Benton County Elections, Oregon - Primary Election May 23, 1972 - Page 1 of 7 SAMPLE DEMOCRATIC BALLOT for Primary Nominating Election, Benton County, Oregon, May 23, 1972 The numbers and names of the candidates on this ballot PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTION-BENTON COUNTY may not appear in the same sequence as on the official 4 NON-PARTISAN BALLOT MAY 23, 1972 c REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ballot in your precinct, Fred W. Renstrom, County Clerk MEASURE 1 YES ~ ELIMINATES LITERACY REQUIREMENT: LOWERS VOTING AGE - PUR_POSE: This measure amends the Oregon Constitution to eliminate the NO~ reqUirement !hat every voter must be able, except for physical disability, to read and wnte the English language. It also lowers the minimum vot1ng age from 21 to 18 years of age for all elections in Oregon. PRIMARY NOMINA'fiNG ELECTION-BENTON COUNTY 1 DEMOCRATIC PARTY MAY 23, 1~72 Al MEASURE 2 SHIRLEY CHISHOLM 15 +- REPEALS REQUIREMENT FOR DECENNIAL STATE CENSUs­ UNITED STATES PURPOSE: This measure repeals Section 5 of Article IV of the Oregon YES~ 5 0 PRESIDENT HUBERT H. HUMPHREY 16 +- = 'S~fs~~u~h~ !~i~h ;~~~t~~~onth~f ih!e S~~l~),a~;:ryt te~r~v~~~s.t~~ tn;em~~ ~ year of each decade. NO ~ HENRY M. JACKSON 17 +- ~M~E~A~S~uR=E~~3----------------------------~~ ALLOWS LEGISLATORS TO CALL SPECIAL SESSION5- ~URPOSE: This measure amends the Oregon Constitution to allow a major­ EDWARD M. KENNEDY 18 +- tty of members of each house of the le-gislature to cal\ a special sess\tm of the legislature either, by joint resolution, or by petition filed with the JOHN LINDSAY 19 +- 0 0 13 "The Democrat's ~st chance for a change In ~[;~~~~~ \t~fter:h~ m~t~s""t~ ~ ~~~~1d!~d :{· J~es;:~ii\t~~~si~~. Pf~\~ VOTE FOR ONE Washington, D. C." does, not affect the Governor"s authority to call a special session of the ,l!!lJISiature. YES~ ESTIMATE OF FINANCIAL EFFECTS: No dire<:t financial effect. How­ EUGENE McCARTHY . 20 +- ever, if the option to ,call itself into SPecial session were exertJsed by the legislature as allow~d by this a~~ndment, cost$ to conduct the session NO~ 'otould "- incurred. ·epsts of rt<ertt spt~:ial sessions of the L!!91slature GEORGE McGOVERN ~ 21 +- rhave--.averaged approximately $5,000 per_ day. _ ,_ . It CHARTER AMENDMENT SUllMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE COUNCIL­ WILBUR D. MILLS AN ACT amendi119 the charter of the city of Corvallis, Oregon, by chang- 5fing present Se<:tion 9 relating to wards. Requires that the city be divided ~~~be~~w:~, r,;~~~ 0~ :.'.~ell Re':~i~~~~u;;~ ~":i: w!~ boundaries to achieve equal distribution of persons among wards. Changes ~(eJi~~ boundaries are not to, be made within thirty days before an EDMUND·· S; · MUSKIE Shall the above Act be adOPted? Vol! Yes or No. "'---------------~ YES+- 3 CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE COUNCIL GEORGE C. WALLACE oC All ACT amending Section 8 of the charter rtlating to the council. Pro- 0 ~ ~ 52!1des that If the tiU' Is dlYided into three wards, three CX>U11GII membe N ~ ROBERT B. DUNCAN +- 0 sha~ be elected from each ward, but if the eity is divided Into ni':.;""~:._ ___e:;..._ 26 UNITED STATES "The man wha can win and will worK full limo U f'o: f!;..~o~u~~ ~=r m~~i,i:; ::t~~~: f~h :;;;'lil:,f:,O YES ~ SENATE for Oregon." a p.-...nt S)'Stem by electing fl-.e eounoll members in 1972 and four council ~ WAYNE MORSE 21 +- ~ ~J97~ ~ li=: council member's term Is extended ~ NO~ VOTE FOR ONE =~lt;:}~u~00~~!sf 1g~~ ~:W:~~r. polftfcs t Sha11 the above Act oe adopted? Vote Yes or No. DON WILLNER 21 +- U CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS SY THE COUNCIL- "Democrats: Forget old ftUds. EIKt hard worldng 53 AN AC"f amending four sections of the present ct'larter and repealing Oregon Stcrre Senator. »r-Produces.l" ~ ~ of the pNSent charU:r. OHi9r.ate-s city lib-rarian as an ap- YES~ RALPH .WISER 29 +- poontrt.! olf"octr and ,..,.,... 1M ,...ulrement tr•t w ....,,.~, fi"' ·~ocllv- -ll>lllty and freedOn.. Sfol> deficit ~ _.... tht ~ cl a f<re d:i<!. Pro/',Ms <tl'lflku o' spending lnflallon-lhlevery."' , ·- ·--·"'·~"-·~··--=~:;o>tt:'•:S;,t,.;~>r;.,<>tl:;:·~offi:;,:--..~:;,.:-;:;r:·~M;.,jil;::l!O;:..l~i\]·itlooi"':lilatlll:l,lli,,,j~i,,.i~l'i.a..lfliij~;;iiiloil!lf!l.orii;llllitii>-' ''"· ..ltii!I~~Wl.• .-.~,.~ ALICE CORBETT 40 • from $500.00 to $2,500.00 the minimum amount of contracts for public "E;Ight Years Detnocratle Senator.. successful Busl. improvements subject to bid. Deletes limitations on city tort liability. STATE TREASURER n.sswom'an. RespeCts yovr, money as Her, own." Shall the above Act be adopted? Vote Yes or No. VICTOR. DAVIS 41 +- VOTE FOR ONE , ~~a~~z:e:~~~~~~n~~~ ~iheogl~~~~e tuitions, free ~ . PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTION-BENTON COUNTY JEANNE DOST 42 +- "Combining modern budget techniques with human­ 4 NON-PARTISAN BALLOT MAY 23, 1972 B Istic concer-n to serve the, public Interest." W. H. (BILL) HOLMSTROM 43 +- MEASURE 4 ~ "A fiscdlly responsible businessman With 18 years CAPITAL CONS1RUCTION BONDS FOR STATE GOVERNMENT­ Of public service.'' , PU~PqSE: This Constitutional Amendment authorizes issuance of general PHIL H. McALMOND 44 +- obligation bonds not to exceed at any one time one-fourth of 1% of true "E)(perlence_c~ Fiscal Management For Investment cash value of a!! taxable property. The bond revenues are to finance the Action in Oregon, More Jobs, Maximum Eomtngs," cost of. buildings and other state government prolects, and are to be rcpa1d from g1fts,. rentals, parking and other building fees, The legislature, how­ ever, may 1mpose a property tax if such gifts, rentals and fees are in­ sufficient to pay indebtedness. + YES ESTIMATE OF FINANCIAL EFECTS: No immediate financial impact The measure does not automatically allow issuance of bonds. Before bonds PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTION-BENTON COUN'fY can be issued, legislative action is required. Based on the estimate of +NO 1973 true cash value of property in the State, the maximum amounts of 2 DEMOCRATIC PARTY MAY 23, 1972 b~n?s which the Legislature could authorize would be approximately $55 mdhon. The annual savings at current (early 1972) interest rates would REPRESENTATIVE IN AL AKINS 32 +- be approximately $35,000 for each one million dollars of bonds utilized. "~n American who Is still proud of his country." I CONGRESS, 4TH MEASURE 5 IRRIGATION AND WATER DEVELOPMENT BONDS­ :;:( CONGR. DISTRICT ROY DWYER 33 +- PURPOSE: Authorizes bonds up to one percent of hue Gash value of "Roy Dwyer will be a vigorous and able Congress­ taxable property in state to provide funds to be advanced fol' construc- z man, Vote for hlml" 011 i10n~n~~d,otrr~fga~~6~ss~:Jje~~~ ~~c~~~Y L~o~t~~~~ih~w~~dra~~ 0r~~~n m;~~~= g VOTE fOR ONE dents (including corporations and public bodies) and to acquire easements "' FRANK HATCH 34. +YES "Jobs." and fights-of-way for water development pro1ects; author\z.es ad va\crem ~ tax sufficient to pay principal and interest on bonds. m CHARLES 0. PORTER 3S +- ESTIMATE OF FINANCIAL EFFECTS: This amendment would allow the ~ "Former u.S. Representative. Served on President +NO State to sell bonds to establish a \oan fund to be advancQd for local Kennedy's Whlte House staff. Lawyer. Veteran." irrigation and water development projects, Based on the estimate of 1973 RICHARD L. (DICK} SCHULZ 36 +- true cash value, a maximum of $220 million of bonds could be issued. "Less government, more Individual responsib111ty, The 1971 Legislature has provided, subject to appro\lal of this amend­ and wlth God's help, a better world." ment, that advances from these bond proceeds are to be made only on a loan basis secured by a first mortgage against the irrigation or water development project property. The cost of paying off the. bonds is to b~ met by loan repal'menl PROPOSED BY REFERENDUM PETITION JAMES WEAVER 38 +-. "Strong leadership to complete Job begun as ~ YES MEASURE 6 Democratic nominee In 1970." ENABLING COUNTY-CITY VEHICLE REGISTRATION TAX~ BEULAH HAND 39 • PURPOSE: Allows counties to levy $10 annual vthlele '~istration ~>• for SECRETARY OF STATE "Qualified to serve people. Dedicated to honesty ~NO highway and park purposes. Ex-ernpii t~rtain trailers, campers, mobil~ In government." homes and other vehicles. The tounty and cities in cottnty would share revenues equally. Tile county may Instead levy a tax of $5 solely for Its VOTE FOR ONE own purpose or 11 required by cl\ies, must levy a $5 tax for distribution tD cities in counu. ATTORNEY GENERAL ( VOTE FOR ONE I. P. (JOE) SMITH 46 +- "T• treat wery man and woman tatrly, equally, and hOnestly." Benton County Elections, Oregon - Primary Election May 23, 1972 - Page 2 of 7 PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTION-lENTON COUNTY 5 DEMOCRATIC PARTY MAY 23, 1972 Bl JOHN CALLAHAN 63 • NATIONAL uelJ9eM McCarthy,. COMMI1TEEMAN VERN COOK 64 • ..Our Democratic Senator. Withdraw from VIetnam How. Stop Recession with oemoctotlc. President." STATE lEN GRAHAM, JR. 49 • VOTE. FOR ONE WILLIAM (BilL) McCOY lEPRESENTATM 65. DISTllet M KENNETH L. (KEN) HOlMES 50 • "l make n• ~romlse but to do my best. 01 JOHN H. SWEENEY VOTE FOR ONE ROBERT (BOI) MARX 51 • "Worklno Democrat tornmtHed to the needs of worker,, student. former and housewife... BLAINE WHIPPLE 67. "Incumbent; Rll!'spected Notional Party Leader; Fighter tor' Progressive Caus's and Party Reform." B. HUGHEL {BilL) WILKINS 68 • REPRESENTATIVE IN THOMAS M. IAGGS 3() • "The Democratlc Party must stand for economic opportunities, justice-, security and peace." CONGRESS, 1st ''He wants to work for a strong, prosperous, cmd beautiful America." ALICE CORBm 69 • CONGR.
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