eye experimental design with spacing of 25 plants/m2. During which had the highest average cutting production per first week, plants at open conditions were sheltered with plant. Based on observation on mother plant productivity black paranet of 65% to avoid young plant death. The and cutting quality parameters, Sakuntala showed the plants were then maintained with giving day long condition lowest performance than those of chrysanthemum varieties with lamp lighting at night from 10.00 p.m. to 03.00 a.m. tested under plastichouse. using cyclic method (lighting 20 minutes and without The results showed that Town Talk was the most lighting 20 minutes). Light bulbs of 100 watts with internode adaptive variety under plastichouse conditions. This was lamp distance
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