MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW JANUARY1936 OCEAN GALES AND STORMS, JANUARY 1936-Continued II Poultion at time of Direc- Direction DW lowest barometer Gale Timeof Low- tlon of and form tlon of lowest 0!3t wind of wind at wlnd Vessel wgan barometer lanu- Janu- yz: ba- when tlmeof when W- gale lowest gale From- To- Latitude Longitudi ary- ary- :g- l- - began barometer ended NORTH PACIFIC l- OCEAN-Continued o, 01 Inehw Rakuyo Maru Jap. S. S. Yokohama-___. Honolulu ______ 33 00 N. 179 30 E. 4 4 29.37 SW,8.-.. sw-wsw. Golden Tide, Am. 9. S-- Dairen San Franclaw-. 46 23 N. 162 45 W. 4 5 28.95 SW, 9--- SSE-SSW. Saparoea, Du. M. 6 _____ Manila___--___. Portland, Oreg- 46 00 N. I79 24 E. 5 6 28.52 E 9..-.-. None Golden Dragon, Am. Ban Francisco.. Yokohama--.-- 48 06 N. 184 24 w. 8 9 28.75 WNW, 9- WSW-WNW. 8. 9. General Lee, Am. 8. S... Yokohama __--.San Francisco.. 41 36 N. 134 00 w. 11 12 29.52 SSW, 10.. None. Golden Tide, Am. S. 8.. Dahn----____. .____do_________- 39 31 N. 126 25 W. 12 12 29.83 8,lO _____ None. Grays Harbor, Am. 9. 8. Taku Bar--___. Vancouver, 43 WN. 155 40 E. 13 14 28.74 W, ll---. ESE-WNW-W. I' B. C. Michlgan, Am. 9. S _____ Men128 ___--___.San Fr8ncLsw.- 37 00 N. 149 00 E. 13 1G 29.62 Columbia Maru, Jap. Sen Franclsco.. Seikoshin_____- 42 30 N. 145 12 E. 13 18 29.13 M. S. Ogurn M~N,Jap. M. 6. Ventura _______.Yokohama..--- 31 29 N. 177 47 E. 15 15 B.47 SSE, lo-- SSE-W. President Grant. Am. Yokohama Victoria, B. C-. 48 la N. 173 36 E. 16 17 29.36 8,9------ s. 6. Golden Star, Am. 6. S--- Manila___-____. San Francisco-. 35 23 N. 143 45 E. 16 17 29.49 W, 9 _____ None. City of Vancouver, Br. Tsingtao Los Angeles--.. 43 08 N. 140 33 W. 16 17 29.62 8,s-___- - 6-ssw. 8. 8. Nlchlyo Maru, Jap. Yokohama .__-..____do __________ 45 69 N. 156 55 E. 17 17 29.00 E, 9______ None. M. 8. Grays Harbor, Am. 8. 8. Taku Bar Vancouver, 48 40N. 173 45 E. 17 18 29.14 NE, 9..-. None. B. C. Mlchlmn, Am. 6. 8 _____ Manila____ ~ --.. San Francisco-- 40 00 N. 169 30 E. 19 19 29.03 NW, Q--- WSW-WNW. President Grant, Am. Yokohama..... Victoria, B. C-- 60 00 N. 163 36 W. 19 20 28.92 8.9____-- None. ".QR ". I Texan, Am. €3. 8 _________ Balboa ________. Los Angeles-.-. 15 33 N. 95 10 w. 22 22 29.72 NNE,11. N-E. arays Harbor, Am. 6. 8.1 Taku Bar-. ---.Vancouver, iUl 05N. 150 40 W. 24 24 28.78 9.9 ______ BE-9. B.C. I E. 24 25 WNW,B- NW-WNW. President Cleveland, Yokohama.--.. Honolulu ______ 34 25 N. 152 46 29.81 Am. 8. 8. Mlchlgan Am. 9. S _____ Manlla___-____. Ran Francisco-. 44 - N. 149 - W. 24 25 29.18 SSE, 9--- SSE-8. AnnaMdrsk,Dan.M.S. Yokohama. -__.Los Angeles.--- 42 00 N. 163 30 W. 24 26 28.97 w,10 ...- PresidentJefferson, Am. _----do Victoria, B. C.. 44 48 N. 161 30 E. 26 28 28.79 W, ll---- None. 9. 6. Heian Maru, lap. M. 8.. _____do____-- ___. Vancouver, 47 42N. 173 06 E. 28 28 28.88 E ______1 E,8_______ [ SE____. E, 8_--_-- E-8. I B. C. I NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, JANUARY 1936 Cyclones and gales.-The weather continued stormy By WILLIS E. HURD during January over much of the North Pacific Ocean north of the thirtieth parallel. The greater part of this Atmospheric prestiure.-As during the preceding De- enormous area was mostly dominated by fluctuating cember atmospheric pressure remained abnormally low cyclonic storms of the Aleutian type, many of which over much, if not most, of the North Pacific Ocean. So carried their influence southward well into middle lati- far as can be judged from the data in table 1, negative tudes. An unusual number of cyclones of Asiatic origin departures were prevalent excepf,within the region lying crossed northern Japan and entered the ocean this month. east of China and south of the pnncipal Japanese Islands, This is well indicated by the low average pressure, 29.66, where small plus departures are indicated for the area recorded for Nemuro, near the northeastern extremity of covered by the oceanic projection of the Asiatic anti- Hokushu Island. cyclone. The center of the Aleutian cyclone this month Although gales of record occurred over some part of the is best indicated by the low average pressure, 29.34 ocean on at least 26 days of the month, there were certain inches, occurring at Dutch Harbor. The departure from definite regions where frequency or energy of storminess normal pressure at this station was -0.24 inch. was most pronounced. One region lay east of Japan, Anticyclonic activity was for the most part sporadic, another within 6' or 8' north and east of Midway Island, and average pressures of 30 inches or higher occurred only and a third to the westward of the Washington and off the coasts of China and California. Oregon coasts. TABLE1.-Averages, departures, and mlremes of atmospheric pres- Within the first region, lying roughly between 30' and sure at sea level, North Pacijic Ocean, January 1936, at selected 45' N., to the westward of 160' E., gales were reported stations on 10 days, the stormiest of which were the 12th to 17th. the 13th and 14th a deep and intense cyclone lay over I Aver- Depar- On age ture this section. The American steamer Grays Harbor, near Station from Elghest Date Lowest Date I YE- normal 43' N., 156' E., reported a barometer of 28.74, accom- - -- -- panied by a west wind of force 11, on the 13th. On the Inch In&# Inchw Point Barrow __________________________30.09 +o. 01 30.70 31 following day, near the south coast of Hokushu, the Dutch Harhor ________ ______.________~ - 29.34 -. 24 30.06 31 Japanese motorship Columbia Maru reported a west St. Paul ____________________.----------29.49 -. 14 30.12 15 Kodlak ________________________________ 29.45 -. 14 30.44 31 wind of hurricane force, accompanied by rising pressure. Juneau-----.--.----.-.-------------.--I 29.85 -. 03 30.46 30 Tatoosh Island_____._____________.---- 29.89 -.OB 30.44 28 During the 27th and 28th strong cyclomc conditions Ban Francisco______._________.__-.---- 30.09 -. 02 30.35 1 29. Bo -. 05 30.02 15 prevailed in the neighborhood, with the American steamer President Jeflerson, near 45' N., 162O E., reporting the -. 05 30.08 10 I_ - - -. 11 30.20 9 29.69 14 highest wind, W. 11, and the lowest pressure, 28.79 -. oa 29.94 !23,31 29.76 I 1 -. 01 29.96 29,30 29.72 1 inches. .- - - - - -. 30.25 17,18 In the Midway Island area-30' to 36' N., 178' E. to +. 04 30.30 20 +. oa 30.20 23 170' W.-pressures fell nearly to 29 inches, which was Nemuro_______________________________ I 29.66 -.- - - - - -. 30.28 24 unusually low for the latitude, near the first and middle NoTL-Data based on 1 daily observation only, except those for Juneau, Tatoosh of the month; and gales of force 10 to 11 were experienced Island San Francisco and Honolulu which are based on 2 observatlons. Departures 818 computed from bdt avallable normals related to theof observation. by ships on the 1st and 15th. On the 25th, near 34' N., Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 07:04 PM UTC JANUARY1936 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 178' W., winds as high as force 11 were again encountered. but so far as reported, despite the prevailing low pres- The neighborhood was stormy on several other dates, sures accompanying them, did not exceed 9 in force. but no winds exceeding force 9 were reported. Tropical cyc1on.es.-The subjoined report by the Rever- Exceptionally heavy weather occurred off the Oregon end Bernard F. Doucette, s. J., of the Manila Observa- and Washington coasts, and thence for several hundred tory, indicates that two tropical clisturbances, one of miles seaward, during several days of January from the ininor nature, occurred in the Far East during- January 1st to the 12th. On the lst, south to southwest gales of 1936. force 9-10 were reported by the steamships Afericnn and Tehu.antepecers.-Ships traversing the Gulf of Tehuan- Stanley Hiller close in along the coast between 43' and tepec reporbed northers of force 7 on the 7th and 20th, 45' N. The maximum wind velocity at the North Head and of force 11, on the 22d. Weather Bureau Station on that dat,e was 56 miles from Fog.-Fog was reported on 4 days off t'he Washington the south. On the 3d and 4th the highest velocities and Oregon coasts; on 10 days off the California coast, reported at North Head were 57 and 56 miles, respec- and on 2 days off the coast of Lower Ca.lifornia. Farther tively, and during these days a long stretch of coast line at sea the occurrence of fog was rare and scattered. was battered by high winds and seas which caused heavy damage to communication systems and other property. TYPHOON AND DEPRESSION OVER THE FAR EAST, At sea, strong gales to hurncane velocities were experi- JANUARY 1936 enced within the locality 43'46' N., 130°-145' TV., on By BERN.4RD F.
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