• I i^—mill II ||||ii.<iiiiiwm^^ __ UNIVERSITY REGISTER February «, 1991 ART AND MUSIC NEWS PAGE 10 THIS BUD'S FOR UMM MOURNS VALENTINE'S DAY'S SHOCKING HISTORY PAGE 7 FOR GIESKE You!! p. 2 AAMODT BREAKS THE SCORING RECORD PAGE 12 P.14 Construction on schedule More Corey Quick Staff Reporter fees Construction of lhe new Slu­ dent Center appears 10 be right on schedule, according lo Plant Ser­ vices S upcrin lend en I Harold Fah I. Boih excellent weather and delivery of materials have kept lhe project on time. For the past weeks, construc­ Wilh the completion orihe new tion has continued on the interior Sludent Cenier due wiihin ihis infrastructure of the building. And calendar year, several questions while work on lhe sile seems to have arisen in the wake of the new have slowed since initial excava­ legislative proposals and budget tion, in fact tremendous advances cuts. In the case of UMM, one have been made and construction piece of legislation has a direct has even moved ahead of sched­ ule in some areas. Director of effect on the Sludeni Cenier. the Student Life Dave Aronson administration, and the sludenls. guided the University Register on The legislation slates lhat if any a lour ihrough the Center last new university buildings are planned, the school for which the building is to be constructed must Steel girders have been pay one ihird of the cost. Ac­ Center. Work on the interior ot lhe structure has been lhe erected partitioning off the vari­ Construction continues on the new Studei cording to University of Minne­ focus of work for Ihe past few weeks. This vit v ot what used to be Student Activities and CAC shows how ous offices and work spaces which sota policy. Ihe Morris campus is [well the work is progressing. Pholo by Julie will be located in lhe basement of responsible for 3/4 of the 1/3. the Center. Plumbing has been It has already been decided lhat installed for the restrooms and a 24-hour study area with pos­ over the nexi week. Upon omiited. Generally, however, the Ihe students will have an extra electrical work is also progressing. mood concerning the projecl re­ sible computer access. The completion of the framework, $17.00 fee assessed on their Finishing work cannot begin un­ Cougar Cafe has doubled in size mains very positive. construction of the roof and en­ quarterly tuition payment starting til the exterior structure has been and an all-campus faculty lounge closing walls will begin. Originally, the Center was fall quarter, 1991. That amount builL has been added. targeted to open in March of 1992. Even though the timetable only pays for the one-third of However, in light of current Upstairs construction has not This week, with the early looks favorable, the budget re­ construction costs assessed to the progressed so far. The walls be- arrival of necessary maierials progress, that dale has been moved mains tight. Some aspects of the Morris campus as mandated by iween the old Sludent Activities, and favorable weather, con­ original blueprints, such as dress­ up to January. Offices and orga­ the new legislation. CAC, and MCSA offices have struction on the exterior super­ ing rooms and walkways into the nizations could begin moving into None of the operational costs been removed, creating a single structure will commence. Sup­ Great Hall and Cougar Cafe, have the building as soon as December longroom. This area will become porting girders will be erected ei Iher been reduced or temporari ly of this year. Fees to p.3 Future of Health Education Work study woes program is questioned •Jobs hard to find Carrie Hadler on Staff Reporter wilh vigor: have a challenge 'y ^ovt to teach in schools—it in ihis positionn. and I am doesn't really correspond with health fitness." Due to the lack of funds, lhe thoroughly appreciative of UM M No final decision has been Universily of Minnesota has to providing me with ihe opportu- made, but if it is dismissed, aGER "tighten its academic belt." nily that they have." filling health fitness will fill iis Changes are obviously expected However, despite Dewald's place. The exact format of this in lhe reallocation of money. As willingness. Dean Betiina Blake possible requirement has not been fortheMoniscampus, the possi­ slates that "lhe minimum of ihree decided, bul it will affect only bility exists lhal the health edu­ tenure lines [arc needed] in order newly entering students. cation major and licensure could to run a good major." And the be terminated. savings do not come by nol An argument was brought up leaching certain classes, but againstthisplanintheopenferum This plan has raised many rather by "not having to invest in held by the Campus Resources & questions among students and more full-time faculty." Planning Committee on Tuesday. administration. But ihis is nol the only reason Feb. 5. The point questioned the The health education program number of new faculty thai would was not chosen because of lack why the health education pro­ gram was chosen. be needed to direct this require­ of student interest. In fact, 31 ment. This was quickly refuted According to Blake. President sludenls are enrolled in the pro­ by lhe Statement that only one ful I Hasselmo has six criteria which gram. Buione thing that is lacking time position would need lo filled. is the number of faculty. a liberal arts program has lo meet, Whai will happen to the Students As of now, the only full-lime and the firsl is centralily or well- currenlly enrolled in the health faculty member in the health roundedncss. Blake also says education program? education major is Lori Dewald. lhal the program lhat exists now But she accepts the rcsponsiblily is "a narrow lypc which leaches If ihe major is phased oul, ihcy Heallhtop.il Paee 2 • Universily Regis. News Spectrum International news State news -Winnie Mandela weni on uial on Monday, February 4th. She -The plan for a new federal courthouse, which would be was accused of kidnapping and assault which led to lhe death of a placed across from Ciiy Hall, has aroused mixed feelings. Cily 14-year-old boy. Mandela pleaded innocent and welcomed the uial planneis like the idea of a "downtown government plaza," bul the VaidyWyfrcli as an oppprtunily to clear her name. However, the disappearance of courthouse would cost the city almost $25 million. four defendants is hindering the trial's future. John Wcide --Expedite Ribeiro, a well-known opposer of Amazon rain .-The Minnesota Medical Association has created 60 forest destruction, was shot and killed Saturday in Rio Maria, "basic" medical services thai would provide a "universal health care Brazil. Ribeiro was the presidcnl of the Farm Workers Union in plan" for ALL Minnesotans. Dr. A. Stuart Hanson, the chairman, Rio Maria. The gunman was unidentified. wants ihe Legislature to consider these services despite the high -South African President Frederik de Klerk announced a plan to updo laws lhat guaranteed 87% of South Africa's land lo whites. Even President Bush called him io applaud him on his -In Ihe Gulf lasl week, an Iraqi attack on Khafji resulted in AH U need to know twelve Marines dead. It has since been revealed mat seven were killed by a US missile. National news Mcrcdilli McGraih --Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, was Joyce Lsccy scheduled to give a lecture on democracy Monday in the Northrop -A former FBI agent named Richard W. Miller was convicted Audilorium, but had to cancel three lectures in ihe United States. James Gremmels of espionage and sentenced 20 years in prison. He was proven Bhutto, ihe leader of ihc Pakistan's People Party, left immediately guilty of giving documents lo lhe Soviet Union in exchange for for Pakistan after being informed of an emergency session S65.000. Miller is eligible for parole in Iwo years, discussing Pakistan's position in the Gulf war. -A drug resembling heroin has killed 12 people in New -According to the MN Department of Jobs and Training, York. New Jersey and Connecticut. The drug is a surgical unemployment in lhe Twin Cities has increased .8% since lasl tranquilizer called fentanyl, and despite its resemblance, ii contains monih. Economists are predicting lhat June will bring an even no heroin. However, it can be 6.000 times more poieni lhan higher percentage. Unfortunately, thai is ihe same month lhat morphine. 3,800 Universily sludenls will be graduating. Furthermore, from December 1989 lo December 1990, no new jobs were created in the -Six pipe bombs containing methanol were found aliached to economy, iwo chemical tanks in Norfolk, VA on Monday. These chemical lanks were near ihc world's largest naval base, Norfolk Naval Base. -Seventeen members of the Raxa Siudents Cultural Cenier Mililary officials claim ihc bombs were safely disarmed. signed a letter demanding lhal Javier Larach, ihe chairman, be removed. He is accused of severe verbal abuse and was called a -President Bush's new educalion budget includes more "vulgar and abusive dictator." Larach, however, denies thai he said money for cash grants lo college sludenls. arid new guidelines will anyihing offensive towards members and claims non- push most of il to sludenls from low-income families. Losers in The Univtrsily Re&isttr ' i the group. An investigation is underway. ihe already difficult scramble for ihc Pell education grams could be sludenls from middle income families. This ink compiled courtesy of the Minnesota Daily. 19-2211 ettB.i.un 6078. The University Register will investigate any complaints about Ihe accuracy, fairness and UMM mourns completeness of any articles ' Ihis newspaper.
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