CISNP 2008: Concluding Remarks S. T. Petcov SISSA/INFN, Trieste, Italy, and IPMU, University of Tokyo, Japan INRNE, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria CISNP08, University of South Carolina Columbia, U.S.A. May 17, 2008 Symposium in honor of Frank Avignone, Ettore Fiorini and the late Peter Rosen Google: Frank Avignone; Results: 588 000 Frank T. Avignone, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South • Carolina 712 Main Street Columbia, South Carolina 29208, (803) 777-6933 ... www.physics.sc.edu/FacultyStaff/Bravignone.html USC physicist Frank Avignone • Physics professor Frank Avignone joined USC faculty 40 years ago, but it will be another decade, he hopes, before you read about his retirement ... www.sc.edu/usctimes/articles/2005-02/frank.avignone.html ORAU News: Frank Avignone Receives ORAU Outstanding Leadership Award • Frank T. Avignone III, Carolina Endowed Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of South Carolina, received the Oak Ridge Associated ... www.orau.org/news/releases/2003/fy03-14.htm ORLaND • V., Avignone, F. T., Mezzacappa, A., 2000. International Symposium on Neutrino Physics in Honor of Frank Avignone, Columbia, South Carolina, 10-12 Mar 2000. ... www.nu.to.infn.it/exp/all/orland/ [0711.4808] The MAJORANA 76Ge neutrino less double-beta decay ... • From: Frank Avignone III Thu, 29 Nov 2007 19:40:56 GMT (776kb). Link back to: arXiv, ... export.arxiv.org/abs/0711.4808 LBNL CUORE Group • Frank T. Avignone (USC), (803)777-6933, [email protected]. Ettore Fiorini* (Milan University), 39 02 64482432,2424 / 2463 (fax), ettore.fi[email protected] ... www- rnc.lbl.gov/ nxu/cuore/cuore.lbnl.html Axions • Frank T. Avignone (USC) and W. Haxton (UW). ... K. Zioutas, C.E. Aalseth, D. Abriola, F.T. Avignone, R.L. Brodzinski, J.I. Collar, R. Creswick, ... col- largroup.uchicago.edu/projects/axion/index.html Supernova science at spallation neutron sources discussions with Frank Avignone, • John Beacom, Jeff Blackmon, Dick Boyd, David Dean,. Yuri Efremenko, Jon En- gel, George Fuller, Wick Haxton, Ken Lande, ... www.iop.org/EJ/article/0954- 3899/29/11/008/g3.11.008.pdf TAUP 2003 - Convener Contacts • Frank Avignone, [email protected]; Hiro Ejiri, [email protected] Jouni Suhonen, [email protected].fi int.phys.washington.edu/taup2003/contacts.html SUMMARY of the 1 MEETING OF THE LSC SCENTIFIC COMMITTEE Hotel ... • Aprile, Frank Avignone (Chair), Laura Baudis, Yves Declais, Juan Fuster, .... Juan Fuster and Frank Avignone. ezpc00.unizar.es/lsc/LSC-MINSC1-08.pdf Fulbright US Scholar Directory: Alphabetical Index Avignone, Frank Titus III; Physics • and Astronomy; Italy. B. Baar, Kenneth K.; Architecture; Albania. Baer, Adela S.; Biological Sciences; Malaysia ... www.cies.org/schlr-directories/usdir01/us-dir-name.htm Campaign Donors : Fundrace 2008 - Huffington Post Columbia SC. Democrat, Frank • Avignone Professor, University of South Carolina. Updated Q4/2007 Hillary Clinton 390, 950 WORDSWORTH DR ... fundrace.huffingtonpost.com/neighbors. Sticky Security: Smart Cards Versus Magnetic Stripe Credit Cards ...11 apr • 2007 ... Frank Avignone Chairman International Smart Card Alliance ... Coun- cil. www.identitytheftsecrets.com/videos/sticky-security-smart-cards-versus- magnetic- stripe.html Francia - Lotte e repressione (2007). Un punto sulla situazione ... • Due ... Avignone, accusati dell'incendio della sede del .... Frank ed Ines, sono fermati il 23 ... www.informa-azione.info/ francia-lotte-e-repressione-un-punto-sulla-situazione CD Baby: MELISSA FAHN: F. Avignone The nine songs on "F. Avignone" make up a • song cycle that takes the listener on a dynamic ... guitarists Chris Clermont and Jamie Findlay, bassists Derek Frank, ... cdbaby.com/cd/melissafahn The Transporter Script - transcript from the screenplay and/or... • \We need you Avignone to take us to ... The deal was this far and no further. .... You're breaking the rules, Frank. Not good to break the rules. ..." www.script-o- rama.com/movie-scripts/t/transporter-script-transcript-jason-statham.html Frank Avignone: Early (pre GOOGLE) Activi- ties Frank was trained as a nuclear physicist in the early 1960s • He met Fred Reines in 1965; Frank's interest in neutrinos dates from that period. • Played important role in the interpretation of the results of the ν¯e e elastic scattering − − experiment of Gurr, Reines and Sobel at Savannah River P-Reactor. In 1978 Frank met Ettore Fiorini; became interested in improving the sensitivity of Ge • detectors for fundamental physics. Started to work with Ron Brodzinski and the Pacific Northwest Lab. group in lowering the background in Ge detectors by several orders of magnitude. In 1987, the group had published the first terrestrial sensitive search for CDM, which eliminated Dirac neutrinos as the dominant component of the CDM in the halo of our galaxy. Used these unique detectors to search for axions from the Sun. Late 80'ies until now - (ββ)0ν period: IGEX, CUORICINO, CUORE, MAJORANA. • Google: Ettore Fiorini; Results: 63.800 Universita degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca - FIORINI ETTORE FIORINI ETTORE. • professore ordinario. Settore scientifico disciplinare:. Settore FIS/04 - Fisica Nucle- are E Subnucleare. Dipartimento: ... www.unimib.it/go/Home/Pagine-Speciali/Elenco- Docenti/FIORINI-ETTORE Current Academic Responsibilities: Direttore dei Laboratori di Radioattivita` e di Criogenia. Other Professional Responsabilities: Responsabile nazionale degli esperimenti "Mibeta" e "Cuore". Coordinatore del Network Europeo sui Rivelatori Termici. Particle physicists plumb the depths for Roman lead - 13 July 1991 ... • The physicists, Gianni Fiorentini and Ettore Fiorini, want the lead for exper- iments that are of critical importance in particle physics and cosmology. ... www.newscientist.com/article/mg13117772.600- particle-physicists-plumb-the-depths- for-roman-lead-.html QUANTUM CALORIMETRY - Semiconductor thermistors • Using NTD germanium thermistors and tin absorbers, Ettore Fiorini and his group at the University of Milan currently hold the resolution record for ... phonon.gsfc.nasa.gov/qcal/qcal-semi.html History of Quantum Calorimetry Calorimetry has been used since the early days of nuclear physics to measure the inte- grated energy of various radioactivities. By the mid 1930's, the sensitivity of cryogenic operation had been recognized, and small calorimeters were operated at temperatures as low as 50 mK. These devices must have been very nearly capable of detecting individual particle or gamma ray events, but the earliest published reference that we have found to using them in this mode is the 1974 account by Tapio Niinikoski* of spurious pulses on a carbon resistance thermometer readout, which he associated with local heating due to the passage of individual cosmic rays. The first experimental development coincidentally began simultaneously on both sides of the Atlantic in 1982. In Milan, Ettore Fiorini had been working on detecting neutrinoless double beta decay and, intrigued by a suggestion in a preprint by Guenakh Mitselmakher that the betas might be detected thermally, went to Niinikoski to investigate the practi- cality of this idea. They devised an approach that was developed into the first successful physics experiment using thermal spectrometers, obtaining a new lower limit for the life- time for double beta decay in 130Te measured with 340 g TeO2 ingots in a dilution refrigerator in the Gran Sasso laboratory. Premio Enrico Fermi 2007 della Societa Italiana di Fisica • Motivazioni: a Ettore Fiorini per il contributo alla scoperta delle correnti deboli neutre e allo studio dei neutrini solari. www.sif.it/SIF/it/portal/attivita/concorsi Ortvay Kollokvium • Ettore Fiorini (Dipt. di Fisica, Universita Milano-Bicocca) (Recepient of the Marx Medal): "The neutrinoless beta decay and the nature of neutrino" ... ortvay-koll.elte.hu/Programs/Abstracts/marx-emlek2008tavasz.abs.html IUPAP COMMISSION C12: 1999-2002 • E-mail: [email protected]. JONSON, B. (1996) Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Goeteborg, SWEDEN. ... www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/itp/C12/C12.html Peer review committee • Ettore Fiorini. INFN Milan. ettore.fi[email protected]. G. Smadja. IPN Lyon. [email protected]. Joe Silk. Nuclear and Astrophysics Laboratory ... appec.in2p3.fr/pages/peer.htm COMUNICATO STAMPA (Press release) 11 febbraio 2008 • \L'occhio" nucleare rivela: Napoleone non e stato avvelenato" \The nuclear \eye" reveals: Napoleon was not poisoned" 11 feb 2008 ... Ettore Fiorini, docente di Fisica Nucleare all' Universita` Milano Bicocca e ... e-mail: ettore.fi[email protected]. Ezio Previtali ... www.ricercaitaliana.it/stdoc/pdfnapoleon.pdf FOXNews.com - Arsenic Poisoning Ruled Out in Napoleon's Death ... • Feb 13, 2008 ... The researchers, including Ettore Fiorini of the Italian Na- tional Institute of Nuclear Physics and the University of Milano-Biccoca, ... www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,330450,00.html Napoleon didn't die from arsenic poisoning - Telegraph Drs Ettore Fiorini and Ezio Previtali of INFN, who did the study with Angela Santagostino of the University of Milan at a small nuclear reactor at the ... www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/02/11/scinap111.xml Il Sole 24 ORE: finanza, economia, esteri, valute, borsa e fisco • Ettore Fiorini, ordinario di Fisica nucleare e subnucleare all'Universita` Milano Bicocca, che da molti anni studia i processi rari legati alla radiazione ... www.ilsole24ore.com Attualita` - Ettore Fiorini • Ettore Fiorini su Wikio.
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