rsTAFFORD.] :t:!NSON. 250 POST OPPIC! ENSON iH a Hmall village, within half a mile north-west ENSON-WITH-SAI.T i~ a lunnlet in the parish of St. Mary from the Sandon station on the North Staftord~hire Rail­ StaH'ord, and the property of Earl Talbot, the lord of lhe• way, and 4! miles nortb~east-by-north from Stafford, in manor. the Hundred of Pirehill south, Union of Stafiord, north division of Staffordshire, and diocese of Lichfield. Hawthorn 1\'f:r. Charles Craddock John, joiner, Sandbank J Key Jamee, farmer TRADERS. Greatbatch Mrs. Ann, farmer Leese John, farmer Astbury John, farmer Greatbatch Waiter, farmer, Sandbank Turnock Thomas, farmer Bonsall Richard, farmer Hawthorn Charles, surgeon Wilson Mrs. Margaret, farmPr Bradley William, shoemaker Heeley John, rope k twine maker Letteri received & dlspatcbed Collins James & John, farmers & Horrabin 'rhomas, farmer, Sandbank through the post office at Sandon butchers, Sandbank HubbartJoseph, farmer, Sandbank ENVl:LLE, or Enfield, is a parish in the south divi- l11Uer school. The elegant mansion of Lord Stamfortl and sion of the South Hundred of Seisdon, Union of Seisdon, Warrington forms one of the principal ornaments of the ti~ miles west of Stourbridl{e, 8~ miles from Bridgnorth, in village. In front of this mansion is a fine lawn, sloping the vicinity of the Stafford and Birmingham Canal. The down to a beautiful lake, over which is a little rustic brid~e, church is a. Gothic stone structure, and of late years has adding much to the picturesque appearance of the whole. undergone some repairs, and been enlarged; it has a square Stourton Castle is in this parish, and the pre~ent residence tower and 6 bells; living a rect()ry in the nrchdeaconry of of Jame~ Foster, Esq., and within a short distance of Kinm Stafford and diocese of Lichfield, value £979 peT annum, in Edge, and contiguous to a range of commamling hills to the the patronage of the Rev. T. Price. Here is a Free school, view. This was the birth-place of Cardinal Pole. It wa.~ endowed by Lady Dorothy Grey, and also l\fr. Gravenor's garri~oned in the time of the Ch il wars between Charleil. endowed school, with £5 per annum, the inhabitants con- and the Parliament. The population, in 1841, was 814, and tributing the additioual expenses for the support of the the number of acres is 4,930. Lutley manor is a hamlet. Bissall Job, esq Corbett George, F~addler N orris Mi~ses 1\fary&Sarah,bordng.scbl CampbeH Hugh 1\:lontgomery, esq Doolittle 'rhos. W. farmer, the Groves Pagett Samuel, farmer Groves James Amphlett, esq Fellows 1\Iichael, farmer Parker ·william, farmer Je~son Rev. Cornelius, M.A. [rector] Fownes John, farmer Parrish James, miller & farmer Stamford & "\Yarrington the Earl of, l'ownes Thomas, farmer Penzer John, farmer Enville hall Hackett George, land al!ent, & steward Pownley James, wheelwright TRADERS. to Lord Stamforri & Warrington Rea Thomas, blacksmith Aingsworth William, farmer & miller Hall Jolm, blacksmith Sheppard William, shopkeeper Amos Edwnrd, farmer Hall Joseph, wheelwright Skevington Augustus, farmer Beddard William. boot & shoe maker Hawkes William1 boot & shoe maker&: Smith William, farmer Booth George, boot & shoe maker parish clerk Southall Henjamin, Swan commercial Booth William, cooper Home William, farmer inn, & farmer Eowen Thomas, farmer Jones Thomas & Samuel, blacksmiths Soutball John, farmer Broadfield 1\irs. Catberine, beer shop Jones .Mrs. Sarah, farmer Turner Edward, tailor Brook!~ Charles, hoot & shoe maker Jones William, farmer 'Veod John, carpenter Carr Thomas, fa mer, Little Morfe Littlefoot Georgc, farmer Yardlcy Henry,' Cat~ Partridge' PosT 0FFICE.-George Booth, receiver. Letters arrive Gravenm·'s Endowed, Mrs. Elizabeth Bate, mistresg from Stourhridge ! past 9 a.m, & are dispatched 5 p.m GouGu's OMNIBUs, from Stourbridg-e to :Bridgnor!h 1 PuBLIC ScHOOLS:- passes throug-h sat. 8 morn.; returns 6 even Lady Dorothy Grey's, Envile common, Mrs. Elizabeth CARRIER.-Wnlford, arrivPs from Stourbrillge 9 morn. & Haynes, mistress returns 4 aft. daily, sun. excepted Free (tor boys & girls), Thomas Bate, master ETR.U'R:tA is a village 1 mile from Newcastle-under­ firmary, a noble stone edifice, capable of accommodatin!!" Lyme, 1 mile from llanley, 1~ miles from Stoke-upon­ 100 patients;; the Gas works, established in 1826 by the Trent, and 2 mileR from :Burslem, in the town8lup of Shelton, British Gas Company at the cost of £35,000, which supply the Hundred of Pirehill north, Union of Stoke, northern a ~reat. pnrt of the Pottery district; an extensive iron· division of the county, and diocese of Lichfield, situate works and steam-en!!ine manufactory. The railway station vn the North Staffordshire Railway and Grand Trunk is at the east end of the village. Hidge House wa~ pur• Canal. The living is an incumbency, Talue £150, in chased by J osiah Wedgwood, and named by him Efruria t!Je gift of the Crown and :Bishop alternately; the Rev. (from which the village has taken its name); it has fur· Henry Wynter is the incumbent. The church, dedicated to nished under him anti his de:!!cPndants a prof11sion of the St. Matthew, is a new stone structure, in the Sax on ;;ty le of most elegant porcelain, and desenetJ the appellation given architecture, and will accommodate 700 persons ; it h:ts a to it by its ingenious proprietor. Etruria Hall, pleasantly spire and l bell. There are chapels of the Wesleyan and situate on a rising ground at the east end of tlte village, is New Connexion Methodists, and National schools for boys the seat of }'rancis Wedgwood, Esq. The population, in aHd girls. There are here the North Stafford~hire In- 1841, was 2,205. Earl Granville is lord of the manor. Wedgwood Wm. esq. Wedgwood hall Kirk Christopher, Etruria iron work~, I Wall William, crate manufacturer TRADERS. steam engine manufacturer & boiler Letters arrive from N ewcastle-nnder• Forbes James, surveyor maker,&.c Lyme at! past 6 a.m. & l past 8 p.m. Huyton Thomas, smith Lowndes Charles, groeer & are di~patched at 10 a. m. & ! past B J ohnson George, grocer Wedgwood Josiah & Sons, earthenware p.m. Box closes at B p.m J ones Mrs. Mary, Etruria inn manufacturers, Etruria works PI.ACES OF WoRSHIP:- National (for girl~), Miss Elizabeth Keeling, mistress St •.Matthem's Church, Rev. Henry \Vynter, incumbent Infant, Miss Mary Greatbatch, mistress New Connexion Chapel CARRIERS.-James Button & Co. by water daily to&: rrom W esleyan Chapel Manchester, Liverpool, Shanllow, Derby, NottiJigham, British Gas Company, John Haswell, manager & all parts of tbe eastern & northern coast~. John PUBLIC SCHOOLS:- Hawkins, ageut National (for boys) :I'AR.EW:!SLL and CHOR.LEY are two "ery pretty bold eminence, and from its ele"ated position commands all }Jamlels, which t"orm a parish in the South Hundred of Oftlow extensive view south and eastward. The church, except 1be and Union of Lichfiel!l, from which it is 3 miles north, and on chancel, was rebuilt in 17 45 of red brick ; it has o. sqnare the eastern verge of Cannock Chase, the property of the tower and 3 bells, aurl was new roofed in 1S!8, at a C()St of Marquis of An~lesey, who is lord of the manor, and vrincipal £100, chiefly defrayed by tbe M arqui~ of AngleEey, the owner; the !'itnation is pictnreSfJue and 10alubrious; the in- patron of the living, a curary, value £70, in the incum· ltahltauts are 45 in Farewell an•l ];)8 in Chorley, with 850 bency of the Uev. Edward Carte, M.A., who re~itle§ &I aeres ·o1· ri<'h red clay land. Chorley hall, the re~idence of GPntlesLaw, in the pari~h of Longdon, 1't•e nearest post· :Eenjamill Thompson Shaw, E~q., is a tiue modernizP.d man- office receiving house is at Burntwood, I mile BOuth-w~t 11ion, st&'!ding on the eouth-ea:;t side of the parish, on a of Chorley. 'l'he charities are £IO l0t1. annual value. .
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