The Wessex Hillforts Project

The Wessex Hillforts Project

THE WESSEX HILLFORTS PROJECT Index Page numbers in bold refer to entrances 98, 99, 136, 158 brooches 124 Cheviot Hills 8 illustrations. field system 99 Buckland Rings, Hampshire Childe, Gordon 4 magnetometer survey 86, 99, 21, 27–8 Chiselbury, Wiltshire 99, 112, 100, 101, 102–3, 144 Bury Hill, Hampshire 134, 136, 137, 139 A morphology and setting 98, comparison with Danebury Chiseldon 133 ABC chronological system 4–5 98–9, 133 145 Chisenbury Trendle, Wiltshire aerial photographic record 33 occupation 103, 118, 143, ditches 56 138 aerial photography 18, 38, 147, 159, 161 earthworks 55 Cissbury, Sussex 7, 13, 16, 44, 131, 133, 139–40, 153 previous finds 98, 99 entrances 54–5, 55 53 Alcock, Leslie 151 quarry scoops 103 excavation 32, 152 Cley Hill, Hampshire 134 Alfred’s Castle, Oxfordshire ramparts 98, 98–9, 103, 118, external enclosure 56 Codford Circle, Wiltshire 137 background 82–3 136, 138, 161 horse rearing 56 Conderton (or Dane’s) Camp, digital terrain modelling 85, topographical recording 37 magnetometer survey Worcestershire 16–17, 85, 89 trackway 102 27, 34, 35, 46, 56–8, 18, 34, 35, 127, 136, entrances 81, 87 barrows 120, 162 144, 147, 150 excavations 83–4, 86–8 Alfred’s Castle 82 morphology and setting 55, Coombe Down, Wiltshire 113 linear anomalies 86 Barbury Castle 103 55–6, 135 Credenhill, Welsh Marches 5 magnetometer survey 62, 83, bowl 127 occupation 13, 14, 56, 140, Crickley Hill, Gloucestershire 83–6, 84, 144, 155 disc 64, 99 143, 159, 162 5, 16, 44 morphology and setting 81, the Lambourne Seven 97 previous finds 55 Croft Ambrey, Welsh Marches 81–2 long 46 ramparts 54, 55, 118, 138, 5 occupation 141, 144, 146, Stockbridge Down 78 157, 158, 162 Cunnington, Maud 4, 131, 151 155, 156 Bathampton Down, Somerset role 160 Curwen, E Cecil 4 previous finds 81 2, 138, 155 ramparts 81, 82, 86–7, 118, Battlesbury, Wiltshire 58, 134, 136, 138 135, 139, 140 C D sequence of development 88 Beacon Hill Camp, Hampshire Caburn, the, Sussex 16, 72 Danebury, Hampshire size 135 digital terrain modelling 52, Cadbury Congresbury, abandoned 13, 162 structures 87–8 54, 54 Somerset 124, 127, comparison with Wessex topographical survey 37, 88–9 ditches 53 142, 144 hillforts 145–6 Ancient Monuments Laboratory earthworks 49, 50–1 Caesar’s Camp, Berkshire the Danebury Linear 58 (AML) 18, 21, 24, 26, entrances 47, 49, 105, 111, 21, 27, 28 development 11, 14 27, 28, 92 136, 138, 145, 154, 158 Casterley Camp, Wiltshire 138 enclosure 12, 135 antiquarianism 151 external enclosure 56, 58 Castle Ditches Camp, Wiltshire entrances 45, 49, 58–9, Arethusa’s Clump, Hampshire field system 49–50 activity phases 106, 107 105, 111, 136, 138, 154, 73 magnetometer survey 50, circular anomalies 106 158, 159 Ashley’s Cross, Wiltshire- 50–4, 51, 54, 56, 144 enclosures 105–6, 106, excavation 5, 7, 9–10, 156 Hampshire border 142 morphology and setting 48, 140, 161 geophysical survey 31 Atrebates, the 162 48–50, 134 entrances 104, 104–5, 111, magnetometer survey 59, 60, Avebury Environs grouping occupation 53, 57, 58, 143, 136, 139, 143–4, 158 61, 62, 152 135–6 147, 161 magnetic susceptibility survey morphology and setting 10, Avon, River 134 pits 80 35, 36, 70, 107 17, 59 previous finds 47 magnetometer survey 106, occupation 13, 44, 159, 160, ramparts 47, 49 106–7, 148, 149, 152 161, 162 B real-time kinematic survey 38 morphology and setting the Outer Enclosure 58 Badbury, Dorset 137, 140, 162 ring gullies 93 104–6, 134 pits 93 Balksbury Camp, Hampshire roadway 57 occupation 142, 146, 147, ramparts 2, 10, 58, 137, 155, colluvium 156 structures 52 161 157, 158, 159, 161 construction 13 topographical recording 37, previous finds 104 role 18 excavations 6, 10, 152 38, 153 quarry hollows 106–7 small archaeological features occupation 5, 11, 55, 123, Bell Trout, Wessex 15 ramparts 103, 104, 106, 47 141, 154–5 Bilbury Ring, Wiltshire 141 106–7, 118, 161 Danebury Environs Project ramparts 2, 10, 155–6 Black Patch, Wiltshire 120 ring gullies 143 10, 10, 10–14, 18, 22, 24, small archaeological features Blewburton Hill, Oxfordshire trackways 106 26–7, 32, 34, 77, 79, 80, 47 2, 133 Castle Hill, Oxfordshire 139, 154 Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Bokerley Dyke, Dorset 142 18, 134, 150 data processing 34 barrows 103 Bowry Walls, Hampshire 134 Castle Piece, Hampshire 134 digital terrain modelling 32, comparison with Danebury Bozedown Camp, Oxfordshire 2 Central Archaeology Service 36–8: see also individual 145 Bratton Castle, Wiltshire 134 (CAS) 36 sites digital terrain modelling 102 Bronze Age 10–11, 15, 78, Chalbury, Dorset 2, 157, 160 Ditches, The, Gloucester 141 earthwork features 102–3 155–8, 159–60 Chanctonbury, Sussex 15 Durotigian, the 162 168 HILLFORT STUDIES AND THE WESSEX PROJECT E Gorley, Hampshire 134 period of building and use landscape GPS surveying equipment 152 context 17–18 earthworks: see ramparts 37, 37–8 post-Iron Age use 141–3 linear components 64 Earthworks of England (Allcroft) granaries 10 reassessment 151–62 relationship with 17–8, 38, 131 Great Litchfield Down, relationship with landscape 139–41 East Wansdyke, the 124 Hampshire 63, 63, 64 17–18, 38, 139–41 research 38 Eggardon Hill, Dorset 139 Grim’s Ditch, Hampshire 91 reuse 154–5 Lane Fox (Pitt Rivers), elite settlements 156 Grimsbury Castle, Berkshire 31 role 1, 3, 5, 8, 146–7, 151–2, Augustus: see Pitt Rivers entrances: see also individual sites Grovely Castle, Wiltshire 137, 153, 154–5, 160, 162 (Lane Fox), Augustus augmentation 136 139, 140 size 1 Letcombe Castle (Segsbury blocked 138–9, 153–4, 158 small 144 Camp) Oxfordshire: cosmological significance 8 Sussex 14–16, 15 see Segsbury Camp hornworks 49, 58–9, 104, 136 symbolic renewal 159 Lidbury Camp, Wiltshire regional pattern 154 H Ham Hill, Somerset 142 symbolic use of space 8, 16, 85, 146 symbolic role 159 Hambledon Hill, Dorset 2, 106, 72, 154 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire as theatre of presentation 16 135, 137, 154 Hillforts: Later Prehistoric depressions 115–16 excavation methods, pre-Second Hanging Langford Camp, Earthworks in Britain and ditches 113, 114, 118 World War 4 Wiltshire 141 Ireland (Avery) 32 earthworks 112, 118 Hardwell Camp, Oxfordshire Hod Hill, Dorset 2, 106, 135, enclosures 113, 113–14, 114 97, 133 142, 162 entrances 111, 138 F Harting Beacon, West Sussex Hollingbury, Sussex 15, 16 excavation 32 Figsbury Rings, Wiltshire 15, 15–16, 47, 123, 155, horse rearing 56 magnetometer survey 114–16, entrance 45, 49 156 Houghton Down, Hampshire 115, 116, 117, 118, 145 morphology and setting 134 Hawkes, Christopher 4, 131, 35, 140 morphology and setting occupation 13, 159 151 Hunsbury, Northampton 17 111–14, 133 ramparts 2, 112, 136, 137, 157 Hawles, C F C 4 occupation 26, 118, 142, role 160 hearths 34 143, 147, 161 Forest Hill, Wiltshire 133–4 Henley Wood, East Sussex 142 I pits 53 Fosbury, Wiltshire Highdown Hill, Sussex 16 invasionist theories 4–5, 151 previous finds 111 buried structure 110 hillforts Iron Age quarry scoops 116 enclosure 110 abandoned 5, 8, 11, 13, 162 Danebury Environs 11–13 ramparts 93, 111, 111–12, entrances 108 activity patterns 158–9 early hillforts 2 113, 118, 135, 137 field system 108, 110 categories 2, 153–4, 157–9 elites 8 ring gullies 93 linear anomaly 110 chronological frameworks invaders 4–5 roundhouse 114–15, 145 magnetometer survey 46, 109, 4–5, 9, 10, 73, 153, the Jurassic Ridge 16 livestock management 156 110 155–62 narrative 156–62 morphology and setting 108, classification 5, 10 pre-eminence of Wessex 30 108, 110 dating 5, 9, 153 significance of hillforts 1 M occupation 110, 146, 158–9, decline 162 Sussex 16 magnetic enhancement 34 161 definition 152–3 under-represented in magnetic susceptibility 28, 32, platforms 108, 110 developed 2, 9, 9, 14, 153, magnetometer surveys 35 33–4, 35 previous finds 108 157, 158, 161 magnetic susceptibility survey quarry hollows 108 development 11, 13–14, 146, 35–6, 36, 70, 70, 107 ramparts 108, 112, 138, 155–62 J magnetometer survey 33, 33–5: 145–6 dislocation phase 160–1 Jurassic Ridge, the 16–17 see also individual sites four-poster structures 41–2, 59, distribution 3 area coverage 34 120, 156 early 1 157, 158, 160 assessment of 150 Frankenbury, Hampshire 134 early 2 157–8, 158, 160 L contribution 28 Frome, River 134 early archaeology 3–4, 151 Ladle Hill, Hampshire definition 62 furnaces 34 early Iron Age 2 comparison with Danebury detection limits 26 future research, recommended excavations, 1900–60 151 145 economy of 28 avenues 8 excavations, 1960–70 5, digital terrain modelling effect of land use 144 151–2 65, 65 geological anomalies 46–7, 94 Group 1 136–7 ditches 63, 64 limitations 34–5, 152 G Group 2 137–8 enclosures 63–4 overview of results 143–7, 150 geological background 30, 35 interest in 1 entrances 62 value of 18 geophysical survey: see also late 158 field system 63, 63, 64 Maiden Castle, Dorset magnetometer survey layout 145–6, 147 magnetometer survey 64–5 as developed hillfort 14, 161 aid to excavation 83–4 levels of internal activity 146 morphology and setting enclosure 145 contribution 28, 153 location 1, 133–5, 139 62–4, 134 entrances 136, 157, 158 overview of results 143–7, 150 morphology 133 occupation 143 excavation 4, 131, 134, 151, 152 role 7, 18 Northumbrian 8 ramparts 62, 62–3, 63, 112, expansion 127, 144 and site management 20–2 numbers 1 137, 138 location 135 Giant’s Grave, Wiltshire 120, origins 1 topographical recording 37 magnetometer survey 19, 62, 134, 135, 140 pairing 135 Lambourne Seven Barrows 97 86, 102 169 THE WESSEX HILLFORTS PROJECT occupation 9, 14, 18, 106, North Hampshire Escarpment occupation 44, 53, 139, 143, Ridgeway

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