serving the uc davis campus and community since 1915 volume 129, number 97 www.theaggie.org thursday, october 14, 2010 Police departments increase patrol Fall enforcement expanded to monitor partying By SARAHNI PECSON The Safe Party Initiative is a program on Aggie News Writer many college campuses to address high- risk drinking. In addition to the police de- With about 4,400 freshmen on campus for partments, Student Health Services (SHS), their first college quarter, Davis police offi- Campus Violence Prevention Program, cers are working extra hours to keep alco- Student Housing and Student Judicial Affairs hol-related incidents down. (SJA) are among the campus and com- The UC Davis Police Department and the munity groups involved in this initiative. city of Davis Police Department are plac- “The beginning of the academic year ing extra patrols on campus and downtown. brings a rise in excessive drinking, un- Categorized as “fall enforcement”, extra of- derage drinking, large parties, vandalism ficers are assigned to these locations for the and the number of people who visit bars,” first six weeks of the quarter. said Mandy Li, alcohol, tobacco and oth- Davis PD issued two extra foot patrols and er drug risk reduction coordinator at SHS. one officer in a vehicle in downtown drinking In the first four weeks of the quarter, there areas. There are also one to three bike offi- have been 64 noise complaints, six arrests, cers that patrol downtown during bar hours. three minors in possession citations, two “Freshmen students don’t have ex- SJA referrals and one DUI arrest. perience with drinking,” said Lt. Matt “They’ve been busy,” said Davis po- Carmichael of the UC Davis Police lice department Lt. Glen Glasgow of the Department. “Their first experience is usu- extra patrols on campus and in the city. ally at college. [Fall enforcement] targets The UC Davis PD also assigns ex- students who live on campus, to make tra foot patrol on campus around 10 sure students get back to campus safely.” p.m. and in the quad around 2 a.m. The police departments are work- “We also partner up an officer at the ing in conjunction with the Safe Party Davis PD with one of our officers for Jeff Perry / Aggie Initiative. Extra enforcements have weekend party patrols,” Carmichael New on-campus and downtown patrols have been added for the first six weeks of the quarter in order to been assigned every fall quarter for monitor student drinking and guard against alcohol-related incidents and protect students. at least eight years, Carmichael said. See PATROLS, page 2 Plan to consolidate UC Davis received $679 million in administration research funding last year Funding reaches record high, revealed coincides with tuition hike By ELIANA SMITH Shared service centers to streamline operations Aggie Features Writer By JANELLE BITKER Between now and 2015-16, While student fees have increased to Aggie Campus Editor the university estimates a total an all-time high, UC Davis research fund- savings of $39.4 million, plus ing has also set a record in the last fiscal Chancellor Linda Katehi’s vi- the estimated $9 to 13 million year. sion for shared service centers annually afterward. Savings Funding for research reached almost may result in annual savings of will be allocated toward aca- $679 million, double what it was a decade $9 to 13 million. demic programs, student ser- ago. This coincides with a recent 32 per- At a town hall meeting on vices, high priority adminis- cent hike in undergraduate tuition fees in Monday, Katehi and other UC trative initiatives and staff de- the past year. Davis officials presented the velopment and training. Three departments within UC Davis plan, which would eliminate Karen Hull, associate vice received almost half of the funding allot- between 136 and 194 employ- chancellor for human resourc- ted by the federal funding for the 2009 to ee positions in favor of stream- es, said Katehi specifically de- 2010 fiscal year — the UC Davis School lining business operations. manded for some savings to of Medicine, the School of Veterinary “It was not my choice to cut be allocated for staff develop- Medicine and the College of Agricultural … that’s where we are, howev- ment and training. and Environmental Sciences. er,” Katehi said. “She is highly committed to The School of Medicine received $211 The UC Davis budget faced the development and growth million in the last fiscal year, an increase a shortfall of $228 million last of our staff,” Hull said. of $175 million from the previous year. year and the school cut 1,100 Hull will act as chair of an The majority of the funding came from positions, Katehi said. upcoming governance com- federal institutions, such as the National The consolidation will shift mittee, which will provide Institute of Health (NIH). financial, human resourc- oversight for the consolida- Lars Berglund, associate dean for es and information technol- tion. The committee will also translational and clinical research for ogy operations from six di- include the vice chancellor the School of Medicine, attributes the in- visions into a shared service or vice provost and one staff crease to a strong school infrastructure, center. Staff in those divisions member from each of the six making it easier to conduct research. He — administrative and resource divisions. also cited the recruitment of faculty with Irisa Tam / Aggie management, information In addition to beginning significant research experience from oth- Veterinary Medicine, received $109 mil- school, said the major projects in prog- and education technology, of- the governance committee, er institutions as a factor for increased lion, a jump from the previous year’s ress at the school right now focus on fices of the chancellor and pro- the university plans to hire a funding. $71 million. Like the School of Medicine, animal diseases. vost, student affairs, university shared services program man- The UC Davis School of Medicine fo- funding for the School of Veterinary “Right now, we have a $75 million relations and the office of re- ager and develop human re- cuses on many different afflictions, in- Medicine comes largely from feder- proposition that was funded though the search — will be cut from 650 sources programs to support cluding cancer, mental diseases in chil- al sources, such as the NIH and U.S. USAID, and it’s for avian and pandem- full-time positions to between staff during transitions. dren and debilitating diseases in the el- Department of Agriculture. ic influenza and zoological diseases,” 456 and 514 positions by sum- derly, he said. Juanita Humphrey, the assistant mer 2013. See BUDGET, page 2 Another department, the School of dean for research development for the See RESEARCH, page 2 Freshman quarterback unfazed in new role NEWS IN BRIEF Coach Bob Biggs still thinks Wright has room to grow Obama hosts FOOTBALL youth town By GRACE SPRAGUE Aggie Staff Writer hall today Humility. It’s the quality of being humble. Students across the country can ask President It’s also a characteristic freshman quarter- Barack Obama questions online and tune in at back Randy Wright undoubtedly possesses 4 p.m. to see the answers. on the football field. Viacom will stream “A Conversation with “I think it’s just my personality,” Wright President Obama” live and on-demand on BET. said. “I’m always calm. I enjoy playing foot- com, CMT.com, MTV.com and Tr3s.com. The town ball and there’s nothing to get big-head- hall meeting will take place in front of roughly 250 ed about. It all goes back to the fact that I’ve young people, and Obama will answer questions been playing my whole life. I truly enjoy do- from the in-person and online audiences. ing it.” Via the “Twitter Tracker,” a web-based tool Despite Wright’s past successes, he is now that will be used to track town hall comments “a work in progress,” according to coach Bob and questions, users can tweet the hashtag Biggs, but he’s making strides. “ask” plus any specific issue of interest. For ex- The Santa Rosa, Calif. native lost a to- ample, if an individual had a question about tal of three games in his career at Cardinal education, he or she could tweet, “#askeduca- Newman High School before graduating in tion” followed by the question. 2009. Questions can be asked at any time. He even captured all-state honors and Evan Davis / Aggie Freshman quarterback Randy Wright has thrown for a total of 1,195 yards so far this season, — Janelle Bitker See WRIGHT, page 7 and hopes to lead the Aggies to the playoffs as his game improves this season. Forecast Today’s weather The transition from summer to fall blows. (And After a recent bout of hot, dry and windy weather (particularly Friday Saturday I’m not just referring to those hot gusts of wind miserable if you have allergies, or happen to dislike dust in your eyes), Sunny Sunny Cooler that knock you off your bike and coat your a cooler weather pattern will return by Saturday. There may even be a High 90 High 86 High 77 eyes with dust.) Then again, maybe I’m just slight chance of showers on Sunday or Monday — if we’re lucky. Low 54 Low 56 Low 52 bitter because I ran out of my allergy meds. Daniel Swain, atmospheric science major Aggie Forecasting Team Becca Moore 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2010 PAGE TWO THE CALIFORNIA AGGIE but I can now. er guy, “Hey man, what’s a DAILY CALENDAR It was in this environment, good porn to whack off to?” [email protected] free of schoolyard contempt and his friend is probably going to otherworldly compromise that go on for at least 15 minutes I learned almost everything im- telling him precisely what’s TODAY Interested in medical school? Osteopathic portant I understand about la- the best porn to whack off to.
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